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Everything posted by Lia

  1. Lia

    Otaku War

    MWUAHA i'll start my own army!:D name of army: The Big Bird Squad weapons(only 2): bird pellet machine gun, tickle feathers veicles: bird mobiles (fuzzy orange tricycles) ranks: BIG BIRD RULER (me :D) yellow bird commander and all the little chicklings speicies: yellow fuzzy birds :devil:
  2. Lia

    The Institute

    idiot.... oops...well i gotta go do my interview with mike and cj.....u better do ur work or u'll get an F u idiot...so tata all i'll be back later i know all of u otaku members out there will miss me j/k j/k
  3. Lia

    The Institute

    i think ur a retard......hmmm..... *chews gum* i swear i think matt gave me trick gum...my mouth is going to cement at any moment...........
  4. Lia

    The Institute

    whoa... O.o i belong here.....home sweet home *bounces around room* hey....michael stop staring.....I SAID STOPPIT! oi vey...... *throws boot at michael*
  5. *cups hands and yells up* WELL IF U PICKED ME UP SO I COULD TELL U WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON THEN I WOULD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. *waves frantically jumping up and down* HI!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!
  7. i know phsycoaccess, ssj babe (my annoying sis) and Yuri that perverted freak....who knows...maybe one day i'll meet ppl from the boards...that means... WARNING: WATCH OUT MWUAHA here i come
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B]*sits in a chair after blood test* i wonder how much blood they took for me to seeing and hearing things.... haha... seeing lil ppl.... hahahah..... prolly took half my blood out that dumbass doctor.... aight ken its all in your mind.... [/B][/QUOTE] *waves hands frantically* HEY!!! UP THERE!!! LOOK DOWN!!! HEY!!! HEY!!!! HELP!!!!! *pulls out a hair on Ken's leg hoping to get his attention*
  9. whoa.....i got 2 votes....sum1 hates me *looks around paranoid*
  10. *looks around* i hate being small.....
  11. omg...what is my sister doing....ehem...... NOONE GO OUT WITH HER.....sis....don't u have a bf? well sum1 likes u anyways...get ur arse i bed..i should hit u right now.....
  12. ack... *feels left out* i see.....eveyone talk to my sister and leave me out uh huh uh huh anyways this is to my sister: I was great...yes i know...i'm great ur not....sometimes i wish i were a guy jst so i could go out with me noone will really get that exept my sis and a few other members that know about that...lol
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anime lover [/i] [B]::hugs you:: Hey, your cute! ::blows you a kiss:: ;) [/B][/QUOTE] no i did not just see u hug my sister..... *COUGH*
  14. i had over 1,200...their gone.....ALL GONE WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. no...actually i just wish i were u so i could know me :devil:
  16. ha ha ha....u'll just have to wait sister *evil grin* i know...i'm great.... sometimes i wish i were u......
  17. hey i do that! j/k i am actually on my sis's username cause she left it on
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue][b][size=1]That sounds very nasty of her...it sounds a bit like that common idea of the mother trying to live through the daughter. All I can say is that you sit down with her quietly...without fighting...and explain that it makes you feel bad when she says things like that... Fighting can cloud the issue; if you sit and talk calmly...and just open up completely, you never know what could happen.[/b][/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE]the tuna fish idea was better.....nah ok use his advice hes a good admin
  19. i call my dad a wanker....
  20. i'm from the state of the old farts where u can scarmble an egg on the sidewalk! but wait..er...who would scramble an egg n the sidewalk...i wouldn't...it would get dirty and i dun wanna eat that.....anyways....i live in FL get the picture? :D hmmm...lemme try *scrambles egg on sidewalk*
  21. SLAP HER WITH A TUNA FISH! er...or not....i don't give very good advice....
  22. Lia

    sparring here!

    ok er..... *holds up baseball bat* anyone gonna challenge me? MWUAHA! *swings bat around* ~big fat strong muscley dude walks up~ fee fie fo fum i challenge u!!! ssjchic: ok *swings bat and wams it into big fat muscley guy, bat shatters and breaks into lil pieces* EEEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!! *runs away*
  23. Lia

    sparring here!

    *walks in, is surrounded by strong ppls* EEEP! *runs out and comes back in with a baseball bat* MWUAHA! i'd like to see one of u try ad attack me now, MWUAHAA!!!! *spits on ground like a baseball person and swings bat around* MWUAHAHAHAHAA!!!!
  24. ^^ok then..... *looks around* eenie meenie miney mo catch a tiger by his toe....er...nevermind...i'll do this the easy way.... who wants me on their team!?:D ~crickets chirp~ oh i c it all now *sniff*
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