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Everything posted by Lia

  1. [size=1] i didn't say the rats lived in the abbey, i said rats where IN it, as in the books...[/size]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlock [/i] [B]...Never heard of 'em. Anyway, could someone please enlighten me to what these books are actually about please? [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] its about these woodland creatures such as mice, rats, molerats, moles, squireels, hedgehogs, hares, badgers, etc...and they live in a place called Redwall which is this big thingy(yea i'm very descriptive*sarcasm*) well the place that martin the warrior helped build up to what it is (Martin shows up in Mossflower and in Martin the warrior) anyways..hes this legendary warrior mouse and yea. Theres a bunch of adventures that go on with the woodland creatures trying to take over redwall and stuff that involves Mathias and Mattemeo(sp? i don't have the book with me, and i forgot the spelling) and all their sons and daughters and ansestors. Overall its a good book series, you can't base your oppinion of it from what i tell you ebcause i can't describe things very well o.o;; but thats Redwall in a nutshell.[/size]
  3. [size=1]I've read 'em all! o.o yea..i'm a nerd[/size]
  4. [size=1] according to an online test i'm 95% net-addicted :D heh, this is my life[/size]
  5. [size=1]I also think the animation looks very well done. i'd pay to see it, hehe i have nothing wrong with Disney Also, BulmaVegeta(the topic starter) I've seen a couple of your topics about upcoming Disney movies, please stop being so negative about them. The are mostly made out to please the younger audience and doesnt mean "oh i'm old, Disney is for little retarded kids...its stuuuuupid" its very immature of you. If you are so "grownup" then you should be able to realize its more for the yonger portion of the adience, though there is nothing wrong with any age level seeing it.[/size]
  6. Lia


    [size=1] They came in concert here in the beginning of May, they were alright. I LOOOOVE the song by the lead singer called "Hero" on the SpiderMan soundtrack[/size]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticBabe [/i] [B]GO 2!!! GO 2!! that is when i joined, and when i woke up and became way more active in these boards instead of just hiding in the DBZ section. :cool: ahh the wars, the memories, the Dating game LOL! (i did not post over 800 posts there! so how did i lose all my posts??? i knew that was deleted, but still, 800 posts??? i think not) for those of you who have no idea what i'm talking about, i had over a thousand posts at one point, in the last version actually. i leave for a while and they are all gone. oh, can't forget Arrividerci!!!! that was fun. oh memories of the old days, i miss so. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]so did i damnit!....oh those were the days.....version 2......that was my favorite. then following up was version 3[/size]
  8. [size=1] I can't live without gum....pathetic? yes i am[/size]
  9. [size=1]um..do you really want the whole list? I'll just name my favorite pets... *deep breath* 7 dogs, 5 horses, 3 cats, ALOT of fish, 2 turtles, 16 hampsters, 14 doormice, 1 rat, 2 ferrets, 2 sugar gliders, 14 corn snakes, 1 boa constricter, a bunny, a cuban tree frog, 2 lepoard frogs, and MANY MANY more... (these are the current pets [B]I[/B] own..my brothers are a whole different story....)[/size]
  10. Lia


    "Dune" is worth reading.
  11. Lia

    Adema (metal)

    heh...i used to like 'em...and then i saw them in concert o.o;; talk about nice editing job on their cd, because truly in concert...they sucked! i had gotten the CD and thought it was somewhat good...then my whole view of them changed when i saw them live...the guy could NOT sing for..um..doggy poo..the drummer overpowered the singing, it was a mess...
  12. ooo...nifty james, very nifty....
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]I have when people spurt out stuff about Goths... since I am pretty much Gothic in my thinking, not in my dress o_O, it peeves me over...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] -.- i can't stand that! "are you gothic or something?" :drunk:
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] bah, I agree with you there.... one peeve I have is when people say tomato instead of tomato, or potato instead of potato, confused? thought so, it's hard to know what I'm talking about in text since you can't hear the accent, ah well.... [/B][/QUOTE] lol! i know exactly what your talking about...thats another one of my petpeeves.... Along with people cracking their nuckles, necks, backs, ankles, you name it they crack it. SO irritating... *cringe*
  15. I can't stand REALLY loud people that have to be the center of attention 24/7.....i also can't stand REALLY quiet people...too quiet....gives you an eeyrie sense...o.o;; i also can't stand total ditz'(sp?) and vally girls... i can't stand people that are full of themselves...um....and my worst pet peeve....SYMETRY!!! if somethings not even or symetrical it annoys me (and no i don't mean everyday things i mean when you drop a cheerio on the ground...you [B]HAVE TO[/B] drop another one to make it an even number or else i will go totally insane) yes i'm strange sue me:p
  16. I'm now addicted to cheese snaps! -------- er...James....don't you mean *impersonate
  17. I live in the ever so wonderful Florida *loaded sarcasm* its so great.. *cough*i'm in 8th grade and i'm 14
  18. O.o wierd..according to that site i would be an [B]Unwanted Kin-Slayer[/B] [B]Elven Name:[/B] Esgalfeniel [B]Orkish Name:[/B] Golag the Grim [B]Dwarven Name:[/B] Nerin Orcwater
  19. claustrophobia(sp?).....fear of small places...blargh i hate being trapped in a small place..... i have many more phobias but thats my main one i think...
  20. oh god this is too funny...i gotta get my camera *takes out kodak and starts taking pictures of the chaos* er...happy 1 year anniversary dude!:whoops:
  21. Lia


    Anti-Gay? to the dude that made this topic...i have some advice.... 1.find a REALLY TALL building... 2.take the elevator to the top 3.open window... 4.hurl yourself out of the window Capish? (damn he was banned....there goes all my fun)
  22. CUP O' NOODLES SOUP!!!! OH! and gum... .......god i love junk food :D
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B] [color=deeppink] A man walked into a bar and yelled OUCH! It was a steel bar.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] your not suppossed to tell them it was a steel bar, nerd.....:p your just suppossed to say "A man walked into a bar and said OW!" and let the person figure it out themselves...unless they are stupid beyond all reason and can't figure it out
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]Well...for a change of pace: I went to Florida! Panama City, Florida, as a matter of fact. 'Twas great fun! -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] o.o how many people here went to FL? geez....everyones going to FL these days o.o;;
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