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Everything posted by Lia

  1. well i went to FL...because...I LIVE IN FL!!! o.o;; eheh....and yes indeed we drive around on golf carts...passes time from the boring lives we lead watching old people take hours to cross the streets... Well i guess its fun if you call watching old wrinkley Oompaloompas playing croquet(sp?) across your yard hitting balls into the lake and trying to fetch them, then drowning. OH! OH! and did i mention the heeeeeaaaaat...every 45 seconds or so you see an old man pass out from heat in the middle of the road and sadly...BAM! another car accident is caused in that period of 45 seconds...darnit; and also we have a yearly anual old person fall down the stairs week....theres no need to ask what happened when you see an ambulance...not to mention every once in a while you'll see a prostitute at the corner of a drugstore being picked up by a rich old man..with flab....flabby flab...and i mean FLAB! so anywho... when FL comes to mind..think out the equation: rich+old+FLAB+OOmaloompas+heat+croquet+boring junk=FL wow....fun fun fun :D
  2. I live in Palm Beach, FL....i want to live in....Palm Beach, FL:p
  3. [size=1]sorry haven't posted in a while o.o;; ---------------- Amber: *had heard all the banging while wandering around and tries to find the source at where she heard it, looks at the closet door and tilts her head sensing the seal* a magic seal? what for....[/size]
  4. [size=1] i love it! great job ^-^ usually i only take a liking and understanding to the ones that rhyme but that one caught my eye, keep it up![/size]
  5. [size=1]i've had some unexplained dreams...such as me in a white box staring at a picture of a palm tree.....don't ask i have NO clue what it meant..... I've heard some people say (superstition or something) that when you die in a dream u die in your sleep (x.x) but um....i can't even count the numerous times i've been killed in my dreams....IE: being shot, getting smooshed by a dinosaur, eatin by a monster under my bed...yea that kind of stuff...odd[/size]
  6. Lia


    [size=1] living is just an excuse not to die...for those of us who don't make excuses death is nothing[/size]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]ewww ::is former Ford owner and thus realizes how terrible they really are and hates them:: [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] *agrees* we should stick a Ferrari in there....[/size]
  8. Lia


    [size=1] heh i have a countless number of pets its like living in a zoo o.o;; but since so many people are posting cat pics heres my kitty.... his name is kittywitts(don't ask...)[/size]
  9. [size=1]i got a 50...kekeke[/size]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]Dude! I got 75 on the Solid Snake one!!! Wait a mo, I think I know which one I got wrong! I'll do it again! YES! GOT EM ALL RIGHT!!! THOSE WERE [B]TOO[/B] EASY!!! [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]cheat........:p[/size]
  11. *knocks ken outta the way* I SHALL CONQUER! we're against people on other boards? like hell...we are sooo winning :devil:
  12. heh well then treble was wrong, kekeke
  13. who in gods name guessed my name as Alyssa? treble or cammy..hmmm...well whoever it was...YOUR WRONG! buwahahhaaaa!!!!!
  14. haha! i got the 2nd highest score on TN's test! erm..anywho heres mine :P i DARE you to get 100..... [URL=http://www4.friendtest.com/viewquiz.php?account=ssjchic]BWUAHA!-my test[/URL]
  15. Lia

    Ice Age

    [size=1] lmao! the dodo birds...haha he fell into the lava thing....haha "THE LAST MELON!" and the kongfu dodos:laugh: they were funny...they all fell off the cliff...stupid birds [/size]
  16. Lia

    Ice Age

    [size=1] SQUIRREL!!!that thing..every time something would be about to squash it..its eyes would flinch...lol and 20,000 years later when it was i the block of ice and the nut drifted away..LMAO!hehe...[/size]
  17. Lia


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]Yes, I have glasses. And I hate them. They just annoy me so much.... Bah. In any case.... I need them. I'm very near-sighted; Anything beyond three feet gets VERY blurry. :flaming: I hate these st00pid things..:twitch: [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]*hands him a pill* Neil hun, it'll be ok glasses arn't that bad..... hmm..i sense alot of self conscious people here.....heh[/size]
  18. [size=1] i agree with the therapy doesn't help thing (though i've never had it, just observed). But what brings your anger? its holding things in, you need to soften up and just let people know your problems...holding it in doesn't make it any better, it just puts you in the state you are in now (directed to Neil)[/size]
  19. Lia


    [size=1] nah, i don't have glasses...but i do think they look good on people. Gives them a broading intellectual look, hehe though i do wear contacts for fun (colored contacts not prescripion)[/size]:whoops:
  20. [size=1]i'm hearing drinking is an escape from problems? haha..hahaha.....don't make me wet my pants in laughter right now.....lets get this straight.... drinking is [B]NOT[/B]: [B]*an escape from problems...[/B] [I] it adds a helll of alot more problems....[/I] [B]*a thing to make you confident....[/B] [I]look, if you want to be confident start cleaning up your act, study, do well in school, boost your ego a bit....yea everything along those lines not "hey look guys i'm drinking..my egos going up...I'M A REBEL!!!!!"[/I] [B]*To get anger out?[/B] [I]HAHA!!! HAHAHA!!!......yea...riiight....if you want to get anger out you get it out by yelling, screaming...or possible throwing stuffed animals and objects(no not people) around..it helps....[/I] and thats my 2 cents...please no flaming me just stating my opinion O.o;;[/size]
  21. [size=1]My tormented soul trapped in a box tied up with chains shut with link locks Holding it close on for dear life nothing can take it from me not even a knife All the eyes stare at me as i'm walking past why do they stare at me? as if this is my last When will people learn how to forget i'm locked locked up in here i have no regret When will all these eyes wander elswhere and leave my coiled in soul when will the staring stop from the life they've stole They took it from me long ago they ripped it from my hands they locked it up into a box along with all my glands My heart has ceased to beat my air has ceased to come my eyes have closed to everyone not only some As i walk across the land the box held close in my arms noone dare come near me in fear to set off my alarms I'm all alone alone in this world my vision is clouded and twisted and twirled I cannot be forsaken I cannot leave this life i'm doomed to here forever without my knife I cannot seem to find it trying, finding this world keeps changing changing and winding [B](yes another one of my unfinished ones)[/B] [/size]
  22. [size=1] it was done terribley...they shuold have spent more time and money on it to make it better but i think the way the dogs were computer done made it so....fake O.o;;[/size]
  23. [size=1]i saw RE tonight....it wasn't bad but it wasn't what i expected...[/size]
  24. [size=1] hmm....for some reason i recall the name of that show i just can't fit the images with the name :drunk: i have a bad memory.....[/size]
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