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Everything posted by Lia

  1. Lia

    Space Pirates <Play>

    Amber: *comes out later in her hunter suit, throws her packed bag onto the floor** wow....still fits... *slides her pistol into the gunbelt* hmmm..well lets get this show on the road everyone! and ken....yes you are sooooooo wearing that:p
  2. Lia

    Space Pirates <Play>

    Amber: *eyes the used parts room where bryan is* n00b is in my trash hangout! *clenches fists* AH! THE STRESS!!! i need to go fix something.....*takes out a wrench and storms into the utility room*
  3. Lia

    Space Pirates <Play>

    Amber: well for sure you'll be a friend... *smirks* if not..we'd kill you *pulls out a knife and throws it missing the target taped on the wall and it flies out the window and you hear cats screeching and garbaghe cans rumaging* er...whoops..eheh...eheh...... *sweatdrop* i need to work on aim......
  4. Lia

    Space Pirates <Play>

    *dragging self beind travis half sleep* moooonnnneyyyyyyy?:drunk: slaps self and wakes up* O.O well er..i'm awake now!:Deheh...eheh......ya'll are a reeeallll exciting goup arn'tcha?
  5. Lia

    Space Pirates <Play>

    Amber: *looks to Bryan* and whos he? *scratches head* i know the lazy lug *eyes ken* but er...theres more? um..coffeee........ *drags feet over to chair and flops down on it* blehhhhh.....mornings..i think we need to restock on alarms..i broke mine this mornin
  6. Lia

    Space Pirates <Play>

    Amber: *upon hearing all the voices and alarms going of she throws on her clothes and flings open the door to where the others are, leans against the door freme for support* morning... *yawn*......not my best moment of the day... *rubs eyes* hmm...i heard breakfast somewhere along the line....
  7. i saw it last saturday and it was pretty good. It didn't follow the book exactly such as Marius is not sposed to be portrayed as a good guy *shrugs* but overall it was good!
  8. Name: Amber Smith (dun ask travis said i should use smith o.o) Age: 14 Call Sign: SIX (don't ask..and yes as in the number 6) Expertise: Skilled gunman(er....girl) very handy with a hand pistol. And has had alot of training in the field of repair engineering from her adopted father who later passed away. Prefered Crew Position: Engineering: Repair Appearence: blonde hair, green eyes (usually wearing civilian clothing) Civilian Clothing: a pair of ripped ragged jeans and a plain black spaghetti strap tanktop HunterSuit: a black suit with a gunbelt. a wrench sign on one shoulder and a pistol on the other Equipment: Pistol, a bag filled with such supplies needed for mechanic repairs and also contains her hunter suit Bio: was orphened at birth in Cecil City and wanted to escape the difficulty of the orphenage and is set out to try and find her place in life and the meaning of life itself...
  9. headgirl? sure, sounds interesting! Name: Amber (duh...) Age: 14 Year: 4th House: Slytherin
  10. lets just say...my brain was moosh in the 80s...i was like 2 or 3
  11. Lia

    I am kick out

    would you mind translating that to english please....
  12. whoever said Canadians Suck is wrong...even though i was cheering for the US, keep in mind the Canadians have always been superior when it comes to hockey, they have a great team
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by iggy [/i] [B]CANADA WINS ahahhaha in ur faces take that usa for beating russia!!!!! :D :laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] *as iggy sits innocently in front of his computer, typing at OB all happy and joyous...a hand emerges from his monitor and starts strangling him* ~iggy is found an hour later..DEAD (x.x X.X) at his monitor...no clues left....~ ~miles and miles away Amber (AKA ssj chic) sits happily at her computer, typing at OB~:D
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B] [color=crimson][size=1]Why in the world would you want your name to be BabyGirl? I think your real name is cute.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] i think she means she wants her username changed to "Jenna"
  15. -.- damn you.... *pours ketchup on avatar an eats it* i'll remember this cloud... *marks something down on a small notepad*
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]I find comfort in a nice balance of intelligence...people who aren't intellegent enough to make good conversation with aren't my kind of people I'd normally be friends with...but, then again...people who are too smart for their own good and find some kind of way to show that aren't my friends either. Bascically...it's not a crime to be an intellectual...but not being mature enough to deal with a gift or a disability is where the crime takes place. Being simple and understanding is best.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] couldn't have said it better myself...
  17. USA all the way! erm....if we loose....remind me to eat my avatar....
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]well.. you would probably just think i'm an idiot then ^_^ I dont care if people "think" they are smarter then me.. aslong as they dont rub it in :p .. (like.. making a topic at a message board about how stupid i am :P and how much smarter/more mature then me they are! :rolleyes: ) *does the chicken dance* .. :p i tend to do silly things all of the time.. but i not quite as stupid as people think.. i'm just trying to have a good time ^_^ .. guess what?.. [/B][/QUOTE] ........what? heh..well in my opinion i don't get bothered by those things... most of the time... when people act silly i don't care..but one thing..i DO get annoyed by stupidity...in some cases the stupidity is too strong for my taste and it gets so damn annoying *makes strangling motions* when they ask stupid question..... *breaks something* and when writing or typing they spell something TOTALLY wrong.....omg..can you say Phonics? (i think thats the right spelling O.o;; if not sue me) Phooooonics...PHONICS! god have they ever read a book in their life! sheesh... so in other words silli-ness and stupidity fall under diff. categories for me:drunk: [B]EDIT:[/B] erm...is it just me or am i being hypocritical here... i'm stupid...and i can't spell :cross:
  19. well being the moron i am i've been into so many damn accidents....most pain? well i was on a VACATION *hint* VACATION meaning....nice jolly few weeks of fun....it was in South Africa in a wild game reserve....i was only about 9 or sumthin and i was running around chasing a monkey around the huts we were staying in (yes huts as in grass huts... O.o; ) miles and MILES away from any sign of human/technologized life forms (whatta vacation...) and being a youngling i used to sway my hands up alot being a moronic idiot...and i as chasing a monkey...well my hands were skimming the tops of some trees and stuff when all of a sudden...STRIKE! and uh....blood...as i was skimming the trees/brush with my hands, i hit an African thorn...not just any old thorn it was 3.5 inches long and about 2 millimeters in diameter...now i ain't talking about any normal thorn this thing was like HUGE! anywho....yep guess what happened next....went STRAIGHT through my hand between my thumb and my pointer finger....yowch *keep in mind i am miles and MILES away from civilization..meaning doctors too... so...........all they could do was yank it out and tie a cloth around it O.o;; and thats my story....eheh....nice ending to a vacation wouldn't you say?
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]Ah, man Amber. I saw u as the last one that posted here and I just knew u'd say "Can I nominate myself?" I guess your just that kind of person and i know u too well O.o Yes. we need 1 more. The Canidates: Gavin (Dragon Warrior) Matt (Son Goten) Neil (SuperSayian) Ken (DeathKnight) Danny Lucking (Deus_Ex_Machina) Bon-Bon Boy (AlmightySSJ4) Andrew (MajinVegeta) Amber (ssj chic) [/B][/QUOTE] i'm not sure wether or not to take that as an insult.... BTW, those of you TRYING to act funny.... KEY WORD: [B]trying[/B] it er..ain't workin...
  21. heh, piro is a cutie.. *pinches his cheeks* (jk about the pinch cheeks thingy, heh) well its cool now that more people are starting to become more confident in posting their pics...it sure did take me a while til i posted mine, heh
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B] Hmm, well not really, i dont care, they were childish and reatarded acts of stupidity, i dont care, and DK, remember what thats the intials for ;) [/B][/QUOTE] haha! i wouldn't go there...
  23. my name? easy...take a look at it....put it together...DBZ+chic=SSJ CHIC! wow! thats the lesson for the day and now your going to move onto your ABC's.. ---- BTW, if anyone asks what James' name means i swear i'm going to keel over....
  24. hm..can i nominate myself :D i may not be funny but it sounds like fun...eheh...heh...heh *shuts up*:therock:
  25. i'd like to nominate Sephiroth!:D
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