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Everything posted by Booboo

  1. I absolutly love your pictures. I showed my friend your pictures and she said "DANG, that girl can DRAW!". My favorites are The Subaru and the Yugioh drawings. *starts to dance around faerie with calumon_luver*. All your pictures deserve a 21/10. :D
  2. I've already drew mine up jsut look in the Art & Design section. The title of the post is: GC Son Chiku. Yes she is a girl, and yes she plays guitar. :D
  3. *Snickers commercial pops on* Making doll sandwhiches: Another (sick but) unfortunate side-effect of hunger.
  4. I'm pretty sure no one from my school comes here, But I put it up just because I wanted to. Also to tell people if you want to become something famous don't let others comments stop you.
  5. This is the character I made up named Chiku. It's not the best picture quality, but in real life it's pretty cool looking. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=390051[/img]
  6. Dang gurl, you can draw I wish I could draw an orginal character like that. I love it, keep the great work up. :D
  7. Well on small cars it's 6 numbers/letters, but on SUVs and vans it's 7 numbers/letters.
  8. I really like Kathe Kollwitz artwork. I like the way her drawings/artwork are dark and gloomy. Also I like the way her artwork reflects her life and and how life was where she lived.
  9. My school gets out June the 20th. We had a week added on because of all the snow days we took over here. But I won't be there because I have to go to Ocean City.
  10. We have: > "Plain M&Ms" > "Peanut M&Ms" > "Peanut Butter M&Ms" > "Crispy M&Ms" > "Almond M&Ms" And now introducing new "Pot M&Ms"
  11. [u]How often do you visit? [/u] I visit almost everyday [u]Whats the longest length of your visits?[/u] 20-30 mins because I was and school, but when I'm home I usually stay on awhile. [u]Whats been your longest stay?[/u] I don't remember the times of the day bout it was around 6-8 hours. [u]Which forums do you visit?[/u] Art & Design, Banner & Avatar Request, Nintendo, Dragonball, Otaku Lounge/Picture, Poetry, Fan Fiction & Literature, and thats about it. [u]Why do you continue to stay at Otakuboards? [/u] I love it here, theres not really that much more to say. Most people are very friendly and nice. Also sometimes I don't know what site to go to when I'm on the computer. So I come here cuz there is always something different (in terms of threads) here.
  12. Yeah I want to be a singer, but the popular kids at school make fun of me because I do sing. But my friends don't laugh at me for wanting to be a singer, they all just tell me "go be one, you can do it" But if you do want to be a singer go for it. If you want to be a singer badly enough you shouldn't care what people say about you or your voice. Thats why I wrote this little speech/poem. :D
  13. Me and my friend made this really simple license plate banner. I may mak another one with just LIL_ANDROID on it.
  14. I absolutly hate it when people call eachother name/nicknames. At my school we have lables, it's the preps, jocks, punks/skaters, goth, geeks/dorks, and the outsiders/don't really have a lable. Me, I'm one of the outsiders. Yeah, I get made fun of because I sing so sometimes when I go by those friggin preps the call me "the suck *** singer gurl", "the sucky singer" or "Jamie the *** hole singer, and it just bothers me to death. It's not really the group labling that bothers me, its the name calling that does.
  15. My favorite physical feature used to be my teeth before they were bashed in with a baseball bat. But soon they will be back to the way they were(I'm getting them fix when I'm 16). But I also like my hands, I don't know why I just do. What I like about my personality is that I don't judge people by the way they look but by there personality. I know how it feels to be judged by physical appearences, so I don't do that. Also I like the way my personality is different from most others, with my wierd sense of humor and the way I think about things, and how they would be thought of in another persons eyes or anothers view point. I think of my self as opened minded, not narrow minded like my mother - always thinking in one direction.
  16. [color=black][size=1][b]I don't snitch, especially at school. All it ever gave me was lost friends. Although I do snitch on my sister, after I beat her up. But sometimes I change the story just a little bit to favor my side. :D[/b][/size][/color]
  17. This little speech/poem was written for all the people at my school who make fun of me and cut me down because of how I sing. No matter how hard you try you can never bring me down. I'm loud and I'm proud, if you don't like it, thats fine with me..... But when (yes WHEN [U]not[/U] IF) I become a famous singer (because I'm bound and detemined) you'll wish you were just a little nicer. You make comments about my voice whenever I get a solo part or win the school talent show. But even if I lose I'll say "maybe later", congratulate the winner and go on with my life. I don't need a trophy or money to tell me I sing good. All I need is my friends and family supporting me. Also remember, whatever goes around comes around so watch OUT!!! Tell me what you think of it.:D
  18. You have a piont there Wintermute. But since the person who committed suicide is already dead they cant be charged with homicide so it really doesn't matter. Yet no matter what situation your in you can't just solve it by killing yourself, it's not worth it.
  19. In my opinion, there is nothing that bad that you have to kill yourself over. My parents just keep pounding that in my head. I have heard of teenage girls killing themsevles because they were to afriad to tell their parents that they were pregnant. Or the times when two younge boys killed themselves over bad grades. I just don't think you can justify why you should kill yourself. I'm trying so hard to keep a good friend of mine from OD ing. She is trying to kill herself because poeple make fun of for stupit reasons like singing well and being a smart girl. The only thing keeping her from doing it is me(telling her not to), her boyfriend, and Will (her best friend).
  20. I like it alot, it's a great drawing. Keep up the good work, 10/10.
  21. I was at Nintendo.com and and I went to the Gameboy part and I click some link and it took me to theotaku.com and I clicked the fourms and I've been here ever since. I typed whatever I remembered since this was about 3 or 4 years ago.
  22. Thanx you guys, for the compliments. :D
  23. Thanx for all the compliments I didn't think this pic would get so many compliments, man.
  24. Booboo


    Well I think you should make a book of poems and I'm not saying this becuz of your age cuz you know I'm younger then you. You have an awsome talent,keep writing. I don't think he should have any a happy poems(if he doesn't want any) dark poemsmaybe it's just the way he likes to write )though it doesnt matter if it's happy or sad it's still good).
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