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Everything posted by Booboo
Me I'm tired of hearing about the damn war. Poeople don't want war, but sometimes it's needed. Just like the poem I wrote "Peace or War". My dad wants this war to happen he says what Saddam has been doing is not right. So I would have to say I'm for the war, even though I'm only 13 who cares what I think. All I got to say now is "GO USA!!!".
Thanx, chaos_79! :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]Mini-Ken has found a playmate![/end bb2 referance] Thats very KoRn-esque indeed, but its highly enjoyable. You should color it, it would make a good wallpaper methinks.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Nah, I'm not gonna color it, I think I'm gonna keep it black and white. I think black and white fits this picture well.
Thanx for the compliments you guys.:D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Medra [/i] [B]That just screams KoRn. Thus it rocks. Kick-***. [/B][/QUOTE] You know after you mention it the doll does scream korn doesnt it, hehe. Anyway thanx for the compliment.
Well I was walking with my cousin (a.k.a lil_greek_jimmy on OB)in my church's parking lot and I was pretending to be a cheerleader, and I had a long yet tight skirt on. I went to kick up my leg, and when I did that the shirt pulled my other leg from under me. Next thing I know I'm flat on my ground on my back with my cousin yelling "JAMIE ARE YOU OK!!!". Then I start busting out laughing.:D
Yea, with one my trusty mechanical pencil and a piece computer paper i stole from my mother, hehe. Anyway thanx man. :D
Here is a gothic voodoo style for my made up character Chiku. I hope you guys like it.:D [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=369822[/img]
WHAT OTHERS THINK I AM: >Ed from Cowboy Bebop >I don't know why but all my friends say I remind them of her, also I took some personality test on the computer and it said I have Ed's personality >I could really care less, but yea I think she's cool. :P WHAT I THINK I AM: >I would say Monkey D. Luffy(on me avatar) from One Piece >Risk anything to accomplish his dream, always laughing, serious when he needs to be, and funny(making others laugh) >Yes, I love Luffy. :D
Yea, I have more poems Darkmoon, 2 of them I post earlier if you wanna go find them in the fourm.
Ye the reason I put cuss words in there because the feeling of the peom is supposed to be mad, angry, and sad so thats why there are in it.
This my first oval banner of an angel from "Oh! My Goddess".
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]Do you actually know how many people keep friends from high school? [/B][/QUOTE] My mom did. My mom and her best friend, from high school, are still best friends though her friend lives in Michigan now. They still visit eachother. But Harry is right, not alot of people do stay friends after highschool.
I think having a baby when your too young can usually crush all your dreams of becoming whatever you want to be when you grow up. Yes sometimes I am for abortion under the conditions that you have been raped. But I'm against abortion if the mother and father weren't careful enough to make sure that the mother wouldn't get pregnent, because thats their own fault. If this happens and the parents don't want the baby give it up for adoption so the baby will have the chance to have a better life. Plus people that young shouldn't be having sex in the first place. If the mother was to have the baby 99.9% chance of the father not give two s***s about the baby, the father of the baby was most likey there just for the sex. I had a friend thats now 14 but she was 13 when she was pregnant, her parents took her to get an abortion, and two times when my 18 year old cousin thought she was pregnant 2 times when she was 16. All I can tell ya is to stand by your friend support her all you can, don't leave her alone, at this time she needs you the most .
This Plan These damn wheels Are driving me insane The sound of them spinning Always the same You ripped my heart out And left me here to die With all your running around And all your lies You always knew the right things to say You always made me belive It kept me here another day Another day you would decive I want to get out This place is a living Hell It's like being in Alcatraz Locked up in a dirty cell I'm on my way Out of town I'm thinking about Turning around Thoughts of you Running through my head Those 3 little words I never wished I said I turn up the radio To drown you out But your all I ever think about There is no dout Everything I see Reminds me of you You control my mind There's nothing I can do Making me feel sad Is you drug It makes you feel good And you can never get enough You always thought I'd never leave Sometimes I'd feel that way too But you can wait for me forever Cuz I'm carrying this plan through. ~~~~~~~~ Tell me what you guys think about it.
I love them all better than what I can do. Nice job my friend. :D
I really like it's way better then my first banner....argggggg... well anyway put some text on it, it will look awsome. 9.5/10.(.5 taken off for your first banner being 10,000 better than mine. J/K 10/10. Great Job, keep up the good work)
Itz so cute, I like it. :D
DANG, thats better coloring than anything I have ever did, I suck at coloring even with colored pencils thats whay I never color my pictures. Anyway thats awsome looking PiroMunkie.
Hey I colored the pic, as you can see I'm not really good at coloring. But you asked me too so I did, hear ya go.
I like this one alot. Good job 9.5/10
Well I was on and off about putting this pic up because the two are kissing. THe man is Trunks and the girl is someone I made up. What do you guys think.
Awsome simply awsome. Great job. :D
Thanx u guys for the complements