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Everything posted by Booboo

  1. I would give it either a 9.5 or 10 out of 10 it is such a great game. When I got my gamecube my mom wanted to get Luigi's mansion but she couldnt find it so she bought Mario Sunshine she thought she would hate the game and come to find out my mom absoutly loves the game.(my mom plays more video games than me she just LOVES them)
  2. Well she showed me a magazine(not sure of the name) and it says that female saiyan can turn SSj but none have reached that level
  3. Yea i play that game all the time on Donkey Kong 64 they have 2 old arcade games the one with mario and the barrels and some game called jetpack.
  4. Yea I heard that too and I told her that but she doesn't belive me.
  5. Ok me and my friend are having a little arguement about if female saiyan can turn SSj. I think they can't but she thinks they can but no female saiyan has reached that level. Can anyone tell me if they can or can't. :nervous:
  6. Booboo

    goku ????

    Well since all the Dragon ball series are based around him most likely there wont be another hero. DBGT is the last of the series and Goku is in them too, so I really doubt there is another hero
  7. No because in the Freiza Saga Freiza said that if planet Namek blew up Goku would not survive but he would.
  8. This is the 1 new pic some of the points on gotens hair are missing because there was no more paper space sorry. :bawl: this not one of my best drawings
  9. yea I know Juuthena i couldnt put the points on because it was the end of the papper
  10. Nah I didnt Paint it on paint shop pro I just colored it in with a gel marker
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