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About Hideki

  • Birthday 11/11/1986

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  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1] Technically, it [b]was[/b] Spike's voice;[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] :lol: :wigout: That was funny. You got me there. But I saw the dubbed before the subbed. So to ME, it's not Spike.
  2. Thanks for showing me this band. They're pretty cool.
  3. Chii ~ Chobits Rei Ayanami ~ Neon Genesis Evangelion (Rei is so sexy o^_^o) Faye Valentine ~ Cowboy Bebop That's all :cool:
  4. I like the dubbed version better. Because the subbed version on my computer is really crappy. The words are grainy and way to small. It just bothers me =\ But it's still worth it :rolleyes:
  5. I never beat Chrono Cross. I didn't like it as much as Chrono Trigger though. It just wasn't all there in CC :\ But it's still a good game ^_~
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1] Don't you dare say anything about my Spikie dearest! *hugs Spike plushie* I thought Faye's japanese voice was more preferable over Wendee Lee's, although she did an awesome job herself.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Euw! I can't beleive you like Spikes japanese voice. It's just....not spike:flaming: I didn't like Eds voice either. It just didn't fit Ed either;) Faye and Jets, Julia and Vicious' were ok though.
  7. Hideki


    eX Dream rules. Sademe rocks too. Even the piano version ^_^ I like STRENTGH too.
  8. Yea Cowboy Bebop has great dubbing. I accually liked the dubbed voices over the original japanese voices. Spikes original japanese voice is awful.
  9. Hideki


    X the series and X the movie are completly different. The series is way more developed. The ending is completly different. The stories for the characters are a lot different. It's 100% more in depth in every way. Better fights and you get more of the music too. I think the movie is crap too. But that's only cuz I love that series to death ^_~
  10. I was late to first period! And I walked in and saw some building smoking! So I was like "WOO! What movie is this?!" And my friend said "It's not moving. Terrorists crashed a plain into the World Trade Center and the first tower just well!" then I said "Wha'?!" and started watching. Then I was like "awww hell! This sucks!" so we watched it all day and watched more in the morning the next day.
  11. Hideki


    Awww man. You have the get the X series. It's soooo much better than the movie. The movie is crap in my opinion. :p
  12. I never knew about a Sonic cartoon -_- Althought I did wake up EVERY morning at 7:30 to watch Super Mario Bros :) I liked it. It was entertaining! G.I Joe came on after it, I never watched it. It was dumb:p
  13. Final Fantasy XI sounds awesome. The game is even beatable. And after it's beaten Square will release updates with new bosses and MAYBE even a new storyline. Which would rock. I watched the LiveCam ALL day when it was up. The world looks huge. And hopefully the launch in America won't have as many problems as the launch in Japan. Even if does, I'll wait for them to be fixed. I've been waiting for this game for awhile ^_^
  14. The future begins 9/24/02. Meaning, DVD 1 of X comes out. It includes the first three episodes. I'm very excited about this because X is my second favorite series. I love it. I've seen it 4 times all the way through allready. Kamui is the bomb:wigout: Also happening 9/24/02 is the release of End of Evangelion. Which I've been waiting for ever since I bought Death and Rebirth, which rocks. If you've seen the NGE series (all of it) and havn't seen/bought Death and Rebirth, get it. It's amazing. I can't wait to see the movie. I'm gonna skip school that day just too watch them! And then, when school gets out at 4p.m., I'm going to watch them again. But it'll be different cuz in my mind I'll act like I havn't seen them. So it's like I was at school all day and have been waiting to get home to watch them. So it's more exciting. I'm sorry I'm just strange like that;) So how many others out there will be buying X DVD1 or End of Evangelion? Or both ^_^
  15. I'm gonna buy it. It looks fun. You've seen the movies with the american voices right?
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