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Everything posted by enigma

  1. [COLOR=blue][I]"Rather ugly dog....twenty-eight dollars. Little squirrel like creature....sixteen dollars. Watching two tiny legs kicking up and down while poking out of the dog's mouth....priceless.[/COLOR][/I]
  2. [COLOR=blue][I]Who wouldn't be creeped out by spiders. The bigger and hairier, the freakier. Especially nasty when you find about six funnel-webs around your house, and one inside. Death doesn't worry me, at least not the concept, but it's the way you would die. Dying peacefully in your sleep, that wouldn't bother me, but dying a horrific painful, agonizing tortuous death where you would see your own gruesome demise with your own eyes (remembers melting guy from The Rock) on the other hand, would. Also I could say being alone in vast areas of water, such as being far off in the really deep parts of the ocean or huge lakes with no one around. I've got the cruelest mind, and after seeing things like Lake Placid, Deep Blue Sea and the like, my mind tends to play tricks on me.[/COLOR][/I]
  3. [COLOR=blue][I]Whilst journeying back to their safehouse, Naz'gazel noticed a sudden expression in Kain's face. Kain appeared to become anxious, and had a sense of urgency to get to safety. Naz'gazel too felt a rising sense of dread approaching, and hastily began to increase his pace. Cries of anger and rage became discernibly clear, and increasingly louder. A volley of silver arrows whisped passed Kain's skull, becoming lodged within the the frail yet sturdy masonry of the dulled and forgotten wall. Naz'gazel answered the uncouth call with a jagged and crude bolt from his own rigid crossbow, hearing a fell scream of pain. N: "It is only a large group of slayers that I see behind, but what is this feeling of impending danger that I am constantly sensing." K: "I'm not sure what it is to be exact, but it is something far more sinister and malevolent than these petty mortal men. Though I do not think it would be in league with humans, I sense it has a great desire for our horrific demise." Quickening their retreat, Kain and Naz'gazel darted speedily into a misused alley, only vanish into the fading night light. The slayers soon came to the same alley, but found only dust and the stench of death. One of them soon felt a sense of absolute horror creep throughout them. His hand began to tremble, and as his heart rapidly beat ever faster, he tilted his now pale and cold face to his side, and through the peripheral vision, a demonic shadow loomed menacingly. A scream of shear terror was sent through the streets, only to be silenced horridly, spreading to the other slayers, leaving only death, and blood.[/COLOR][/I]
  4. OOC: Sorry for the late start, but I have not been on the internet for about a week, so I haven't been able to check up on this. IC:[COLOR=blue][I]Naz'gazel and Kain both stood silently atop the roof of an empty two story house, surveying the shadowed, moon lit town for their first long-awaited feed in ages past. Naz'gazel examined the once greatly feared Kain. He was a little different now, weaker he thought, after spending vast time again in death. His build was a little slender, and he seemed unnaturally pale, even for a vampyre, but his former strength and powers would soon return once he began to feed again. Glancing out towards the restless town, Naz'gazel could still hear the endless skirmishes between man and vampyre that continued to grow in recent times. The blood curdled screams that would echo throughout the dark and menacing sky would bring a faint, demonic smile to his cracked lips. Suddenly Naz'gazel's ears pricked up, similar to that of a wild animal when listening for signs of life. His cruel and bloodshot eyes darted down towards the blood stained, stone tiled roads to meet a breathless and fatigued young man who appeared to be fleeing from danger. The man collapsed onto the ground in exhaustion, and scurried to the side of the house to lean upon it. Naz'gazel could sense the overpowering fear and shear terror that the man had just experiened. Naz'gazel positioned himself directly above the foolish human, and ever so quietly drew his sword. He slowly felt the sadistic blade with the back of his lifeless forefinger, and loosely gripped the handle of the blade as he held it aloft the edge of the roof. With the glistening tip of the blade pointed down, Naz'gazel released his weapon, allowing it to plummet to the ground. The moon light shone upon the now dazzling sword as it sang brilliantly in its flight. The weary and unknowing human suddenly had a sense of great and terrible dread rush throughout his body, causing the pulse within him to almost triple what it originally was. He tilted his head up, and saw two figures standing high above him, watching, waiting, as a third object spiralled down towards his face, innocently humming as it brought with it his doom. Naz'gazel closed his eyes and raised his head, and grimacingly smiled as he heard the joyful meeting of the man and his sword. Then he turned towards Kain, slightly grinning. [/I]"Hungry?"[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=blue][I](I was going to pick the humans, but then I thought otherwise, I'm rarely ever evil.) Name: Naz'gazel Race: Vampire Age: 362 Appearance: Typical vampirish features. Pale skin, bloodshot, black eyes, sharp claws, and an emaciating figure. However, Naz'gazel keeps his clothes incredibly immaculate, covered from head to toe in black (who doesn't love black clothing) suiting. Overshadowing his face and bald scalp is a black robe that covers his entire body, reaching to the ground while trailing slightly behind him. Bio: Living (or is it unliving for the undead?) and fighting throughout the Blood Wars, Naz'gazel became a skillfully adept and particularly vicious warrior. However, with growing power and bloodlust with every fell victim came arrogance. As he became increasily egotistic, his own awareness of his danger in situations became naught. One day during a particulary gruesome battle, Naz'gazel thought himself able to fend off an entire battalion of humans. However, Naz'gazel was fiercely beaten and speedily retreated within a nearby building, which was then set alight and collapsed. Naz'gazel barely managed to survive his wounds and the crushing building, but became trapped within his burial for nearly 120 years, surving purely out of his own hatred and madness. Eventually, a group of farmers cultivating the land came across the buried ruins, and foolishly excavated it, unknowingly providing Naz'gazel with his impending return, and a late snack. Now, after his seemingly eternal imprisonment, Naz'gazel wishes to seek his tormented revenge, by planning the return of Kain, and the end of humanity. This time however, he will not forget his original downfall that had trapped him for so long. Weapons: Naz'gazel still keeps his stained and somewhat dulled self-forged, runed longsword that has been with him since the Blood Wars, waiting ever so long to resharpen and put it to use once more. Also, fastened to his back is a medium sized, steel crossbow that he 'aquired' from the corpse of a victim of his long ago.[/COLOR][/I]
  6. [COLOR=blue][I]Maybe companies just need to advertise a 'hidden suprise' with their products to avoid any lawsuits against them. I've been quite fortunate, as I have only experienced one occasion of 'added ingredients'. Last year during a music tour, whilst having breakfast at the dine in area in a hotel, I poured a glass of orange juice using the juice vat machine there. Upon sitting down I noticed some unusual 'pulp' floating atop of my drink. I merely thought it to be some black seeds of sorts from the oranges. Later, when I went to drink it, I noticed that the 'pulp' had grown legs, and a head, and antennas. Well, needless to say I got a bit of a suprise. Not only that, but soon what I thought was dead ants began to move a swim about my drink, and soon after flew away. Mmmm, delicious nutricious orange juice full of natures living goodness.[/COLOR][/I]
  7. [COLOR=blue][I]All these problems the fast food places have been having is most likely the reason that all of a sudden they all have low-fat alternatives and nutritional charts. Having these now, people have no excuse to sue at all because places such as McDonalds can simply say that all their information is in the charts, so if the consumers don't read it, it is their own fault. These people are just out to get quick money by waddling about getting fat and complaining about it. But as James said before, it does cause fast food restaurants to consider healthier alternative ingredients. (NOOO!! not my precious msg!) Now if you really want a good subway, try the pizza sub.*drools*[/COLOR][/I]
  8. [COLOR=blue][I]Ahh, humanity at its...norm. Yes, people go to fast food places, eat as much calorie soaked, msg coated food as they can, watch themselves get incredibly overweight, then throw their arms up in the air crying how the universe conspired to get them heavy using special mind-controliing techniques hidden within a "happy" meal. *sigh* But seriously, people try to sieze any possible opportunity they can find to earn money dishonestly. Another example, at one of my brother's old workplaces, everyone was given saftey talks and proper instructions to the use of HEADPHONES. Apparently one girl around the age of 20 who was constantly using headphones with the microphone piece managed to injure herself by poking her eye with the headphones, and attempted to sue the company for insufficient teachings on the usage of headphones.[/COLOR][/I]
  9. [COLOR=blue][I]Did someone mention my name before, my ears are burning. It hurts so much. Does anyone around hear live in Wollongong in NSW? I seem to be the only person to have been born there and many people haven't even heard of the city. Yes, CITY. It's not just a little town like Toowoomba, but a rather large, Brisbane like city(I think). Most of my family lives in Wollongong and Newcastle, but I am yet to find someone who was born or still lives there.[/COLOR][/I]
  10. [COLOR=blue][I]Hmm, tricky. Even if we can't prove that we exist, and that what you see isn't real, something HAS to exist, because if nothing existed, then what would be allowing us to percieve the things we can? Things do exist, and I believe that I along with everyone and everything else do exist and that that whole business about us being in the Matrix or some far fetched story is just nonsense. If we all think in that state of mind, then why bother doing anything? Why go to school, be with friends, or do anything if nothing exists? In some peoples mind, this post doesn't exist, and I'm not writing anything because I don't exist, so no moderators could delete something that's not there, but now I'm just rambling on nonsense that even I am puzzled by. *Ahem* So as I said, I believe that we exist, and though I can't prove it, I still believe it.[/COLOR][/I]
  11. OOC:Umm, do they even have guns in this world???? Odd. One minute, I'm in a library, the next I'm in the middle of no where for no apparent reason. Oh well, at least there's a fight scene. [COLOR=blue][I] IC: As the twenty or so barbaric thugs came stampeding towards Dren, he shook his head in pity. "Tsk tsk tsk. Pathetic mindless bandits. When will they learn." As the clanging of swords and maces drew closer, Dren, with his staff in his hand now gently laid aside, began to move his hands in an odd fashion, as if sculping something that was not there. A small flame appeared within the dancing hands, and began to grow into menacing ball of scorching fire. At once the dimwitted warriors realized the mistake they had made, and halted in their tracks. Dren, armed with his magic, hurled the mighty fireball at the cowardful men, exploding in a fiery mass, sending screams and panic throughout the land. "Ah the wonders of magic." However, a thunderous noise from above could be heard, and without warning powerful lightning began to strike the ground before Dren. The unexpected occurance startled Dren, and as he looked into the flames of his magic, amidst the carnage and mayhem a dark figure slowly came forth. Daar:"Ah the wonders of magic indeed." Sensing the power of the man Dren instantly knew he too was a sorceror of some power that was not to be trifled with. Quickly Dren sent forth another fiery ball, which was met by an engulfing force of frost, coming from the hand of the sorceror Daar. Daar:"Mess with the viper, and you'll get the fang."[/COLOR][/I]
  12. OOC: Sakuramon, umm...when you say "bullets", do you mean the little slingshot bullets or bullets as in from a gun? IC:[COLOR=blue][I]After many frustating attempts of searching for a guild hall in the town, Dren finally came across a building that seemed out of place from the others. Looking upon the well-built structure, Dren noticed a strange symbol attachted to the front of the building, the sign of the mages guild. With a sigh of relief and accomplishment, Dren cautiously walked into the building, hoping not to come across any pillagers or paranoid villagers. As he looked inside he found that there was nobody inside, not a single soul was to be found. Gazing about at the wondrous craftsmenship and sensing the many magics that had been made within the building made Dren feel at peace and belonging. Walking about the guild, Dren came across libraries, filled with scrolls and books of ancient lore, alchemy setups where past mages had created the spells and magical ailments, and several other rooms containg inventories of enchanted equipment for the travelling mage. Feeling somewhat tired, Dren went into the library and started surveying the shelves for anything of interest. Finding several biographys of past and famous mages, he sat down upon the nearyby chairs and table and began to read upon the lifes and accomplishments of mages written into lore.[/COLOR][/I]
  13. [COLOR=blue][I]OOC: Oops. Sorry, I must have missed that part. ~~~~~~ Dren kneeled helplessy to the ground, gasping for air. His breath slowly began to return to him. Terrified by what just occured, he decided to take the fallen angels advice and stay back, but knew that with someone like him around, sooner or later they would meet each other once more, and maybe it wouldn't be too pleasant a sight. [B]Bartender:[/B] "Know do you see why people like you or him aren't too welcome in places like this. Causes trouble, and trouble is something no one wants around here, so it best be wise you lay low whilst you be staying here." [B]Dren:[/B]"I'll keep that in mind." Dren walked outside the tavern and looked about to see if the fallen angel had gone. Not seeing anything, he once again began his slow pacing down the street. "Where to go now? Hmmm... Perhaps there is a guild around here or a magic shop, but judging by the people around here, I doubt I'd have any luck."[/COLOR][/I]
  14. [COLOR=blue][I]Slowly walking across the streets of the quiet town, Dren looked down upon the ground, deep in thought as the hood of his cloak fell upon his head. Several memories began to come to mind, memories of his mentor Kai'mera, how Dren found him dead in his own bed. He was an old man, even for a mage, and he had left Dren alone in the world. He couldn't go back home, how would everyone react? His friends and family, he left them, fourteen long years ago, they wouldn't just take him back after what he did, would they? "HEY! Watch where you're going!" Dren snapped out if his hypnotic daze and realized that he had run into a small child and knocked them over. "I'm..I'm sorry. I'm just not paying attention to where I'm going." The child ran off, Dren looked up and took the hood off his face. He searched about the street, people going about their business, trying to ignore Dren as if he wasn't there. Many people were suspicious of mages in these times. They were thought to be bad omens who brought trouble wherever they went. Some knew that this was just nonsense and threated Dren as an everyday person, which brought some gladness to him. Noticing the sign of a tavern, Dren began to quicken his pace towards the entry of the building. As he entered the establishment, he looked around and saw that if was virtually empty, except for a man who made the bartender nervous, and a simple commoner enjoying his glass of ale. Dren sat down next to the peasant and began to make inquiries about the other person there. "Who is that man over there? Why is everyone avoiding his like a ghost?" "That would be one of them fallen angels I think. He don't act to bad or anything, just that people in this town are very suspicious of anything that isn't considered normal." "Thank, here...I'll shout you another ale for your help."[/COLOR][/I]
  15. [COLOR=blue][I]Sakuramon- Proficiencies pretty much means skills. If someone wants to they can elaborate further. Hmmm, let's see now....I'll just be the person I said earlier. NAME: Dren Bre'y'nor AGE: 24 CLASS: Mage ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good PROFICIENCIES: Basically a variety of spells. Dren doesn't study any specific schools of magic, although he is more dominant in some than others, he prefers to be an all-rounder mage. WEAPONS: Durac's Staff of eternity (a basic fighting staff that is indestructable to most physical and some magical damage), small dagger and light crossbow (should his magic fail him). BIO: Dren did not have a hard life that many people around him had. He spent most of his life in a safe home with his family and with the friends he had. Not particularly excited of the prospect of becoming a modest farmer, Dren dreamed about the arts of magic and being on an adventure, as was the fantasy of many children. His life changed when a strange man came passing through the town. The man was a sorceror of some reknown, and as Dren followed the man, he felt compelled to follow the secretive man, and as he left his home and life behind, he began his life as he had never forseen it. DESCRIPTION: Slightly higher than average in height, and an average build potrays him to appear just like a commoner, but his distinct red robe and cloak edged with gold and blue clearly shows otherwise. As well as his robe, he wears a simple blue shirt and long pants. He has very dark blonde hair and crystal like blue eyes.[/COLOR][/I]
  16. [COLOR=blue][I]Many people say that there should be a war, and to those of you that do, consider this. It is very easy to say 'GO TO WAR', but when you, your family or your friends are the people who are out in the front lines, in a situation that is kill or be killed, with the chance of harming innocents, and possibly coming back home, IF you come back home, completely insane from seeing horror after horror. Consider that, then we'll see what your thought is.[/COLOR][/I]
  17. [COLOR=blue][I]All I have to say is that the worlds gone mad. No one can do anything without having fingers pointed at you and then be accused of something. This "freedom fries" thing just proves how bad things have gotten.[/COLOR][/I]
  18. [COLOR=blue][I]There is no question. If you say something that's true, or say something that's false, then that can be your answer. There is an actual answer, and no you can't take his nose or steal his stuff. Here's a hint, the answer lies somewhere in the way he's going to kill you.[/COLOR][/I]
  19. [COLOR=blue][I]I'd have to agree with everyone, the riddle was very misleading and didn't have a good answer. I've found a good riddle, and yes it does have an answer. Seeing how this thread is about riddles, I don't think I can't put it here, but if I'm wrong, then someone can tell me. Some of you may already know this one. "You are walking down a road, when suddenly you are confronted by a strange man. The man says to you 'If you tell the truth, I will kill you with a sword, if you tell a lie, I will kill you with a spell.' What do you say to live?"[/COLOR][/I]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]But could someone tell me about what kind of injuries you can get doing that?[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue][I]As already said, the most common injuries you'd get would be bruises and scratches, and occasionally drawing blood from your opponent. [flashback]Once though, it was a lot of blood.[/flashback] I heard once that at a state tournament, (roughly state level), two people were having a match using electric foils, and both fencers had complete protective gear, (mask, head to toe uniform/jacket, gloves, etc), so you would think that no one would get hurt, right? Wrong. One of them ended up in hospital for 10 weeks. What happened was that one of the fencers had a small hole in the sleeve of his jacket. The other fencer went full force at him and drove his foil into him, the foil managed to get through the hole, slide up his arm, bounced off his shoulder blade and plastron, pierced the side of his chest, and landed about 2cm next to his heart. Any further, and he would have been killed. But don't worry, that's only happend once out of....since the sport fencing began. It happened out of extreme bad luck, carelessness, and unco-ordination.[/COLOR][/I]
  21. [COLOR=blue][I]Ah yes, fencing, a great competetive sport it is I think. I do fencing every week on Wednesdays, and sometimes a bit of practice at home with my brother. As our club is fairly new, we are only using foils with pistol, french and orthapedic grips on them, but I think we might be getting some sabres soon since everyones really keen on it. I've been fencing for about, let's see.....since late 2001. Our club's just gotten a whole lot of new equipment which we're all happy about. One thing that still annoys me is that once I went to a novice tournament, which is ONLY for people of all ages who have fenced for 18 MONTHS or less. No more. But for some strange reason, this one guy who had been fencing for FIVE YEARS was allowed to enter, and he won the tournament. Everyone thought that was unfair, because it didn't give anyone a hope of winning. I really enjoy fencing. There's never a dull moment when you're fencing because you're always completely focused and ready for anything. Plus it's really good excersise.[/COLOR][/I]
  22. [COLOR=blue][I]Tsk Tsk Tsk, shame on you smokers. Anyway, I'm absolutely against smoking. Never have done it, never will. I can't stand the smell of it. Every morning on the bus to school, this one guy gets on, and you can tell he's been smoking because about 5 seconds after he gets on the entire bus is filled with the smell of smoke, and sometimes it gets pretty nasty, like up to the point where you have to hold your breath since it's that bad. Many people that are trying to quit give up after about a day, and say that it's too hard because the alternatives just don't work. I'd think a better solution to stop or at least reduce the amount of smoking would be to half the amount of smoking you do every day, evenly spacing out time between each one, untill you're down to 1 a day, then just quit altogether, and no more problems. I guess it's easier said than done though, and I personally don't know the addiction problems it has. Well that's what I think anyway[/COLOR][/I]
  23. [COLOR=blue][I]Don't worry, it'll sort itself out, things always do. When you think life has you beat, something good always happens and it makes life enjoyable. I remember a thread like this a while ago with someone nearly having a nervous breakdown because life was being a ***** to them. Then the next week, their life was better than ever when all sorts of events happened. So you needn't worry Liam(C2), everything will be fine. Just remember, everyone's here for you.[/COLOR][/I]
  24. [COLOR=blue][I]Geez, I think this thread was just to show people's opinion of this war, not actually start another war between several people here. Anyway, I won't argue about anything, I'll just post my opinion of this. Regardless of the reasons behind the war, if Bush wants to attack Saddam, then Bush and Bush alone should fight, not bring the world into the mess that he's made. He began the ordeal, so it should be up to him to fix it. Australia, England and all the other countries should keep their noses out of other countries affairs and not cause even more problems. This is America's war, let America fight it.[/COLOR][/I]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by marbar [/i] [B]*laughs at all those below him on the ladder* (ie. Liam,Cloricus,Enigma)[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue][I]Gets saw and saws off rest of ladder above him, causing Marbar to fall to his death. As well as everyone else on that ladder, (possibly crushing me) seeing how I'm on the bottom. (hehe) ____________ It looks like Mitch HAS planned out the future. He plans to disappear by the looks of it. HAha, caught you out. I just know something bad is going to happen to me because of that.[/COLOR][/I]
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