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Everything posted by enigma

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i] [B]He couldn't be gay anyway. Don't you remember the beginning of the FOTR? Sam wanted to dance with that girl at Bilbo's party. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue][I]Yeah, Sam kept eyeing her all the time and was really nervous around her. Sam's just really REALLY good friends with Frodo, but are straight all the way. _________________ One of what I thought was one of the best lines Gimli made at Helms Deep was "I can't jump that far, your gonna have to toss me. [B]DON'T TELL THE ELF![/B]"[/COLOR][/I]
  2. [COLOR=blue][I]Like Liamc2 said, I have to really pick up the pace with my work now. Which means I'm going to be in competion with that ladder thing with you Liamc2 and Cloricus, though I'll probably hit the bottom on the first day back. After grade 12, I plan to take a year off, then go to ADFA, do my 4 years of Uni there, then become an air force fighter pilot, the sweetest job around (and unfortunately one of the hardest to get). I hate the crazy systems they have around here. It should be if you do well, then you get a good OP, not if you and everyone else does well. Somehow I have the feeling Cloricus is going to make some sort of Political Correctness to this post.[/COLOR][/I]
  3. [COLOR=blue][I]Well, as for me, I have a strong belief in Religion. I'm a Christian, but I'm not a Cathlic but a Uniting Christian. Similar to Catholic, but it has it's differences. I usually play drums from the morning or night time services, and we don't play those old church hyms where you fall asleep, but modern Christian songs from Hillsong and some people write themselves. I like playing the fast, loud, rock style ones. Well, that's another part of me revealed, although the Downlands crew already knew this, I think.[/COLOR][/I]
  4. [COLOR=blue][I]I just got home after seeing the movie, and I have to say it's one hell of a movie. I literally just finished the 2nd book for the first time, and I'm going to start the 3rd one soon. I must say I was a little confused at bits, like when Faramir took Frodo and Sam to that Osgilioth or whatever that city of Gondor was called. That never happened in the book, so I was wondering what the heck was going on, but when they got back on track I was happy. That bit when Frodo fell in the marsh and saw all the rotting corpses trying to grab him was creepy. Once again, sweet movie. (PS. In case you haven't noticed, my avatar is a pic of a ringwraith on horse back from TFOTR.)[/COLOR][/I]
  5. [COLOR=blue][I]Let's see, what brought me to Otakuboards. Hmmm. Well, it was Liamc2 that told me about it. Then I had a look around the place, and became a member. I'm not into anime or any of that stuff, but what keeps me here are the arenas and lounge rooms and the other non-anime related things. So, that's the story behind me.[/COLOR][/I]
  6. [COLOR=blue][I]I've forgotten if these quote have already been put up. Skinner-"I know you can read my thoughts Bart. And if I find out you skipped school, your *** is mine. That's right. I think words I don't usually say. Homer-"I know you can hear MY thoughts boy. Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow. Hehe, classic. YEAH!! This is my 100th post.[/COLOR][/I]
  7. [COLOR=blue][I]It's good to see that you've got Christmas back home now, but it's unlucky that you STILL have to got back to school at the beginning of January, or do you start school 'round that time. I'm Australian, so I don't know you're holiday system. All I know is forcing a school to come back during holiday's could be considered a crime. We began holidays before December even rolled around, and end at the end of January.[/COLOR][/I]
  8. [COLOR=blue][I]I gots me the perfect idea that you can use. Buy them.....a rubber chicken. That's right, you heard me. Get a HUGE box, fill it with smaller boxes (or bubble wrap if you're short on time) and place the rubber chicken in the middle then wrap up the big box. Hehe, oh the look on their face when they find that chicken. Plus, no one gets offended.[/COLOR][/I]
  9. [COLOR=blue][I]Gee, what a rip. That guy sounds like he needs a good rolling up in a carpet and being tossed off a bridge. He's probably just hates Christmas because he has to spend it all alone or doing horrible stuff, so he takes it out on you guys. Anyway, I'll get back to eating my mashed plums which taste not too good(I'm serious, this very moment I'm eating mashed, actually sliced plums in juice).[/COLOR][/I]
  10. [COLOR=blue][I]OOC: Hmm, I don't know. I thought that this RPG would be a light-hearted, jestful story based on it's original counterpart, but it's turned out to be too serious for my liking once I compared it to the original. Count me out.[/COLOR][/I]
  11. [COLOR=blue][I]Wait wait wait wait wait. Let me see I have this straight. You STILL have school? BWHAHHAHHA!!!! Eh sorry about that, it's just that I finished school before December even came and I've got 2 months holidays now. Anyway, back to snow. It's crazy down here in Australia. It's summer down here, and there are bush fires all around where I live, but in Melbourne it's actually SNOWING! Yes, snowing in SUMMER!! I personally have never ever seen snow before (except on tv of course) because I've always lived in areas that just can't get snow. Of course when I move it starts snowing. So things are a little.....odd around here.[/COLOR][/I]
  12. [COLOR=blue][I]YEAAH!!! PICK ME! PICK ME!!!! Name: Hairy McLairy (from Donaldson's Dairy) Age: 25 Class: Mage Appearance: (basically the appearance in the game) Bio: After studing magic for 302582 years and managing to be only 25 years old, Hairy McLairy (from Donaldson's Dairy) has learnt 1 spell. He came to Spielburg with just one desire. To find and pop the giant Antwerp that hides in bushes and bounces on unwary bystanders.[/COLOR][/I]
  13. [COLOR=blue][I]Although I have not had too many experiences with this myself, I though it would be interesting (and in some cases funny) to see what other people have unknowingly done whilst they were asleep. I recall being told once that about 1:00am I was up walking about, and had stopped in front of my parents bedroom door. Apparently I was trying to do something to the door knob, and my dad saw me standing there and asked "what are you doing?", when I replied sleepily "I'm trying to fix the stereo." "Uhh, I think you should go back to bed." "No no, I've got to fix the stereo." "Never mind about that, just go to sleep." "Daahhh, ok." And with that I went back to my room and slept. It was.....interesting to hear this story the next day.[/COLOR][/I]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [B]I'm glad to say I've never been drunk, and hopefully I never will. From what I've heard, it's not a pleasant experience.[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue][I]I can say the same thing about myself. I've never drank, smoked, been in trouble or antagonized cops or any of that stuff, and I hope I never will. I can't understand why people would do things like that. Why would you want to get drunk, when you know you're going to look like and act like an idiot, potentially harm yourself and others, and wake up with a terrible headache. I don't know either why someone would smoke, it's basically saying "hey, let's all die slow and horrible deaths". But that's just my opinion. Hope I don't offend anyone.[/COLOR][/I]
  15. enigma

    The One

    [COLOR=green][I]Name: Jonathen Tarshak Age: 29 Gender: Male Side: Multiverse Agency agent Weapons: Sub-Machine gun and dual 9mm pistols. Bio: Jonathen has been with the Agency for about 12 years, and was somewhat involved with the Yu Law case when it first arose. Now that Yu Law has escaped, Jonathen has joined the task force which is to find and capture Yu before he assinates Gabriel Law. Appearance: Although his skin is white, Jonathen has a passion for all black clothing. He has short black hair, black sunglasses, black gloves, boots, pants, and yes, a black trenchcoat covering his black shirt. (Kind of looks like on of the Matrix characters.) Personality: Jonathen will usually be co-operative with others and obey any instruction he is given from his superiours, but has the tendancy to ignore everyone around him and follow his own mind.[/COLOR][/I]
  16. [COLOR=blue][I]Here are some of what I think are the most classic lines: Scully-"ok Homer this is a simple lie detecter. It will determine whether or not you're telling the truth. Do you understand? Homer-"Yes" (lie detecters flashes and beeps red light, then explodes.) ______ Marge-"Now Homer don't you eat this pie." Homer-"Ok pie, I'm going to be doing this (bites air), and if you get in the way, it's your own fault.(walks towards pie biting air, then hits head). OW!! OH THAT HURT, oh what the heck."(eats pie). ______ (less classic lines) Ralph- "Miss Hoover, there's a dog in the vent." Hoover-"Ralph, remember the time you said snagglepus was outside?" Raplh-"He was trying to use the bathroom." ______ (after the springfield dam breaks and floods the town) Ralph-"I think I wet my bed".[/COLOR][/I]
  17. OOC: DuoMax- uhh, what exactly is it your character does? all he's been doing is popping in and out to drink, and hits mr robotto. This is an RPG, and I think it's spam to write poor posts in an RPG. Oh and cookie offenders, beware for my mission will be your down fall. MWAHAHAH COUGH COUGH HAHA!! IC:[COLOR=blue][I]As Hairy McLairy (from Donaldson's Dairy) escaped the factory, he called a taxi and jumped in. Driver- "Where to?" Hairy- "Ruff Ruff woof bark bark ruff meow ruff!" Driver- "Ok, Fire Hydrant Valley it is." The taxi drove foward, and the cashometer starting to go up. The taxi man, who was a talking hippopotamus, pressed a button, and the dollar sign on the cashometer changed to a picture of kibble. As the car approached the other side of the city of barkville, home of the flying noodle, Hairy McLairy (from Donaldson's Dairy) became edgy, VERY edgy. He began to scratch his ear (with his foot of course) and began rolling all over his seat. Driver-"We're at the entrance of Fire Hydrant Valley. That will be 3 meaty chunks please." Hairy payed the hippo and stepped out of the car, and saw in the distance, millions of fire hydrants, guarded by the fabled giant monkey jet powered space ape whose vile greasy fat clutches can squeeze a humungous banana right out of it's skin while performing the jamacan rum dance wearing a fez pez hat playing the harmonica allst while balancing on a unicycle listening to the hooked on phonics monkey tape eating his banana stepping on his plush toy and his ability to crush things with his stomach watching the magilla gorilla show played by Al McPharson chewing a piece of grass talking to his old pal Mr Ted the talking moose nostril.[/COLOR][/I]
  18. OOC: DAMMIT NEWT! If you had bothered to read my posts, you would have found that I am no longer on the cookie mission, for I have been satisified with the taste of cookie in my mouth, and I have now gone on a different mission. To eat the fabled giant monkey jet powered space ape whose vile greasy fat clutches can squeeze a humungous banana right out of it's skin while performing the jamacan rum dance wearing a fez pez hat playing the harmonica allst while balancing on a unicycle listening to the hooked on phonics monkey tape eating his banana stepping on his plush toy and his ability to crush things with his stomach watching the magilla gorilla show played by Al McPharson chewing a piece of grass talking to his old pal Mr Ted the talking moose nostril. So fix your post. P.S. I think someone should make a QFG2 RPG.
  19. [COLOR=blue][I]With Hairy McLairy (from Donaldsons Dairy) satisfied with the taste of golden cookies in his mouth, there was only one thing he was yet to eat in life. The giant monkey jet powered space ape whose vile greasy fat clutches can squeeze a humungous banana right out of it's skin while performing the jamacan rum dance wearing a fez pez hat playing the harmonica allst while balancing on a unicycle listening to the hooked on phonics monkey tape eating his banana stepping on his plush toy and his ability to crush things with his stomach watching the magilla gorilla show played by Al McPharson chewing a piece of grass talking to his old pal Mr Ted the talking moose nostril. "Hmm, nostril." The only problem was, he didn't know where to find the giant monkey jet powered space ape whose vile greasy fat clutches can squeeze a humungous banana right out of it's skin while performing the jamacan rum dance wearing a fez pez hat playing the harmonica allst while balancing on a unicycle listening to the hooked on phonics monkey tape eating his banana stepping on his plush toy and his ability to crush things with his stomach watching the magilla gorilla show played by Al McPharson chewing a piece of grass talking to his old pal Mr Ted the talking moose nostril. But there were rumors that he lived with in fire hydrant valley, home to Hairy McLairy's (from Donaldson's dairy) one of many weaknesses, fire hydrants. No dog man could resist the...uhh....redness of it. Yeah, that's it! The redness. So Hairy started to trot away with a golden cookies in his mouth and began to search for the fabled giant monkey jet powered space ape whose vile greasy fat clutches can squeeze a humungous banana right out of it's skin while performing the jamacan rum dance wearing a fez pez hat playing the harmonica allst while balancing on a unicycle listening to the hooked on phonics monkey tape eating his banana stepping on his plush toy and his ability to crush things with his stomach watching the magilla gorilla show played by Al McPharson chewing a piece of grass talking to his old pal Mr Ted the talking moose nostril.[/COLOR][/I]
  20. [COLOR=blue][I]As Hairy McLairy (from Donaldson's Dairy) watched the survailence tapes, he rolled over onto his back and said, "To heck with the coke quest for now, just seeing all those cookies have made me uhhhhh (drools all over himselfZ). ARGH!! DAmn fleas! They get everywhere on you." he complained, scratching himself and rubbing his back against a pole. "OOhhhh, that's good." He pushed the big bone button, and was flung out of his kennel. ___________________________________ Elsewhere.....(the factore) "Quick! We gotta get out of here before someone catches us." "Don't worry, the only thing that can stop us now is the giant monkey jet powered space ape whose vile greasy fat clutches can squeeze a humungous banana right out of it's skin while performing the jamacan rum dance wearing a fez pez hat playing the harmonica allst while balancing on a unicycle listening to the hooked on phonics monkey tape eating his banana stepping on his plush toy and his ability to crush things with his stomach watching the magilla gorilla show played by Al McPharson chewing a piece of grass talking to his old pal Mr Ted the talking moose nostril. That and security guards." "Okay I'm going to be walking this way now." "Hey, do you here something?" (Softer to louder noise as something approaches)"woooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" SMACK! Hairy McLairy (from Donaldson's Dairy) flew threw the window and onto the floor. Hairy-"COOOKIIES! So many cOOOOKIIEEESS!!!!!" Hairy jumped up, his tongue dangling from his drooling mouth, and took a handful of golden cookies from the thiefs with his mouth. Skye-"Bad HAIRY! THa'ts a BAD hairy McLairy!!!!!"[/COLOR][/I]
  21. [COLOR=blue][I]Hmm, thanks-giving eh? We don't having thanks giving here in Australia, so I don't have a clue about what any of you keep talking about. We just have Christmas down here, but every now and then we have a bush turkey come past our house, so we could get some turkey if we want, but now I'm just blabbering incoherent nonsense to everyone. Anyway, I'll just be going now.[/COLOR][/I]
  22. OOC: In case you haven't figured it out yet, my guy has changed a little. He's keeping all the old stuff the same, but he has the added insentive of being a guy who thinks he's a dog. IC:[COLOR=blue][I]Floating in space, surrounded by semi-intelligent azalias in a gigantic bowl, all whilst being tied to a Ronald McDonald statue. Again. "Damn it, this always happens to me! Oh well, I'll guess I'll go on my next quest. To find out what the secret ingredient in Coca-Cola is. Uhh, wait a minute. How am I going to get out of here? Heloo?? HELLOO? HHHHHEEEEEEELLLLOOOOOOOOOOO??????????"[/COLOR][/I]
  23. [COLOR=blue][I]Hairy looked up in the air and dropped the salesman in his mouth. His eyes widened as he saw the ship in the air and began to howling. "No, NOO, NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OW OW OWWWW!" He then rolled 100m to the DOGMOBILE and jumped in the ship through a hoop, when a small treat dropped from a hatch and a machine stroked him on the back. He put the pedal to the metal and flew towards Troy's and the others ship. ______________________________________________________________________ On the other ship.... "How long till we get to the Mob guy." "About 5 minutes." "Hey, do you hear something." The crew aboard the ship began to hear the theme song 'Avenge of the angels', but instead the music was played by......barking noises. "Ah crap. It's Hairy." "What's that beeping noise on the screen thing?" "I believe he's shooting gigantic dog bones at us. Looks like they have meaty bits in them." "Must be pedagry pal ammunition". Hairy-"Abandon me will they? Leave me out in the cold and wet for the fleas to eat me alive. They know how sensetive my coat is to fleas without my fleabath!!!"[/COLOR][/I]
  24. [COLOR=blue][I]This idea is actually from my brother, but I've adopted it. Even though I haven't done this myself, I think there is one gift in which would satisfy anyone. It's the gift to get for the person that has everything. A rubber chicken. Nobody has one, nobody's going to think of getting one, so it's the perfect present. Plus, they're really funny to look at. One look at its face always cracks me up. Hope this helps.[/I][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=blue][I]Hairy McLairy approached the place where Troy was. "Woof WOOF BARK WOOF COUGH COUGH COUGH. Ugh, sorry about that. Kibble in my throat. Anyway, where be the place where the cookie stealing occured? I'm due for my appointment at the vet. My throat is sore because I haven't been eating my oatmeal becAUSE OF THE DAMN KIDS WHO KEEPS STEALING IT!!!" Troy-"Uh, rriigghhtt. Anyway could you please tell Stabatha over there to put the pencil down." Hairy saw the pencil in the lady's hand and his eyes glowed. He began running towards the pencil (on all fours of course) and leapt into the air, catching the pencil with his teeth. He then dropped the pencil on the ground next to the lady, expecting her to throw it into the air again. Troy-"Hairy this is not time to play catch!!" Hairy-"But I like catch." Meanwhile, the crazy lady with the somewhat blunt 2b pencil, the deadliest of all harmless staitionary, appeared puzzled at the human dog acting guy. She picked up the pencil and then stabbed Hairy in the head. Crazy lady-"What the??? The hair, it, can't be harmed!!!!!" She continued to stab his head, but his freakish hair protected his head from danger.(just like reality).[/COLOR][/I]
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