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Everything posted by enigma
OOC: HEY!!! WHAT's with everyone already stealing my mission??????? I thought you have your own stuff! IC:[COLOR=blue][I]"YE GODS MAN!!! What kind of sick twisted bashterd would steal the cookie from the big cookie jar?" Hairy McLairy (from Donaldsons dairy) ran about in circles chasing his tail, hoping to catch it because he was so distressed. "Hold on, I don't have a tail." Hairy quickly ran to his ship, the DOGMOBILE. All the while screaming nonsense at small children, something to do with oatmeal. "Why is everything I do related or have related to dogs?" he said scratching his ear with his foot. Hairy activated the BIG RED BUTTON............'s little cousin, the small blue button, and launched into space, headed for the crime scene of the terrible cookie thief......[/COLOR][/I]
[COLOR=blue]Kicking a bottle down the corridor, Alkora trudged up and down the hallway, bored out of his mind. He raised his arm and looked at his watch. [I]"3:23! Geez, there's ages before training begins again. I can't think of anything to do around here. Maybe I'll just go for a swim."[/I] He walked to where his room was and threw his bag onto his bed and began searching through it. He found his towel and his other belongings and began to find the way down.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][I]I suppose Lilac when you refer to vomit on bread you are actually talking about vegetarian pizza. I bet the black die thing is refering also to me or harlquin or something unusually recently common. And I says babble fish can't be kinky.[/COLOR][/I]
[COLOR=blue][I]Hmm, I can't remember when he went, except it was during school time last year, so maybe it was during winter. I recall him saying the food where he was, was quite good. Especially the hot chips. By the way, what's with all this snorting at me?[/COLOR][/I]
[COLOR=blue][I]If you're going to New Zealand this Christmas, you'll probably might meet some stars from LOTR down there because of the grand opening thing. Anyway, I haven't been to New Zealand myself, but my dad has. He said it wasn't too bad down there, but it was always foggy. I've got a question for you Rae. Are there that many sheep down there?[/COLOR][/I]
Forgive me if a thread like this exists, but I made sure there wasn't one to start of with. [COLOR=blue][I]School holidays for me are coming pretty fast. I've only got 4 days of school left then two months of holidays, then the start of year 11. This threads basically to see what people are going to be doing during their break. So far, I know I'm going to NSW(state in Australia) to where I was born(Woolongong) and cities around there to visit friends, relatives, and just to go sight seeing. I might be doing other things as well, but I haven't decided yet of what I'm going to do. So if your going to be doing things these holidays, just post them here, and people can talk about past experiences there or something like that.[/COLOR][/I]
I've never read the books. I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I'm doing it. Oh, and by the way. I agree about the comment at the start about Newt.(hehe) [COLOR=blue][I]Name: Hairy McLairy (from Donaldson's dairy) Age: 22.10491045558212 years Looks: Normal human being guy, but has hair that defies all laws of physics and normality (just like real life). Bio: Went to sleep in a vending machine one time. Woke up in the middle of space tied to a Ronald McDonald statue. Now he spends his time yelling at small children who apparently stole his oatmeal. Towel: Green. Just green. Last washed it when I last washed myself. Personality: Usually acts fairly normal. Has a tendancy to run around screaming gibberish whilst wielding a knife every now and then.(basically a knife wielding maniac.) Mission: To search the universe to find the answer to the riddle that has plagued mankind for centuries. 'Who stole the cookie from the big cookie jar.'[/COLOR][/I]
OOC: Sorry for not posting for a while, but just pretend I've been in the class when the training started. IC:[COLOR=blue] Intently watching the fight being presented, Alkora studied every move. His attention was then distubed when he saw people throughout the class involved in their own activities. Alkora-[I] "Great. We've been here for a few moments in our very first lesson and already people couldn't give a damn. And where the hell is my partner?[/I] Searching the classroom, he could not find Rae anywhere. She said she was going to the training area half an hour ago. Where was she?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Fortusa looked at Calen, frustrated and in pain from his wound. Fortus-"Yeah, that was me. May I ask, what the hell was that big thing?" Calen-"That...was Makall. I'm sure you've heard of him. He would be dead by now, but YOU interfered." Fortusa-"Ummm, sorry. Hmm, perhaps I could help you guys out, seeing how I made this mess."[/COLOR]
OOC: I know I'm not supposed to double post, but because I have two characters I going to be doing it a few times, so I have an excuse now. IC:[COLOR=green]Crouching down on the ground hidden by a shadow, Fortusa was startled by the sudden fiery explosion behind him. A large fire had started behind him, and he quickly dived out of the way of a falling tree. "What the...! What's going on?" Looking about, he saw a large group of people, fire, and demonic creatures in the middle of a battle. "Maybe I should interfere with this, otherwise something might get out of hand." Moveing his hand about in some form of gestures, Fortusa began to create large shadowy creatures that, although an illusion, had a terrifying appearance. He also formed a veil of darkness that hovered about the air. He sent his newly cast spells towards the battle, covering everything in black, and sending screaming visages at the warriors. Tao-"Ahh, looks like some one who's magic I've seen before has been watching over us." The black veil blinded the fighters, and the haunting illusions sent panic and confusion to several of them. Laughing was heard from within, and a huge demonic beast stepped out of the fog, and disappeared in a flash of light. Fortusa-"Oops, maybe I wasn't supposed to do that."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Naz'uel-"ENOUGH OF THIS! I have more important things to attend to. I shall come again, to resolve this conflict and bring death to all of you." Naz'uel disintegrated the few arrows in his body, and reclaimed his fallen staff. He pointed his staff in several directions, hurdling massive fireballs in the air, setting the forest ablaze. Naz'uel-"We shall meet again." Once again, a large fire spewed forth from the ground, and consumed him into it, leaving the others to fend for themselves within the flaming grove.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][I]"AH! I NEVER GET A CHANCE TO DO ANYTHING AROUND HERE!!!"[/I] Hearing the important announcement, Alkora became aggrivated. He was tired and impatient, and all he needed was to go for a swim in the pool to refresh him. But now his training was going to begin soon, so he had no time to go, and was going to go the his lessons in a sour mood. By the time Alkora had gotten back to his floor, he had cooled down a bit. Walking down the hallway, holding his head in his hands, he accidently bumped into someone. [I]Rae-"Oops, sorry." Alkora-"Where are you going?" Rae-"To get ready for training. You don't look so well." Alkora-"I'm fine, I'll see you down there I guess." Rae-"Yeah, see ya."[/I] Alkora continued towards his room, and threw his towel down on his bed. He thought he would probably have enough time to have a shower.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Amist the chaos of the battle, a small tremor began to come upon the ground. A huge spurt of fire shot up out of the ground, and the fire mage Naz'uel emerged from darkness. Nazuel-"Now, it is time to play." Makall-"Ahh, more fiends to assist in the destruction of these wretched fools." Spinning his staff about, Naz'uel began to perform some sort of incantation. A large explosion blew from the ground, and the battle arena was encircled by a large ring of intense fire. With lady Baynm unconcious, the fire could not be extinguished by her magical water. Calen saw the mage casting his spells, and entrapped him with thorned vines, pinning him to the ground. Naz'uel-"Ahh, these vines won't hold me for long." The vines began to catch fire, and soon burned away to nothing. However, more vines simply took their place. Knowing that he could not escape, the mage cast his staff upon the ground, sending a wave of fire towards Calen. Calen-"Oh oh, time to jump!" With the spell disrupted, Naz'uel destroyed the remaining vines, and cast another spell to aid him further, the summoning of a fire elemental. The ground in front of him tore open, spitting molten rocks, and a being that had the form of a man, but the appearances of rock and fire, emerged.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][I]I myself have never had an ingrown toenail, nor any serious surgery, but I have had some minor thing before. A few years back I thought I had a blood blister on my head. Eventually it popped, and a lot of blood came out, but I thought that was the end of it. Soon after, it grew back. It turned out to be a tuma (a harmless one though), so I had to get it removed. It was done right above my left eye, so I could see a bit of a mess on the bandage/patch when I looked through. But because there was anasetic in it, I couldn't raise my left eyebrow, so my right one was slightly higher than my left one. Then.....we went to a restaurant for dinner,(someones birthday I think it was) and I STILL had the gigantic patch that covered about a 1/4 of my face. Needless to say, I looked like an idiot(as apposed to now?). So, I have somewhat of an understanding of what you have. Plus I have an inverted aorta, and a blood disease called Thalosemia minor, or something like that. Both are harmless(I hope).[/COLOR][/I]
[COLOR=blue][B]Alkora-[/B]"Stop, the noises are really close now. I can hear voices to." [B]Pyrial-[/B]"I don't know, there's a very familiar presence nearby. It could be some of the others." Alkora-"Maybe, but in any case I don't want to be off guard when something approaches." Quietly, several beings crept towards to the two stray angels. [B]Siren-[/B]"BOO!" Alkora clutched his chest, pointed at Siren and started speaking gibberish. [B]Alkora-[/B]"AH, what the, buh, gah, AH!" Siren-"hey hey hey, settle down it's ok. Geez, I didn't mean to scare you like that." Alkora regained his breath once more and glared at Siren, speaking in a very aggrivated voice. [B]Alkora-[/B]"DON'T YOU EVER, EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!!!" [B]Pyrial-[/B]"I told you that they were the others. I could sense Valeigh with them." [B]Valeigh-[/B]"That's right, although there were several via-pus nearby, but we got them. [B]Ken-[/B]"You mean YOU got them." [B]Valeigh-[/B]"Well, something like that, but anyway we have to get back to the summit. High-Rule has summoned us all to aid humanity against the via-pus. Although we're missing one more person." [B]Siren-[/B]"Who?" [B]Valeigh-[/B]"Lacroix. He has been risen, but we're still to find him." [B]Ken-[/B]"Well then, let's find him."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Hearing loud static noises, followed by voices and sounds, Alkora woke himself out of his dazed sleep and back into reality. The noises were eminating from the tv, which had just been turned on by his roommate Rae. [I][B]Alkora[/B]-"Uhh, what time is it?" [B]Rae-[/B]"Bout 6:30. Sorry if I woke you up, but I'm too excited to sleep, it's our first day of training."[/I] Alkora, still tired, frowned at Rae. [I][B]Alkora-[/B]"6:30?" [B]Rae[/B]- "yup" [B]Alkora-[/B] "a.m.?" [B]Rae- [/B]"Yup". [B]Alkora-[/B] "Is the sun even out yet?" he said in a more annoyed tone. [B]Rae- [/B]"Hey, if you don't like being woken up early, then keep it to yourself and don't take it out on other people." [B]Alkora[/B]-"Sorry, sorry. I'm just still half-asleep. A swim in the pool will wake me up."[/I] Alkora gradually got out of his bed and started to get some of his stuff. He grabbed a towel and got changed, and started to go down to the pool. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Awakening from a light sleep, Fortusa blinked hard and silently sat untill he was fully awake. [I]"Uh, I must've slept on a rock on something." he mumbled rubbing his sore back.[/I] He picked up and inspected his family long sword and shield, an hierloom he had since birth. The sword hilt was a pure golden spectacle, and the blade was a silver polished mirror, that was never flawed due to some magical property in it. His shield, like his sword hilt, was a beutiful glistening gold, etched with artistic symbols, markings and runes in which he did not understand. Raising himself to a standing position, he froze on the spot, hearing voices in the distance. Quietly he equipped himself, and stealthily walked towards to vacinity of the noise. Soon he found several people, standing about. Two were standing up, talking to each other, while the other was sitting down, tied to a tree with a rope. [I]"I don't know why that cloacked man is being held, but perhaps I should help him. Maybe he will help reveal my destiny." [/I] Suddenly one of the men had run away somewhere. [I]"Ah, that makes things easier."[/I] Fortusa closed his eyes and muttered something under his breath, when a great shadow began to creep up on the two men like a black fog. The man standing spun around, trying to find the cause. [I]"Who's there?"[/I] The fog soon dissapated, and Fortusa ran away before he could be caught. Doshi looked to where his prisoner was being held. He had gone. The ropes had been cut, and Tao-Zhou had vanished. A voice then spoke in the darkness. [I]"I told you I would escape within the hour, for I am Tao-Zhou.[/COLOR][/I]
OOC: When I post in red, I am acting as Naz'uel. When I post in green, I am acting as Fortusa. IC:[COLOR=red] Casting aside the remains of a portion of his rations, Naz'uel continued trudging within the forest, lighting the path with his magical staff. The shaft of his staff was a smooth, round rod that although looked fairly weak, actually possesed great durability. The head of the staff concieved a brilliant aura about it. The tip of the rod curved about to form a perfect circle that just stopped short of forming a whole one. Within the hole of the circle a diamond shaped jem was held there by an invisible force, and within the gem blazed a magnificent red fiery glow, that changed from a flicking flame to a roaring blaze every so often. [I]"When I find Makall and join his cause, all this aimless wandering will be rewarded with treasures and fortunes that I cannot even begin to imagine."[/I] Naz'eul heard soft foot steps and light breathing to his near right. Suddenly, someone jumped out of the shadow and blocked Naz'uel's path with a shining silver dagger, and spoke with a deep, hoarse voice. "Hand over all of your goods and coins now, or you just might not live to see another day." Naz'eul stood there looking at the bandit. An entertained grin came upon his face while he slowly laughed to himself. "What do you think is so funny? Now hand over your stuff this instant!" Naz'uel then waved his hand and wand in a circualar motion, creating a small glowing light. The bandit's face became worried, hoping that he had not tried to rob the wrong person. The glow then formed into a magnificent ball of fire, and with a quick gesture the ball was tossed directly at the terrified being. The flaming bandit ran in all directions, screaming in agony and causing Naz'uel to laugh untill it hurt. The bandit, still on fire lay motionless on the ground, and allowed Naz'uel to continue on his journey.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][I]Alkora-"We should probably get out of here, we have been here eating for quite a while now." Rae-"Yeah,I know. Hey, do you want to practice training in the simulator." Alkora-"Um, ok. I guess we should test each others strength. What sort of practice did you have in mind?" Rae-"I'm not sure just yet. I'll decide once we get there."[/I] The two partners then stood up and began to walk down a corrider. Looking for any signs towards the training program, they continued to walk through out the complex, until they finally found the simulator. [I]Rae-"Ahhh, here we are." Alkora-"Well then, let's get started before our training program commences." Rae-"Umm, on second thought, maybe we should leave this till tomorrow, I mean, it is getting pretty late and I'm still tired from my trip." Alkora-"Yeah, alright. I guess we probably should get some rest before we start getting straight into training." Rae-"I'll catch up with you later then." Alkora-"Yeah, see ya."[/I] The two then split up and walked in different directions, exploring their new home.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Alkora looked back nervously at his partner, wondering why she was staring at him like a hawk. [/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]"That's right. Hey, after lunch, do you want to have a practice session using the training program, to test our skills."[/COLOR] [I][COLOR=green]"Alright, but maybe a bit later. I just want to do some exploring first."[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]"Ok then. You know, this food doesn't taste that bad, much better than I thought it would be."[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=blue]Alkora and Rae continued to talk to each other, just chatting about their old life.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][I]The slight tremors Alkora felt among the ground made him a bit nervous. He was just about to inspect some of the training equipment when a sudden hunger pain hit him. He hadn't eaten for a long time now. Walking around the complex, Alkora searched for signs of where the mess hall might be. Eventually coming up to the room, he could smell the standard mass produced food supplies.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=orange]"Oh great, more of this stuff. I thought I had gotten away from it all. Now I'll have to spend more time eating food that needs a lable say 'warning, may contain actual traces of food.'"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][I]Entering the hall, Alkora approached one of the tables and served himself what he thought looked the most edible. He sat himself down at a table, looking about seeing only a couple of other people minding their own business.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=orange]"When I'm done, I'll find my partner and have a match with her. See if she's any good."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][I]Thanks everyone, I'll keep these hints in mind next time I'm writing posts and other things. Ok. My questions been solved, someone can close down this thread now.[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][I]I keep having two problems when using Otaku boards. The first one is not that bad, but can get annoying. When someone is logged onto Otaku on the computer I'm using, and I want to log them off to get to my file, I click log off and it says that they've been logged off, but they're still logged on when I get returned to the main menu, and I've found that I have to go through a certain order to finally log off. Secondly, this problem really aggravates me at times. When posting something, while I'm writing, everythings going fine, but sometimes when I press backspace, it activates the 'back' button on the internet panel and when I go forward to get back to my post, the entire post has been deleted, sometimes deleting posts that has taken me a while to wright. If anyone has these problems, or the solution to these problems, then just post back here so then I(or any other people suffering these problems) can fix it. Thanks.[/COLOR][/I]
[COLOR=blue][I]It's been a while since I've played it, but I know the story line fairly well, as well as most other aspects, but I might be a little rusty. Name: Sorfith D'ney'meelion Class: Sorceress Age: 28 Gender: Female Weapons: Quarterstaff, wand of the flame, wand of ice Spells: Level: 1 Gold: 100 Dexterity: Vitality: Magic: Strength: [/COLOR][/I]
[COLOR=blue][I]I guess it depends on what's happening at the time. Somepeople get emotional at things, others just sit and stare, others find everything comical. Like others already said, sometimes laughing is a way for people to hide their real thoughts. And it also depends on if it's real or not. It doesn't really matter to laugh at something that doesn't exist, but if it's reality, then you have to think about who the real immature people are. I remember when the twin towers fell last year, most people were worried or upset because it was a tragic...... tragedy. Some idiots though were finding this occurance to be very entertaining, by making fun of those involved or just other stupid actions or remarks. If you laugh at a fictional event, then it doesn't matter. But if you laugh at a horrific real event, then you've got problems.[/I][/COLOR]