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Everything posted by enigma

  1. [COLOR=blue][I]I don't have much of a problem with sleeping. I usually get good hours, so I wake up somewhat refreshed. Not running around like a maniac everywhere, but not collapsing on the bathroom floor either. I do get tired though during the last subject at school on friday when it's really humid. The only thing that keeps me awake is everyone's snoring, or if I'm doing german, the two loud high pitched voices of constant nagging, complaining and winging of two painful pains in the ***(pardon the censor). "It's too cold, it smells funny in here, can i get a drink, etc." So that always keeps me awake, and insane.[/I][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=blue]The two angels continued their path towards their location. Alkora looked about, and a confused face appeared upon him.[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange][I]"Err.... Wasn't there another person here, or am I going mad with all this raising the dead stuff?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=chocolate]"Yes there was another person. He was that mysterious man, I think. But he's gone now, so maybe we'll catch up with him later."[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=blue]Alkora became somewhat contented with the settling knowledge. A soft but distinct rustling was heard nearby. Alkora drew his sword and quickly searched the area.[/COLOR] [I][COLOR=orange]"Did you hear that?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=chocolate]"Hear what?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]"I don't know what it was, but it's gone now. I think we should get moving before anything happens."[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=blue]With that they began to walk faster in their set direction, occasionally looking over their shoulder.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=blue]After hearing the announcement over the speakers about the duel, Alkora ran towards one of the large tv screens to look in on the action. The sight of the two skilled warriors combating each other seemed to inspire him to become like them, to fight as skillful as his peers. At times he couldn't keep up with the motions when they started moving at incredible speeds. Alkora had practiced some simple dueling back at home, but nothing like this sort of standard. He decided to have a practice session with his new partner using the electronic systems, though he wouldn't announce it to everybody, since it wouldn't be anything spectacular. At least he thought it wouldn't be...[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=blue]Disturbed by the sudden cat scream in the distance, Alkora thought that he should explore a bit around. He looked about his new room. It wasn't much, but it was enough to call home for now. Two beds, small bathroom, fridge, tv and couch, basically very, well, basic. He noticed that his roomate had left.[/COLOR][COLOR=orange][I] "Talk about snobbish, doesn't even say hi".[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Trudging out of his room and down the hallway, Alkora passed several people, possibly some of the new people he may be working with, saying hi to them. Approaching a balcony, he leaned upon it and looked down towards the training area. It was a huge garden.[/COLOR][COLOR=orange][I] "Wow"[/I][/COLOR][COLOR=blue] he thought,[/COLOR][COLOR=orange][I] "I've never seen anything like it."[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=blue]He saw numerous people down there, sitting and talking amongst each other, noticing people crouched around a certain knife wielding person standing next to some small animal.[/COLOR] [I][COLOR=orange]"This is going to be a very interesting time here."[/I][/COLOR]
  5. Name: Fortusa Age: 3214 [COLOR=green][B]Element:[/B] Shadow [B]Side:[/B] Neutral [B]Weapons:[/B] Family long sword and shield [B]Powers:[/B] Veil of Darkness - covers the area with a dark shadow. Makes vision of enemies impared and prevents several light attacks from penetrating. Lasts for a short time or untill enough light attacks hit it. Shadow creature - Summons a dangerous being from the shadow realm that obiediently does his masters bidding. Frightful beings - Forms images of horrific frightening creatures that can terrify even the most courageous of heros. [B]Description: [/B]With his long, brown hair and tanned skin, Fortusa has the appearance of a wise man who is quite competent and confident in his abilities. He wears a dark blue tunic and black clothing that goes down to just above his ankles. [B]Bio:[/B] Fortusa was raised by a shadow mage who taught him the ways of magic. Learning about all aspects of life and the world, he became very knowledgeable about everything. Choosing neither to be good nor evil, Fortusa has spent much of his life wandering the world, searching for his destiny.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=blue][I]I'm just an average person. When people see my name, they don't know who I am, so they just think of me as another person. (at least i think they do.) So that's my answer to your question Cloricus.[/I][/COLOR]
  7. [QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Lady Asphyxia Erm...for question one, who [i]found the explorers? There could be several answer, the least of which they got hypothermia... 2. A business. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue][I]For the first one, you're right, they did die of hypothermia. Who found them doesn't matter. You see, they were exploring in the Antartic. When night came, they went to their igloo, lit a fire and slept. The fire then melted the igloo and then the hypothermia got them. Secondly, a buisness could be a right answer, but still isn't the one I'm looking for.[/COLOR][/I]
  8. My first name is Tim, which I don't what that means. My middle name is Joseph, mean 'god of justice' apparently. And my last name, being Italian, I have even less of a clue than my first.
  9. Hmm, if we get rid of all our guns, then some one is going to still have one and everyone will be defenseless against it. If we keep all the guns, then we still keep all the problems. Sooo, what they should do is make guns illegal to the public, and only legal for the army and police. It won't do that much I guess, but it's a start by reducing the number of armed people.
  10. [COLOR=blue]Alkora and Pyrial began their journey to the south. As they walked they swapped stories of the life before their death, finding out facts about each other.[/COLOR] Alkora - [COLOR=orange][I]"Do you know exactly what or who we're looking for, or what we're doing here?"[/COLOR][/I] Pyrial - [I][COLOR=sky blue]"First of all we're looking for Valeigh and the others. They will appear the same as us, having recieved the same fate as us. As for why we're here, I have now idea."[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=blue]They continued to walk in search of the others, hoping to perhaps find an answer along the way to their questions.[/COLOR]
  11. [B]OOC:[/B] What is it with everybody and going to sleep? [B]IC:[/B][COLOR=blue][I]Gazing about the large airport, Alkora appeared lost as he stood idly by hold his luggage. He looked around, trying to see anything that might tell him where to go. Finding a map of the building, he followed the directions for the rooms, writing them down on a piece of paper. Following the pathways he eventually came across his room. The door was already unlocked, so he simply opened the door and walked in. His roommate had beaten him to there, and had already fallen asleep. Dropping his suitcase next to his bed, he lied down on the couch and flicked on the tv.[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]"These shows are crazy. Nothing like back home on Saturn." [/COLOR][COLOR=blue]he thought to himself, seeing an ad about USC training colony.[/COLOR][/I]
  12. [COLOR=blue]Hmm, that is a right answer, but it's not quite the answer I'm looking for. I'll give people a hint, it's not organic(well at least I think it isn't). Good try though.[/COLOR]
  13. What happens in this story, it looks as if you left something out. I think you may need to elaborate on a few things, eg: what does chaos do? Any way, I'll think I'll join this. [COLOR=red]Name: Naz'uel Age: 4684 years Element: Fire Side: Evil Weapons: Staff of fire Powers: Ability to create and manipulate fire to his hearts desire. Immunity to fire. Description: Preferring not to reveal his face, Alkora wears a red cloak tipped with orange around the edges. The hood which surrounds his head creates a dark shadow upon his face. Bio: Bored of his tiresome life of being a farmer, Alkora took an interest into the arts of fire. As his power grew, he became cold and dark to others around him. The stronger he became, the more power hungry he was. His abilities seemed to give him unnaturaly long life, keeping him alive to this very day. Finding the chance to put his powers to proper use, he went out seeking the one called Makall, wanting to join his cause, serving himself as a powerful mercenary.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=blue][I]Here is a riddle and a problem I found in a book. If they're already in the thread than I apologize.[/I][/COLOR] [B]1:[/B] [I][COLOR=orange]Two explorers were on an expedition. When night came they were cold so they decided to light a fire then go to sleep. When morning came, other explorers found that they had died. How did they die?[/I][/COLOR] [B]2:[/B] [I][COLOR=orange]When I am small, I am consumed. When I am big, I can consume. What am I?[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]First person to get either of the problems right will recieve....they will recieve......a DINOSAUR.(but you have to supply it yourself)[/I][/COLOR]
  15. [I][COLOR=blue]I was planning on just staying home, waiting at the door should any kids come. And if they came to the door, I would open it screaming jibberish at their faces, causing them to run away in terror while I throw miscillanious things at them, (especially cats). But no one came, so I didn't get to scare anyone. Oh well.[/COLOR][/I]
  16. [I][COLOR=blue]Our school's seems to be having many a fight as well. Two people are just stand there, then all of a sudden they go into an all out brawl, then run away ten seconds later. It's crazy. I just walk away from stupid idiots who try to show off to everybody how strong they are. Even if I do get hit I just keep on walking, which really annoys them because they think they have no authority over anyone. Try it, it works.[/I][/COLOR]
  17. [I]Hmmm, that's an interesting question. I don't know what I would do.[/I]
  18. [COLOR=blue][I]I, like many other people who reside within Otaku, come from the once magnificant swamp now known as Toowoomba. (I'm not kidding, it really used to be a swamp!)[/COLOR][/I] [QUOTE]Originally posted by Rain You think it's hot now? Just wait until December. Actually, I don't know about Queensland, but I do know that it gets a lot hotter in December here in Perth. [COLOR=blue][I]I really don't like summer in Australia. I've lived here all my life and I'm still not used to the heat. [/QUOTE] I don't mind the heat at times. I'll just go for a swim or find a room with a fan and sleep there for the night. But sometimes I can be driven to absolute madness, :bluesweat if you know what I mean, (because I sure don't). So I can see your point.[/COLOR][/I]
  19. [COLOR=blue][I]Where did I get my name from...hmmmm.. Honestly, I have no idea how it came to, but I do know when. One day I was just making up a name on some chat thing and the name 'ENIGMA' just popped into my head. Eversince then, I've just been using the name enigma. And that's the story of how I got bitten on the face by the Majestic Moose....Or is that a different story????[/COLOR][/I]
  20. [COLOR=blue]I think I might have a sixth sense, or it may just be deja veu or whatever its called. More often then not when I'm talking to something I think of something, just to myself, and then the other person immediatlely says it. ITS REALLY STARTING TO FREAK ME OUT! Sometimes I remember something I saw on tv, like on a show, and five minutes later that VERY SAME episode of the show is on, with the part I remember. That's scaring me too. And I always wake up about 10 minutes before I have to actually get up, ALWAYS. Maybe there just coincidences I've been experiencing for years, but they sometimes make me uneasy. That and being paranoid that everyone can read my thoughts (which can drive one mad at times), leading to more paranoia. So the next time this happens to me, I will run for my life yelling nonesense at the top of my lungs.[/COLOR]
  21. I turned out to be anna. Being new around here, I have no idea who that is, but I'm sure I'll find out soon. P.S. Good quiz.
  22. Sounds like a good story, count me in. [COLOR=blue]Name: Alkora Hneumic [B]Age:[/B] 17 1/2 [B]Sex:[/B] Male [B]Height:[/B] 179 cm (I'm Australian, so I only know the metric system) [B]Weight:[/B] 60kg [B]Planet:[/B] Saturn [B]Appearance:[/B] Alkora has short, blonde hair. He looks just your average person, but always has an inquisitive look upon his face. [B]Bio:[/B] Not much is known about Alkora. He was an only child, and after his parents died he spent his life alone. The rest of his memory disappeared after a terrible accident, which although he physically recovered from, his mental state did not thus he suffered amnesia. [B]Uniform colour:[/B] Very dark blue. [B]Personality:[/B] Usually being friendly and pleasant with others, he sometimes becomes cold and wanting to be avoided.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=blue]Slowly vision began to come back to Alkora, revealing the black shroud that invaded his eyes. He no longer felt dizzy anymore, nor did he feel weak, except for a slight ache in his left arm. Calmly he sat up and looked around. He had blacked out back into his coffin again so he could still not see much outside. He looked down upon himself, and found a large sheathed blade so large he needed to use two hands to handle it. He removed it from it's sturdy leather casing, and found it to be a flawless piece of work. He could see his reflection in the polished surface of the blade, and found that his face had no wounds on it, considered a weapon had recently made a visit there. On the blade was a carefully etched word saying "Tuatha De'nar" meaning sword of vengeance. He stood up from he previous resting place, to once again find other people in the room. However the guards had vanished, leaving only the unconscious female he found earlier being held by a new figure he did not recognize. Alkora began to speak to the kneeling man, but was interrupted when the man spun around with his blade facing towards him. But the man caught the expression on Alkora's face, and suddenly realized that he too and gone through the same experience that he just went through, and did not understand what was going on. Alkora, slowly but calmly said, [/COLOR][COLOR=orange][I]"What has happened to me, and who are you?[/COLOR][/I]
  24. Alkora suddenly awoke. Consumed with panic as his last memory was of a mace swinging towards his face, he knocked down the lid of his tomb in an attempt to escape. He leapt from his confinment only to find numerous people in a state of shock holding a strange body. "What has happened to me, where am I?" Alkora said nervously, his hands and legs started shaking with fear and weakness. He heard one of the men start talking, but he couldn't make out what he was saying, he was so weak and dizzy. He started to lose his balance, and began swaying side to side. One of the guards came to aid him, but Alkora knocked him aside, still unsure of what was happening to him. He fell backwards, and slowly blacked out of consciousness.
  25. Looks like everyone's message of things can only got better worked. Congrats on your promotion by the way. At least now you know when something bad happens, something better will come shortly after.
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