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    shattered touch

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  1. A friend sent me a tape from Japan, and I can't identify the series. All I have is the cover:
  2. Rahr, that's not what I'm talking about. Drum Corps International is basically "professional" marching band. Visit [url=http://www.dci.org]DCI[/url] for more information. They have small quicktime videos for sampling. I recommend The Cavaliers, Blue Devils, and The Cadets.
  3. Is anyone a fan? It seems out of most of the people I know (out of HS MB) no one hasn't heard of Drum Corps. I personally, adore it. Outstanding visual combined with beautiful music, what's not to love? What's your favorite?
  4. Personally, I think it's a female.
  5. Sylph

    Hated Music

    I like a large variety. Lately, I've been listening to a lot of classical, and Eurobeat. As for Avril Lavigne, I think it's hilarious that her following criticizes the music she plays.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]Sylph- Yep, in fact our first competition of the season is next Saturday. o.O scary... We're only A/AA though, our band really downsized when we got our new director about two years ago. Everything's on the uptake now however, so hopefully we'll do better this year, and I think we are. What's y'all's show? We're doing "We're An Amercian Band", "American Woman", "Amazing Grace", our drumbreak ~_^, and "Georgia On My Mind". In case you can't tell the obvious, our director wanted to have a patriotic show. >_< Oh well, at least it's a little original in its own right... [/B][/QUOTE] Congratulations, and good luck in your competition! ^_^ Our first competition was just this Saturday. Although, we were hosting, so we didn't actually compete. Our first actual competition is next Saturday. We're a group three band, though, numbering around sixty/seventy members. Oh, and don't worry about the downsizing of your band. I'm sure after people get used to your band director, things will build back up. Our show is titled, "Images in Contrast". It's made up of three movements, which I can't seem to remember the titles of at the moment. They're wonderful pieces, and the person who wrote our drill (Nate Holland) wrote for Drum Corps, so as you can imagine, it's difficult/exciting stuff. This is going to be an incredibly successful year. Last year, the show (Ghost Train) landed our band in the top 20 of ACCs (Atlantic Coast Championships), so I can only speculate what is to come. Again, good luck in the competition! =D Band Geeks Forever!
  7. As for me, I play French Horn and Alto Saxophone. Anna, that's nifty you're in marching band. I am as well. ^_^ Currently, I'm learning Flute, as I'd like to march it more then the Alto Saxophone. Out of curiosity Anna, is your marching band competitive?
  8. I tried watching, but it just became too corny for me. Everything seemed so fake, and I can't help but wonder if that show really was.
  9. If so, please share which instrument, and why you play it.
  10. Sylph


    Yes, it is an opinion, I'm not denying that. It's just a pet peeve of mine; I really can't stand how people say they [b]hate[/b] a certain type of music, as it may all be due to a lack of exposure.
  11. Said the member who does absolutely nothing but contributes his moronic sarcasm to threads started by people who couldn't really give a damn. As for it being a stupid assumption, I strongly disagree. If you haven't figured it out yet, there are just as many ignorant people online, as there are off, which you have clearly expressed through your wonderful (but incredibly pointless) four-word sentence.
  12. Sylph


    While I don't hate rap (as I think it's insanely ridiculous to hate a genre of music), it's not something I listen to very often. Because of this, I don't think I am fit to criticize Eminem's work. However, I don't like his stance on many things (homosexuality, women, etc.).
  13. I'm sure if it were two women slobbering on each other, he'd feel differently. Sad truth, it is.
  14. Poor Hakuei... I like the message the banner convey, though.
  15. GinnyLyn, I'm afraid your signature image isn't working; for me, it isn't, anyway.
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