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Samgee Gamwise

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Everything posted by Samgee Gamwise

  1. [font=Comic Sans MS]Dude... you're evil. :animesigh[/font]
  2. Now I am the greatest! For you see, winning is a better thing than losing is! Hah!
  3. Well, there are really two parts to my name (:dissapointed: and I don't just mean the words :dissapointed:). FIRST- -I was called Sam (samwise gamgee) by my first real crush, for always carrying rope or wishing I had. You need rope people! Anyways, the name stuck. Also, after reading the many J.R.R. Tolkien books out there, I realized he is definitely my favorite character. 'sides, thats a fricken awsome name!!! SECOND- -When I [i]naturaly[/i] signed up with this name here a version change was due. After I signed up but before I replied to the confirmation e-mail, a day or two's time, the version change took place. The account was lost, frozen, locked, whatever word you want to use, it simply did't work. The e-mail was void, and the name was reserved, so I could not sign up again with it. I simply took the nearest thing.
  4. [center][b][COLOR=seagreen][FONT=century gothic][SIZE=79]First Name: Daniel Age: Fifteen Hair Color: Sandy Blond Eye Color: Blue Height: 5'10" Wardrobe: T- Shirts T-Shirts and more T-Shirts and then you add some T-Shirts and you'll have my wardrobe. old and cool logos. faded plain earthtones. spongebob. [u]a[/u] starter longsleeve. a few other long sleeves. and yes... I wear pants. Personality: I love kids. I can't get enough of God's little wisdom spouters. They are the best ever since forever! Hair Style: Unkept and parted down the middle. I always wait too long in between trims and let it get shaggy. Favorite Music Type: Emotional songs that have mysterious meanings......... And Wierd Al! Favorite musical Band/Artist: Polarboy, now "Polar". Hobbies: Computers and childrens ministries. I love to create.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/b][/center]
  5. I really like the way you've worked when each player appears into their personalities. All of the characters are really believable, its apparent that you've put a lot of work into this.
  6. [center] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]Well, I apparently have some sort of accent. People occasionally ask me where I'm from, yet I was born and have lived my whole life (so far) in the same city. To me, I sound just like everyone else around here, even when I hear a recording of my voice. So, I dunno.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Dessy has the thickest[cough]strangest[\cough] accent I've ever heard. Don't get touchy des, I ain't knockin' you or your voice, I just thought since the topic has arissen (s :-p) I should speak. Des's voice is well, kinda' british sounding. But at the same time distinctly des'ish. Me, I'm an odd ball. When I visit someone's I subconciesely (s :-p) take on all vocal characteristics. Speech tone and voice sound, not to mention inflections and common frases (s :-p). Who knows if my normal voice even exists, what if [i]its[/i] just a mimic of my families voices combined!?! DO I EXIST??? [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/alt/samgee/images/help.gif[/IMG][/center]
  7. After trying the latest "strawbery squash" baby-food mix...
  8. Mido and the girl with balls for hair?
  9. What about the choice to push back at the tap-tap of their father's constant and inquisitive poke at the bubble of the babies life before they're "born"? (I know this is out there but, yeah. Lets get technical!)
  10. You might get a few blank stares... But think about your gas bill!
  11. Garo's The Captain's hat and The Gibdo Mask That is so right! :pOH YEAH:p!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Question: How many pieces of heart ( in MM) are retrievable (s) before entering The Great Bay temple? Without using the glitch that allows for entrance to Ikana canyon before [b]beating[/b] the Great Bay Temple, that is. Does anyone remember?
  12. Garo's and [i]THE[/i] Captain's hat
  13. Great fairy's Garo's and the Giant's
  14. That is good Orien_Xel, except that its a lightening [i]bolt[/i] and not a [i]bow[/i]. You don't have to change it though.
  15. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/alt/samgee/images/Ogre/Marquee/Far_Left.gif[/img][img]http://www.angelfire.com/alt/samgee/images/Ogre/Marquee/Imediate_Left.gif[/img][img]http://www.angelfire.com/alt/samgee/images/Ogre/Marquee/Center.gif[/img][img]http://www.angelfire.com/alt/samgee/images/Ogre/Marquee/Imediate_Right.gif[/img][img]http://www.angelfire.com/alt/samgee/images/Ogre/Marquee/Far_Right.gif[/img] [FONT=century gothic]Unlike many RPG's this "Ogre Battle Reunion" will have no set list of characters, instead players may use any* class and name from any Ogre Battle game. And the names don't have to be real, I guess. But character classes must have a source game to back them up. * No villains allowed:wigout: (we already killed them anyways, [size=1]tee hee[/size]). The beginnings of our plot will focus on a reunion party with refereed ring battle for show. I will play along as well as add some vital plot turns via narration for such events as "Evil Baddie intros", "Winner of match announcements", and [size=1](my favorite)[/size] "Class Changes/Upgrades". Don't worry:rolleyes:, this won't stay a "Reunion Party" for long, heh. Feel free to make up items as needed, since they may provide special attacks. Below is a model entry form you can copy, it is the character I'm actually using. *Full Name: Selec Carvise Party Name: Selec *Gender: Female Class: Doll Mage **Level: 25 Front-line Attack: Doll PWR=2 Description: Duh, she controls a big and heavy wooden doll. Back-line Attack: Acid PWR=1 Description: Gases all opponents, a hard to avoid magically conjured deadly fume (a real trip when used lightly though, heh). *Item held: Black Necklace Description: +10 on ATK(attack, duh) and INT(intelligence), also resist against witch's Stun. *Alignment(ALI): Zero *Brief History: After serving her Lord to the defeat of the Black Queen, Selec found work as a circus performer. Fine tuning her Doll Maging abilities while practicing her doll tricks for some act or another, Selec became a level 20 Doll Mage. After gaining the flying doll ability at Level 25 Selec left her circus for a life on the road, her doll doing everything for her, of course. *Not Required **50 is max, and that's pushing it! If you do not know any classes from an Ogre Battle game then please PM me. Also, if there are any questions let's get them squared away now, I promise not to bite.When enough people have joined I will post the RPG thread in the Adventure Arena. [size=3][i]Once I post that thread this sentence will be edited into a link to its page.[/i][/size][/font]
  16. *checks out banner and avatar* NOOOOOOO Desbreko dosn't like Metroid tooo much ANYWAYS: Personaly I think the greyscale ruins it. It was much better in the color ones.
  17. Here's three more "versions" made after reading down through DarK DeatH's advice. (someone please tell me that inserting an image tag into this reply does not make it load the image onto the server, I would feel horrible if I was the source of an OtakuCrash) [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/alt/samgee/images/Flag2.gif[/IMG] And if that don't work: [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/alt/samgee/images/Flag2.gif]Click here[/URL] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/alt/samgee/images/Flag3.gif[/IMG] And if that don't work: [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/alt/samgee/images/Flag3.gif]Click here[/URL] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/alt/samgee/images/Flag4.gif[/IMG] And if that don't work: [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/alt/samgee/images/Flag4.gif]Click here[/URL] I cannot decide on one, the first two are nearly the same, and the last one just seems to plain. Help!:( P.S. I'll be making a fifth one to satisfy Dessy's "needs" soon. :cross:
  18. Maybe... But only in some areas... And I do mean ONLY!!!
  19. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/alt/samgee/images/Avs-/Olimar.gif[/img][size=9999][b]/[/b][/size][img]http://www.angelfire.com/alt/samgee/images/Avs-/Olimar_Plate.gif[/img] Character Name: Captain Olimar Character Personality: A master at team work. Having honed his skills with practice on Pikmin, Olimar will find it refreshing to work with someone he can speak with. Most think him a shy wimp having everything done for him, this time he's ready to do whatever it takes to win the [img]http://www.shineget.com/logo.gif[/img] Home: With the Pikmin Other: He always seems to have a few extra pikmin on hand...
  20. Gotta be super mario wold for GB Dang! That was a classic. And at age 5 a Hard one.
  21. I'm not addicted.................................................................................................................................... I'm not addicted.................................................................................................................................... I'm not addicted.................................................................................................................................... I'm not addicted.................................................................................................................................... I'm not addicted.................................................................................................................................... I'm not addicted.................................................................................................................................... I sware... and i certainly don't go an rages though my house simply grabbing everything caffine; just for a fix its j...u...s....t...isn't truE cannot be an d iy don' .....................................ttttttttttttttttt start typinging pooooooooorlie////////////////////////When l cannot get enuf Certainly Not!
  22. *guy wakes up* Hey why can't I move?!? *sees the excess super-glue dried around his right hand* Oh well... *groans and goes back* Jake learned a valuable leason that night: ...never mess with the chearleading squad...
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