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Samgee Gamwise

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Everything posted by Samgee Gamwise

  1. [b]Through the eyes of Shenazi[/b] |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||=||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Oh, damn, I hate it when they faint. Heh Heh, [b]I[/b] ahahahahahahaha [b]just[/b] ahahahahahahaha [b]got the[/b] ahahahahahahahhaha [b]best[/b] (oh this is rich) ahahahahahahahahahahah [b]idea...[/b] wouldn't it be really fun if this Seth character woke up with his tounge epoxied to the exterior of his upper lip! Oh, this'll be great!!! *[size=20][b]NOISE[/b][/size]* CRAP, that can't be good; then again, I havn't been able to get a move on in a while. What is that crakle noise? Oh well, better start dragging this big lumox to safety from whatever that is. *She hops down from her boulder to grab Seth and start the painful (yet enjoyable) dragging process. But is stopped by a murmur from Seth* [b]Seth:[/b] What dolls??? What dolls??? What the hell?? Oh well, I guess I'll ask him when he comes to. *Just then Shenazi is swept up by a large tail, and is thrown up against the boulder she previously stood upon. Falling to the ground she winces from the pain in her ribs and spine. Though she feels as if she cannot move, she instinctivly gropes for the Red Potion she always keeps at her side. With one quick sip she is restored to her former self, she is Shenazi: Master ninja of the Sheikah tribe.* *See attachment now* One thing's for sure, I ain't down yet!! *She dashes in the direction of the tail, all the while wondering what shape her foe will take. She rounds the courner and comes not ten feet from... you guessed it, a giant RAT!!! Shenazi briefly scans the rat: it is roughly 27' 3.29587114" tall, a menacing sight, with large claws and vicious teeth, and a stench that could only be achieved, I'm sure, by years of living rot.* Yeah, this is gonna be fun... hoo hah hoh hee umph. *That is all she said as she took on this ferocious beast alone............................
  2. You well bud... Alright, yeah, right on, I could not have put that into better words if I tried. Awsomely drawn, the analogitical lines that is. You hit the nail on the head (I'm running out of phrases, so I'll stop). Okay are there any more comments or questions? P.S. Sorry james, must have missed that one. (2nd)P.S. I still want to know, who is Zeno???????????????
  3. No, I had told Desbreko not to answer yet. That was my signal for: okay, go ahead. Can we please get back to the subject?
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B]Umm... " O_ o " You're not a Christian by any chance are you.. that second guy almost sounds like how someone might describe Jesus... I have one question.. whats with the ripping tape off Desbreko's mouth?? :-S [/B][/QUOTE] Dude you rock This is the kind of input I was hoping for. Religious!:angel:
  5. All that (almost) That has been said is too true for words. Thank you all for posting; I did not expect such a response! I am a simple man, on a mission, that mission is more or less what I really wished to discuss. I made the topic vauge so that not everyone had to just answer the question directly, (it'd get real boring...fast) I relize now that it was much [b][u]too[/u] vauge[/b]. And so I will restate my question......later. For now it is satisfactory to read your reactions. Keep 'em comin'. P.S. Go ahead Desbreko. *Unties Desbrko, joyfully rips tape off his mouth.......hehehe* [color=indigo]...I still don't get what this thread is... o_0 - Desbreko[/color]
  6. [b]Emotion[/b], to some it is a sign of a weak man, and to others it is the root of passion. And is it not passion, which drives the weakest of men, to defeat the largest of foes? Yet with men like the first, passion can drive the most renowned warriors to tears that could wash away a city. But that does not make the first man weak. Or does it, for whilst the man is in mid-weep, is he not vonerable; is that not what is meant when we do proclaim a man weak? Oh, great power is found in the word [i]weak[/i], for when a man doth call a brother so, does he not grow in rage, till his brother is no more? For some tis' sadly so; but not the second, nay the second is the better man. Such a man is seldom born thus. He is wrought in the trials of life, he is reborn every time his passion doth flare. Even when trapped at death's icy jaws a man such as this does not quake. He will not quake, he will not fear, he will not doubt, he will never question his cause. His goals, too great; his will, undying; his passion, as red hot as the day it was forged. No, nothing will stop this man. Not [i]death[/i], though it take away his physical power in our realm. Not [i]love[/i], for it is that which drives his passion. Not [i]life[/i], nay, life is the essence upon which he lives, he cannot forsake it even when he can not hold it within his flesh. So you see, this is the man we all need to be. If you are not striving for this now, it is not too late to start. Think, but do not stop there; do. Do, simply do. :babble: [color=green]Of what do I speak?[/color]:babble:
  7. Thank you! All. Oh, and transtic nerve I thought this was a forum for everything?
  8. Please anyone reading this, go here next [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16084]Questionaire[/URL]
  9. This is a questionaire about the more recent posts telling of the life of Seth. This is my RP here on the board, heck, this is my first RP any were besides in a preexisting nintendo and/or squaresoft made game. (which all, by the way, rocked insidiously) So I was curious to know what the readers and fellow posters thought of it. Honestly, [u]I am[/u] going for the quirky yet battle readiness that can be found in the movie[i] Army of Darkness[/i]. So if your coment is directed toward me getting rid of the comedic element, sorry. But if you think I'm taking the wrong angle with the bit of laughter "then speak up all those who have tounges that are not without use". I would especialy appriciate the oppinions of anyone who has played the games, and mods likewise. __________________Thank You___________________
  10. [b]Shenazi:[/b] I said, your first mission. [b]Seth:[/b] So you just go around telling everybody you meet your biddings...and, expect them to do it? [b]Shenazi:[/b] No, and no. One I didn't choose you at random, and two it's not my "bidding". [b]Seth:[/b] Well, then have you been stalking me, or somthing? [b]Shenazi:[/b] Not really, well, kinda, but just a little. [b]Seth:[/b] When?! I am very perceptive, and find it hard to believe that I have not noticed you until now. [b]Shenazi:[/b] (trying to hold in laughter) Oh God!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You, *more laughter* perceptive?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (calming down) Oh, woooo, sorry. *Seth still staring at her blankly* Yeah, um, you're not perceptive. Even in the least. I've been watching you for more than a month now, and you havn't so much as looked my way when you heard a noise. I was begining to think you were deaf, so I tried talking to you. There I was standing not three feet behind you, so I started to introduce myself but nothing happened. You didn't even flinch, like I wasn't there, so I started over. Still no response from you. [b]Seth:[/b] Well, I guess I did fail the standard hearing and eye exam at the doctor's office. And that was before I even went to mars, and it's moon's. [b]Shenazi:[/b] So how exactly did you defeat those hords of aliens. [b]Seth:[/b] Well....... My other senses are drasticly hightened! [b]Shenazi:[/b] So what did you do, taste, smell, and touch 'em to death? [b]Seth:[/b] Kindof......... ............ ............ ............ ............ ........... ............ ............ [b]Shenazi:[/b] Ick! Ick! And double Ick! WTMI!!!!!!!!!! WTMI!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTMI!!!!!!!!!! *sucks on fist-full of gravel for a minute, and decides to calm down* Back to the topic at hand: Your first mission. [b]Seth:[/b] Wait, hold up, stop everything. I still have two more questions. [b]Shenazi:[/b] Sheesh! This could take a while! [b]Seth:[/b] Okay. Question number one: Who sent you? [b]Shenazi:[/b] What do you mean, "who sent you"? I wasn't sent. [b]Seth:[/b] Of course you were, you said "it's not my bidding", and so I want to know who's it was. [b]Shenazi:[/b] If you must know. It was Princess Zelda, there, now are you satisfied? [b]Seth:[/b] No! I still have one more question. [b]Shenazi:[/b] Come on then, let's have it. [b]Seth:[/b] Why do you keep refering to this as my first mission? [b]Shenazi:[/b] What? [b]Seth:[/b] Well all those times I was killing aliens and nasty unmentionables, those were all missions you know! It just feels kinda wierd having somone who seems to know so much about me look over such a large part of my past. [b]Shenazi:[/b] All I meant was that this will be [u][i]your first[/i][/u] of a few missions requested by Zelda and delivered by me. [b]Seth:[/b] Oh, okay. [b]Shenazi:[/b] Good, now that thats [u]all[/u] cleared up; can we please continue? [b]Seth:[/b] Sure, but first........................... we should probably head back to my space station. [b]Shenazi:[/b] Why? *slowly drifting off* [b]Seth:[/b] Cuz......................its.................................nearing..........................night fall......................... and..............................and.............................full (groaning) moon. *seth collapsed into an other dream*
  11. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I took my buffalo to the store, got his head stuck in the door. Spilled lihma beans all on the floor. And everybody's got a water buffaloooouoooouoooouoooouo! Seth looked up, he now saw the majestic boulder that was once in the distance. Indeed, it now stood 1.2mm from his nose; Seth had been singing the same two verses quite contently for some time now, and before long had shut his eyes. You see, that is why he stopped, because of the raw pain of grinding your nose against a ("majestic") boulder. [b]Seth:[/b] What a stupid place to put such a large boulder! *Seth backed away from the boulder in pain, only to slip on a small rock behind him.* [b]Seth:[/b] Man! What is this place, the get yourself hurt on any rock you want and/or are near 24/7! [b]Unfamiliar Voice or the Familiar Shadow:[/b] This is The Land of Shadowssssssssssssssssssssssssss! [b]Seth:[/b] Sorry to break it to you, but I'm am a highly skilled Geologicalist. [b]Unfamiliar Voice or the Familiar Shadow:[/b] Meaning....................... [b]Seth:[/b] Meaning: that your little "I'll make up name for this place that no ones ever heard of" game won't work on me Bucko. [b]Unfamiliar Voice or the Familiar Shadow:[/b] I did not make it up, and the only reason you mister "I'm a Geologicalist" did not see that name on any map is because it is not on any maps. So there! [b]Seth:[/b] Whatever! Oh, by the way, uh, who are you? [b]Unfamiliar Voice or the Familiar Shadow:[/b] They call me Shenazi! [b]Seth:[/b] You mean like the Nazi's [b]Unfamiliar Voice or the Familiar Shadow or Shenazi:[/b] NO! Pronounce it like the "z" is an "s" and then ad the "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" sound. Got it! [b]Seth:[/b] Yeah, yeah, I got it. [b]Shenazi:[/b] So..............................ya ready for your first mission? [b]Seth:[/b] My first WHAT?
  12. Dear Diary, Today I woke up late and toke a nap, then I missed my two favorite shows (Sports Talk, and Cat Chat). Can you believe that diary, both of them, I mean one would bad enough, but nooooooooooooo I had to miss two. While I slept I had this wacked out dream about these guys who imprisoned some psychos in a soft walled room. The pyro named Bill had a large flame-thrower, how he would get a flame-thrower into a locked, and monitored cell is beyond me. Anyways, after I woke up I found lester attached to my leg, as I've told you, I don't think this is really because he's hungry (yes I know Rockee told me that). In other words I think that Rockee (my pet rock) is lying to me, though I can't imagine why. All it would benefit him is that I then leave the house, wait, I thought Rockee liked me[b].[\b] *sob.......................sob.....................sob................... .............. .......... ............... ...................... ................................... ................................and a bit more sobing* In a complete burst of uncontrolable rage: [b]Seth:[/b] STUPID ROCKEE From the other room: [b]Rockee:[/b] I'm sorry, what was that? [b]Seth:[/b] Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhh, nothing, nothing at all. *Rockee rolls into the room and hops up onto the table* [b]Rockee:[/b] So then whats this nothing you're writing about? [b]Seth:[/b] No, really, it's nothing, nothing at all. [b]Rockee:[/b] Well it's got to be something, 'cause it seams to worth hiding from me. [b]Seth:[/b] I'm not hiding anything it really is nothing, nothing at all. [b]Rockee:[/b] Well then may I see it? *Rockee reads to his own astonishment, and I quote "nothing, nothing at all"* [b]Rockee:[/b] What the bloody hell!!!!!!! [b]Seth:[/b] Just like I said: "nothing, nothing at all" [b]Rockee:[/b] Ouvey, why did you, but then, and I, how could, but........................ [b]Seth:[/b] Well, you know how literal I can get. *Rockee still in a dazed and confused trance* [b]Rockee:[/b] Huba wuba dooby doo pack pack lambada snooooouuuy, icky icky doowa *snap*. Oh my head, don't you ever do that again! [b]lester:[/b] Hiissssssssssssssssssssss [b]Seth:[/b] Oh you must still be hungry, poor boy. I'll go find you a nice big juicey rat, what do say to that? [b]lester:[/b] Hiss hiss [b]Seth:[/b] All right you stay here, I'll be right back. *He gets up and heads to the door, but just before he exits he says aloud: Oh yea, I almost forgot, Cat Chat re-runs are on in an hour, better hurry. He then leaves.* He starts searching for rats which are wet and mangy, that he hates.........................a lot. Just then he notices a familiar shadow upon a large boulder off in the distance. Seth decides to check it out; there hasn't been another human in these parts for a long ol' time. The rock is still a 5 minute walk off, so he decides to sing a song. OOOOOHHHHHHH everybody's got a water buffalo. Yours is fast but mine is slow. Oh where do we get them I don't know. But everybody's got a water buffaloooooooooooooouooooooooooooooooooouooooooooooooooooooouo!
  13. You should read my sign-up post before reading this. It will not make much sense otherwise. ____________________________________________________________ Seth awoke from an erie dream during his afternoon nap. It was about a pyro named Bill, but that's a whole other story. He sundenly realized the most important part of his average day was upon him. It was time to feed his pet snake, [i]l[/i]ester. Sadly the once great warrior was reduced to the feeding of a snake for excitment. But if you were to ask him if he was unhappy, he'd simply reply: well I got this space station, and the sports channel(s) (that's plural don't you know), then there's my pet snake he's a real handful, and for company I've got my pet rock. This was his life, and he is content.... ...or so he says. He could tell that lester was hungry because the boa costrictor had tightly wrapped around his leg while he slept. So out he went looking for the wet, and mangy rats, that he hates............a lot. It was not long before he had found the perfect prey, an ecspecialy wet, and mangy rat, that he hated...............a lot more. And it was bigger, so lester would like as much more as he hated it. Just as he was to hurl the mighty football of death through the rats head (stealthily mind you). When suddenly a shadow hit the wet, and mangy rat, that he hates..............a lot, he looked up but nothing was there. Oh well, no food for lester, since the wet, big, and mangy rat, that he hates..............a lot, got away.
  14. Character: DOOM Marine Name: Seth Jinkle Age: 28 Starting Location: DOOM Marine's Groundedd Space Station Bio: A battle hardened warrior, he has no fear when faced by overwhelming odds. Fighting until his last, he never gives up, fighting on until the bitter end. With a gun of any kind in his hand, he battles on, fighting to rid the world of the vile aliens invading earth. After defeating the aliens invading the earth, he traveled to the aliens home world, and destroyed them there, thinking that he had rid the galaxy of them forever. Now, during the peaceful years following the aliens defeat and the imprisonment of the super-villains, he has salvaged a groundeed space station that crashed on earth during the alien invasion. Though it may not be much, he is content to relax, watching football. Although he's a man's man, likes to drink, play football, and be quite rowdy, he does, interestingly enough, have a soft side. Although a ruthless fighter while in battle, he adores cute, fuzzy animals, and would do anything to defend them. (This was actually the main reason he fought the aliens). He keeps a boa constrictor as a pet, and has to frequently stop it from eating the cute, fuzzy animals. He feeds it only wet, mangy rats, that he hates...a lot. Secret Weapon: Ion Shielded Football
  15. So if I can't be Dante can I have DOOM Marine. Please I really want to be a part of this. You know if there's nothing left I could always be the toliet in the milk bar or (gerado fortress [hint hint] *wistle wistle*) some where else. Or a rock at a fork in the road. CWB please, be kind, please.
  16. Sorry I was gone so long but all I've got is 10 stinky NetZero hours a month which are (like) equel (that word still dosn't look right) to half of an hours a month on anything else. So I got cut off back at (like) the 20th, I think. But was I gone long enough that you forgot about me, or if it was the expanse of my absence I'll understand. But I've started writing my post, and had a damn good storyline if I do say so my self. Please let me know if I'm still my beloved Dante, or not. And in the case of not, please let me which characters might still be avalible. P.S. Mr. Ed, Rocks BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Character name: Dante Reason for choosing character: I like the Bad Boy pesona (especialy the fact he has a soft side) And DOOM Marine was taken. My Knowledge of this character: Since I don't own any SONY gaming equipment, it is needless to say that I've never played the game. But I went over to Desbreko's house and watched a (like) half hour preview. As I was watching it (by wich I mean drueling over it) Desbreko kindly "FORGOT" to mention that it was not for GCN and was only on PS2. Even so I felt that I truely connected with this character. Especialy when he upward slashes you, flinging you helplessly into the air, and then holds you aloft with continued fire from his pistols. Starting location of character: I wasn't aware that "Devil May Cry" was a geographical location. But I guess he'll start there.
  18. Dang, well could CWB post a list of available characters. The pictures on his site wouldn't load for me either. :wigout: :cross: :mad: :D *Walks to gun safe pulls out sawed off shotgun, calls out who's your daddy to the modem in the open computer case. And then faints in mid-run, awakes under the table, gets up, falls backdown, 'cause the dang table.*
  19. Character name: DOOM Marine Reason for choosing character: I think I'd really good at the shoot"em up type. And You asked for a unique character. My Knowledge of this character: Almost nothing, except what I read at the chose your character page. It seams that there is almost nothing to know on the other hand. plus I enjoy making alot up. Starting location of character: I'll say in my first post, since the map wouldn't load Because of my Freaging 37.333K connection speed. *walks to modem, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK* [color=indigo]Hey! That's my modem you're smacking! Go easy on it, eh Sammy?! - Desbreko[/color]
  20. One day I was bored and 7 years old, so I wrote this poem: There once was a man I knew Who lived in Kakamendo He had a strange face And looked out of place That man from Kakamendo That man from Kakamendo He felt so bad and you would to For he had on his little old back The most wreched kind of a sack That man from Kakamendo Poor man from Kakamendo What was in that sack would make you blue It contained every sin, lie, and lost shoe Plus enough socks to fill a zoo Oh woe to that man of Kakamendo Do not despair yet, as some would do There is hope that has yet to shine through All the sins, and lies told by me, the world, and you Not to mention al those socks and shoes They are the world's, the Kaka men do Oh JOY to that man from Kakamendo
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