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About Zodiac

  • Birthday 05/15/1983

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  • Occupation
    Student :(

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  1. Wow :eek: Thnx Wing Gundam damn, those pix are just the ones i wanted, i almost ripped the whole site off :p (Just kiddin':p) Thnx Guys for the advices, and about the Sjoosh thing, we'll keep it at "Shut up or i'm gonna whoop your *****" (oops i said a bad word :blush:
  2. Well, guys thnx for the advices, esspecially Dark_Apocalyps, that Animation Shop is really easy to use and as you may see, my animation worked :). Thnx Again :D
  3. Nah, I like Street Fighter Alpha 3 more, the Super Moves are more detailed and that kinda stuff, in the "old" Street Fighters when they are hit and K.O.'ed they fall like 3 meters in the sky with the scream: uhwa uhwa uhwa uhwa, thats annoying :p. But hey if thats your choice ;). You should try it anyway :). That game just r0x0rs :D. Shin Akuma is tha bomb :cool: But it's just that im looking for Pictures of Shin Akuma.
  4. Ah thnx, Well he IS great :p. Maybe Sjoooosh means like Shut up or im gonna whoop your ***? :p. Anyone else know the other two questions? :)
  5. I got a question about editing a .gif (animated picture) I want to use an animated picture in my profile but the picture is too big, now i'd like to change it size WITHOUT losing it's animation, can anyone explain me how I can do this...if you could, plz tell me :)
  6. Hey guys, I just have 3 questions about Shin Akuma in the Street Fighter Alpha series (and others but I know him of the Alpha's) 1. What does the Sign mean on his back? 2. What does "Sjoosh" mean? :bluesweat 3. Maybe a weird question but as you may asume im a fan of Shin Akuma, does anyone know a good site where I can get Shin Akuma pictures, standalone, not together if that could be, I already have those :p Thnx in advance Zodiac
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