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- Birthday 06/08/1980
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well i didnt know every dbzbourd i go to thats how people post there fics i wont do it again:therock:
ithink he is talented and kewl i like his music anyone a fan?
HEY i could care less how high my posts get:flaming: this is how everyone posts there stories sorry to anger you:therock:
Vegeta delivered the final blow, a blast to Super 17?s chest that sent him falling lifeless to the ground. During the fighting, Bra had been attending to her friend. She realized the seriousness of Chinkeru?s injuries and knew that she needed immediate aid. It was decided that she should be brought to Vegeta?s house and put under Bulma?s care. They carefully lifted her unconscious body past the broken bleachers and terrified fans, passed the crumbled walls of the stadium, across the parking lot and passed the tour bus where Mr. Satan was hiding, shaking, crying and biting his fingernails, and finally into the streets. By the time they reached Vegeta?s house, the Son family and every friend, man or beast, had already gathered there. While the others prepared to hold a vigil until she gained consciousness, Bulma and Dende conferred on her treatment. At one point she briefly regained consciousness, but thought she was hallucinating when she saw Bulma conversing with a turtle and passed out again. Although unconscious, Chinkeru?s psychic abilities kept her aware of everything that was going on around her. She was aware of everyone?s concern for her recovery, and of Chichi?s wild and emotional reaction to all the events that had been hidden from her. She was aware of Bulma?s quirky, yet intelligent decisions and Dende?s good counsel. She was aware of Super 17?s fate and was somehow saddened by it and for the first time realized the depth of Trunks affection for her. She was also aware of everyone?s concern for the future of the tournament. Since the results of the final match included one combatant dead, the other seriously injured, the stadium destroyed and the fans terrorized, the future looked bleak.
enough time before his match to join them as well. With the exception of Chichi and Bulma, the rest of the Son family and friends had already arrived and were seated in small groups throughout the stadium. No one noticed Mai at the far side; she had come to root for Super 17. When Chinkeru entered the arena and took her place she heard the crowd cheer and smiled. But when Super 17 entered she suddenly became uneasy. There was something different about him. He had been her friend, but now his attitude scared her. The match began abruptly. Almost before the customary introductions were complete, Super 17 rushed Chinkeru and sent her flying with the back of his hand. He raised her up by her throat and punched her in the stomach. Startled, Chinkeru responded by thrusting two fingers up his nostrils. As his head jerked back in pain his sunglasses flew off. With Super 17 stunned, his nose bleeding, Chinkeru seized the advantage and began pummeling his face and stomach. The crowd briefly cheered, but Super 17 quickly regained his composure and glowered at the audience. Eventually his stare fell on Trunks. Trunks became transfixed on Super 17?s eyes, somehow familiar. Recognition came slowly but deliberately. When Trunks realized that Chinkeru?s opponent was Super 17, his jaw dropped. Super 17 punched Chinkeru in the face again and again. He pulled her forward by her hair and whispered ?the end is near Goku?s daughter? as he swiftly brought his knee up to her abdomen, bruising her ribs and sending her to the ground in pain. Meanwhile, Trunks, Vegeta, Pan and Bra first rushed through the audience and then flew to ringside. Gohan flew from another part of the stadium. Standing over Chinkeru Super 17 gloated: ?Your father defeated me but today you will die and Goku will be the loser.? As Chinkeru screeched back ?what about my father!? she felt her body change as her anger morphed her into a Super Saiyan. The transformation made Super 17 instinctively back away and Chinkeru took advantage of his new position by kicking him full force in the groin. As Super 17 lay on the mat contorted with pain, Chinkeru hovered over him, hitting his face and body. Furious, Super 17 rose to his feet and both fighters rose into the air, face to face, fists flailing. This lasted for ten minutes as the audience watched in awe. Eventually Super 17?s superior strength proved to much for Chinkeru and a powerful blow sent her crashing to the ground. Before Super 17 was able to reach Chinkeru, Pan was able to intercept him. Her powerful kick was able to break his jaw. She backed away in fear as he turned and lunged toward her. But oddly, he abruptly stopped in mid-air. Pan laughed when she noticed Gohan behind him, grasping Super 17?s right arm by the wrist, his foot planted in his back and twisting with all his might. By this time, both Trunks and Vegeta had transformed to Super Saiyans and flew to either side of Super 17. Trunks was inflicting further damage to his jaw while Vegeta delivered rapid kicks to the side of his head. Disoriented, Super 17 tried to blast his opponents, but was only able to send random blasts across the stadium. The audience panicked and either ran from the stadium or took cover. Eventually the blasts reached the far walls and the stadium began to crumble.
?What do you think of your new friend now?? Chinkeru accompanied the students carrying Shouta to the locker room so that she could call for an ambulance and missed the second match. Only Mr. Satan was pleased with the way the first match went. Excited and clapping his hands, he was finally able to coax Yuu into the ring. Yuu circled Super 17 warily, but was finally able to screw up enough courage to rush him. Super 17 raised his right arm and slammed the palm of his hand, full force, into the boy?s chest. The blow fractured his ribs and knocked the wind out of him. As Yuu fell to the mat, the color began to drain from his face. As Chinkeru entered the class again she passed the students carrying the second victim back to the locker room. She heard the hollers of the other student with Trunks voice above the others, shouting: ?This is a school, not a war zone!? She saw Super 17 sitting by himself on one side of the ring and the other students, gathered around Trunks, at the other. As she passed by Super 17 she whispered: ?We have to have a serious talk after class.? Chinkeru?s opponent was a girl named Osaka, tough and determined to win. Osaka threw the first punch but Chinkeru was able to block it and planted her knee in Osaka?s stomach. Osaka quickly regained her breath and rushed Chinkeru. Chinkeru was able to lift the girl and threw her to the mat. As the girl lay prone, Chinkeru was able to keep her pinned by placing her foot on Osaka?s chest, quickly ending the match. Trunks was mismatched with a young Student named Daisuke. Daisuke rushed Trunks, attempting to grab his ears for a head butt. Trunks easily tossed the boy backwards and over his shoulders to the mat. The rest of the match was uneventful and easily won. The uninspired practice session, which followed, reflected the hostility of the students. A disgusted Mr. Satan ended class early. Super 17 waited for Chinkeru after class as he had promised. She tried to remain calm as she spoke. She was still grateful for his assistance and the mall and speculated that anyone with a name like ?Rupert? might grow up with a chip on their shoulder. But she still lost her temper a number of times. Surprisingly, Super 17 didn?t react to her rage. He just nodded and agreed. Content and self-satisfied, Super 17 could have put up with anything. Unknown to Chinkeru, he had previously met with Mr. Satan and been assured that he, Trunks and Chinkeru would be representing the school at the tournament. More importantly, he was able to persuade Mr. Satan to schedule an exhibition match him and Chinkeru. Super 17 knew that if he could keep a low profile until the tournament, it would not be long before he could take revenge on the Son family. The day of the tournament, Vegeta was behind schedule and felt rushed. Recently he had a premonition that danger was imminent and had been training daily in his gravity room to prepare. He also had to send Bulma to stay with Chichi and keep her away from the stadium since she didn?t know that Chinkeru was fighting. By the time Vegeta arrived at the stadium, Bra, Pan and Marron had already settled into their seats. Trunks had
before he could place the call the door swung open and flew off its hinges. Super 17 strode in. He grabbed the guard by the seat of his pants and threw him against the wall. The guard got up and turned around, stunned by the attack and by Super 17?s intimidating image as he stood there emptying the guards gun and swallowing the bullets, one be one, like so many grapes. Simultaneously trying not to cry, trying to hide the puddle at his feet and trying to pull out the enormous wedgie that Super 17 had given him, the guard stammered: ?What do you want?? To further intimidate the guard, Super 17 pulled a knife from his boot and calmly began cleaning his fingernails with it. He paused and slowly and deliberately annunciated: ?I want you to give these girls a simple warning and let them go.? Relieved, the guard answered: ?Yes, yes! Exactly right, just what I was going to do. Never liked Ayaka anyway.? Returning to the mall level, the girls chatted on and on while Super 17 kept to himself. They complimented him, thanked him for his help and asked his name. Regrettably, he answered: ?Rupert? Chinkeru told Super 17 about Mr. Satan?s school and suggested that he enroll. Super 17 smiled darkly, nodded and took his leave. The next day, at Mr. Satan?s school, Chinkeru and Trunks stood talking at the back of the room while the other students gathered up front so that Trunks could finish the bottle of juice he brought with him. They heard Mr. Satan introduce the new student ?Rupert? and heard the class snicker at the name. Trunks did not recognize Super 17, but smirked at his appearance, turned to Chinkeru and said: ?What a punk! Who does he think he is.? When Chinkeru answered, ?Well I think he?s cute? she had already begun walking toward the front and did not see the jealous glint in Trunk?s eyes or hear the glass bottle break in his hand. Eager to test his new student?s ability, Mr. Satan decided to begin the class with four scheduled matches and end with a practice session. The first match was between ?Rupert? and Shouta, a ten-year veteran of the school. Yuu, another new student, would fight the winner. The third and fourth matches would feature Chinkeru and Trunks respectively. Super 17 entered the ring first and walked directly to the center of the mats. When Shouta entered the ring he began to circle Super 17, trying to impress him with various jumps and moves. Super 17 made no move but slowly turned so that he was always facing his opponent. Suddenly Shouta initiated a flying kick aimed at Super 17?s chest. Super 17 deflected the kick, grasping the boy?s ankle and yanking it upward so that Shouta?s lower leg rested on Super 17?s shoulder. He then delivered a quick blow below the knee, shattering the shinbone. The class gasped as Shouta lay squirming and screaming on the mat. Noticing the disturbed look on Chinkeru?s face, Trunks turned to her and sneered:
?All human girls must be stupid.? Bra began to tease Chinkeru about all the attention that Trunks had been paying to her and began giggling again. In response, Chinkeru flicked a fry at her, hitting her on the side of her nose. Bra flicked a fry back but missed. It sailed over Chinkeru?s shoulder to the next table, hitting the girl sitting there in the eye. Angered, the girl, Ayaka, abruptly stood up and said: ?Are you laughing at me?? Chinkeru had noticed the girl?s unusual appearance when they walked in, but now she could see her clearly. She was over six feet tall and built like a man. Her hair and eyebrows were shaved off and she wore a single earring with a tiny dagger dangling from it. Beneath her tank top, a tattoo of a spider web stretched down her throat, across her shoulder and down her right arm, ending at her wrist. Bra murmured: ?Uh-oh! Ayaka? And whispered to Chinkeru: ?That?s Ayaka. Before you came here, she was expelled from school for violent behavior. Everyone is afraid of her.? Ayaka walked over to Bra and Chinkeru and pounded on the table, spilling their shakes. She ripped off Bra?s head band and yanked her to her feet by her hair snarling: ?I said, were you laughing at me.? Bra stammered: ?I?m sorry. It was an accident? Chinkeru jumped up and yelled: ?She said she was sorry. Now leave her alone.? Ayaka clenched her fist and swung at Chinkeru, but Chinkeru was able to dodge the blow and grabbed Ayaka by the back of the head, slamming her, face first, on the table breaking her tooth. With blood streaming down her mouth, Ayaka lunged at Chinkeru, but Chinkeru kicked her in the stomach, sending her sliding across the floor. As Chinkeru walked over to Ayaka, with fists raised, she heard her yell uncle. Chinkeru laughed and said: ?I knew I could make you say uncle.? But Bra leaned over and whispered to Chinkeru: ?No, she?s really calling her uncle. He?s the security guard at the mall.? Chinkeru looked up and saw a husky, dog-faced man in uniform rushing toward them with his gun drawn. He marched them to his office, threatening to press charges and cursing at them as they walked. When they reached his office he shut the door and told them that they were banned from the mall and picked up the phone to call the police. But
For the Son family and friends life was slowly returning to normal. Mr. Satan?s state of mind had been steadily improving. His reason had progressed to that of an eight-year-old and everyone agreed that this was both normal enough and sufficient for him to resume control of the marshal arts school. With the exception of Mai, for whom they had little concern or respect, the heroes had left Pilaf?s palace believing that it was deserted and that the danger had passed. Their spirits were high and they were all eager to get on with their lives. The mood at Pilaf?s palace was very different. A brooding Super 17 had become obsessed with the idea of taking revenge on the Son family through Chinkeru, Goku?s daughter. Mai, lacking the courage to strike out on her own, shadowed Super 17 from room to room hoping that he would accept her as an ally. And although Super 17 would have preferred to toss her from the nearest tower, he tolerated her realizing that she could prove useful. Super 17?s obsession had become so intense that he would wander from room to room audibly blurting out his thoughts, oblivious to Mai?s presence. ?They all know me. How can I approach the Son family without being noticed?? Overhearing him, Mai squealed: ?Oooh, a make-over, I can do that!? ?Stupid woman, what are you babbling about?? Mai answered: ?Your contacts with humans have been too limited. You don?t care about what we like, how we act or dress. You couldn?t effectively disguise yourself, but I could? Super 17 decided to allow her this chance to help, but if she failed he would rid himself of her forever. She asked him to sit down, looked at his long hair and sighed: ?Hmmm?scissors, comb, gel. Yes, I think I?ll make it spiked.? Super 17 sat quietly (except for an occasional growl) while she cut his hair. Then she added wrap-a-round sunglasses to hide his eyes. She then produced a green Karate suit with a fire emblem on the back and asked him to change. When he returned she showed him his reflection in a mirror and said: ?No one could recognize you now.? Although he would have preferred to kill her, he realized that she was right. The two prepared to leave the palace. The Son family had become so accustomed to Chinkeru?s presence that it seemed as though she had always lived among them. She had formed particularly close bonds with those closest to her own age, notably Trunks and Bra. After classes, Chinkeru met Bra at the mall, as she frequently did, to shop, or as on this occasion, for burgers and fries. However, this time they were being stalked by Super 17. They chose a table and Super 17 sat down a few tables away. The girls were giggling, and acting foolish. Super 17 thought to himself:
Realizing that they have lost the battle, Pilaf, Mai and Shao hide in the palace cloakroom. The warriors split up. Gohan, Vegeta and Krillin search for Mr. Satan. Chinkeru and Trunks look for Pilaf. Chinkeru walks down the palace hallway, kicking open door after door. When she finally gets to the one that Pilaf is hiding behind, he screams: "Oh no! Monkey Boy's daughter." Nearby, Super 17 hears this and smirks, "Goku's daughter? What luck," and begins planning his revenge. Pilaf squeals as Chinkeru grabs him by the throat. Mai and Shao rush to help. Mai punches chinkeru in the back, Shao bites her in the leg. Trunks grabs Shao by the scruff of the neck and deposits him in a sack. Chinkeru, still holding Pilaf by the neck, turns and kicks Mai away. She and Trunks force Pilaf, squirming, into the sack with Shao. They secure the top. Meanwhile, Mai escapes. By the time the others locate Mr. Satan in the palace dungeon, he has already lost his mind. They find him sitting in a corner, playing with his toes and singing about piggies going to market. Gohan, Vegeta and Krillin argue about how they should handle him. Vegeta wants to slap some sense into him, Gohan and Krillin counsel kindness. As the three approach him, Mr. Satan looks up, smiles, waves and says, "Hi boys". Gohan tosses him over his shoulder and carries him upstairs. The five warriors fly home carrying Mr. Satan and the sack containing Emperor Pilaf and Shao. Trunks is summoned be Dente. Dente tells Trunks that, despite his puny appearance, Pilaf is still a threat. He asks him to take the sack containing Shao and Pilaf (still carrying Dr. Gero's diary) with him into the time chamber, and deposit it in a secluded place where he can no longer cause trouble. Trunks takes them back 1500 years and leaves them at the top of the earth's highest mountain. Believing that their work is done the Son family and friends are relaxed and ready to resume their lives. Dente, however, is still uneasy. He knows that there are more troubles to come.
Gohan begins: "We are searching for Super 17. We believe he has left hell to kidnap a young man and a young woman." Freaza answers: "I have spent my years down hear watching the gates, wishing to escape and I can tell you that no one has entered or left but you." Vegeta repeated "no one?" and Freaza nodded. Frustrated, the three warriors prepared to leave. Meanwhile, Chinkeru's and Trunk's sense of foreboding became unbearable and the couple left Chichi's house to find their friends and family. Dante reopened the portals of hell just as Trunks and Chinkeru arrived. The three warriors and those waiting for them were so surprised and happy to see the couple that almost no one noticed a fourth figure sneaking through the portal after them. The only two who noticed were Emperor Pilaf, who had been waiting and watching from a distance, and Dente, who had been carefully watching the events from a much greater distance. For Dente, slowly the pieces were coming together and he knew that the fighting wasn't over. Videl also knew that the fighting wasn't over. This was evident by the urgent look on her face as she said to Gohan: "Now find my father." Although Videl was happy to see that Trunks and Chinkeru were safe, their appearance exposed Pilaf as a liar. He had told her that Mr. Satan was a guest at his palace, but she now realized that he was, in fact, a prisoner. Pilaf's palace had been reconstructed and fortified. Many of the survivors of the Red Ribbon Army had become mercenaries and joined Pilaf. Now that Pilaf was confident he controlled Super 17, he believed that his palace was impregnable and that he could rule the world from there. But the years that Super 17 spent in hell had changed him. His growing hatred of the Son family had developed into an iron will. Dr. Gero had not anticipated the possibility of such a change when he wrote his diary. Super 17's loyalty to Pilaf was, therefore, an illusion. He now had an agenda of his own. Gohan flew to Pilaf's palace with Trunks and Chinkeru close behind. Vegeta would not let Chinkeru get out of his site again, and followed with Krillin joining him. Pilaf smiled as he saw them approach; he was so confident of victory. However, his army had a different reaction; fear. They had faced the Z warriors before and now most of them fled. The warriors made short work of the soldiers defending the perimeter of the palace. At one point, so many soldiers were being thrown into the air and then falling to the ground that Vegeta shook his head in disgust and said: "What a pathetic army! Not one of these soldiers has learned how to fly." Only a handful of the most hardened soldiers was left inside the palace and they put up the most resistance. Gohan and Trunks were the first to enter, but they found themselves trapped under a net, which dropped from the ceiling. A dozen soldiers, with weapons drawn, marched in line toward them to finish the job. There was a sudden blast and they were gone. Trunks and Gohan turned in the direction of the blast and saw Chinkeru with her hands clasped together and a fierce look on her face. Entering the palace after Chinkeru, Vegeta had seen what happened and was so stunned that he failed to notice the two soldiers approaching from behind. Chinkeru did see them and jumped up, kicking the first soldier, full force, in the back. Vegeta quickly dispatched the second. Throughout the fighting Pilaf commanded (and finally begged) Super 17 to defend the palace. But Super 17 remained in the shadows, carefully watching everything, and refused to fight.
Pilaf had seen all that transpired from a distance and now felt confident that his plan would work. He returned to his palace, opened the diary and contacted Super 17, counseling him to follow the three dragon warriors when they returned to earth. In hell the arguing continued. Krillin was frightened by the darkness of the place. Vegeta turned to him and yelled: "Dammit, Kakkarott is gone and I will find her myself if I have to you little freak." But suddenly he froze as he heard a shrieking voice call "VEGETA!" "I know that voice," he thought. He recognized the heavy breathing and then the glowing red eyes as Freaza appeared out of the darkness. Again he shrieked "VEGETA", but Vegeta chose to ignore him, stating "we have other business here" and tried to walk by. But before he could pass, a blow to the back of his head from Freaza's tail knocked him to the ground. Gohan, with Krillin following, runs to help but their path is blocked by a dark figure. They recognize the wicked smile and the laugh as Cell's. They look at each other and panic, not knowing whether to fight or flee. Gohan finally stands his ground. In the meantime, Trunks and Chinkeru have returned to Chichi's house. Trunks senses that something is wrong, but the three just chat, oblivious to what has just happened. In hell, Vegeta quickly gets up and kicks Freaza in the face. Stunned, Freaza is unable to defend himself from Vegeta's pummeling. Gohan is having less success with Cell, being slammed from rock to rock, until Krillin is to able steady his laser disk destructor and aim it. Cell tries to jump out of the way, but Gohan grabs him from behind. The ray rips across Cell's face, tearing the skin above his eyes and blinding him. With Cell defeated, they turn their attention to Vegeta and Freaza. Feaza has Vegeta by the throat and is strangling him by the time Gohan joins the fight. He jumps and kicks Freaza full force in the back. Freaza drops Vegeta, turns to Gohan and screams, "you're history". Suddenly he stops, with a shocked look on his face. He falls to the ground, writhing, crying and clutching his tail, which is now missing its tip, and bleeding heavily. Vegeta walks up to Freaza, smiling. He opens his mouth and spits the tip of a tail into Freaza's eye. Now that the three heroes are in control, they can force Freaza to answer their questions.
To gain the Son family's help, Pilaf decided to take advantage of the disappearance of Chinkeru and Trunks by convincing the dragon warriors that they have been trapped in hell. By telling Mr. Satan that he would be honored to show "the Champ" his newly rebuilt palace, he was able to lure him there. He had him imprisoned to keep him silent and to give him an opportunity to spread his lies through Vidal. The next morning, while Videl and Pan are eating breakfast, they see a stranger with an evil smile approaching their front door. Vidal goes to greet him. Pilaf asks if she is the daughter of Hercule Satan. He tells her: "Your father has been hurt. He is in my care and has related this story to me." Pilaf relates that her father was leaving class with a young man and woman (he describes Trunks and Chinkeru) when the three of them were attacked. He was beaten by a man of super human strength (he describes Super 17) and the couple were kidnapped. It appeared as though the gates of hell opened up and the three vanished. Videl summons the dragon warriors beginning with Vegeta Bulma. Next they contact Gohan and then Krillin. None are brave enough to tell Chichi. They cannot agree on a plan and begin to argue. High above earth, Dente, the Namic, watches the warriors gather and sense danger. He descends to investigate. The heroes are arguing so heatedly that they do not notice Dente approach. Vegeta is the most volatile. He screams at the others, calling them idiots, and says: "The dragon balls are gone, we cannot contact Kakkarott and Piccollo is dead. Only a Namic can open the portals of hell. Can any of you morons contact a Namic?" He feels a hand on his shoulder, turns and notices Dente for the first time. Sensing that Bulma is the sanest of the group, Dente turns to her and asks her to explain what is going on. She relates the story. First, to determine if the story is false, Dente uses his senses to locate Chinkeru and Trunks. He tells the warriors: "It is true that they are gone. They are not on earth, or at least, not on this plane. I also sense danger and the people of earth are at risk from the underworld. I will therefore allow three of you to enter hell and investigate." They quickly choose Vegeta, Gohan and Krillin. The three stand back as Dente creates the vortex. They enter and disappear. Feeling uneasy about what he has just done, Dente returns to his station to monitor the action on earth.
Prologue This is the story of Chinkeru; Goku's lost daughter. Chichi had given Chinkeru to a foster family to protect her from the Son family's enemies. Now grown up and reunited with her family, Chinkeru has begun exploring both her psychic abilities and her abilities in the marshal arts. Vegeta has vowed to protect her. Chapter Two: The Emperor's Scheme The book was as evil as its author. The forest where Dr. Gero's diary lay was dark and dying. It had become a place where only evil men would dare to go. It was Emperor Pilaf, the most evil of men, who eventually found it and became inspired to use it. With the help of the diary, Pilaf believed that he could revive Super 17, and through him, rule the world. The diary contained formulas to contact the souls in hell, but he knew that he must open the portals of hell to enable Super 17 to escape. Just as evil attracts evil, youth attracts youth and Trunks had been circling Chinkeru all day at Mr. Satan's marshal arts class trying to impress her. Impulsively, he offered to show her the hyperbolic time chamber. Chinkeru thought it might be her chance to see the world that she was born into and perhaps, to meet her father. She readily accepted and they both left class (unaware that Mr. Satan overheard their plan). He decides to follow them. Trunks and Chinkeru climbed to the roof of the school. Before they reached they reached the top the couple began to argue. Chinkeru immediately wanted to travel through time, but Trunks urged caution. Finally they agreed on a short trial excursion. Lurking in the shadows, Mr. Satan heard everything. His eyes widened as he saw Trunks take Chinkeru by the hand and to fly to the chamber. Believing that this information may be of use to him, he decides to tell no one what he has just seen. Meanwhile, Emperor Pilaf developed his plan. He believed that, with or without the dragon balls, the Son family was his key to opening the portals of hell and that the fool, Hercule Satan, should be his first contact. Mr. Satan was to be the guest of honor at a well- publicized charity ball that weekend. Emperor Pilaf decided to sneak in. At the party, Emperor Pilaf plies Hercule with alcohol and flattery. Once drunk, Mr. Satan couldn't resist bragging about his relation to the Son family. He revealed everything; Chinkeru's past, her identity as Goku's daughter and her disappearance in time with Trunks. Under his breath, Emperor Pilaf muttered, "thank heaven for morons".
There was something not mentioned in the Evil Shenron saga. Before Goku took off with Shenron he shared a secret with Vegeta. Vegeta was stunned to hear that Goku had a daughter, Goten?s twin sister named Chinkeru! Goku wanted to see her grow up and be a father to her but because of Goku?s enemies, Chichi had become concerned about her safety. Chichi didn?t want her daughter to become involved with the fighting as her son Gohan was and gave Chinkeru to a loving family to foster her. As Vegeta heard all this he said ?Kakarot I will find Chinkeru for you? and a tear came from Goku?s eye and he smiled. Vegeta located the home of the foster family and found a lovely young lady with orange hair and Goku?s eyes. As Vegeta walked up to her Chinkeru became startled, but she looked at Vegeta as if she had seen him before! ?Do I know you?? Chinkeru asked. Vegeta replied ?no but I knew your father and he was my close friend. He loved you and wanted me to check up on you.? Chinkeru gasped and looked like she saw a ghost. She said ?you?re Vegeta!!! You were in my dream! And so was my father he told me about you!? She hugged a stunned Vegeta who was thinking to himself ?she has Kakarott?s psychic ability!! I wonder how much she knows.? Vegeta proceeded to tell Chinkeru about the history of the Son family, about Chichi, Goten and Gohan. Chinkeru decided that she wanted to see her family and made preparations to leave with Vegeta the next day. Vegeta said to himself ?I will watch over your Chinkeru for you Kakarott, and she will be safe as long as I?m around.? Chichi cried with joy she got to see her daughter again and thanked Vegeta for finding her. Krillin vowed to help Vegeta watch over her. Everyone was astonished by Chinkeru?s familiarity with them and apparent psychic ability. Chinkeru never met her father on earth but Goku would visit her through her dreams. Chinkeru had a good mind and strong body. She inherited the fighting skills of her family. To fight was her life and in her blood. The next day, Bulma, Vegeta, Trunks, and Bra decided to visit Chichi. When they arrived, Chinkeru couldn?t be found. Chichi, with an annoyed reaction said, ?she?s outside somewhere but she promised to be back for when you arrived.? Vegeta went out to look for Chinkeru and finally found her (to his surprise) practicing martial arts! And very well! Vegeta knew she did not have a trainer and wondered how she knew moves. Vegeta feared Chichi?s reaction when she discovered that her plans to give Chinkeru a normal life failed. Goku looked on and smiled.