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Everything posted by treton_noir

  1. i own 4 guitars (electric, bass, 12-string acoustic) and all of them are ibanez.
  2. [size=1][b]Celebrity:[/b] brad pitt [b]Picture:[/b] [img]http://www.gifseclips.hpg.ig.com.br/brad%20pitt/28624_maior.jpg[/img] [b]Three Items:[/b] home-made soap (fight club), the mexican (the mexican), that cooldaddy derby hat from "snatch" (snatch) [b]Skills:[/b] fighting, shooting, being all around bad-*ss, excessive sexiness, being really big and cut, and... maybe a little acting [b]What Usually Goes Through Your Head:[/b] (see skills) [b]Bio:[/b] (see "What Usually Goes Through Your Head") [/size]
  3. im about to buy two new numark tables from a friend. he got them on sale from a scratch and dent section, and theyre straight. hes going to get some new tables and is selling me these for extra cheap. i dont do any scratching, but i mix and blend a lot. the last mix i did was a mix of kelis's "milkshake" and clipse's "when was the last time". man, i aint been here in a minute.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BlazinReddrgn [/i] which is kind of wierd because no one that I know of likes rock & rap together... [/QUOTE] do you just not have any friends, or what? its not uncommon for people to like music genres that are generally segregated. its also REALLY uncommon to not like 50 cent at least a little. he has the most approachable sound in hip-hop/rap right now and its very easy for someone to get into it. linkin park, on the other hand, as dan mentioned, is not even a "rock" band and i completely agree with his entire post. i really find it funny how kyo pats himself on the back for having such a diverse taste and how, if you look at who he listed, all his bands/groups/rappers have been all over the billboards charts lately (except slipknot, for obvious reasons). the point im making is, unless you live alone in the middle of a million acre friggin forest, you shouldnt think it strange to like different kinds of music. get over it. edit-spelling
  5. care to expound? not everyone watches south-park (or understands your idea of metro-sexual or its relevance to the homosexual community).
  6. man, yeah. i remember those guys. Its odd that you mention Possum Kingdom. Tori and i hear that song at the oddest of times and it always seems to stick around for a good minute. great writing. great voice. a good, solid band. edit- not really sure why i hit the button when i did.
  7. my brother introduced me to them a week ago and i really didnt understand why he was so excited about them. ive recognized (and applaud) their heavy blues influence, but i havent really decided whether i like them or not yet.
  8. treton_noir


    if you "like" one song, then you dont like the band. you like that song. >_> the single you mentioned has a very weezer sound and feel (mostly because of rivers' contributions to the songs development) and sounds very little like the cold you would hear on the rest of the album (or any of their other work, either). i like cold's sound and the way they approach music. they are reasonably talented and perform well. ps-at least listen to more than one track before you give a verdict on a band. they put a lot of effort into making a record and they deserve a chance to be heard.
  9. treton_noir


    lol has manson ever not had a decent amount of influence of anything? he probably had quite a significant difference in budget as well, allowing them to use better crap (or to do some better crap(of course you know what i mean) which had a different influence on their stuff. lol) who bought priority? and why didnt manson just hold on to post-human (or was it a contract thing between priority and post-human?)
  10. treton_noir


    thats a shame about the new stuff. no. i havent really heard anything from the older records. is it just bad recording quality, or is it crappy writing, or what? ps while we're on industrial stuff, i started an industrial cover of pink floyd's "comfortably numb". its gonna be rad-daddy as crap.
  11. treton_noir


    hmm... i didnt even know (surprisingly enough) that they had a new record in the works at all, much less that it was out. yeah. i've got 2000 years and i like it well enough. i think they do a better job of what they do than a lot of the guys doing it now. gonna have to see about evolver.
  12. which version of Bryce do you have? my brother has version 5. he says he likes it a lot. um... i think he's going to make a thread with his creations. looks pretty good.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinobi1827 [/i] [B]I don't mind it...just don't show me 2 boys liek that *nightmares insue* *shivers at the sight of gay boys* nothing wrong with em...just keep 'em away... [/B][/QUOTE] just keep them away, huh? nothing wrong with them.... just keep them away. *ponders on Shinobi1827's statements* (intended in a calm and a not-flaming way) sounds like [i]you've[/i] got a problem with "them". a person is a person. what a person likes or dislikes does not change that they are a person. homosexuality is not a disease. homosexuals are not people to be shunned or feared. you say "keep them away" like every homosexual male is a rapist or something. ...and, please, stop referring to it like "us" and "them". we're all the same. grow up.
  14. that is really really awesome. i really like how you did the shadows and light. that is some really nice work.
  15. i like the way it looks, but, as far as a "'mech", it doesnt resemble any mech i've seen... except, maybe the elementals suits... its got a very slender design which seems to fit more of a tacticle body armor as opposed to an 80 ton battlemech, which are generally more big and chunky looking, like a walking tank. excluding any previous knowledge of the battletech universe and viewing it solely as a sinlge picture with no ties to anything, i think its good. you've got a good design and i think that you convey the speed and sleek nature of the suit very well.
  16. treton_noir


    Bjork is rad-daddy as crap. i hadn't ever heard a lot of her stuff until my friend, Cameron, gave me her "Homogenic" album. her music is so absorbing. i like it a lot.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]It has a really strange head shape, but it works for some reason heh. [/B][/QUOTE] i was going for a rabbit kind of idea. i'm not really sure how well it turned out though. i appreciate all the comments and compliments. i forgot to mention it earlier, but i recently became an art major (which isnt to say that i was recently introduced to art, mind you), so as long as you guys pretend to care, i'll try to keep posting my work. (keep it coming, please. lol) poop. i guess.
  18. what about 311? they've been around for a while, too. i've done a "calm like a bomb" remix (just in case anybody cares).
  19. of crap. so yeah. here's some crap. its colored pencil on some sketch book paper. poop. edit-spelling
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lalaith Ril [/i] [B][color=indigo]But its pretty much un-realistic to think we are living in the matrix, because if we were there would have never been a "Matrix-Reloaded" I'm pretty sure some agents would have came and killed the writers of the movie by now ;)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] no. the films were made to convince the populous that it all really [i]is[/i] just fiction, even though some of us know better. agents kill the Wachowski's? please. how do you think the Wachowski brothers know so much about the matrix?
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Angelus [/i] [B]So yeah, I know St Anger is no black album, but if you were expecting St Anger to be musicaly like the black album then you must lead a very sheltered life. I mean crap stop looking through your little box and see that it is good even though it isnt another black album. [/B][/QUOTE] i didnt really like the "black album", either. i enjoyed "master of puppets" and "ride the lightning" the best. if you think metallica is incapable of screwing up a record, then you're the one who leads a "sheltered life". [quote][i]Originally posted by Kinetic[/i][B]They were a legend in my mind...[/b][/quote] they're a legend in their own minds as well...
  22. i love zeppelin. i always have. i'm really interested in seeing this thing. maybe i can get a look at it at media play this weekend...
  23. St. Anger blows. it has the worst production i've ever heard. my theory on the production ist this: bob rock(producer) gave each band member the bpm (beats per minute, or song speed) and let them record whatever they made up at that speed. he then put all the pieces together into a track. no mixing. no volume levels. no nothing. i havent been this dissapointed with metallica since napster.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kaola Su [/i] [B]Trenton[/B][/QUOTE] T-R-E-T-O-N man... everybody gets that wrong. ...and all that screamy, whiny crap (the used, thursday, ... any band on Victory Records) is what i [i]really[/i] dislike. On the other hand, there's the not-screamy, whiny crap like the ataris, all-american rejects, taking back sunday (also on Victory), and less than jake. Does anybody else (and i hope Tony can back me up) remember about 5 years ago when bands like the ataris and less than jake were punk bands that played the warped tour? how do they suddenly get classified as emo and get famous? ...not that it matters to me. i didnt like them then, and i dont like them now.
  25. well... i guess i waited long enough. i'm glad to see that you finally got a good picture. though everyone else has made it blindingly obvious, we care about you. good luck with the next chapter. p.s. upon closer examination of the picture, i made a (not so) shocking discovery. i guess some traits are more noticable in the younger generations. :devil:
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