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Everything posted by treton_noir

  1. murder death kill murder death kill just joking, but i really have to agree with harry about the "need" issue. nobody [I]needs[/I] to have a handgun (especially not one that powerful), but sometimes its a good way to get rid of stress. you have a rough day/week and you get to go take out your problems on just about whatever you want. you get to go destroy something... DESTROY something! with a little discretion, shooting can be a very fun and rewarding sport.
  2. for the public, the blame has to go somewhere. its easier to put it on somebody who is in a position to take it, i.e. manson or rammstein. side note-a friend and i translated rammstein's "sehnsucht" and, as far as content and subject matter are concerned, its best left in german.
  3. [QUOTE]but you can agree with me when I say THATS ONE BIG A$S GUN! [/QUOTE] no. that is a HUGE *ss gun. that is amazing. i also find it odd that S&W manufactures that kind of fire-power. ive always associated that kind of destructive potential with H&K and the desert eagle stuff. i dont think id like to own it, but it sure would be fun to shoot. i cant get over the fact that its a revolver and not a semi with maybe an 8 round clip or something. that is just insane.
  4. theyve announced cities, but when will the dates be verified?
  5. *sniff sniff* i think i smell a piece of crap movie about to emerge. i honestly think it will be terrible.
  6. i havent heard about it, but youve really peaked my interest. im assuming you meant "marilyn manson". right? he is a very intelligent man and doesnt get a lot of credit for it. people get so caught up in the face-value of everything that they miss a lot of important stuff. how would i be able to view this film. im sure its not in theatres. is it on vhs/dvd for rental, or what? id like to see it.
  7. when they first announced that they were making a superman movie (i read it in a "Wizard" (comics) magazine), they said that they were casting none other than Nicholas Cage for the role of the red-caped hero. i couldnt believe it. but, hey, that was about a year or two ago. theres no telling now.
  8. 6 years... they have not done this in 6 whole years. *dances naked for money to go* *gets payed to stop dancing and put clothes on* i wonder... does this mean Jane's Addiction has a new album? they might be touring for that, also. maybe? *gets payed to shut-up* at this rate, ill have enough money in no time. :D
  9. [QUOTE]4 people who got nominated but didnt win dont be 2 upset dont worry theres always next time.[/QUOTE] thanks. that makes me feel [I]so[/I] much better about myself. :worried: seriously...i appreciate the nominations, though.
  10. treton_noir


    ...good band? yes ..."one of the best ever"? no. not by a long stretch. flaw is pretty good. dont get me wrong. i just wouldnt go as far as to say, "theyre one of the best ever." they play fairly well and write some good music, but theyre not terribly innovative or inventive. i do like them, though.
  11. stop! dont look at another guy. dont talk another guy. especially dont touch another guy. when youre going through a divorce and hes been cheating (not to mention the rest of your "him" problems) its best to wait until the divorce is over and completely settled before getting back into the dating game. if the divorce isnt over and youre seeing somebody else, the opposing lawyer (if they have a legal brain cell in their head) is going to say that you have been cheating on your husband the entire time with your new guy. (even if you havent) by comparison, this is going to make him look not so bad and make you look less like the victim. this can lead to other false accusations and the jury will buy all of it (sympathy). its best to keep your nose clean just yet. it will also make it easier to get all your stuff back, too. (maybe some of his. lol) do NOT date anybody...ANYBODY until this is over. youll end up screwing yourself really bad. ps- i dont know how that sounds coming from someone you dont know. i told tori to tell you, but she told me to. poop
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Portrait of an American Family was the label debut, and yes it was in 1994. Back before that, the band was known as Marilyn Manson and The Spooky Kids (the name was cut down later on, which is one of the many things that started pissing off Daisy). The rest of what treton_noir said is correct, although there are arguments on whether or not "Snuffy's VCR" ever really existed.[/B][/QUOTE] isnt that what i said?
  13. do you know anything about making a rocket (not to mention operating one)? if you dont know a hell-of-a-lot about rocketry..., my vote goes for the stupid side. if you do, or are planning to learn, then have at it, killer. that's awesome!
  14. the manson band (with the spooky kids) was formed in 1989. they self-released a few tapes: 1.Meat Beat Cleaver Beat & Snuffy's VCR (1989) 2.Grist-O-Line & Big Black Bus (1990) 3.After School Special & Lunchbox(1991) 4.The Familyn Jams(1992) 5.Refrigerator(1993) (recorded "Portrait of an American Family", not released) then they released "Portrait of an American Family" (1994) on nothing records. band formed in 1989. major label debut in 1994. :)
  15. amnesiac was so experimental that a lot of people didnt like it at all. none of the tracks sound like radiohead's previous work. they have the same notion or concept, but with a completely different sound. to be honest i didnt really like it when it was released, but i like it well enough now (though i dont really listen to it as much any more).
  16. im not defending the decision, only trying to understand... this might be to prevent pub patrons from getting too excited or wild in their drunkeness and to prevent fights or riots or something. (i dont know much about, so im pretending like i do. maybe.maybe not. lol :) )
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jesus Chicken [/i] I was just wondering if anyone knows the release date for Radiohead's new album?[/Quote] nope. [QUOTE]Or thinks that the band is great?[/QUOTE] thats me [QUOTE]Or thinks that the band is terrible?[/QUOTE] not me :) [QUOTE]All I want is your opinion! GIVE IT TO ME!![/QUOTE] radiohead are awesome as crap. they put so much into their music. they never stop amazing me with what they do. i love their stuff.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B]I haven't met a single person who says they never liked at least one of Michael's songs.[/B][/QUOTE] you have now. i can respect him for his talent and contributions to music. he just doesnt appeal to me as a musician. (not to mention... he looks like a wax statue of himself)
  19. it really depends on what type of music you are referring to. i like music, regardless of when it was made. (i think judging music by the date is a bunch of trendy BS and it really pisses me off. i.e. most "hip-hop fans" listen to a new track or record for a few weeks, put it down, and never touch it again. they always want something new and have no appreciation for earlier work. if a band makes a good track. that track will be good if its 10 minutes old or if its 10 million years old.) *80's metal-80's metal (glam rock) (pop-metal) is absolutely horrible. i hate van halen. i hate poison. i hate bon jovi. i hate twisted sister. metallica made a lot of great stuff in the 80's, though. the same with ozzy. he made some fantastic records during that time. anthrax was around then, too. the people that made music, made music. the people that played with make-up, got attention and ruined a decade. *80' pop- you should all know by now that i am the anti-pop. (yay for primus!), but sometimes, whether it be humorous or whatever, i enjoy some 80's pop. the talking heads, duran duran, tommy tutone, men without hats..., i guess thats my guilty pleasure. lol... 80's pop. *80's hip-hop- i can appreciate what the people who made this did and what they did for hip-hop, but i dont like it a whole lot. the basic rhythems. the "stuttering"style rapping. its just so... basic, but on the other hand, with the basic sound, came a "real-ness" to the music. they rapped about real life and about problems that people really have. i respect that a lot. *edit- i suppose the "make-up" comment looks really dumb considerng the MuDvAyNe stuff i have, i honestly believe there is a difference, though (especially in the talent department).
  20. [QUOTE]Just try and avoid the two meeting in a face to face all alone scenerio. That could be ugly. [/QUOTE] youre d*mn straight it would be. i dont know why i never looked at this thread before... or why i wasnt told about this...,*ahem*, Tori... id really like to find out who this is, how long, when where, why i wasnt informed, etc. (it probably doesnt help that i watched Pulp Fiction twice and didnt go to sleep last night.) to paraphrase Marcellus Wallace(Pulp Fiction)... "What now? Well let me tell you what now. I'm gonna call a couple pipe-hittin' brothers, who'll go to work on homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch."
  21. they are all lines taken from mudvayne's "death blooms". *refelctions of my life are fading *i will crucify my own being *death grip in my veins *death blooms what the heck... here they are in context. Death Blooms Cold seems crippling lame meander through corridors aroma's thick with age mark off the day reflections of my life are fading Pull me out of body don't want it don't want in, Feeble frail and rotting descending I'm lost in, A structure that's collapsing don't want it cast into, Maker take the body don't want it wants me Past has found its place salvation is no more will god accept my peace bleached will pardon me reflections of my life are fading Pull me out of body don't want it don't want in, Feeble frail and rotting descending I'm lost in, A structure that's collapsing don't want it cast into, Maker take the body don't want it wants me I just want to run fly kites wrestle jump and play Swim through waves that crash to shore memories in me cocooned in misery I'm sick and tired of embracing reflections of past time receive me or cast me away ...god please take me away resistance futile suicidal ideas I will crucify my own being satisfy selfish needs **** the deities justify my own right to what's waiting for me On the other side the time has come lock and load I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming home Pull me out of body don't want it don't want in, Pull me out of body don't want it don't want in, Pull me out of body don't want it don't want in, Feeble frail and rotting descending I'm lost in, A structure that's collapsing descending don't want it, Maker take the body don't want it wants me, Pull me out of body don't want it don't want in, Feeble frail and rotting descending I'm lost in, A structure that's collapsing descending don't want it, Maker take the body don't want it wants me I just want to run fly kites wrestle jump and play Swim through waves that crash to shore memories in me cocooned in misery The darkness overcomes soul soars to the other plain Existence past the door I sail through purgatory's bay I asked a god for poison cradle me sown to my dreams souls searching death blossoms where clouds lie over me held in god's hands death blooming Dark for fear of failure an inner gloom as wide as an eye and fermenting broiling hate death grip in my veins unveiling rancid petals flowering forth foul nectar the space between a blink and a tear ...death blooms. to JC- whats wrong with mudvayne?
  22. well... here's another band banner and ava. i dont suppose anybody actually takes the time to look at my work, do they? if you do take the time to look, fell free to comment as with all my work. if you notice, i got pretty technical on this one and im very proud of it. ladies and gentlemen, i present to you... MuDvAyNe.
  23. thats what kind of [spoiler]doctor[/spoiler] he was.
  24. manson plays himself. 1.he is a judge for the applause-o-meter that decides who will be the next class president. 2.he is also a nutritionist and saves gandhi's life after gandhi eats nothing but "X-stream blu", a new "extreme" food for a week. [spoiler]X-stream blu later turns out to be nothing more than pancake batter mixed with blue house paint.[/spoiler] 3.he performs a song about the food pyramid and why its important to eat healthy. funny as crap, man.
  25. *rays of angelic light shine down on Sem[strike]jaza[/strike]genius. and i thought i knew a lot about music...
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