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Everything posted by treton_noir

  1. if you got the quote right, im certain that the use of "opacity" (being dark; opaque) was substituted for either audacity, as endymion mentioned, or tenacity. it was probably intended as a pun or "play on words" in reference to the vampire theme in the text.
  2. man, i do NOT like children. theyre too rotten wild. very rarely do i encounter one that doesnt make me want to jack their jaw. when i do, its enjoyable because i dont feel like im having to be a parent. i hate the feeling that im in charge of kids. i dont like having somebody tell me what to do. what makes me think i can tell somebody else? i dont like to have a parent/ child relationship. i like the kid to be my friend, not something im in charge of. so yeah, i guess i have been affected by a child's smile. i like when kids are happy. not running nutty happy, but calm and content happy. then comes the smiley stuff.
  3. HOLY SH*T! i just heard the kashmir bit. Sweet God in Heaven! that was incredible. not at all what i expected. wow... wow...
  4. treton_noir

    Ja Rule

    i dont think rap "sucks". if you will refer to my previous post. i cited snoop, clipse, nas, and tu-pac. i really respect their work. thats the key word, "work". people like them and dr. dre, outkast, ludacris, pastor troy, etc. work and put effort into their music. thats why i respect them. i have no respect for ja rule.
  5. i read the rules before i joined. i dont think ive ever been mistreated or abused or anything... i really hate the term"newbie", though. it just looks really dumb. i try to be generally pleasant with everyone here, new or old. and how can you yell at someone if you are typing? if you had bad experiences with someone here when you joined, i think you need to take them up with that person. dont be passive aggressive.
  6. --"the problem with the rat race is, even if you win, you're still a rat."-don't know --"my brother thought he was being smart...'ha-ha you already took away the nintendo!'"-malcolm quoting reese(malcolm in the middle) --"i want you to hit me as hard as you can."-tyler durden (fight club) --"jumping jesus on a pogo stick!"-the dead milkmen in the stuart song *i'll edit if i think of more. --"pay attention. this a really technical term. 'i dont know.'"-my aunt, the electrician on why the lights didnt work.
  7. as far as the tolkien writings are concerned, i would rather see the movies. i like the books and all, but they are over written. he included way too much stuff that just gets in the way of the story. the movie, in the interest of time, has removed most of the useless information. this also makes the movie more interesting(not just shorter). i think overall, though, i enjoy the book more, whether i read it before or after the viewing of the film. i.e. Frank Herbert's "Dune". i saw the movie and then read the book. the movie was good (the old one, not the crappy remake "Dune 2000"), but the book blew me away. it's also overwritten to a point, but not nearly as much as the tolkien stuff.
  8. treton_noir

    Ja Rule

    quote:tima-"that wasnt even ja rule" thank you, captain obvious. quote:treton_noir-"i recently accomplished a 'ja rule hit song'" -"here is 'ja rule' and vanessa carlton" ( " " ) those things in the parentheses... those are quotation marks. in english, when not used for quoting, these are used to imply sarcasm toward the subject named inside them. ...and neither ja rule nor dark man x rap. they both just talk in a gruff voice. and poor nelly doesnt rap either. he kind of sings. snoop dogg and clipse rap. nas raps. tu- pac rapped. ja rule and dmx dont rap.
  9. treton_noir

    Ja Rule

    ja rule is so full of crap. most of the time, as you know, i respect another's art. in the case of mr. rule, this "art" is ridiculous. his "remixes" and "collaborations" are nothing more than him dubbing his voice onto another song. i recently accomplished a "ja rule hit song" using ja' s gruff, scratchy, and totally fake rap vocal technique. here is a clip of it. if you like it or whatever, i can e-mail it to you or something...(i dont know). here is "ja rule" and vanessa carlton's new "hit"- 1000 miles. enjoy. *edit-i can give you the whole track. not the clip that you obviously already have because you downloaded it. this offer is directed to all.
  10. man, that is funny as poo. "Are you saying that white boys can't be jiggy with it?"-CWB yes. especially if they say "jiggy".
  11. umm... what is "holiday" exactly? our definition is like a national or religious day when there is no work or school or such and families get together for dinner or something,... like christmas or thanksgiving. it looks like you are talking about what we call vacation, which is like an american holiday but its not national or religious and mostly doesnt involve big family gatherings. i have never been too keen on the idea of meeting an online personality. you never know who it could be and you might be really disapponted when you find out.
  12. well, well... i can relate a little to what you're saying. most of my life, ive been "the short kid" and "the nerd". though i got ragged sometimes, it was never to the point that you've described. i have never had a spontanious beating (except from my brother, who is APEMAN on OB. more on that later.*) i haven't been through the extent of your harassment, but i do know a little about it, more about the vengeance side, actually. in all honesty, i am a spiteful person. if someone pisses me off. i go nuts on them, for no reason. i am at a point, now, where i dont care. i dont care about consequences, embarassment, pain, my life,... hardly anything come to think of it. examples: 1. Tori (Asuka) and i were driving somewhere on the interstate(3 lanes, one way, 80+ mph) and it was raining pretty hard. a car in front of us started sliding and hit the side of my car. it stopped in the road and i stopped on the side. (dozens of cars are still coming.) i got out and walked up the center lane of the busiest road in the state, straight towards the car and into oncoming traffic and explained to the driver that i was going to end her life. 2. i graduated high school last year. during the year, some freshmen(9th grade) decided that they were going to try to prove themselves early. they (apparently at random) picked a couple of seniors(12th grade) to try to screw with. no such luck. the posse and i made sure they had the worst year ever. *my brother, ive noticed, has gotten to the same point i'm at. he enjoys pain. i dont mind it, so we do things that normally are considered dangerous or life threatening. i mention this (to keep it on topic) to make the point that if you just stop caring, problems dont disappear, but you just dont care anymore. what can affect you if you dont care? nothing. all you have to do is convince yourself that nothing matters anymore. (also, it helps if you watch Fight Club. it didnt get my brother and me started, but it sure didnt hurt.)
  13. treton_noir


    no. they werent new and fresh and flashy. nirvana emerged in a time filled with the likes of judas priest, van halen, quiet riot, poison, and motley crue, etc. most of these "bands" were nothing more than corporate acts and polluted the nature of music. nirvana came with a totally stripped down style and showed how unnecessary all the big hair, makeup, etc. were to making real music. they weren't something new. they brought back the old sound, a guitar, a bass, drums, and emotions and feelings. this is their siginificance in music history. this is why they're praised so much.
  14. treton_noir


    i would really like to read your explaination of how you think Nirvana was "out of hand." also, if you could specify which "old" album you were referring to, that would further the discussion greatly.
  15. treton_noir


    yeah... i started a thread a little earlier about this but you should absolutely get the new album. read the other thread i guess. rock on.
  16. i have 3 words. the twilight zone. not only is it one of the best shows ever,it was [I]the[/I] best sci program on the tele. amazing stories, great ideas, and it was black and white. so there you have it.
  17. here are some bands to start you off in your effort to annoy/scare your target. 1. hatebreed (hard core black metal) 2. mudvayne (rap/ growling metal) 3. marilyn manson (son of satan/ good hard metal) 4. slipknot (rap/ hardcore metal) 5. mushroomhead (a little more melodic thatn mudvayne 6. the prodigy (good hard techno) 7. godhead (goth/ hard industrial metal) 8. nine inch nails (hard techno/ a little industrial/ dark lyrical content) 9. static-x (hard metal) 10.white zombie (industrial/ art/ metal and fronted by rob zombie) 11.ministry (hard/ dark industrial) 12. gargantua soul (sound like hatebreed/ same hometown as hatebreed) yeah. there you go. and nothing works for me for being pissed like hatebreed and slipknot. good luck. fight the power! oh, and try to be a little more tolerant of other people's taste in music. i doubt that she is on a message board trying to find songs to piss you off. believe me. pissed parents dont get you anywhere.
  18. dude man. the band aint rage no more. its audioslave (rage against the machine minus zack de la rocha and fronted by chris cornell(soundgarden)). the song your talking about is "cochise". its good. the album is full of rage kind of jams with soundgarden lyrics and vocals. its good so buy it.
  19. i made a suggestion earlier today about making the music area into its own forum. some people think its a bad idea. do you think it should be seperate? i think enough people post in here about music to justify it. even if the board was originally intended for anime and games, i think its expanded and that this change should happen. if you want, you can read the conversation in a thread called "need for change" in the suggestion forum. tell me what you think.
  20. Quote: "others are just free form writing." i dont know how many college literature and composition courses you have taken, but "free form" means that there is no form. therefore, there is no flow, no rhyme scheme, no anyhting that the author doesnt feel like at that time. the great thing about free form is that you can do anything. as far as meaning, some suggest visual images while others follow the story line to my first album (which also employs time sigantures other than 4/4, so the flow wouldnt follow that), so you probably wouldnt get a meaning without the context. sorry. i should have mentioned that. thank you for the response, though.
  21. here's some trash i wrote. some is old. some is new. some will be featured on my album. others are just free form writing. tell me what you think about it, i guess. asuka thinks its good but i think its crap. post some of yours if you want. oh, and in case some of you have no decency, my writings are copywrite protected so dont screw with them. ------------------------------- i place my head upon the stone your hand the breath and i alone fear to never fear my home shadows spill and you are gone i have been dead a time on this bed of rusted lies touch my face and feathers spring from my back for angel wings to tear apart and fall away and burn to ash inside the day --------------------------------- got a head like a hole ending up with a hole in my head filled up with nothing burned out like a fuse light a candle and piss on my memory got a head like a hole ending up with a hole in my head filled up with nothing i'll watch as you scrape me off the wall hate consuming my head hurt but i forget you dont care taste of gunpowder on my tongue bitter, but a welcome result -------------------------------- woke up and saw the sun today i hid my eyes and turned away the morning comes around with blinding light she'll whisper to the sun to find she's lived her life asleep inside the morning comes around with blinding light and now im just stuck here staring at the sun and im wondering who i was and who i've become wake up a dream and close her eyes she'll lie awake and then decline the morning comes around with blinding light you dream your dream and wonder why you cry your tears and drown your eyes the morning comes around with blinding light and now im just stuck here staring at the sun and im wondering who i was and who i've become but i cant stand to shine so i've got to get away from the sun ------------------------------------- all i can see is that im going blind so hard to breathe as im sinking again im home again face down in the mud and the torment begins i cant fight it this time sitting, screaming bogged down with your useless emotions i dont need this from you but why resist the hate embrace pulled down by undertow inside im drowning although im hollow the water is filling me up choking, drowning unconcious on the bottom looking for feeling tired of being numb and they just smile as i struggle compare myself to your perfection i am nothing more than a broken down god ----------------------------------------- enduring your accusational insignificance saturating me body and mind this experience a cycle that plagues me like a memory a place a sanctuary that holds me like a womb feeding me umbelicle telling me that i am safe and that you cant hurt me not here not now not while i cling to it clutching on while i still have the strength to throw away a leaden grudge and end a standoff that has come between us and face the nature of this ------------------------------------------- yep. its crap, but humor me and tell me what you think and stuff.
  22. yeah, they're all made by wizkids and all use the click-base system. thats a lot like when wizards of the coast made magic:the gathering. once magic started to pick up with the kids, WOTC made a ton of what they called "trading card games". its just like anything else. when somebody finds a formula that works, they stick with it until it doesnt work any more. i purchased some foam material yesterday and designed some terrain. i got the kind of foam that is used to arrange artificial flowers. it is easily shaped and seems to hold up well enough. im not sure about mageknight, but in MW, terrain can assist or hinder attacks based on elevation, line of sight, etc.
  23. my brother and i recently developed an interest in miniatures games and purchased a few packs of this new game. it is fairly easy to learn and fun to play as well as a good way to blow a couple hours. if you know anything about miniatures, mechawarrior is supposed to play like an easier (game mechanics) type of wargame, somewhat of a warhammer 40k junior. its just as fun and challenging as warhammer, but has easier game concepts and a faster pace. if you know anything about this game, feel free to give your thoughts or comments. questions are welcome or you can look at the company's site at [URL=http://www.wizkidsgames.com]http://www.wizkidsgames.com[/URL]. if you like mechwarrior, battletech, or miniatures games, i highly recommend looking into this game.
  24. i remembered another one on my list of good vocalists. this one i forgot to mention and im sure queen asuka will beat for that this weekend. the unmentioned vocalist is a front-man by the name of little jimmy urine. urine leads a break-neck beat techno group by the name of (mindless self indulgence). i dont know anyone who can do, with one set of vocal chords, what urine does in his music.
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