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Everything posted by treton_noir

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KnightOfTheRose [/i] [B]I really could care less about Tupak in general, but I've heard of far wierder things than surviving being shot be five bullets.[/B][/QUOTE] you mean like 50 Cent surviving being shot 9 times? lol as much as i hate it, Pac is dead. people cant seem to grasp that... kind of like those people that say Elvis is still alive. >_>
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hataki Vash [/i] [B]What would you do if you knew that we actually lived in a Matrix.[/b][/quote] we do. [b][quote]..."Ones" and all.[/b][/quote] "we are all 'the one'..." [b][quote]And what would you do if Morpheus contacted you or someone like him to try to get you out of the Matrix.[/B][/QUOTE] be patient. liberation will come soon enough. free your mind.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1] I just started driving. BUT, I do not go more than 10mph over because: 1. My friend Tabby used to drive 85 in the 45 and it scared me to death. She finally got a ticket and lost her liscence for a year. 2. Anna, our own dear Anna, used to be a speed demon and we were in a wreck. Luckily all I got out of it was a REALLY BIG nasty bruise.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] 3: She scares hell out of ryan when she drives fast. i dont ususally go [i]that[/i] fast. i usually stay near the posted limit. i've realized that driving really fast doesnt help you save much time, so i dont really think its worth the increased risk. ...and i couldnt afford a ticket. >_>
  4. emo is just an nice way of saying they suck. they have no talent so they try to make up for it with volume and noise. emo = suck.
  5. *throws up some major horns for you [i]and[/i] saves the day* my brother and i love this band, but dont be surprised if you dont get much conversation from anybody else. we've tried a couple of times to convert people to Saves the Day, but it never works. lol i hadnt checked the site recently, but i'm going to try to find out about the new record. *gives you the horns again*
  6. Like i said in the "Uranium" thread, i just recently began watching Fuse. Kung Faux is a show on Fuse (i think Friday nights) that is basically a "Kung-Fu" style movie that is dubbed... with hip-hop slang by underground hip-hop artists. i think its pretty funny. ...and >_< at least its better than that "Kung-Pow" crap. whatever.
  7. treton_noir


    i've had Much Music (now Fuse) for a while and just recently began to watch it. There's a show (obviously entitled Uranium) that's hosted by an insane metal chick named Julia. i havent seen a whole lot of it, but from what i have seen, they seem to do a nice job of exposing the "on the rise" metal acts (a lot of hardcore kind of stuff). every once in a while they play something that just makes me go, "what the crap? thats not metal!", but, like i said, they usually keep it pretty heavy. any thoughts...?
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji Ikari [/i] [B][img]http://www.projectfreedom.cng1.com/images/666.jpg[/img] [size=1] Is this the mark of the Beast? not on our right hand or foreheads, but it could be destined that way.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] does this make you feel better? [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=8393[/img] i [i]know[/i] that what is going to happen concerning the topic will happen, but, maybe just out of fear/anxiety/whatever i cant seem to acknowlegde that it will. i dont think it will be as bad as people think it will. i really doubt that the world will burn down, "the rapture" (...or whatever its called) will go down, or anything huge and traumatic like that. i think it will be a little more calm than that.
  9. my brother and i make some pretty good beats. lol i only flow with 50, clipse, etc. since i dont write very well. like i said, we can do up some beat-age.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]There we go. I knew it was a v. I put a font name instead. I suck lol. [/B][/QUOTE] nah. you dont suck. i love you anyway, Tony. lol to make my post relevant- i cant stop watching the mOBSCENE video. its so... art-ish-y-ness-...and stuff.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]It was also nice to see Alkaline Trio in the top 20... I don't even think they've been in the Top 200 before. I guess Dashboard Confessional's (YUCK) success has helped bring other bands on Verdana into the spotlight a bit. [/B][/QUOTE] Dashboard and Alkaline Trio are both on Vagrant(as well as Saves the Day. *throws up the horns for Saves the Day*). Your musical knowledge prowess must be slipping a bit. ^_-
  12. where will i go when i die? i agree with marilyn manson on this one. "...in a coffin."
  13. thats um... well... interesting. lol i like it. i think its pretty good. a little squared off from paint, but that could be fixed if you used something else. i like it. ...not sure about that corn, though (or the name).
  14. hmm... *retracts original comments until an explanation is offered* well then...
  15. not until just now. what do they sound like?
  16. i almost liked them. they have a kind of appealing sound, but, for some reason, i cant bring myslef to like them. maybe its the vocals...
  17. thats pretty good. i like how the lighter colors give it a ghostly feel. ...like its there, but not. it still needs something, but i cant think of what it is yet.
  18. kind of fuzzy, but its a good idea. i think it would be [i]really[/i] good if the pictures were a little sharper and the text were easier to read. you've got a really good concept. you just need to develop and refine it.
  19. in the signature area in your profile (user control panel),do this (without the *): [*img]address of image[*/img] where in the crap are the FAQ's? i'd bet money that this is the number one question.
  20. hmm... this is going a lot slower than i thought it would. ... well, here's the list to the first one we did. hopefully some people will pick up the pace here. >_> list one: 1. Glycerine-Bush 2. Tonight, Tonight-Smashing Pumpkins 3. Soul to Squeeze-Red Hot Chili Peppers 4. Swallow-Bush 5. Disarm-Smashing Pumpkins 6. 3 Libras-A Perfect Circle 7. Come Down-Bush 8. Stellar-Incubus 9. the Chemicals Between Us-Bush 10. the Hollow-A Perfect Circle 11. Warm Machine-Bush 12. Wonderwall-Oasis 13. Letting the Cables Sleep-Bush 14. Karma Police-Radiohead what can i say? Bush just works. ^_^
  21. you can post any kind of picture you would like (in good taste) as long as it is original (you didnt pinch it from anybody). ...i believe thats the rule. welcome to OB.
  22. you know those songs that just make you feel all... squishy and crap? the ones that, when they come on, you say, "whoopditty..., i wish my chick (or guy... or cat, etc. whatever you prefer) was here so we could see about that dealy and make out like some mofos..." i'm talking about the tune-age that you love (or would love) to "make out" to. We have compiled some of these songs into a "soundtrack" and are pretty keen on playing it during some of our more "alone" times. (dont get the wrong idea about that part now... nothing bad.) last night we began making a list of tracks for our second installment. i'm really kind of hoping that we (Tori and me) aren't the only ones to do this. if you have, are going to, or just think it would be fun/romantic/etc. to do this, post your list. what would be your ideal home-made "love" soundtrack? also, if you would like, tell why you picked the songs you did. i'll post both of ours later. edit- that doesnt mean you have to use it. just make the list. i think some people are getting the wrong idea.
  23. [QUOTE]Originally posted by Phantom's Angel HEY! THATS MEAN! [/quote] thank you, captain obvious. [quote]Its my fav band, and FYI not all their "singing" is almost inchorent yelling.[/quote] thats just humorous to me. "...almost incoherent yelling." [quote]Their singer is borderline Puddle of Mudd, sounds almost exactly like him. Don't know it til you hear it.[/QUOTE] please dont ever make that comparison again. wes scantlin (puddle of mudd) is a [strike]borderline[/strike] pile of sh*t and sounds nothing like corey taylor who, buy the way is not a new vocalist, but has been with slipknot on all of both of their major label (roadrunner records) releases and has previously fronted other bands. at least try to know a little about what your talking about before you go running your mouth. thank you.
  24. i cant think of any other than, the already mentioned, Corey Taylor (Stone Sour). i'm sure it wouldnt be too hard to look up somewhere, though.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Uriel5 [/i] [B]I love the Murder Dolls! Their songs are funny, and Joey Jordison is their dummer. I just love Grave Robbin' the USA... [/B][/QUOTE] Joey only drums for slipknot. he plays guitar for the murderdolls.
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