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Everything posted by treton_noir

  1. the only "live" album i can think of is the S&M record. is it that or have i forgotten one? ...or is it a bootleg?
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B]They said so in Teen or Seventeen. [/B][/QUOTE] those would be the sources i would trust.:rolleyes:
  3. i recommend getting "the places..." album, but also get the original acoustic versions. both versions are so impressive.
  4. holy crap, man. that blows. sorry about that.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blue Truth [/i] [B]A yes, does any one here like Matalica is not the ?. The ? is does any one not like Matalica, I love Enter sandman, I think that would one of my favorite songs ever made by them. Jump in Fire is also one of my favorites, I wish I had a guatier to learn how to play it on. [/B][/QUOTE] M-E-T-A-L-L-I-C-A one would assume that such a devoted fan would at least know how to spell the name.
  6. *looks at the number of threads about Asuka* hmm...i do believe my Asuka has reached a celebrity status. what exactly does this "chibi"-ness mean?
  7. the hand isnt backwards, they are gesturing towards each other. open and outstretched. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=ff00cc] [size=1]Wow! That's so pretty!! ^^ Is that what your prom dress looked like?[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] yeah thats pretty much how it was. (it was really light blue.) *sigh*... you should have seen us trying to stuff her and her dress into the car. she didnt need an airbag. she had the dress almost up to her face. when she sat down in her house, she took the whole couch. i wish i could convey a fraction of the immensity of this dress. :rolleyes: monstrous.
  8. my two absolute favorite metallica records are, with no doubt or hesitation, "master of puppets" and "ride the lightning". they spank a llama's *ss with a belt. for a long time, i thought that metallica was a phase that fourteen year old guys went through and then grew out of. (if a guy around that age like's rock , they become a die-hard metallica fan.) i, being 19, figured i had grown out of my metallica phase and moved on. i dont know. i think im starting to be interested in them again.
  9. Jack and Meg have always claimed to be brother and sister. Everyone else says that they are divorced. i have seen the marriage certificate that "proves" that they were married. i dont know if its genuine or not, but apparently, when they married, Jack took Meg's last name (White) instead of her taking his.
  10. Quote- "I swear, the bible's against anything that's seen as wrong."- Mitch i do believe that this is one of the funniest things i've ever read. you know, if it wasnt against things that are "wrong", it wouldnt be so popular. secondly, most idea's of what is "wrong" or not stem from an idea that was taken from the Bible, so i suppose it has the right to be against things that are wrong, doesnt it?
  11. the white stripes rock hard. i havent read your post yet, tony, but i'm sure anything i'd say about them would be something you've already mentioned. (i know how you know so much about bands and crap. :) ) i've got their "white blood cells" dealy. its some rockin crap. nevermind. i just read tony's post. thier names are jack white (guitar/vocal) and meg white (drums). ...and i totally agree with your whole "white stripes rock with their simple-ness" stuff.
  12. i've got the "machine" album. its some pretty hard-core stuff. static-x arent exactly exploding with talent, but they are a lot of fun to listen to.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj3 [/i] [B][color=green]well, the artistic vatue isn't the greatest, and the comic . . . is, well . . . pointless in my eyes. i didn't find it that funny. maybe it's just me. i don't know. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] no, ssj3, its not just you. also... the warning about sexual content seems to be unnecessary.
  14. they all need a little something going on at the left, but man, they look awesome. those are really good.
  15. i like the guys, but the background [i]is[/i] pretty plain. add a little something going on back there and it will be straight. little more of a border, too. nice.
  16. i was really hoping that it was "backlash", the comic book character. oh well. needs a blueish-silverish border.
  17. dearest Deb, just PM me and i'll tell you all about it. :)
  18. treton_noir

    Poll, Oppinion

    i've only seen "a knight's tale". i didnt really like it very much. *looks at list* although "blade 2" was recommended to me, i dont really want to see any of those movies. i might see them eventually.
  19. the idea was proposed to cash by (producer) rick rubin. cash didnt hear the song and say "hey, trent's a pretty good guy. i like his stuff. i think i'll cover his song." :p rubin cleaned up the song lyrically because of cash's super-christianity deal and let him read it. cash liked it and the rest, as they say, is history. yeah, several months ago i heard it. i havent seen much of it around since then, but it was pretty good.
  20. if you're saying that you are 14 and they're 18(or something along those lines), then no. i dont think that you should get yourself into that situation. you may not see it now, but there are lot of negative things that could come from that. i think it would be best if you stuck with your own age group a little longer. maybe, by the time you're around 18, you'll be better able to handle a relationship with that kind of age difference. poll option 2-"What are you doinging with that person!" i certainly hope you're not "doinging" the person, especially with an age difference like that. :)
  21. simply put, i do not listen to the radio. 1.i dont like what is played. 2. i dont like somebody trying to convice me that i should like what is played. 3.i play music based on emotion. radio does not coincide with my emotional state. 4.the only way a song gets overplayed is if i overplay it. when i get tired of hearing a song, i stop. the radio doesnt. i think that about covers it.
  22. the discard pile is the same as the graveyard. you can always destroy the enchantment unless something else says that you cant (or if it says that it cant be targeted or something similar). as far as combos go, ive been out of the game for so long (years) that i have no idea what kinds of outrageous abilities the creatures and spells have now. id suggest looking around on the internet. a lot of guys like to brag about what theyve got and what they do with it and they probably have it posted on their sites somewhere.
  23. you forgot to mention "devil's haircut". that song rocks so hard. beck is rad-daddy. ive always liked his stuff. he's just so... massively appealing without sucking. does that even make sense?
  24. man, i like that. they look really good. you seem to like that style a lot with the horizontal blur deal. my thumb goes up.
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