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Everything posted by treton_noir

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]You should make one where its just one giant X, the smaller ones look kind of crappy being in one image. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] or make it animated and...maybe, have the X running around (maybe with something chasing it or something). i dont know. *points to phrase in sig* yeah. i'll be doing that now.
  2. as discussed in this topic, the banners and things arent the problem. the problem is the people *doesnt name names, though he can think of several* that post entire songs, lengthy works of poetry, etc. in their signatures and ignore the limit.
  3. i have not the froggiest idea what youre talking about. hows about the low down on the show?
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OlgaTheDwarf [/i] [B]They were a pretty good band until the newest album came out. I don't like it. [/B][/QUOTE] all of their records sound the same. how can you say that they "were" good until the new album? its the same as the others. these guys rock hard. theyve got such an awesome mix of sick, morbid lyrics and upbeat, almost poppy music. absolute musical genious.
  5. select an image (80x80 max). go to userCP and to to edit options. click "change avatar" at the bottom. enter the URL or upload the image from your computer. (both located at the bottom) then, submit modifications. done.
  6. [QUOTE][b][i]Originally posted by Mnemolth[/i] Unlike some others, I actually remember what it was like to be 13, and how important it is to feel you belong, to be a part of a group, to have a sense of identity, to have some [i]fun[/i] ffs![/b][/quote] all you're doing is attempting to make excuses for irrational behaviour. the [i]need[/i] to "belong" does not justify f*cking up your life. ive been 13. youve been 13. being young is no justification. there is no excuse. people live under the false concept that one has 2 lives; a child life and an adult life. they think that one life happens before 18 and the other begins at 18. most people believe that actions and consequences in the "first life" have no import in the "later life". this is no true. you only have one life. [i]EVERYTHING[/i] you do has consequences that can follow you and haunt you for the rest of your existance. please try to understand this. [Quote][b]As for who is a 'loser' or not, well, you want to do dumb things while you're young. Stupid, silly, foolish things that you would never do as an adult. You certainly don't want to end up a frustrated and bitter old man like TN, now do you? ;)[/b][/QUOTE] there is no need for these kinds of comments, Mnemolth, especially in a topic where serious issues are being discussed and advice, based on experience, is being offered. please keep these feelings to yourself.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yoda [/i] [B][B]Lead Singer:[/B] Billy-Joe Anderson (Greenday). Sings for my favorite band, 'nuff said. [B]Guitarist:[/B] Billy-Joe Anderson (Greenday). It's not his fault he can play guitar so well too... [B]Second Guitarist:[/B] Noodles (The Offspring). Because he hates a lot of thing... he hates a lot of people that are lame. [B]Bassist:[/B] Jason Newstead (Formerly Metallica) / Mike Dirnt (Greenday)/Steve Harris (Iron Maiden). They all love playing and jamming with the crowd... and they do it so well. [B]Drummer:[/B] Tré Cool (Yes, you guessed it, Greenday). Greenday are about as close as you can get to the ultimate band anyway... and Tré is a funny guy. [/B][/QUOTE] i thought Billie Joe's name looked a little funny so i looked it up to make sure. in the "Dookie" credits and the Dec. 2000 issue of GuitarWorld, his name is "Billie Joe [I]Armstrong[/I]". just thought id straighten that out.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] The French call them "fried apples"...[/B][/QUOTE] the french word for "apple" is "pomme". the french call potatoes "pomme de terre" or "apples of the earth". actually, come to think of it, the only term i heard them use in reference to fries is "frit" (sp?). its pronounced like the english "free". lol. i havent been in a french class for 3 years.
  9. no kidding. maybe you misunderstood my use of the term "limit". i meant "limit" as a "suggested limit", not as a "software imposed limit". is that better?
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sage [/i] [B]Well, if you just look at the signatures of the other users, you just might notice that most of them has more thatn four lines...[/B][/QUOTE] thank you, Captain Obvious. just because the limit is set, doesnt mean that people will follow it. i was asking if that was the limit at one time, not if people payed attention to the limit.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sweetreyes [/i] [B]I know one person for sure who will get it and its Queen Asuka.[/B][/QUOTE] you mean you know one person who's going to [I]get[/I] it. buying is different story. [I]ryan[/I](me) will end up buying it. (...and probably never get to watch it.) *looks at empty pockets* *sighs* *cough*[spoiler]i'll steal it from her when shes not looking.[/spoiler]*cough*
  12. i thought i read somewhere that the limit was at 4 lines. wasnt that it? thats what i try to keep mine at, anyway.
  13. i read an interview with Jimmy Urine(Mindless Self Indulgence) where he discussed the song. he said something about how he didnt hate Jimmy Page(Led Zeppelin), but he hated how everybody tries to imitate Page's playing and musical style. i think thats what he said. ill try to find the interview and edit that part in. edit- i found it. here's the interview. Interviewer:[color=blue]Do you really hate Jimmy Page?[/color] Jimmy Urine:[color=hotpink]Well, I don't hate him as a person. I mean, I've never met him. But I hate the way people emulate his music. It's like, c'mon, f*cking move on. I don't know if I would hate Jimmy Page if I met him. Not like he'd care since he's probably never heard of me. He's got whole buttloads of money anyway. I'd rather meet Melissa Joan Hart.[/color]
  14. that doesnt suprise me. when i was in the 5th or 6th grade, i learned that during WW2, Americans stopped calling sauerkraut "sauerkraut" and called it "liberty cabbage" because "sauerkraut"sounded German. People are stupid.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mr. Maul [/i] [B]Greetings, Alice. Stick with me, kid, and we'll go places. [/B][/QUOTE] it might not be somewhere youd [I]like[/I] to go, but youll certainly go somewhere.
  16. i was lead here by my good friend, Anna and my lovely wife, Tori (Queen Asuka). "treton_noir" is french for "black newt". some friends and i make up weird phrases in foriegn languages when we are bored. my name ensued from one such bout with the boredom monster. i basically stick to the lounge and music, movies, tv area (this is what i know about) and rarely venture into the anime(dont know anything about) or roleplaying(dont care for) areas. welcome to OB.
  17. *sighs* somebody took my nose. *ss-hole nose taker. *pulls out Dungeon Master's guide and blows off dust* you say,"ive got some gold coins in my pocket. may i buy you sword and spell?" you buy his stuff, kill him, and take your money back. um... that doesnt have a question to answer with the required truth or falsehood. how can you answer a question that isnt there?
  18. i cried when i heard about Layne Staley (Alice in Chains). i loved their music so much. Layne was one of the people, along with Kurt (Nirvana), Maynard (Tool), etc., that spoke to me through their music. it really feels like they are speaking to me/ for me some times. its not just an audio experience. i really feel that music. its a whole body thing. *sighs* *misses Kurt and Layne* i gave away "Dirt" (AiC) because it made me insanely depressed...then Layne died and i wished to God that i hadnt done it. i still havent gotten "Dirt" again. on to 50 cent. this man is awesome. i havent seen anything about him that i dont like. hes not corporate. hes focused. he knows whats going on. (...and he hates ja-rule). zwan- great band. fronted by a great man. billy corgan. theres not much to say about corgan, hes already proven himself many times.
  19. i [I]just[/I] got done watching the video for "Monkey Gone to Heaven" from Doolittle. pretty strange song. i liked it, though.
  20. jumping jimmy on a pogo-stick. that is one of the stupidest things ive ever read. there is no logic in this "riddle". it cant have an answer like that. honestly, i think you just made it up. you need to take some more time and put some logic into it. "be prepared for the worst..." give me a friggin break.
  21. the "thing" i love most is my Tori (QA). 3 things have completely changed my life. those are Tori, my friend, Adam K., and my music (discovering Tool and picking up the guitar). Tori lets me be who i am without worrying about anything. she doesnt let me get away with everything, but she doesnt hold me back or limit my decisions or creativity. sometimes, id be afraid to do something around other people, but i feel completely comfortable with her. when i met her, i had no direction. now i know where i am going and most importantly, why. im not walking blindly. i have a purpose. we both sacrifice and give so much of ourselves to the other. there is no other feeling that can compare to being with her. i love her more than anything else. period. Adam K. opened my eyes. he showed me how to look at the world in a way id never seen it before. he pulled me out of my miserable depressive existance and showed me how to live. he taught me not to worry about people's opinions, to do what i thought was best, and how it made me better for it. i will always be thankful to him for that. Adam also taught me how to teach myself to play guitar and bass and sing. he introduced me to a world of music that, for me, is constantly growing and changing. his was a favor that i cant even begin to imagine returning. my music has totally put my life in a new direction. i am able to express everything i feel without the limitations of verbal communication. i can say anything i want and not have to open my mouth. my music channels my creative energy and lets me focus it into something constructive instead of letting myself waste away. i will always be thankful for Tool. Tool, besides making some incredible music, helps me to find my own creative energy. its like a key to the doors in my mind. wow... me wrote a lot. :drunk: anybody that read it all gets...um...a [I]special[/I] prize.:toothy:
  22. Guitar World. very well written, very informative, and most of the time, they cover the talented and not the popular. plus, every issue has 6 or 7 full songs and a ton of riffs in it. if you play guitar or bass, i recommend checking this out.
  23. the problem isnt limited to just avatar theft. ive had a banner (one i made) stolen right out of my sig. of course the problem was later resolved, but it still happened. i dont think there's much you can do about it without discontinuing custom avatars. just be flattered that somebody liked it enough to steal it, i guess. :)
  24. "Maybe you should the white teens that like it so much."-Yu Law i think you missed the verb, killer. you are correct, though. as with anything, its not all "whatever the generalization is". Nas and 50 are awesome. im liking DMX a little more, lately.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B] Excuse my stereotypes, but all today's gangsta rap is good for is making middle-class white suburban teenagers buy your album. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to listen to an Outkast song. [/B][/QUOTE] stereotype excused. a stereotype it may be, but d*mn if it isnt true. *goes to listen to outkast with you* if thats fine with you...
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