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Everything posted by treton_noir

  1. im with Jesus Chicken. i say drop the broads with a good blow to the head, hack her into tiny pieces, and stick her in the mail. if you need any help, feel free to call either of us. on second thought, you might wait until you get some good action from the target before you assault her. mmm...assault-ness.
  2. i like to think that im not too picky (but obviously i am). my girl [I]must[/I]: *be smart- you cant have much of a conversation with "tee-hee. im pretty!" *have a physically attractive body- and we all know what is meant by that. *have beautiful eyes- the eyes are one of the most attractive features. you must see Tori's *be average size (or a little less)- i dont like big "youknowwhats". i dont think they are attractive at all. that doesnt mean i want her to look like two asprins on an ironing board, either. i want enought to do something with. *be nice to other people.- if she cant deal with other people, how nice do you think she'll be to you. *be open.- be completely honest. *be passionate about music.-i prefer to share the same musical tastes, but im not going to [I]make[/I] you like anything. im always looking for new music, so if you like something, be willing to tell me about it. *not discriminate.- i cant stand intolerance and narrow-minded bigotry. I HATE RACISM. ill defend anybody's race. i dont care what you are. race is completely insignificant in a relationship. i have done some serious sh*t to people over racial issues (especially involving my friends). part of why i hate redneck trash so much is their seemingly everlasting hatred of african-americans. Tori is what i want in a person. she's a genious. she's beautiful. she's generally nice to everybody. we have a lot of the same music (tastes and actual albums:) ). to demonstrate how important the tune-age is: when i met Tori, as was absolutely astonished by her beauty. we struck up a conversation (in which her intellect easily outshone mine.) i was [I]really[/I] enjoying her company. the talk quickly came to the topic of music. Tool, obviously being my favorite band, was mentioned and she was like, "well... i dont really like Tool." me:"hmm... this is [I]not[/I] going well." to shorten the story, i became insanely in love with her and tomorrow makes 1 full year that we've been together.
  3. thats [I]Kirk[/I] Hammett (metallica). ill have to divide mine, also. im having a really hard time picking individuals. Tool is my "dream" band, but without more than one Tool member in them, heres my bands. metal vocalist: Maynard Keenan(Tool) Guitar1: Daron Malakian(System of a Down) various parts: Trent Reznor (NIN) Bass: Cliff Burton (Metallica)-Metallica's bassist before Newstead. listen to Anesthesia and youll know why. Drums:sPaG/Spug(MuDvAyNe) rock vocalist:Brandon Boyd (Incubus) Guitar1: John Frusciante (Red Hot Chili Peppers) Guitar2:Trey Anastasio(phish) Bass: Flea (Red Hot Chili Peppers) Drums:Stewart Copeland(the Police) these guys would be the most awesome rock jam-band ever.
  4. i dont think he made it known that the image is a bullet hole through a piece of metal. i think it looks pretty good. it does look a lot like a real bullet hole. i dont know how much experience people here have with firearms.
  5. treton_noir


    Down is cool as crap, but dont forget about Superjoint Ritual. its Phil Anselmo (Pantera, Down) vocals, Pepper Keenan (Eye Hate God)guitars, (cant remember drummer)drums, and Hank Williams III (grandson of legendary country guy, Hank Williams. son of revered country guy, Hank Williams, jr.)bass. that blows my mind that HW III is in that band. apparently (from what ive read) hes [I]really[/I] into country and [I]really[/I] into metal. when he headlines a concert, he plays a half-hour of country and a half-hour of metal. he says that you wouldnt believe how many people dig that stuff. *hates country music*
  6. *doesnt know [strike]a digiwhatever from a (something else)[/strike]anything about digimon* those are AWESOME! holy crap. those are [I]really[/I] good.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Whenever I feel jealous, it always stems from my own self-image. I get jealous because I feel inadequate, like I'm not good enough. And so if I'm jealous of you, it usually means that I think you are better than me. Don't ask me why I have such low self-esteem, it just sort of happens when you see all these pretty and popular people and you know how very unattractive you are. In a relationship, I tend to be SUPER jealous. Why? Because I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH! I don't like for other girls to come in and mess with Ryan *thinks about last night* because then I feel threatened, even though I trust Ryan would never leave me. Does that make sense.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] please ignore this part of Tori's post. she is delusional. she sometimes becomes over stressed and begins to think crazy things. i, then, proceed to convince her otherwise. i, on the other hand, i think, am more jealous than she is in the relationship area. i wont tell her (even though she will probably see it now, so i guess that means im telling her. hmm...), but it really upsets me for her to talk with other guys. i HATE feeling like i have to share her. its not that i dont want her to have guy friends. i think im just greedy and want her to myself. YAY for the yearness!
  8. treton_noir


    Pantera is one of the bands that defined "heavy". a lot of people hear BS like "the used" or "3 doors down"(sorry) and think, "oh. this stuff is heavy." they never know what "heavy" is until they get to listen to "Cowboys from Hell" or "Revolution is My Name". That is heavy. Pantera is heavy.
  9. that really scared me for a minute. ive seen a lot of pics of people dressed up as characters, but never done it. i tend to see this along the same lines as a Star Trek fan dressing up as a "whatever" for a Star Trek convention. *hates star trek* it just seems kind of dumb. i can understand being a fan. i can handle going to the con. a t-shirt or something is fine, but an all out costume is something totally different, especially when the costume doesnt even look right. or to summarize this post... "blah. blah. blah."
  10. yay for the Pixies! for those that do not know... eee!*gets to talk about Fight Club* *loves Brad Pitt* :love2: "Where is My Mind?" is the song that is playing at the end of the movie when [spoiler]the bombs go off and the building is collapsing.[/spoiler] its also the only song on the soundtrack that wasnt done by the Dust Brothers. thats about the extent of my Pixies knowledge (for now). Soon, i will be enlightened to the wonder of this band via the kindness and generosity of SA. yay for Semjaza!
  11. 500x100 is the maximum size, i think. welcome to OB.
  12. i was in drama/theatre for two years in high school. we had a small school so we didnt do anything major. we put on a few productions. i starred in a couple, but nothing really important. just another class.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]HomestarRunner rox. End of story. ^____^ (Ginny highly recommends that all newbies to that site check out Strong Bad's Spring Cleaning email first.) I'm not going to play Mod, but members will recognize what rule this thread [i]might[/i] be breaking. [/B][/QUOTE] i dont think that this breaks any rules. if you are referring to the advertising rule, this is not an advertisement. he has neither persuaded nor induced any person to look at the site. you are the only one who has done so. the official ruling: "Posting Commercial Advertising: In some cases, members join our forums and simply post one thread to advertise their own site/forums. This form of advertising is strictly prohibited on OtakuBoards.com. However, we do allow members to use their signatures to advertise their own personal site (or any non-profit, non-commercial site)."
  14. man, ive had that thing forever. anyway. here it is. [center][img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?postid=342582[/img][/center]
  15. you tell me that every time i post a new banner. why dont you use it? "[size=1][color=hotpink]It sure would look REAL nice, you know... ^_^;[/color][/size]"
  16. here's a Rob Zombie banner that Cyko asked me to make. im sure its horribly made and all, but here it is to be picked up. there's a RZ avatar ive done to go with it that i will post later. edit- that DOESNT mean that you cant comment.
  17. id just give him the friggin pie and forget about it. how the crap much can a friggin apple turnover be worth? jeez. a little charity never hurt anybody. if there has to be compensation for the pie, im sure it isnt going to kill me to pay two quarters out of my own pocket.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Elite [/i] [B][b][color=515050][size=1]Okay so I did 14... I couldn't restrict it that much. ^^;[/b][/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] lol i couldnt either. this was a lot harder than i thought it would be. Tori and i were tryinng to help each other with our list so we wouldnt forget anything. here's what i have so far. it might change. (ill do it song-band, album) 1.Hush-Tool, Opiate 2.Sober-Tool, Undertow 3.AEnima-Tool, AEnima 4.No Quarter (originally recorded by Led Zeppelin)-Tool, Salival 5.Parabol/Parabola-Tool, Lateralus 6.Kashmir-Led Zeppelin, Physical Graffiti 7.3 Libras-A Perfect Circle, Mer De Noms 8.One of These Days-Pink Floyd, Live at Pompeii 9.Fell on Black Days-SoundGarden, superunknown 10.All Along the Watchtower (originally recorded by Bob Dylan)-Jimi Hendrix 11.On a Plain-Nirvana, Nevermind 12.Hello, Kitty Kat-Smashing Pumpkins, Pisces Iscariot 13.Paperback Writer-the Beatles 14.Would?-Alice in Chains, Dirt
  19. if it makes you feel better, pick a scenario... 1. your CD player is solar powered. 2. you have Professor Roy Hinkley (Gilligan's Island) there to make some sort of power source.
  20. ok. here's the deal. you have just been shipwrecked on a desert island. luckily, you have your cd player with you. it has not been damaged from the wreck. if you had one CD to have until you were rescued, died, etc., what would it be? the rules- 1. full albums or mix CD's are allowed. you can pick any combination of songs if you want. 2. nothing like "id put all my mp3's on a CD". thats cheating. 3. keep the list somewhere around 10 or 12 tracks (or about 1 hour of music). a few more or less is okay. 4. any music you want is allowed. 5. dont keep posting new songs. just edit your original post. that will keep it more organized. (this is just the intro, so i will post mine later.) edit-number
  21. [angelic light/chorus]FIGHT CLUB![/angelic light/chorus] NO ONE CAN COMPREHEND HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS MOVIE...AND BRAD PITT IS THE HOTTEST MAN ALIVE! *gets jaw jacked by tori(QA)* ow. i mean... i love my tori [tori]*leaves*[/tori] *whispers*[size=1]man, brad pitt is awesome![/size] [tori]what was that?[/tori] uh... nothing, baby. lol thats usually how the conversation goes when FC is brought up. she says (jokingly) that i like brad more than her. i dont, but... MAN!
  22. *can comment now* i think it looks good. the purple gives it that feeling... you know. that one...
  23. me: BRAD PITT *LOVES BRAD PITT* *dies* *not dead any more* happy tune-age: Primus' "Jerry was a Race Car Driver" sad tune-age:Tool's cover of Led Zeppelin's "No Quarter" love tune-age: A Perfect Circle's "3 Libras" (love scene...oh yeah;)) end:after a life-time of [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?threadid=21109]insanity[/url], im finally institutionalized. i live out the rest of my days in a rubber room. running time: approximately... no idea.
  24. no, but now im interested. how about a description? whats their deal?
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