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Everything posted by treton_noir

  1. i would comment, but i have no image to comment on. *waits for you to fix problem*
  2. hmm... you beat me to it, SA. thats exactly what i was going to say. once you get that thing, its not too difficult.
  3. i cant recall the exact cause of death. in fact, im not sure if it was even released. i do know that you are correct about the "on the bus" part. ps- i think you just got my votes for avatar and sig of the year for next years Otaku Awards. *loves brad pitt* mmm...brad-pittness. *squeals like a school girl*
  4. i voted for "i love all rap." i dont really love [I]all[/I] rap, but i do like most of it. ive said it before. with any kind of music, i recognize and acknowledge talent. if you do what you do and do it well, i can respect you for that. there are a lot of talented people in rap music. what a lot of people dont realize is that rapping is hard. not everyone can do it. on to gangsta rap. i remember when gangsta rap got big. im not from the projects in LA, but im not the trendy teeny bopper suburban white america either. i remember hearing this music and feeling the realness it had. the people were talking about stuff that really happens. i might not have been able to relate all the time, but it was real. it wasnt "party all the time" stuff like rap was before. i love Snoop (especially the old stuff. *puts on "Murder was the Case"*, the guys from NWA, Wu-Tang (is Wu-Tang gangsta?), etc. i guess im done...
  5. i think you mean a [I]really[/I] talented band. lol theyre good, but they arent exactly exploding with talent.
  6. i dont ever sit on my foot, but when i decide i want to change something, it has to be a conscious effort. youll have to think about it every time you sit down. i read a study that showed that it takes about 3 weeks to make or break any habit. after that, you should be good. edit- i cant spell "conscious"
  7. if you dont consider yourself to be like the teeny-boppers i described, what's the problem? if youre not like that, then i obviously wasnt talking about you.
  8. "...Avril La-whateverherlastnameis is a punker too."-Rikku ive had this conversation with QA before. in our minds, when we think of punk, we think: the clash the ramones the sex pistols we think of our rebellious hard-core punk. kids today dont feel the same way about things as we did. maybe, for them, this is punk. maybe they dont need what we did to feel that way. im not saying that either one is better. im just saying that views and the means to express those views change. thats your opinion. you dont have to like the music. hell, i dont like most of it. oh... and i heard a quote from Kurt Cobain the other day. he said, "there's no rebellion in rock and roll anymore." edit- i [I]really[/I] like that blue color in your posts. it looks really good.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rikku [/i] [B][color=0099ff]...choose the person that they will (Supposedly...HAH!) spend the rest of their lives with.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] more like the rest of the week, a month at the most, until the money runs out, or they cant stand to be around each other any more. look back. has this type of "marriage" worked in the past? i didnt think so. what makes people think it will work now? rotten teen-age hippie girls and all their "ooh..."s and "aww..."s and "thats so sweet."s :sick:
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rikku [/i] [B][color=0099ff]They're not punk, for one. And their music style sounds like pop.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] that would be because they are a pop-punk band just like green day, blink-183, etc. and they arent new like everybody thinks they are (based solely upon one single (that mitch mentioned)). they've been around for years. theyve had minimal success with a few singles from previous albums, but for some reason, this single seems to get a lot of attention.
  11. that was made with paint shop pro 6. there are no special effects. its all part of the original picture. thanks for the compliment.
  12. *begins killing Tori with a box of hostess cupcakes and a spatula* *stops* what? whats that? ...oh. you [I]didnt[/I] want me to kill you. *eats a cupcake* mmm... cupcake-ness. uh... you want one? *is slapped with spatula* ouch... [Tori]*steals cupcakes*[/Tori] hmm... heres the new and improved ava. (again)
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]I'm just waiting for hentai to pop up on network television.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] me, too.:devil: *crosses fingers* just kidding... or am i? ...yeah. i am.
  14. youve got to find you some OLD GC. it rocks out big time.
  15. man, i was hard-core about some mr. rogers' neighborhood. i knew everything about that show. what a shame to loose such a big part of a lot of people's childhood (especially mine). *goes to find a cardigan* im totally going to wear this thing to school tomorrow. *decides that the changing of shoes and cardigan every time one enters a room is a bit much* i wont go that far, but the cardigan rocks. *trolley takes mr. rodgers into the land of make-believe* *waits for the trolley to come back around* ... *sighs a forlorn sigh*
  16. *decides to contribute to HC's band.* ill do it if im anonymous. i dont want it to overshadow my real music career. if i became a fad (or a part thereof), i think id shoot myself in the face. *wonders about that last decision* *loads firearm (just in case)*
  17. yeah. i like that video, too. it reminded me of the Black Mesa Facility (Half-Life, i belive).
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue]I really want to know what this is supposed to tell me... hint, hint...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] it probably means that you're all a bunch of gullible psycho's who like to imagine cubes, ladders, and horses.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Just to let you all know, I am very upset that they are showing EVA on CN. That is the most stupid thing they could have ever done. Now all these dumbs kids are going to be "Evangelion Otakus" :rolleyes: just because they saw one very BADLY edited and dubbed episode or two. These people really have no idea what they are missing and it really makes me sad. I really love this series and I feel like I'm being betrayed almost...I guess that companies will do anything for money and CN is willing to pay anything for new anime. *Sighs* It's almost as bad as what they did to Tenchi... I don't think Nadesico will be as bad as EVA. That show really isnt' THAT mature until later on in the series. Have they started showing those episodes yet?[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] do you honestly think they are this money hungry or have you considered the possibility that they are doing anime a favor? i know how you are about wanting to keep your anime from the public eye, but you cant do that all the time. if nobody likes it but you, it wont be made. it has to have somewhat of a fanbase to stay alive. no money in = no show out. everything "sells out" to a point. "...and in between sips of coke he told me that he thought we were sellin' out, layin' down, suckin' up to "the man". Well now I've got some advice for you, little buddy. Before you point the finger you should know that I'm "the man". I'm "the man", and you're "the man", and he's "the man" as well so you can point that ****ing finger up your ***. All you know about me is what I've sold you, Dumb ****. I sold out long before you ever heard my name. I sold my soul to make a record, Dip ****, and you bought one." -TOOL "hooker with a penis" about the "Eva otakus"... arrogant little kids are going to be arrogant little kids regardless of what they get interested in and think they know everyhting about. there's nothing to be done about that. *braces self for backlash from the entire boards*
  20. what i dont get is why all the "reality tv" is so UNrealistic. why is that? they put people in situations that probably wouldnt ever happen under normal circumstances. the morons are going, "but what if..." there is no "what if". it wont happen.
  21. sheesh *gets another ava he made* well, do you want another DC one, the old pink Chi one that you just had, or what? heres another DC.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]NONONONONONONONONO!!! *blows up border around text* Sorry if I'm blunt there, but that is just...no. It doesn't work for me. Mmpfff. :drunk: [/B][/QUOTE] *urinates in ashes of border* the border has got to go. *doesnt like the dots in quote (grammatically speaking)* ...and the dots.
  23. *doesnt like DP* didnt rob zombie put down some vocal tracks on a DP track recently? i think i saw that somewhere... *isnt real sure of a lot of what he sees lately*
  24. *wonders what exactly a Disturbed song has to do with Family Guy* :) (*calm voice*- that was a joke) yay for Family Guy. i was kind of pissed when it got cancelled.
  25. its interesting. hey, at least its not yellow snow. :D
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