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Everything posted by treton_noir

  1. *has a hard time seeing chi* why a brick wall? im not complaining. im just trying to understand your reasoning.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo][size=1][morale]*dies*[/morale] Bleh, I was supposed to make a chibi banner for her (she dropped many hints), I just had the worst luck with finding [i]any[/i] pictures... Damn you and your ... whatever it was... I would probably shake an angry fist, but I do not think I can lift my hand that high right now... It looks nice. Though, it does not really take much effort to crop someone else work, slap a border on it, and call it a banner/avatar. Eh, but who am I to talk? It is obviously more than I was able to do... The composition could be better, too. I am such a failure. *drops head to desk as he posts this*[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] you know what? just forget i even posted it. ill go ahead and delete the thread if thats what you want. excuse me for making a f*cking effort.
  3. lol. a couple of times, i have fallen asleep holding my guitar and listening to my amp hum. i just layed in my bed with it across me. *sighs* *waits for girly "aww..."* *no "aww..."* :(hmm...
  4. BlueGender, i love you. *loves Fight Club* *wants to watch Fight Club* i love brad pitt, too. *dies*
  5. the song is "Brick House 2003" by Rob Zombie and Trina. the figure you are refering to is by Todd McFarlane (created Spawn). You can check out his other figures [url=www.spawn.com]here[/url]. all of his work is [I]so[/I] detailed. (check out the "Movie Maniacs" series!)
  6. i just want to know how somebody could take this the "wrong way". would they be like, "that sh*t aint funny! my grandmother invented that console. you apologize now, jack*ss."? just wondering. lol *is still impressed by work* *waits for PS modification*
  7. *cant get over how rad-daddy that song is* that thing rocks so hard, man. it is freaking crazy! *loves rob's scary, gruff lionel richie-ness*
  8. i wasnt serious about what i said in my last post. seriously... youve got to look at your situation. do you love one of them or are they just chicks to kill time with? you really need to weigh it out and make a decision either way.
  9. great white... *saying great white puts bad taste in mouth (from music, not fire stuuf)* from now on, nobody will know them by their "music". i think it would be a terrible thing to be remembered for making a mistake that killed so many people.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deedlit [/i] [B][color=009966]lol Yes, I took fencing for a while. No one at my house wants to talk about it though because that gets me started on about how great fencing is, and how I loved it, and how I want to go back. :D:p:whoops: But don't worry. I don't even have my sword yet (sadly)....[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] that makes me feel a little safer. a little... i still have to watch for your brother's "karate stick" and Anna beating me. how long were you fencing?
  11. they werent infected really bad. i just had some mucus build-up and stuff in my eyes. sometimes i forget i have them in and will still go to sleep with them.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jenni [/i] [B]font sucks, the blur sucks. Nice try, but no. [/B][/QUOTE] its a shame that not everyone can be as good as you. if Vash's edges were a little sharper, i think it would be fine. still needs something to fill the white space, though.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Probably reffering to the fact there are no adrogynous cross-dressing Oriental guys in it. Just a guess though... [/B][/QUOTE] thats EXACTLY what i would add. thats what would make it complete. mmm... androgynous *shivers*
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] I've had contacts a few years... I have to say, don't get lazy. Take those things out every night. You may not think so at first, but you'll regret it later if you get into the habit of not taking them out and cleaning them daily (well I guess unless they are designed for that, some new ones are).[/QUOTE] that aint no joke right there, killer. i got really lazy with mine for several months. i never took them out. i just wore them all the time until they fell out (they would go for a couple weeks)then, id just pop in another one. my eyes sort of got infected pretty bad. [QUOTE]The first week is the only hard part. Hell, nothing is even as bad as the first time heh. You'll get used to it, probably to the point that you could push your eyeball with your finger without it bothering you.[/QUOTE] every one worries about not screwing up, but, really, its kind of hard to screw it up. ...and about pushing your eye. i can touch my eyes with no problem. my brother and i found out that if you push your finger onto the sides of your eyes and look straight ahead without moving your eyes or blinking (and with a fair amount of pressure), you can make yourself go blind for a few seconds. it gets blurry, then everything goes grey. you cant tell colors or differentiate any kind of light changes or anything. (it cuts off the blood to your optic nerve until you let go. it takes a few seconds for your sight to return to normal.) its kind of funny to do to yourself. (its even more fun to talk someone else into doing it and then stealing the money from their wallet while they're blind. lol) :devil: edit-proper "quotatious-ness" and "grammatication"
  15. "Incidently, I love the way it looks with Tori's posts."-Sara thanks that really makes me feel better. (sometimes, we add/change things in each other's sig without the "victim" knowing) i told her about it on the phone a couple hours ago and she was acting pissed because i changed her avatar (i made that one, too). "OK, maybe I'm just totally under a rock here, but who is that chara?!? I see her all the time in Tori's stuff, yes, but...who is she?"-GinnyLynny :) the character is actually 2 characters from CLAMP's "Chobits". the one you usually see (and who was in the last (pink) avatar) is Chi, the main character. the one in this stuff is Dark Chi. they look exactly the same, but DC always wears black. im really glad you guys like the stuff. i worked pretty hard on it.
  16. i like the banner. (maybe because i like your car...) if it were a tad bit more clear, it would be great. very nice.
  17. i use the industrial one. it kind of helps to sort through the crap and get to the post itself (everthing is grey. there's no distracting colors.).
  18. stick with the broad you have now. flirt with the other one enough to keep her interested... that way, if things start to slip with chick-A, you can pick right back up with chick-B and not loose a step. :devil:
  19. here's the original. i think its actually a wall-paper.
  20. it does have a banner. its the same color as the moon. ...and i couldnt find a font or quote to do it justice, so i left it alone. look at in conjunction with the ava and a post of QA's and tell me how they look together, please.
  21. its a terrible thing, but actions arent without consequences. i hate to sound negative, but she put herself into the situation. she's got to deal with it. im really sorry it happened to her. my advice is "try to be there for her. she hasnt thrown her life away yet, so dont let her give up (especially in school). one of my best friends got pregnant in high school, is a great mother, and graduated in the top 10 of our class." edit- too many of these (")
  22. *pic is loading* holy... *loads more* crap... *finishes loading* that is amazing. i love it.
  23. i just got done with a dark chi banner for QA. c&c, i guess, so you can all tell me how sh*tty it is.
  24. if the only choices are those two, keep the one you have.
  25. thats really good. i like it a lot. it would look great colored.
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