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aka Topaz

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Everything posted by aka Topaz

  1. I would like to go into war w/ Iraq, But then again I wouldnt. I would like to just to get rid of Saddam, but i dont want to because my boyfriend is in the marines, and would be first to go. Its ok when you dont have loved ones in the military and you say ya sure send some men out there, but when you do, you dont want a war, you just want them back. Its just not worth it right now to me
  2. [SIZE=1]hey i can totally compare to the situation, my boyfriend just left yesterday to the marines!!! hes going to bootcamp for 3 months, then hes gone for 4 years. But we are trying to work it out, he got my name tattooed on his left chest [over his heart] and i got his name tattooed, ..well i wont go there, but we committed ourselves, and i think this is a test in life, everything happens for a reason, and maybe this is a way to test our love, either way we both think we will make it in the end, its not like he is gone forever he is still alive. if you guys were meant to be then in the end it will be worth it. Just wait for his letter, you'll know if hes the one or not. Good luck[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Does anyone know of any good animes to rent? suggestions please, thanx [/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]what i can remember when living in japan is that he did infact turn ssj3, and did fight fat buu and was doing a great job, but i forgot why it didnt finish...guess i was too young [bad memory][/SIZE]
  5. [COLOR=green]one thing i learned about "men" is that they are all the same, the only ones i know of that are respectable are the gay ones, its in a mans instincts to cheat or to gwak at other girls. I guess us girls just have to get use to it and get what we can in the mean time. $Cha-Ching$ ^.^ [/COLOR]
  6. i always loved the coke cola gummies
  7. aka Topaz


    very good band, but has sold out recently from back in my day
  8. i love to race w/ my prelude ^.^
  9. this is an old picture i drew, [i havent played the game before -_-, but the characters look "neat" to me] ^.^
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