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About D_H_Magus

  • Birthday 06/25/1987

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  1. God! This topic make me so [COLOR=red]Angry[/COLOR]!:flaming: *Breathes* So i will say the exact same thing that i said when this topic came up about videogames on GameFaqs.com. Desensititizing children to violence can be a bad thing, but it can also be a very good thing. Think about it for a second. A kid is sheltered his whole life, and only gets to watch teletubbies and never sees anything violent. Then one day he is outside playing with his dog, the ball rolls into the road and the dog chases after it, the dog is hit by a car and splattered all over the pavement, blood and guts lying on the ground and stuck to the grill of the car that just hit it. The sheltered kid might be mentally damaged for the rest of his life from something like that. but a kid who has been watching an overly violent episode of rouroni kenshin or has been killing something on an fps an hour ago might not have as much of an effect on him. In that sense i think that overprotecting your children could even possibly lead to violence. The kid might think that that violence isn't real and there is no consequences for carving open some other person. These ignorant housewifes have nothing else to do and should be told to shut up and go clean something.
  2. so.... what are they really? i'd like to learn about them, maybe play them. Can anyone tell me about them?
  3. First of all i have to say that you should have converted the format of that picture to a jpg, it took like 4 1/2 minutes for it to load. The wallpaper overall is decent, but the letters don't seem to fit in well with the wallpaper overall. Also the cloud effect in the very back doesn't cut the mustard, it just doesn't look very good for the other things that are there. The made by hamza thing is much to big and it stands out too much. It should be put so that the windows toolbar will block it when it is put as a wallpaper. Id rate it 5.5/10. Also, I apologize if i'm grading it too harshly.
  4. [url]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/dhmagus/asciigogeta_very_cool_.html[/url] heres another one, this one is of gogeta
  5. theres a barcode font floating around the internet that would work much better for that barcode... if you wanted it, ill bet theyde have it at themeworld.com
  6. just finished up a zelda sig... i need some help with the text though... got any ideas?
  7. hmm i wonder why they put those very small image restrictions on these boards.....
  8. no i didnt do that one myself, but i do know that it was all handmade with html... its just below 700,000 characters.
  9. considering how extremely hard n64 is to rip it is pretty damn good i think...
  10. no you really dont, i qualified for the beta in the usa, you still have to pay the 50 bucks for the setup
  11. kittylynn, i noticed you like tigger from the pooh bear thing so i got you an n64 rip to put in your sig :) if you like it and want to put it in, also put in ripped by: Deztriam anyways here it is [IMG]http://www.emuasylum.com/forums/avatar.php?userid=5417&dateline=1045677906[/IMG] btw i messed up the title, ignore the last three words....
  12. i have one a hundred times better than even the color one.... but its much to big to load, i cant find any way to show it to you guys, the max char limit is 60000 characters and the ascii is 699546 characters... and it wont let me load an html file either.... (edit: sweet i got it up, here you go [url]http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/dhmagus/asciigoku__very_cool_.html[/url] i think youll be pleasantly suprised
  13. i disagree i like the white background... but i think the text needs to be just a couple of points bigger, put a space inbetween gohma and queen and take the all caps off of queen gohma
  14. they can be useful when you need to find a cool text effect but you dont want to play around with the settings for 6 hours....
  15. i think you just have to use the bucket... i did that with a picture of trunks from dbz... made the whole sig black and white and mae his eyes bright green. you could try using a marquee then changing to grayscale... btw i like that sig alot, it kinda looks like a dream type scene
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