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Everything posted by Galvatron
Benard softly brushed his brown hair with his hand. Looked at the two girls and then looked at Kain. Benard " So are you the both of you on are side ? " Sandra and Sasha both nodded yes. Benard " So were all here now. All apart of the bigger picture , light vs dark and now we wait for the darkness." Benard now is the time to make your decision. You can either go find the darkness now. Or get to know each member knowing their strengths. the white stone said. Benard " Okay everyone I think we need to learn who exactly every one is. As leader i'll go first. I'm Benard Singleton and I have the white stone and I guess my job is too lead all of you into some ultimate battle of light vs dark. Other than that i'm 18 years old and i'm going to need your help to make me become a better leader over time." Benard shoved his hands into his pant pockets and looked at the group waiting for the next member to say something about themselves.
Kain and Benard had been walking around for hours looking for the others and the day was almost over . Benard " Hey I don't know about you but it's getting late." Kain " Well we can continue to search for the others but it's your call." Benard " I'll take my chances in the morning too continue searching. Besides I don't want to around the train tracks at night. As for you Kain it's you can go home or continue too search." Kain " Any place you want to meet up tomorrow ? " Benard " How about we meet up about ten O clock at the train tracks." Kain " Your the leader and that is your call." Benard waved bye to Kain as he took off to his cousins house to go get his brother Matt and from their head home before night fall. Benard you should of stayed with Kain. Together both of could face the darkness with more strength. Now with both of you split up, if the darkness should encounter any one of you , your chances of victroy are very slim. It was your choice as leader and your going to have to live with any consequences that come from your decisions. The white stone replied. Benard " Hey Kain is a big guy he can take care of himself white stone."
Benard lead the way down the street trusting the white stone that was safely zippered away in his jacket pocket. Benard " I guess your out of high school ? " Benard asked Kain Kain " Yes I am , I work and I don't like my boss at all." Benard " I graduated last year ,I don't work but I go to Junior College." Matt " He takes care of me when mom has a late shift at work." Matt replied . Kain " Your brother won't be a liability will he." Benard " He can be tough when he want's to be. Just too be on the safe side. I can drop him off at are cousins house past the high school." The trio made it a few blocks and when they crossed the high school. The stones that belonged to Benard and Kain reacted. Kain " That high school is surrounded by darkness." Benard " Yeah I feel it ! It's so cold , let's hurry up before something happens." Benard took Matt to their cousins house as Kain watched and stood gaurd. Benard " Me and my friend are going to play basketball. I don't want Matt just watching or he will get bored." Cousin " Okay Matt can stay here." Benard and Kain left Matt in the safe hands of family. Now the two went to look for the others.
OOC: Sorry for the late post I was busy . Benard looked at the white stone and was still shocked that it spoke to him. Benard " Me a leader I have never been a leader. What makes me qualified over any one else ? " White Stone " You have strength to bring those on are side together and. Your inner strength will give strength to those that become are allies. Benard " Allies , is their some war involved ? " White Stone " A war between good and evil." Benard " You need me to lead some group of good vs a good of evil. * sigh * What of my brother I just can't leave him alone if evil is running around town." White Stone " If we work quickly then evil should not be a problem." Benard " Oh right let's get going and find the others." Benard walked out of his room and looked at his brother. Benard " Matt let's go for a walk." Matt " I don't want too." Benard " Just follow me because it's not safe for me to leave you alone because something bad is going down." Benard put the white stone in a jacket pocket and zippered the pocket so it woulden't fall out. Benard with his little brother walked down the street and fate would lead them too Kain.
If it's possable I would like a banner of Randy Moss wearning the silver and black of the Raiders. Thanks in advanced and credit will be giving under the banner,
Name: Benard Singelton Age : 18 Day apperance : Durring the day Benard Singelton wears a Chicago white Sox's jersey and a white sox's hat. At night Singelton usally dresses the same as the morning. Personality : Being raised by a single parent who worked two jobs just to suport Benard and his younger brother. Benard can be over protective over his younger brother. He will also try too hard to accomplish something because he feels that he can't rely on pepole to much. IC: As soon as Benard got off of work he began too jog lightly to go pick up his little brother. His brother stayed at a friends house after school , and Benard knew he would not let his brother walk home in the dark. Benard joged up too the front door and knocked on the door. Benard " I'm here to get little brother." Brother " Hey I was waiting by the door for you." Benard " Yeah I'm a little late but don't worry I'm here now." Benard walked his brother home , they reached home safely . The two walked in , his brother went to the Kitchen and Benard went to his room. He opened the door and saw a white stone just laying on his bed ! Benard " What the hell is this ? " White gem " I see your pure enough and strong enough to lead the others." Benard " I know I don't smoke weed , what the hell is going on ? " White Gem " Don't worry nothing is wrong with you. Just get ready for the days ahead you will meet the others ! "
I don't think the angle with Hassan and his ninja terrorist in camo pants is going to hurt the WWE. I still think the WWE is going to push Hassan to a World Title run , what would be better than to have Hassan with the title. I'm hispanic and I'm not offeneded by the mexicool's or Chavo and his new Gimmick. This nothing too how JBL use talking about hispanics. If any thing bothers me, it's about Eddie as of late and what the WWE is planning with this secret between eddie and Rey. It better not be something sick or a second comming of the new Katie Vick angle.
Wow a WWE topic these come by once in a blue moon. I'm not too happy with the Dudley Boyz being released I was looking for a Dudley and M N M feud. I don't think the cruiserweight division is gone. They have the mexicools, Juvi and Rey equal good old WcW cruiserweight match. Nova is on SmackDown now and he could help out the cruiserweight division. Who do you think will take the title off Batistia ? My pick is Hassan , Hassan would get ton of heel heat as world champion. Do any you play a wrestling sim called EWR ?
I live in california and right now is some channel called AZN television it looks like it took place of Intercontinental channel and it has. Anime that I have never seen till today. Also at 8:00 it's going to show Yu Yu hakusho. Right now is some crazy anime called Descendents of Drakness. I advise you check this channel out if you have nothing to do. I have comcast cable and it's on channel 98 but the channel might vary.
Iwas watching the Clone Wars mini series and have a idea for a rpg. I was thinking of a small group of that might consists of a Jedi , clone trooper , a bounty hunter and other types of soliders. I need a story to get this whole thing fleshed out , maybe they are all whats left of a unit. Any ideas are welcomed or maybe you would like to help me create this rpg.
It's been to long since I have seen a WWE topic, as for predictions go for Wrestle Mania 21. Batista vs. Triple H I think Batista will win the fan's really buy into Bastista. It's going to be a even match with HHH and Bastista going back and forth. John Cena vs. JBL: I want to say Cena but I got a sick feeling that JBL will walk away. JBL will have some sort of dusty finish by knocking the ref down and then Cena will floor JBL with the FU. Cena will notice the ref is knocked out and when the ref gets back up. JBL will do a small package to Cena hold his shorts and have his feet on the ropes. Trish vs. Christy Tell the truth I will watch the match for Trish, she is so hot. HBK vs. Kurt Angle Kurt Angle will win via the ankle lock I have no logic behind my prediction other than i'm a Kurt Angle fan. Orton vs. Undertaker Undertaker should win this. Orton has been getting mixed crowd reactions from the fans for every time he has something to say about Undertaker. If Orton wins I can see him beeing hated for a long time by some fans, Money in the bank Edge has to win the WWE has him going crazy for the championship. Big Show vs. Akoebono Don't care for this match . Eddie vs. Rey A great match since I like both wrestlers maybe a great WcW type match. A heel is a wrestling term for a bad guy I think.
Sometime before the ball started Vick wanted to to be the flashest dresser at the ball later in the day. So Vick made sure he took the time to pick a tux that showed his personality. The tux that Vick decided to with was a light blue color on the long sleeve tux and the pants were light blue as well. To finsh things off Vick put on a pair of sun glasses and a hat with with a very colorfull feather. The ball Vick was not really a one who like to dance but he did love to run that mouth of his. He found some pepole to talk to and started talking about his greatness. " It was the fourth quarter and the team was down by three points with only one ffteen to go. I was doubled team by the cornerback and the free safety, luckly it was a slant route.The QB put the ball up I caught it broke free and thouchdown I won the game." Vick said with the worlds cheapest grin. Vick was happy yo get all the satisfaction from the other teens and the two girls who were in the area. " Do you ever get scared Vick when fighting ? " asked a greened eyed girl with dark hair. " When your as great as me fear is never a a question." laughed Vick . Vick looked around the ball to see what ever one else was up to. Vick noticed Darrius had stoped dancing with Sora and Vick saw that he would try to dance with Sora. Vick walked up to her and asked. " Well look it's Sora I don't see you dancing with any one and it's a slow dance, how about it? " Vick asked as nicely as he ever could say. OOC:amgoddess your call you can say yes or reject Vick.
At the base The intercom was booming with the urgent message for all pilots to get to the mech bay. Vick was fast asleep , the others were already in the mech bay and probably gone. Kraven was able to open a telepathic link to Vick. [COLOR=Red] " WAKE UP VICK ! We have trouble all the pilots have taken off and your still asleep."[/COLOR] Snarled Kraven " I'm geting up Kraven geez your voice is not so pleasant when I try to sleep." [COLOR=Red] " Hurry up Vick."[/COLOR] Vick got up and threw on some clothes and he ran from his room all the way to the mech bay. " Let's get going Kraven." said Vick as he tried to wake up completely. Kraven opened up the cockpit and Vick got inside, Kraven sprinted at of the mech bay and made it to the last mech carrier. Battlefield The carrier droped off Kraven who was the last of the ground mechs, Vick yawned as he scaned the field. " I don't see any one let's keep moving Kraven." [COLOR=Red] " If you only would have woke up than sleep in. Maybe then we would have something to do."[/COLOR] The distress call from Liz came in Vick would of have answered it but Vick and Kraven just came face to face with the new dino mechs. " Oh look we jus steped into Jurassic Park. Since when do we fight dinos let's show these dino heads that we are number one." Vick said as he took hold of the controls. [COLOR=Red] " Are you going to answer the call Vick ? "[/COLOR] " I'm sure it's just everyone wanting to say hello." Vick said not knowing Liz life could be in jeopardy. The gatling guns fired at the dino mechs that took on diffrent forms of various dinosaurs. The gatlings guns were working well enough to knock some dino mechs down. For the greatest effect Vick used the grenade launcher , the grenades shot up in the air and scattered hitting in diffrent spots. " Take that you dumb dinosaurs!" Vick said as the dino mechs went down. [COLOR=Red] " It's time for Berserker fury ! " [/COLOR]Kraven said to Vick as for the first time Vick and Kraven became one. Vick felt a tingling feeling run trough out his body , all of Vicks senses widen up and so did his pilot abilities. Kraven was now able to push his limit this was just enough of a advantage to battle the new dino mechs. " What the hell did you do to me." [COLOR=Red] " Shut up and just pilot we have a time limit to pull of this move. I'll go around slashing things up with are increased speed and strnegth ! " [/COLOR] " Okay Kraven let's finish them off." Krave ran through the lines of dino mechs and began to slash through the metal of the dino mechs as Kravens claws exposed wires and gears. Vick and Kraven continued to slash the dino mechs.
Vick walked into the mech area and got ready for his turn to gaurd the base. " Okay Kraven it's time to watch over the base." [COLOR=Red] " This will give us time to link are minds as one Vick."[/COLOR] " I don't really want to become one mind Kraven." Vick got into the cockpit and took control of Kraven and began to scan the area around the base. " Okay I see a rock some sand a snake, this is boring. What is that up in the sky it's a bird no it's plane it's Superman. Never mind it's a bird Kraven, would it be wired if me and you were evil. Imagine evil Vick I would have a eye patch and a black cape and a cool looking evil red uniform. Forget the eye patch a cool looking helmet would be nice." Vick said as became bored. [COLOR=Red] " Hahaha ! If your were evil we would be getting are ass kicked every day by the good guys. Let's return to base Vick and get some rest."[/COLOR] Vick and Kraven returned to the mech area. " See you later Kraven." Vick said , Vick began to walk for the dormantry . Vick opened the door and and told Cliff he up next for watching over the base. Vick walked to his room and as soon as he went in his room he threw himself onto his bed and fall asleep.
Justice waited by the north gate for the four Mantaean soilders to accompany him on his long journey. Each soilder was dressed in a dark blue uniform just like Justice. The four were equiped with a sword at the side and a handgun the only drawback the soliders were not very experienced. " Good you four will accompany me, I have decided to travel through the woods to reach a small town, my home town of Vee." Justice said as looked over the four soliders. " Yes sir , my name is Hall." said the soilder " My name is Ray." " I'm Big Jay." " I'm Pain the strong man." Justice looked over his soilders and noticed hall was a rather skinny 6'0 person, his uniform looked baggy on him. Ray looked like a young boy and Justice had no clue why a boy would ever want to fight in a war. Big Jay was the same height as Justice which is 5'11. Big Jay was rather chunky to be a Mantaean soilder but Justice knew he was once a drunk in the streets of Vee. Pain looked to be the tallest he was about 6'6, his hair was black and was about shoulder length. The build of pain looked medium in muscle tone. Pain had a pair of brass knuckles in each hand. Justice walked into the woods with the four men and began the long journey to Justices home town of Vee. " Sir why are we going to Vee." said Hall " I have to visit my brother for wisdom that is all." Justice said but he knew maybe at the site of his brother's death. Maybe just maybe he could figuer out if he fights for the right side.
Vick was in the mech area talking to Kraven about how they were knocked out of the last battle. " I don't blame myself for what happen Kraven." Vick said [COLOR=Red] " I don't blame myself , I believe it's both of are fault."[/COLOR] Kraven answered " I did all I could do." [COLOR=Red] " You did give it all but I think we can push are selfs harder. If the other pilots can link their minds as one in combat we should be able to as well. Just imagine what we could accomplish as one Vick."[/COLOR] " That sounds good and all but I don't like the idea of being one mind. I kind of like thinking on my own Kraven. I would like to talk more but I got a meeting." [COLOR=Red] " Just think about it I will see you when battle comes up again."[/COLOR] Vick waved bye to Kraven and walked down the long corridors to the meeting room. Vick opened the door to the meeting and sat in the seat next to Kenji. Vick sat waiting for the meeting to start. " Let's get the damn show started" Vick said as he crossed his arms.
Deviryn had placed Kraven on the landing pad, Vick was greatfull but he would not say it to Sayne. Vick opened the cockpit and then looked up at the damaged Kraven. " What the hell happened Kraven I thought together we could take anything down." Vick said in disgust. [COLOR=Red] " We can but first we got to learn to be on the same page." [/COLOR] " I'll come by later to check up on you Kraven." Vick began to walk away from Kraven. He waved down some mechanics and told them to fix up Kraven. Vick walked into the base and was going to his room. As soon as he got to his room Vick sat on his bed and thought about Kraven. " Fuck all this, I'm the best and I'm not going to sit in my damn room and cry." Vick got off his bed and left his room , he slamed the door behind him and decided to prove he was the best he and Kraven would have to work as one.
Some were in the Mantean Encamoment Justice sat in a chair and clinched a photo of of his brother in his hands. " Damn the resistance they took my brothers life. They will take more lifes as this resistance continues." Justice stood up from his chair and put the photo back in his jacket, he began to walk to find Lord Luca Blight . Justice walked to Lucas camp but to his surprise he was no were around the area. Quickly Justice asked some the soliders were Luca could be. " We don't know commander Justice." answered a soilder, Justice looked up for a moment to gather his thoughts. " Tell Luca I'm leaving at the crack of dawn , I have to sort out some business." said Justice. " Commander do you need troops to accompany you." " Maybe four men, have them meet me at the north gate." Justice began to walk to his camp to gather his gear. He took out the photo of his dead brother and looked at the ground. " I must figuer out if I truly fight for the right side." said Justice
" Well their goes Elizabeth she got the right idea to leave me the rest. Let's show them what a robot lion and the worlds greatest fighter can do." [COLOR=Red] " Less talk and more fighting."[/COLOR] Kraven continued to battle through the remaining hover tanks as Vick gunned the gatling guns. The protection of the right flank was almost complete, Vick looked around for anymore hover tanks. " It over with, I'm just to damn....OH CRAP ! What the hell is that a super tank." Vick yelled as a unknown tank emerged from out of the blue. [COLOR=Red] " That tank must of came from a drop ship above. It has to be one of the ground commanders."[/COLOR] Kraven said as he watched the commanders hover tank come forward. The commanders the tank was armored from front to back, the top hull carried a laser cannon. The sides had their own hulls complete with laser guns as well. " Easy it's just a hover tank that looks more fancy." a paranoid Vick said as he gazed at the commanders hover tank. Kraven charged in as Vick fired the gatling guns, the guns had no effect on the commanders more powerfull hover tank. They keep fighting back only to get hit by laser fire that knocked Kraven down to the ground. " No, I can't lose...Kraven hang in." Vick said as him and kraven got pounded by laser fire over and over. Vick took the controls and charged in once more and began to use Kravens claw slash the effect was minimal. Vick and Kraven were given the a deadly blow as the top hull fired the more powerfull laser cannon at them, the blast knocked Kraven out of commission. As the lion mech fell over on it's side , Vick had his body hit against the cockpit. " No what do I do." Vick said with fear.
" That Elizabeth has some gut's to tell me I can't win the war." said Vick after the comments made by Elizabeth. [COLOR=Red] " Vick I think you heard it wrong."[/COLOR] Kraven said as he tried to get Vick to calm down. " I'll be a hero all I want, I'm the bigshot on this team....damn we got hit." [COLOR=Red]" Thats what happens when you let pepole get the best of you. No shut your mouth and fight." Growled Kraven to Vick.[/COLOR] Vick took hold of the gun controls and began to fire his gatling guns at the hover tanks. The gatling guns were strong enough to puncture holes into the hover tanks and immobilize a good number of some hover tanks. " They never blow up, time for the grenade launcher." [COLOR=Red] " No were to close to the base for the grenade launcher. Time to use the claws to destroy the immobilized enemies."[/COLOR] " Fine then Kraven, I'm going to show Elizabeth that she can't out do me." Kraven ran and used his claws to rip up the immobilized hover tanks, he continued doing this until the whole squad of hover tanks were destroyed.
The day was ending and Vick was sick of losing to Dale at PS2 , Vick got up and walked away. " I hate this game I hate it." said Vick as he tried to calm down. " Are you always so upset when you lose." asked Dale. " I'm not going to answer that question. You should see me when I don't get the football thrown to me." said Vick as he looked around for some one else to beat at a game. " Any one want to play me at pool. Why don't you pepole ever talk I swear most of you are so quite." Keji who was siting on a large bean-bag looked at Vick but felt if he said something it would not get through Vick's head. Vick walked to his room for the first time he opened the door and was glad at least he had a place to sleep. First he looked at the bed and next opened a locker and he saw his backpack and what looked like some military uniform. " Mr.Fei must of brought my backpack off from the bus. I knew that teacher wanted to be my buddy." Vick opened his backpack and threw everything inside out onto the ground. " English book, binder, pen, my fan mail from all the ladies at school. Oh look my X-Box hat was crushed by all my books, and my reading glasses seem to be in good shape." Vick looked at the bed and sat on it he looked at the ground and said a short prayer about letting his parents and his cat to be safe. Vick woke up around 4:45 and nearly pushed himself to get out of bed. " Ugh... to early in the morning !" Vick threw on a white undershirt that was in his locker the shirt said Sayon Base and his blue jeans. He washed his face and and brushed his teeth , Vick looked at his messy white hair. " I will just put on my hat." Vicked picked up his hat off the ground brushed it off and put it on backwords. Vick also put on his reading glasses just in case he had to read something. Vick walked out of his room and began to head for the meeting.
The battle had ended and Vick was one of the last to come back to base. " Hey nothing like a little detour huh Kraven." said Vick [COLOR=Red] " Next time I should pilot so we could get back early."[/COLOR] Vick parked Kraven in his area and the hatch opened up for Vick to get out. Vick stretched and looked around to see no one around. " Were is my welcome party damn people must be nervous around me." said Vick, Kraven than laughed. " Okay were do I go ? Don't tell me I got to sleep here." Vick said. An offical walked up to Vick and yelled at him. " You return to base with everyone , never return when you feel like it . Here is a pass to your room go down the hall and turn left. I advise you sleep because tommarow might be hell all over." Vick looked at the officer and opened his mouth. " Sure thing buddy I know you want me to be your kids role modle." said Vick, and began to walk in search of his room. " Forget my room I want to find the mess hall." so Vick began asking people were the mess hall is and after asking around the whole base he found it. Vick stood in line to recive his meal he looked at his tray and saw what looked liked a hamburger. " School food it better be better than school food." said Vick to himself. Vick looked around for a place to sit he heared some one call out hey kid. " Oh crap that Darcon guy and his officers want me to sit over their." Vick walked to the table and sat down. " My name is Vick and I'm the best of the best on the battlefield sir." said Vick as he and Darcon began to talk about the mission.
Name: Justice Age: 25 Race: Human Class: Unorthadox fighter Weapon : any thing Justice can get his hands on. Weapon Style: Justice creates moves as he goes and uses his surroundings as a weapon. ( Kind of like Jackie Chan ) side: Mantaean Empire Why they fight: For the life of his brother and the innocent pepole of Mantaean. A BRIEF(!) History of the character: Justice is his name and he truly believes he fights for the right side. It was a tuesday when Justice found his younger brother wounded by a small scrimmage between the resistance and Mantaean Empire. Justice wondered why would pepole start a uprising that involved innocent lifes lost in the Empire. Justice fuled by the lost of his brother and the need to protect the pepole of the Empire. He joined the Mantaean Empire army to stop the resistance from taking any more lifes. [URL=http://www.sammystudios.com/games/ggx2/images/S_char_ky.jpg]Click for apperance[/URL]
[COLOR=Red] " Let's make sure we take down as much ....blast that was to close. You control the gatling guns as I move around."[/COLOR] said Kraven " What do I fire at...." Vick failled short on his sentence as his eye's widened as the hovering ground ships came in focus. " What the hell hovering tanks...okay start moving Kraven." Kraven started to turn left and right passed the ground hovercrafts avading fire from them. Vick began to fire recklessly as he was unable to focus the crosshair while Kraven moved. [COLOR=Red] " Come one Vick can you at least hit one out of a couple of hundred. Excellent I knew you could hit one ." [/COLOR] Vick managed to take one hovercraft down, the craft simply stoped in it's tracks as smoke raised from the side. The gatling guns blazed on but it was no match for the rest of the crafts. Suddenly the other crafts went down, the rest of the mechanima and the pilots had arrived. " This is the only time I'm saying this , I'm damn glad you guy's just helped me out." Vick said as he opened a transmission to the other pilots. Vick than looked ahead of him to see Elizabeth just run through some tanks and Vick grew upset. " Oh hell no no one is going to outshow me on the battlefield. Kraven you got any more weapons." [COLOR=Red] " I have a small ordinance weapon it fires a couple of grenades it's located ontop of my back. Hit F3 to open the hatch so the weapon can come up. Just to let you know we must be stationary to fire it and it has a low chance of hiting the enemy you select."[/COLOR] " That is no problem it just might hit the tanks next to it or behind it. Well let's show them hell Kraven." The small but effective weapon fired a barrage of grenades at the closes unit of hovercrafts. The grenades went up in the air some went left, right or simply just droped straight down. Vick laughed as the grenades hit all over the ground as small explosions went off on the hovercrafts. " Worked out better than I could hope for....hey why is the screen flashing low on ammo." [COLOR=Red] " Don't worry we have about two grenades left." [/COLOR] " TWO GENADES ! Well I just hope it is enough." Said Vick
Vick stod their not knowing what to do, he watched everyone get into their Mechanimas, he could not figuer how to get in. " Okay open up so I can get in." Vick scratched his head and tried something else. " My name is Vick and your name can be Kraven, together we can be the best damn fighters." The lion opened up a cockpit from the chest. [COLOR=Red] " Vick get in so we can show them were the best at this."[/COLOR] " What the hell you pick now of all times to talk to me. Enough talk i'm going to show why I'm always number one at what I do." Said Vick as he got in the cockpit. [COLOR=Red] " I like your attitude, now flip up the blue switch infont of the computer good. Now would you like to have full controll or half and half."[/COLOR] " Let's go half and half Kraven, you take over when you think the time is right." said Vick as he hit the enter button. [COLOR=Red] I see you would like all weapons on line huh, so we can standout from the rest."[/COLOR] " I thought enter would start up the engine, well let's make sure we outshine everyone on the battlefield." Kraven started up the engine and began to sprint down the long hatch way with noting but flashing lights and arrows pointing them in the right direction. As Kraven went down the ramp he laughed as Vick started to play around with the chair by lowering it back or raising it higher. " Don't laugh, you got to make sure you comfortable Kraven, by the way who paints a lion black and gold ? "