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Everything posted by Galvatron

  1. Gohan: Hey Krillian who wears the pants around you'r house. Krillian: I do Gohan. Android 18: Krillian get over here and clean the whole house. Krillian: Im on my way don't hurt me. ______________________________________________________________________ Radditz: I need a hair cut. ______________________________________________________________________ Yamcha: Look at me wearing a yellow suit I think I was going to be pimp this saga. Bulma: Stop looking at me like that Yamcha. Vegeta: You know if you give me 5000 zenny I let you have her. Yamcha: No thanks, 18 look more like a ho type of person.
  2. Galvatron

    The Fold

    Name:kio Sharp races:Human Weapons: Samurai Sword,Dagger,climbing rope Alignment:the Army of the People BIO: Stuborn and very arrogent with his swords and daggers and can be a show off around girls hey he is only 22 . Kio is a samurai warrior who has no idea why he got cought up in the middle of a good vs evil war. It was two months back when he decided to help out the human race when his brother was killed by a evil mystic person, Kio was angerd and kill the mystic. Kio has never let go about what happen in the past to his brother now Kio is just wondering looking for answers way the forces of evil must attack inocent pepole. Description: Let's say he has the armour like Onimusha. has black fuzy hair like spike from cowboy bebop, red bandana.
  3. Galvatron

    The Fold

    Name:kio Sharp Two most desired races:man or Vamp Weapons: Samurai Sword,Revolver,Dagger, Alignment:the Army of the People
  4. 0083 was one of the best gundam shows I have seen, the only thing that puzzels me is did the colony hit earth?
  5. Majin-Buu" Buu is not hungry no more, me Buu will go on diet !" ________________________________________________________________ One day at Goku house Goten" Gohan whats that noise I cant sleep." Gohan" Go back to sleep.....Vidal you'r to loud."
  6. Yeah I had PS1 then I got the PS2 The main point to the PS2 succses is the sequals like Final Fantasy
  7. Japanese version for me every since I got the movie Histroy of Trunks unedited it's been Japanese.
  8. Any one thinks the That the new Transformers shows are a bit dry compaired to the orginal Transformers.
  9. I would make Metal Gear Solid 2 have a little bit more playing time as Snake only because I felt like why is Snake on the cover but the whole game you'r mostly Raiden.
  10. I have seen all the new episodes in Japanese I think the only one they might cut out parts from is were. SPOLIERS BELOW Cut out parts from when Goku and Vegeta were inside evil Buu's body.
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