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Everything posted by Galvatron
After a while of just pondering his own thoughts Kazuya get's up. He notices a small but very loud gathering of villagers, the farmers voice sounded worried. " Those damn samurai are worthless they can't enter the estate. My daughter is beeing held in the estate." " Thats your fault for gambling , now that loan shark is going to sell your daughter." remarked a man. " I have little money some one has to help me out." cried the farmer. Kazuya looked disgusted at this act but also by the act of a father. Kazuya turned away from the crowd but felt that maybe a noble deed might gain himself some pride and honor for the time beeing. " Maybe I can gain some pride along with honor by helping this farmer out. I only know of one loan shark up at Mountain estate by the name of Ogawa." Kazuya spoke to himself.
The rising sun had just set it was a start of a new day. A lone ninja by the name of Kazuya stood inside the small forest with his arms crossed and standing tall, the leaf's that fell from a nerby trees floated pass him. His eye's were in a trance as if he was searching for an answer. Soon enough his eye's shifted too his right, he had made up his mind he would travle right towards an small village not yet unifed under Japan. Kazuya removed his mask his silver hair shot up in every direction. He quikly changed his komono and threw the other one along with the mask into a bag that he swung over his left shoulder. Now he would be able to blend with any other travlers on his way towards the village. After two hours of travling he had arrived to the small village, looking around he noticed this village was full of life , it was a village that drew in travlers with their small market. Kazuya walked through the crowd , Kazuya could not stand this place it was far to crowded and he hated pepole trying to read his facial expressions. Then again he woulden't mind a young lady looking at him for his decent looks. After pushing his way through a swarm of pepole Kazuya found an small pier to fish off of . Kazuya sat at the end gazing at his reflection in the water. " How can I live with out any pride or honor.... vengence will be swift when the day comes!" Kazuya thought to him self .
A ninja had little of a code to follow by unlike the samurai who followed bushido. Bushido commanded the samurai to live by the sword and die by the sword. An samurai could not sabatoge or sneak into an enemy's house these task were not allowed under stricted rules. For such a task you called for an ninja to sabatoge and assassinate your enemy. An ninja was well trained in all sorts of weapons and fighting skills. Most important to an ninja or samurai was pride and honor. This is an tale of an ninja named Kazuya who belives his pride and honor was crushed by an infamous rurouni warrior who turned his back on the way of bushido. Kazuya now seeks to regan what he belives is to be crushed by finishing what was started two years ago. What I need is some travlers to join up with Kazuya or not they all have reasons for what their doing. For the reason being gainig respect, revenge , etc. Also it would be nice if some could rp as the infamous rurouni and stir up trouble and etc. I hope this takes off. Name: Weapon( guns are yes but they would have to be those old pistols don't know name of the pistol.) gender/age: bio: descreption( I can't have millions of ninja's so if you try to be diffrent) Name: I'll be Kazuya Weapon: Katana and a Kusari-gama ( an short chain with an sickle at end) gender/age: male age 23 bio: It was only two years ago at the age of 21, Kazuya was given an mission to kill an rurouni swordsmen . The rurouni was an trader that had commited war crimes, word soon reached through out japan about the rurouni. Kazuya just gaining respect for his involvment in the war , as the mission was going to close . Kazuya was blindsided by the infamous rurouni , Kazuya was wounded. His wound caused him to fail the mission and the rurouni soon escaped. After failing Kazuya spread the rumor that he was killed , for two years Kazuya has searched for this rurouni to finaly end what was started two years ago. description: an red hakama cut of at shoulders, red mask over mouth, silver hair, black wrist gaurds , black tabi boots, black sash.Brown eye's , 5'11 , 189 pounds
Since this is the anime lounge I was wondering if you could help me out with drawing my own anime so I can create some sort of online magna. The main problem is can't seem to get a plot going or some sort of timeline for the whole story to take place in.
Long ago in Japan their was the an untold tale of a ninja who had an army of oni ninja. It was said that after his pride was deeply wounded after an martial arts tournament he seeked a way to gain more power. The power was givien to him by an oni warrior in return the ninja promised to create an alliance between oni and ninja. After countless tournaments and defeated opponents. The ninja secretly became an oni general who lead an army of oni ninja on all of Japan. After beeing defeated the ninja told a secret that was forgoten soon after. A secret that might save the future from an Oni Ninja who still has a task to finish. Name: age: ninja tech( the amazing spectaular anime style finish move, no god like power) Bio Description: Name: Kazuya age:18 ninja tech: Skull crusher , under hooks your right arm and headlocks your head jumps six feet up and brings you down at lightning speed into a DDT. It leaves Kazuya weak due to the speed and strength he must use. bio: Kazuya enters this years tournament in the beging of Secret of the Ninja . To keep his reputation of an promising fighter alive. Kazuya also belives he has an fan base of girls and young boys who want to be just like him but we really know Kazuya makes things up. When you get to know him you find out soon enough that he rather fast talk his way out of a fight. description: 5''11 , 189 pounds , silver hair brown eye's , ninja mask only over his mouth, black ninja attire .
EVA thats what it was not evo, sorry for the confusion thanks for the help.
What's an Evo or Evo it's something that has been comming up , is it even have any thing to do with anime ?
The world has gone post apocaliptic in the year 2050 due to the events of a mass EMP that sent everything into massive chaos. Society is in shambels with humanking breaking into clans or doing what ever it takes to surrvie. Surrvival is not an easy task for weapons are scarce and most cities lay in ruin. In the world of dark tommarow surrvial is not an option just don't piss of the local clans. Their is but one hope , some were in dark tommarow is the last standing goverment were society still functions somewhat. Name: Weapon: One main and a side arm. Gender: Age: Appearence: Bio: Im going to list some clans go ahead and feel free to give me any ideas go ahead and change the names if you got a better one. Clan of the cresent moon : By day they hide by night they come out. Cyber heads: Mostly a bunch technology lovers who hold most of the world working technology. Wandering Souls: Pepole with no affilation to any clan. Peace Makers: Looking for peace only peace not violent. Last Hope : Currently a one man clan searching for hope and the last standing goverment. Sign up on here and i'll PM to let you know if you'r own. If you want you can get a hold of me on hotmail for ideas. [email]Cyrax_Dbzrpg@hotmail.com[/email] ................................................................. Name: Marik Weapon: shotgun and a rusty sword. Gender: Male Age:22 Apperance: Black hair, googles on top of head , black tanktop with a black light jacket over it, blue pants. Bio: Marik is a one man clan called Last Hope. He usally will take help but can get angered easily which will drive pepole away from him.
Rizzo: Then why are you inside of a bar than watching the city ? Aurora: Why do you ask so many questions ? Rizzo: It's my nature to ask, well thanks for the water. Rizzo get's up and leaves the gold soon he walks out of the bar. Rizzo shakes his head wondering if today he should play the role of a hero or villian. Rizzo: Well the town has one gaurd, so I can help out I guess. He starts off on a patrol route.
Rizzo: Thirsty were is a nice bar around this place. Hey you over there were is the bar in this town. NPC: It should be around the corner. Rizzo: Thanks for the information. Rizzo continued to untill he came across the corner and turned. He was now infront of the bar, Rizzo walked in dusting off his brown coat. Rizzo: Hey dose any one work at the counter or is everyone in the kitchen ?
Zemdi: Jericho see it through my eye's. The world has never been perfect , im sick of watching the world be draged down into a black hole of termoil. It can all stop , I will have the power to dispose of those who make the world an nasty place. Jericho: It sounds more like dictatorship and no man has the right to do so. Zemdi: If you do not wish to follow than I will have to watch you die. Jericho: Zemdi go too hell. Jericho points the shotgun at Zemdi , but Zemdi laughs. Zemdi: I got you Inblade, I have a remote gun drone with a bull's eye target on your head. Jericho: DAMN !! Well don't you think im lucky enough just to dodge it as I pull the trigger.
Jericho walks up to the front office and kicks open the door, he quickly take out his shotgun and has an smirk on his face. Zemdi: Finally the hunter finds me inside my space station, job well done. Jericho: I figured it out that only an nut case would hide out in the astroid belt. Zemdi: Have you ever found out my motive. Jericho: No so explain it. Zemdi: Using key political players for my selfish use. I was ready to create an political party that would bring the world into my controll. I would then move on to create an world without fear , a world with perfect leadership. Jericho: You would have the worst leadership the world would fear you not grace you as an powerfull leader.
It was a new day as Rizzo got out of bed, he quikly got dressed into his attire. Today he would walk around town to get a nice idea were everything was. Rizzo: What a nice town , but like everything it's going to fall itno ruin. Rizzo walked around town and keep hearing talk about snakeskin bandits. If any one was going to start trouble in town it was going to be Rizzo Valgav. Rizzo asked around were the bandits were but the answer was they were all cought. Rizzo: I guess im not much use if they were all cought but I wonder if i'll see some action.
Rizzo Valgav walked up too the gates of Black Haven and smiled, he looked up at the gaurd and asked if he could enter the city. Gaurd: State who you are first. Rizzo: Nothing more than a soul who wonders about looking for a safe place to live. First thing to take care of was to find his house that his father bought for him inside Black Haven. He wonderd about looking for the house, after a good two hours he found it. Rizzo walks into the house that he just named Valgav house. Rizzo: My father could of bought more than one chair, oh well got to make the best of it.
i'll join in if it's not too late Name: Rizzo Valgav the wandering soul Age:28 Race: human Gender: Male Occupation: Trouble maker , stratigest , gaurdian of the innocent House Type: Stone House Looks: Brown eye's , black hair that covers his eye's, black leather armour , red headband with an feather on the right side. Small Bio: Rizzo a man who just appears with out any notice, he can become you'r alliy or your foe. He will leave with out a word or will be seen wondering about from town to town. Some say he is a soul that wonders about in search of evil or in search of good.
The Star Jammer flies through the astroid field dodging the astroids, Jericho looks forword as he comes into contanct with Legolas Station. As the star jammer boards the docking bay, Jericho walks off the ship and goes on a search. Jericho: Fill the ship up. Man: Yes sir. Jericho: So what kind of service is on this station. Man: A whole lot for beeing way out here. Jericho: Im sure your right.
Rizzo: So we go to the plains tommarow, im going to wander about. The fire bringer bandits went their seperate ways for today. Rizzo had no clue what to do or he was unsure about if any one knew that Alex was missing from the real world. If he was going to find a way out he would have too use the power of Rizzo and his brain as Alex in the real world to stay alive. Rizzo: Farmland path , that looks like a party of players. Rizzo walked past the party of players, and keep on his path for the plains.
Rizzo walked around the town of Amber looking for some of his henchmen. He was unsure if his own bandits were traped in Lore just as he was. Rizzo found two fire bringer bandits and walked up to them. Rizzo: So what are you looking at. Ace: About time you showed up Captian. Rizzo. Flint: Were looking at the damn hero. Rizzo: Hero ? Ace: Yup a newbie who wants vengence on us bandits. Rizzo: Who is going to help out a newbie, eh. Flint: Other newbies maybe or money hungrey mercenaries. Rizzo: I guess we got to rob the newbie and kill him. Rizzo grabing his sword walked up behind the newbie while his two bandits followed behind him. Rizzo with a swift strike killed the newbie, for more fun Rizzo and his two bandits also killed everyone who talked to the now dead newbie. Rizzo used his sword to ingrave a fire symbol to mark that they had been their. The gang left the town , laughing for another evil deed in Lore. Rizzo: Thats why I love this game I can get away with things that you can't get away with in the real world. Flent: Yeah I agree, so boss whats next. Rizzo: The plains I guess , im sure the NPC barbarian tribe might have some good exp to lvl us up.
The crowd erupts as HBK runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. Coach: It's Shawn Michales he's her to help Kevin Nash. Jericho looks up at HBK, Jericho tries a to swing the chair at Shawn Michales. HBK ducks under the chair shot from Y2J, Jericho turns around to get some sweet chin music right to the jaw ! King: Oh no look what Shawn Michales did to Jericho. Coach: Thats what he deserves. Jericho rolls out of the ring holding his jaw while walking to the back stage area. HBK helps Nash up to his feet, and the two are left in the ring shaking hands.
Andrew fought flawless aginest the two counsel members in the subway. He watched as their bodies began to twitch and burn up into ash. Andrew still in stance looked around the subway, soon vampires came out from every direction. It was a damn trap inside a subway that the vampires used as a feeding zone. Andrew: Looks like im in New Yorks number one feeding ground.
Jericho: Lo go on course towards the astroid belt from their we will land on Legolas Station. Lo-29: Sir are you sure of that ? Jericho: Im sure that the station is just a little to quite for beeing around for a couple of months. Lo-29: Sir the station is only two months old and it makes you fell uncomfortable. Jericho: No the owner of the station is known as Kenji Zemdi. Lo-29: Sir do you think he is the Zemdi your after. Jericho: Not sure but a gut feeling.
Rizzo stood in a town wondering about looking for his bandit members. Rizzo knew he couldent be the only one traped in the charecter he created frome home. Rizzo walked into a small pub it was loud with the chatering going around. Bar Tender: What will you have ? Rizzo: Dragon stew and water. Bar Tender: 300 gold Rizzo hands over the gold and sits at a far table in the right corner of the pub. Rizzo couldent belive that he was actully tasting dragon stew and water inside of a game.
The titan Tron shows HBK back stage infront of a Tv ready to watch Kevin Nash Vs Chris Jericho.