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Everything posted by isawis

  1. put it back but make it so any posts in there dont count...i remember you did that to a forum before...
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] Obviously, the Electoral College's job is to look at voting from across the nation and treat every state equally. If they didn't, then some states would have more power than others, when it comes to choosing a President. [/B][/QUOTE] [sarcazm]That's why some states have more electorial votes than others..fair..[/sarcazm] This is the way I say it's b/s...Lets say (very hypothetical) ALL of New York and Cali vote one way, lots of people and however many electorial votes. Now in the other states they're close races and most of the states go the other way(not Cali/NY).Ok, the other way gets more electorial votes even though the first guy has way more votes... b/s. ::Edit:: pfft spelling errors and grammer stuff ::Edit:: added [sarcazm] for the people that would take it wrong.
  3. i found one befor...Alien Adoption Agency...it sucked *** and i forget the site...try searching for it...wait i will...nope cant find it...
  4. my mom used to like them for about a week so we have 14...their on a ledge above the doors behind me...their in little clear boxes so nothing happens to them...
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]Nothing, I think it's a stupid and pointless day [/B][/QUOTE] End
  6. one time, i had a dream me and a few friends were walkin around...a girl i was walkin with started gtting undressed then just walked naked...im waiting for deja-vu
  7. in grades 3-5 i was in a smart class that just met 1 day a week... this year ima freshman in high school... 1st period geometry:A+(highest in class of 3 freshman,10sophmores) 2nd period woodworking:B-(blarg) 3rd period gym:dunno he left it blank 4th period keyboarding:A+(50+Gwam) 5th period English cp:C+(dont do homework) 6th period lunch:Yum+ 7th period physicl science:A+ 8th period study hall:... 9th period world history cp:A eh not bad
  8. think about this: The Below Statement is False The Above Statement is True
  9. I was having trouble making up a dransik(mmorpg) name( captain1leg,i_p standing) so a friend suggested a name randomiser he found...got isaw and i added is to make it better.Isawis(i-za-wis) cody722_2000 got banned...cody-my name-722-my b-day-2000-when i made name(msn) I_P_Standing was a funny name for runescape(mmorpg) and has no refrence to IP's. [b]BABYGIRL WHERE'S THE PIC OF U 4 GIRRLS?[/b]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]The American public will ALWAYS find scapegoats in games and movies and music. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS! [/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally said by Eminem [/i] [B]They say music can alter you and affect your mood; Can it load a gun and cock it too? If so tell the judge it's my fault and I'll get sued. [/B][/QUOTE] Enough said? -Cody722_2000(old) -I_Am_Me(kinda old) -Isawis(new)
  11. if you think about it...breed a homeless man and a queer..take the product and mix it with a tree..take that and mix it with molten lava and you got yourselves a pokemon!
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