[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alexander [/i]
[B]I might put up a picture of it if I have time(lol). I just need to scan it.
BTW: Short for: "By the way."
This translation was taken from [URL=http://www.stormpages.com/edhrzic/Yugioh.htm]Edo's Yu-Gi-Oh! Page[/URL]. Italics is stuff I added for clarity.
Type: Fusion Monster
Dark/Magic User [i]AKA Spellcaster[/i]/1/0/0
Effect: [Sacrifice [i]AKA Relinquished[/i]] + [Wicked God of A Thousand Eyes]
When this card is on the Field, other Monsters cannot attack nor
change their modes. Once during your turn, you may absorb 1 of
your opponent's Monsters, gaining the attack and defense
strengths of that Monster. You can only absorb 1 Monster at a
time, and it becomes an Equipment card on this Monster. [/B][/QUOTE]
What does it mean by the monster becomes an Equipment card?