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About Bunni_Chan

  • Birthday 01/31/1988

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  1. Hmm, I think a name change option would be a little too confusing. People should pick a name they will like or at least be able to tolerate no matter what. Such as if you like a certain anime now and you pick a character name as your name, no matter how much you like that anime now there will come a time when you will get sick of it (most likely) so don't pick the name Gene Starwind just because you like Outlaw Star. The name change option would be too confusing.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=deeppink] [size=1]^^' and btw... James, What..is..big brother?? *dodges tomatoes* I'd really like to participateif I can... soo... what exactly is it?[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Big Brother is a reality TV show sort of like a survivor spinoff.
  3. *pulls him my way* Darling...I think its great but you already know that. Just dont stick in that last part kay? *blushes and smiles* I don't think that kind of stuff is allowed on OB.
  4. I draw manga, in fact I'm working right now on an Elven Slayers manga, for those of you who know of the ES, with Mike's permission of course. I do my manga on keenspace, whose heard of it? it's a really cool and easy to use webmanga site. I think the hardest part about doing characters is trying to get the eyes to match perfectly. IIt's like one is always taller than the other or longer or has a bigger pupil and I always have to do it over like a thousand times before I'm happy with it. Expressions in general are pretty tough but I think clothes are easy.
  5. I love all music except rap. Rap, in my opinion, is just garbage in the kinds of morals it promotes and the things it talks about. I think music is food for the soul and rap is like junk food, it sings about things liek violence, drugs, sex and its just not a very pleasant and soul moving type of music. Pop is probably not one of my favorite types, but I can tolerate it and some of it isn't that bad. I remember how ignorant I was in grade school, standing up for N'Sync and dissing classical *sighs at my own ignorance*. My favorites are any type of rock, from alternative to heavy metal, and country music, yes I love country, country rocks, bite me. Ohh yes and one more, I don't like Irish music, or anything to do with Irish music, such as Irish dance or Irish anything. That guy from lord of the dance, well thats just creepy, his legs flail about as though indipendant from his body, *thinks about it and trembles* O.o .ooh look a quarter...
  6. Ya' know Einstein failed math... I didn't time myself but I got a 159, woohoo I'm smart! I said i was average. But I don't think you can really tell intelligence by a test either, I mean what if a person who couldn't read english took it and scored like a five. Would that make them dumb? Ok bad example but, if you guess at some answers and happen to get really lucky, you could get a great score and still be an idiot.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]"grammer" is actually spelled as "grammar". Just a tip. [/B][/QUOTE] Whoa, thats embarrassing, and after I just ranted and raved about good grammar too.:rolleyes:
  8. My sis/bff got me into this site, she's MysticDarkElf, she kept pronouncing it Otoka boards before she could say it right, I had to tell her the right way *hehe*, at first it sounded uninteresting to me but i got on and i was hooked. I had to make the fateful transition from chat rooms to message boards and it has not been easy *falls back dramatically*. But I'm coping and I'm really glad I checked this place out.
  9. I do not beleive in destiny, I beleive in fate. Our "destiny" would be our exact life layed out before us, with a definite end in mind and no way of changing it. Fate, i believe, is various events that were meant to happen, events that present us with choices and the choices we make determine our destiny. Such as it might be fate that a certain boy meets a certain girl but whether or not he chooses to date this girl will determine his destiny. So we are in control of our destiny, which i define as the end of the road and where you end up.
  10. Quite frankly, the use of improper grammer is one of my biggest pet peeves. It just drives me nuts to hear people saying "who you is" or other exapmles of bad grammer. It's not so bad in kids, kids can be expected to follow the rappers and talk as if they've never had an english lesson in their life, but when grown adults do it it just drives me insane. Its the same when people try chop off some message length by using "ur" and "g2g", although I dont mind that so much as when they do this "1 g2g c ya l8er" or "omg d1d u c t4at n3w m0v13?" I could just strangle people like that, L1k3, 1 cud r33Ly ]us7 k1ll pplz l1k3 7h47.
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