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Bandit Joeykuba

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Everything posted by Bandit Joeykuba

  1. Get sent through a portal to the Shadow realm? How lame! I like the original better... Plummeting to you death through glass would be quite awesome. If you ask me, the dubbers are totally overusing the whole Shadow Realm bit. I see it now: [spoiler] In the Jou vs. Yugi duel, their tied to an anchor that is coated with a magic spell and will send the losrr to the Shadow Realm! And Anzu has a pill in her mouth that will send her to the Shadow Realm if Yugi refuses to deul![/spoiler] Sorry about that... I honestly think they might do that. One more thing beforeI go on without a life, Namu? NAMU?!?!?! C'mon Marik, your a frickin' evil genious, can't you come up with a better name?!?!?!?! Oh well, Marik by any other name would still act the same.
  2. I am Renee Hagee, aka Blackgatomon. I'm an ametuar writer, poetry being my speciality. I'm a bit insane (I'll probably be the one who WOULD write about the health benefits of edible underwear) and... Uh... Yeah. I have a superhero (read VILLAN) name... Physco Shadow... and even though I'm female, I'm the Prince of Darkness (Soon to be king hopefully). I love Anime (especially Yu-Gi-Oh!), Final Fantasy 7, Shonen Jump, and other various stuff. That's it. That's all I can think of for an application. This application was brought to you by: - The letters O-T-A-K-U-B-O-A-R-D-S - The number 666 - Meow Mix - Otakuboards.com AND FINALLY: -Posters like you! Thank-you! This post is rated "O" for "Odd".
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS5 Gogeta [/i] [B]There are a lot of Japanese anime that are based upon myths and legends...[/B][/QUOTE] This is true. And by looking at YGO cards, you see links to myths and also real history. HISTORY- Take 'Giant Rat' for example. The rat may seem demonic to some because it's holding a small human skull and grinning. I think that it could also represent the Black Plague, a famous desease that killed many and it's main cause was rats. The 'Bubonic Vermin' has a rodent onit. Bubonic refers to a plague, so yet another reference to the Black Plague (or another plague like it.). 'St. Joan' is based of of a real heroine, Joan of Arc. She was dubbed a saint later on. Myth- 'Legendary sword' is probably based on Excaliber, King Arthur's fabeled sword. It was considered a legenedary sword. 'Firewing Pegasus' is based off of the winged horse in Greek/Roman mythology. Real Things- 'Dark Hole' is based off it's real counter-part that does suck everything, including light, into it. That's all I have time to do now for that. I guess it really does depend on how you look at it. I find nothing evil about it. I'll qoute my mom to conclude, "As long as you know it's fake, it's okay.":whoops:
  4. You battle your rival for the third time to get HM 02 (Fly). This battle occurs on Route 119.
  5. Apparently sometime soon. I'm thinking after they finish cycling through the old(er) bC eppies. I mean, they have episode previews/summaries on their (WB's) website! [spoiler](Umbra & Lumis vs Yami & Kaiba) [/spoiler]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jinzouningen17 [/i] [B] But they could possibly edit the parts about death pretty easily since no one actually dies. The one part I'm waitin to see how they edit is when [spoiler]Yami Bakura slices his arm. What are they gonna do about that? When he's layin in the hospital with a bandage over his arm, are they gonna say "Bakura fell down and scratched his arm." or some crap like that.[/spoiler] [/B][/QUOTE] I could see that! Honestly! [spoiler] [i] Ryou is in the hospital, bandage on his arm. Blood stains (Dubber: With a SMILEY on the bandage! :)) can be seen in dark crimson spoltches (Dubber: But it's a happy red! :)). Yuugi and friends walk in. Sad music plays (Dubber: But it's HAPPY sad music! :)) [/i] Yuugi: Ryou! Are you okay! What happened?!?! Ryou: I-I... Jou: I bet it was that jerk Marik! Grr! Honda: Calm down Jou! Ryou: *sniffle* :bawl: I FELL DOWN AND SCRACTHED MY ARM! Rest: :bluesweat [/spoiler]
  7. That... WAS FUNNY!:blulaugh: I loved it! Now... I'm going to keep up with my "speak Count"...
  8. Shweet card. I can't wait to get it... well sorta...
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gouf [/i] [B]It is just game. They is no heart to the cards.[/B][/QUOTE] Your wrong, Gouf, there IS a heart of the cards! You may think me to be crazy but... the heart of the cards as yet to fail me in a serious duel.:smirk:
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tigervx [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Wait, I just thought of something. Did Yu-Gi ever destroy Pegusas's Gorogens eyes in their duel? Because if he didn't, when he played Dark Magic Ritual face down and Feral imp in defense. If Gorogens eyes was out, it would turn it to stone. And when Relinquished destroyed it, it would have taken 700 LP from Yu-Gi. But I bet I just missed something :P.[/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Uh... What does this have to do with the NEWEST episode of YGO? Anyways, loved new episodes. Strings ((the mime, aka 'The silent one')) is just awesome. And Marik was as hot as ever.:love: BTW, the blooper I caught while watching the episodes. When Strings used polymerization, De-Fuse showed up as the card being used.
  11. Okay, after studying the card immensly, I've reached these conclusions: 1)The monster card IS the Cyber-Tech Alligator. How am I sure? The positioning is the same, the colors are the same, it's a 5-star monster, has the same sttribute, and if you study it, you'll see a tiny text that's hard to read but does say on it "-Tech" 2) The trap card looks to be wide spread ruin because of the explosion. 3) The ritual monster is a 7-star monster with either an earth attribute or a dark attribute ((or even,possibly light, but I believe it's one of the above. 4) All I can tell about the magic card is it has a blob on it. That's all I know...
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Devlin [/i] [B]Q: In the 2nd episode, what mistake is made when Yugi is dueling Pegasus? [/B][/QUOTE] Other than calling the Celtic Guardian by his Japenese name, Elf Swordsman, it also showed a Witch of the Black Forest on Yugi's mat when: 1)Yugi never played one and 2) Yugi doesn't own one. Heres an easy one: What are the Rex vs. Joey episodes called?
  13. I did have DWM1 but I traded it away. I still have DWM2: Tara's Adventure. I enjoy the series very much. I finally managed to beat DWM2, but i never bet DWM.
  14. The trainer's name is Duplica (Sp?) and the special ditto is named 'Mini Dit'. It was named that because it created minature versions of larger pokemon. My Question: Name all of the legendary pokemon from R/B/Y/G/S/C...
  15. Yeah, that's right. Anyone know the answer to my bonus?
  16. 100. I remember A.J. saying that. Errrrr... My Question: On G/S/C, how do you get the 'Big Snorlax' for your room? Bonus: How do you get the gold and silver trophies for your room?
  17. Someone else can ask. I can't think of any.
  18. Brock has 10 siblings. His dad even says it in 'Showdown in Pewter City'. THE SCENE: *Camera pans across to show a house full of kids. It zooms in as a little girl runs up to Brock, apron on and cooking, crying about her dress being tore.* Ash: Huh? Brock's Dad ((under disguise)): Brock has ten little brothers and sisters to take care of. Ash: What about his Mom and Dad? BD: His good for nothing father left home... *etc etc etc* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Heh, I only counted nine, but the episode said ten.
  19. [i]Blackagumon stared at Warx. Mutated Freak, was his first thought. Still he didn't know how this guy fought, so he hid in some nearby brush.[/i]
  20. Did anyone else see the mistake on today's episode of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ahem, if you'll notice the little kid in Serenity's room's is looking at the laptop to find out what's happening in the deul. When Joey plays the card that makes Weevil's Insect Queen attack his own Insect Soldier of the Sky, the LP for Weevil((according to the laptop)) go down from 5450 to 3250, like it's supposed to. Then, before Serenity and said kid start to talk, the LP's turn to 0 for a split second.
  21. I haven't seen any of the movies yet. Sad, isn't it? Can someone tell me what happens in them?
  22. Blackagumon: I bet she abadoned us. Blush: She wouldn't do that... would she? Labramon: We don't know her that well...
  23. Woulda been nice if they coulda shown that before Lee joined but... They did show part of her past in the middle of the series. .. The last time I saw CCS on tape was... at a Dollar General...
  24. Yeah, I love'd it. I wish they'd show it again... I'd tape it all. I'll tell you about the last few episodes as soon as my friend will let me bnorrow the episodes she has recorded. The only thing I remember is that Lei moved away and Sakura created her own Clow Card called 'The Hope', I think.
  25. I was relizing that no one has put a place for CCS to be dicussed at. I, personally, love the show and would like to talk with others about it. I don't remember everything about it though. To make this short, I thought it'd be nice to talk about an semi-forgotten anime.
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