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Everything posted by Bandit Joeykuba
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
Bandit Joeykuba replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
I'll put this whole A.D. thing to rest. My Social Studies teacher told us that: B.C. stands for 'Before Christ' and A.D. stands for anno Domini, which directly translates to 'The year of our Lord'. I'm glad their bringing Inuyasha! -
I play Trumpet! I've been playing it for... two years... Fun to play but,,, I hate practicng.
Bonus: Mewtwo- Cave in Cerulean City Zapdos- Power Plant Moltres- Victory Road Articuno- Seafoam Island Bigcajones ?- Ditto Magnemite/Magneton Legendary Birds Legendary Dogs Mew Mewtwo Those are all I remember...
You forgot some: Seadra w/ Dragon Scale= ? (I forgot the name) Slowbro w/ King Rock= slowking Poliwhirl w/ Kings rock= Politoad Poliwhirl= Poliwrath I think those are the only others. I could be wrong. As for lightest pokemon: 1. Weedle 2. Caterpie 3. ...Rattata? BONUS: Moltres: Victory Road (Or whatever that cave is in front of the Indego Plateu) Articuno: Seafoam Islands Zapdos: ? (I forgot this one) Mewtwo: That accursed cave in Cerulean City ((AKA, the cave of high level Ditto's of DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!))
[i]Blackagumon watched the new digimon gather around. Too many, he thought. That's when he saw Devimon, Icedevimon, and Neodevimon. [/i] Blackagumon: *glaring at the trio* I [b]HATE[/b] Devimon... [i] He chased after the trio of villans until he spotted them with Blush.[/i] Blackagumon: Prepare to die! BURNING CLAW! *he struck Devimon, claws ablaze for his attack* Blush: What do you think your doing?!?!?! Blackagumon: Stay out of the way!
[i]Blackagumon walked through the forest cautiously. He had seen the fire, and was courious as to what had started it. He spyed Tallamon and Swishmon, but hid behind a tree, rather than talk to them.[/i]
Awww man... You took blackgato... *sighs* Oh welllllllll... Name: Blackagumon ((Little Black Agumon with Amber eyes)) Level: Rookie Attack: Flaming Claw, Burning Breath Evos: DarkGreymon((Champion)), SkullGreymon((Ultimate)), Blackwargreymon ((Mega)) Personality: A little troublemaker that loves pyro. He is a bit of a loner, but does have a few friends here or there. Virus type.
Okay, Circeus, apparently no one knows the answer or has no idea what your talking about. So, could you give the answer or reword the question to where it makes sense?
I'm Susan Renee' Hagee Susan: Hebrew. Lily of the valley. Renee': French. Reborn. Hagee: German. So, I'm basically 'Lilly Reborn' or 'Reborn llly of the valley'. BTW, I hate my first name, so I go by Renee'... or by my nickname, Joey.
MARRIL!... I think... Or was it Snubbul?
*laughs* That's true HS, so true! Me and a friend ((Namely: Tatooed freak)) thought it weird that the first timeLeghul attacked, it bit Joey's leg. @_@ But... This time... they didn't show marik... I WANT TO SEE MARIK!
Just to get everyone out of confusion... RELEASE DATES: Duelist of the Roses- 2/18 Dugeon Dice Monster- 2/18 Stairway to the Destined- Sometime March
Spam. That's what this thread is.
YAAAAAAAY! WHOOOOOOO! *watches the last 5 minutes of the last part of Master of Magicians ((M.O.M.... Heh heh heh...))* Go Marik, go Marik! @_@ Heh heh.... :luv:I love Marik:luv:... Don't care for his voice, but I love his looks. I don't care if he IS evil. Oh and the next duel will be [spoiler]Joey vs Weevil[/spoiler], that is, if Lelola is correct. And the blades... I'd rather them be saw blades... but... you can't win them all... And yeah, I noticed the whole cross-changing-to-rock-slab thing.
Wow Beelzebumon... I didn't think anyone except me noticed that... YAY! *dances* Yeah, it's sounds exactly like Tai's voice.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by egyptgirl [/i] [B]that was from quite a while ago :D Did anyone see the Crazy Takes on WB? James from Pokemon Scene: T`ea gives starchips to Yugi: T`ea: Yugi, I won these starchips for you. James: Oh, Pikachu. And the Paradox Brothers one... :laugh: LOL [/B][/QUOTE] Tea: *about to hand Yugi the starchips* Yugi, I won these sta- James: Oh, pikachu... Where are you? Director: CUT! What are yu doing? James: Oh, sorry. Director: And action! Tea: *about to give Yugi the starchips* Yugi, I won th- James: Pikachu... Director: CUT! Not again. James: sorry... Director: AND ACTION! Tes: Yugi, I w- Pikachu: Pikachu! Director: What is that? James: *picks up Pikachu* I'll be taking that. *walks off* Para & Dox: *jump into the air, doing the flips* Director: You can come down now* ParaDox: *still in the air* Director: Let's go to lunch...
Gah, I feel like a baka. Here's what can get deducted: 1) Talk to people- 1 pt 2) Talk to Biggs- 2 pts 3) Go to Communication Tower before Seifer tells you- 1 pt 4) Jump off cliff- 5 pts 5) Fail to save dog- 10 pts 6) Run into the cafe to escape X-ATM092- 20 pts I know I'm right... SO... QUESTION FROM ME! In FF8, What level does the Bahamut GF start at, and what is it's HP?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by clowmet [/i] [B]According to GAmestop, this game comes out on 5/13/03. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, the magazine I read had it issued for 3/18/03... And their normally right about this sort of stuff. But they could be wrong. Either way, does anyone know what it's about?
Some of my Pokemon's names: Umbreon- Moon Bane ((Bane=Destruction, so Moon Destruction)) Typholsion-Fire Bane ((Fire Destruction)) Suicune-Hydro Bane ((Hydro=water, so Water Destruction)) Snorlax-Shock ((That was the state I was in when I caught it... I caught it with a lvl 7 Pichu... O_o)) Pichu- Bzzzzzzzzzzat Nidorina-Barb Geodude- Block Head Sudowoodo-Wigglez Marill- Pikablu ((The rumored name it had before PKMN G/S)) Miltank-Moo-Moo Azumarill-Hydra Slowbro- S L O W Gyrados (Red)- Blood Wave Marill- Bloo dratini- Love Bane ((Love Destruction... Death by love... How... fun...)) Togetic-Eggman Pikachu- Electron Pichu-PIKA Pikachu- Feral Imp Aipom- Monkey Tentacool- Jellyfish Pinsir- Kabuto ((Type of beetle, if I'm correct)) Ekans- Kobra Kai Smoochum- Miss Kiss Scyther-Grim Reaper O_o... That's all I can name for now...
Isn't it something like: 'Don't jump off the cliff like Selphie does'. I remember you lose 5 pts if you do that. Am I right?
Anime Big Starter/Structure Updates - Take a look at this!
Bandit Joeykuba replied to Hyper's topic in Otaku Central
I got my Black IllusionRitual card in my first MRL pack... I'VE BEEN WANTING RELENQUISHED LIKE... FOREVER!!!!!!!! -
Too much Jokes: - You glue a golden coin onto your cats head. -Whenever something goes missing you say "Darn Team Rocket". -You and a friend recite the Team Rocket moto to a group of three kids. - Whenever your cat catches a mouse you say, "Good job meowth! You caught that Ratata just for me!" -You suddenly decide to leave home, with a neighbor hood animal, and go on a quest to become a 'Pokemon Master'! -You see an guy who has a lab, and ask him what starter pokemon he has. -Whenever you get a bad grade, you mentally ask Mewtwo to 'take care' of the teaher. -You write/type 'You watch Pokemon too much if...' jokes. Th-th-that's all folks!
Everyone knows about YGO: Dungeon Dice Monsters (GBA) and Duelist of the Roses (PS2) that are coming out on Feb 18, but did you know another one is coming out on March 18? It's called YGO: Stairway to the Destined (GBA). Does anyone have any info on this game? I'm very curious.
Anime They dared to insult the good name of Yu-Gi-Oh!
Bandit Joeykuba replied to Bandit Joeykuba's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Faris [/i] [B]This morning was funny. YGO was on, and mum and I argued for about five minutes over whether that's Yugi's real hair. She reckons its a hat. But what about that time when she ran his hand through his hair and it all sprung back up again....[/B][/QUOTE] Tell her this: "It real hair! It was just that... when he was five... he stuck some scissors in a electrical socket and got shocked. His hair has been like that ever since." -
Anime Big Starter/Structure Updates - Take a look at this!
Bandit Joeykuba replied to Hyper's topic in Otaku Central
*reads list* Wheres my bucket? *finds it, grabs it, and starts drooling* I'm... in... loooooooooove... Relinguished, my sweet, you will soon be MINE! And you too, Toon World! I am SO getting the Pegasus Starter. And Joey Starter... And Yugi starter (sad, ain't it?) ... But not Kaiba, I got him...