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Everything posted by Bandit Joeykuba
I liked it. It was very good.Heh heh heh... *remembers the seen HyperShadow brought up* Heh heh heh... they begged for mercy... And on Rex's behalf, I think he should get his Serpent Night Dragon back. It was very mean, what Espa said. And last but not least, the duelist of the episode is Joey Wheeler. He figured out Espa's cheating ways and [spoiler] is gonna beat Espa and get his Jinzo in the next episode. The stars have told me.... okay it was Lelola.net, but who cares? [/spoiler]
Yes, I would say that it is quite rare. I just love it! I want to have one just like it! only I want mine to be black, blue, purple, and green. POWER TO THE ERRORS!
I read an article in some magazine that most people don't realize changes, no matter how obvious they are. Joey wouldn't notice 'cause he's blond (no offense), Tristen... is only on screen for five seconds, so we wouldn't know if he knew, and tea... Tea's got prblems, so scratch her out... As for anyone else... maybe they need glasses (Or in Weevil's case, stronger ones)? And hearing aids too?
Rare Hunter: *after beating Joey in the deul* And now I'll take your Red Eyes! Joey: Hang on, I'll get it for you! Rare Hunter: We Rare Hunters prefer to take our prey by force! Joey: I said I'lll GET it! Makes you feel sorry for Joseph... err, Joey...
Most of the time we play with no tributes, with the exception of ritual monsters. Sometimes, no LP, just whoever runs out of cards first.
I watched it last Friday. Man, that movie kicked a**. Now I know why my step-dad loves it! [i] "Where is he? Where's Tetsou?"[/i]
I named Barret Mr. T O.o... FINAL FANTASY VII NAME LIST Barret- Mr. T Cloud- Fox Cloud ((don't... ask...)) Aries- Izumi Tife- Kari Red XIII- Nanaki Everyone else kept their name...
Anime They dared to insult the good name of Yu-Gi-Oh!
Bandit Joeykuba replied to Bandit Joeykuba's topic in Otaku Central
School's the only place we CAN duel. Everywhere you could think of deuling, we don't have. I hate living where I do. So school and home are the only places available. -
Anime If you could have/make any Millenium Item, what would it be?
Bandit Joeykuba replied to MaceDavis's topic in Otaku Central
One word: Duh. But anyways, It has the power to: A) Seal/Send a soul to the Shadow Realm- Mind Crush B) Mind Suffle C) Open a mind/heart to see the truth D) Whatever powers the Pharoah has. BTW, It Millenium. Sorry, I had to correct that. -
Wasn't it 3?
Anime They dared to insult the good name of Yu-Gi-Oh!
Bandit Joeykuba replied to Bandit Joeykuba's topic in Otaku Central
My parents DO make fun of Yu-Gi-Oh... My mom calls it Nugioh. She still calls pokemon pokey-mans and Digimon... well digimon is still digimon. Ane my friends mom calls us anime fans Yugimononians... O.o... Back to the sunject, those stupid kids. They keep making us deulist so mad. I find cards ripped up ALL the time. Oh well, heh, there's two- wait, three more duelists in this world thanks to me and my friend. -
Bubonic Vermin... Yes, the furry littlegerbil that can bring more to your hand after being destroyed... too bad I only have one... --;
Heh heh heh.... I have to post here again... I know this one kid who's been known to steal cards from deulists around my school and now, everytime he asks someone if he can see their deck, they say no... heh heh heh... Serves him right...
Anime They dared to insult the good name of Yu-Gi-Oh!
Bandit Joeykuba replied to Bandit Joeykuba's topic in Otaku Central
Yu-Gi-Oh is a craze at my school. I can get on the bus and half of the boys.... okay 3/4 of the boys will be trading YGO cards. So I have no fears of being looked down on... except by snobs. All I have is anger... to those jerks who disrespect what majority of the school likes. -
I say go for FFVII. in two words: It rocks! In how many other games do [spoiler]the main character's love interest get killed[/spoiler]? The battle system is easy to learn and the Summon Cinemas are priceless! And just because it's easy doesn't mean it's short-lived... I've been playing it for 70+ hours now and still haven't beaten it! ((but I am on Disk 3, thank goodness))
Anime They dared to insult the good name of Yu-Gi-Oh!
Bandit Joeykuba replied to Bandit Joeykuba's topic in Otaku Central
This is what really makes me angry: Option A: Walkinto cafeteria, someone has one of those blue lights thingies, flashes it in his/her eyes and says "Look I have BA blue eyes..." Option B: Walink into cafeteria, someone picks up a card from a deulists' deck and says "I know how to play..." sets card down, then proclaims, "I win!" Person runs off. Option c: Walk to table, remains of torn ards scattered across it. Walk off in complete disgust. Option D: Kid walks up, sees cards and says "Hey, I'll buy those Pokeman cards from you." or something like that. Option E: Jerk walks up, sees cards and says "Aren't you to old for that? Grow up and get a life!" and, my favorite, Option F: Kid walks up, "Hey, can I have some of the cards you don't want?" Feel sorry for forementioned kid, give him some whimpy cards. Kid runs off. Later, fing forementioned cards in trash-can, covered in drink, food, and other disgusting objects. All of these HAVE happened to me... P.S. At dances we DO take cards to trade and deul and such, seeing how their banned during school hours, even in home room, thanks to some teacher. We have our own tables in the cafeteria we use during forementioned dances and we're a bunch of people ((all boys, except for me and a friend of mine)) who hate/can't dance. -
*nearly has a heart attack* Wow... O_O... Heh... maybe it will be here by the time the PS3 comes out *laughs, looks at the picture again then dies* X_x
I hate 'em all. Especially the rude ones and the ones that steal cards.
The notes are: Do-Re-Mi-Ti-La-Do-Re-Mi-So-Fa-Do-Re-Do E.C.: I don't remeber. My question: In Junon (FFVII), you have to participate in a drill that is to be shown on tV. If the rating is 50% or higher, what prize do you get?
Anime Mcdonald's Has Yu-gi-oh! Cards!!!!
Bandit Joeykuba replied to Triforce rules's topic in Otaku Central
*laughs* The McDonald's I go to being over-popular? *laughs harder* That's a laugh! The food sucks and they most customers they get in a week is like... 50 at the most! -
Okay... wild guess... 22!
Anime Mcdonald's Has Yu-gi-oh! Cards!!!!
Bandit Joeykuba replied to Triforce rules's topic in Otaku Central
Nooooooooooo... It comes with the Mighty Kids Meal...I even asked one of my friends from school who has one... Even one the commercial it says that it comes with it. Besides, My step-dad TOLD them to mMAKE SURE that they put YGO, but did they listen, noooooooooooooooooooooo. -
Ask me a question I CAN'T remember... I think it was between 11-17... Not sure... I'm an idiot...
Now that I have a GC, I'm most definately getting FF: CC. Now... ENIX AND SQUARE?!?!?! OH HAPPY DAY! I can see it now, Dragon Warrior Monsters (one of my fav. GBC games) meets FFVII(overall fav PS1 game). I'm in love! *faints*
I got a Gamecube, Animal Crossing, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Metroid Fusion, and Yu-Gi-Oh: DDS. Oh, and $50 to spend on any gaming related thingy I want... I'm saving it 'til Feb. so I can buy YgO: Falsebound Kingdom and YGO: Dungeon Dice Monsters. ^_^