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Bandit Joeykuba

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Everything posted by Bandit Joeykuba

  1. I'd reccommend Animal Crossing. It's very addictive. LIST OF GC GAMES I OWN: ---Animal Crossing ---SSBM
  2. I HATE MICKEY D's! FOR THE PAST TWO TIMES I ATE THERE SINCE THE PROMO STARTD HEY GAVE ME... Pinnochio... and that's not the saddest part...the REALLY sad thing is... They didn't even know what toys they were carrying at the time...
  3. BlackGato: Sprindellmon... only in legends have I heard of such a digimon. Kira: Shouldn't we be out there helping your friend? [I] Blackgatomon and Kira sat there for a second. Blackgatomon was deep in thought. She then, finally spoke up.[/I] Blackgato: No. We're not much helping seeing that I'm a champion level and you don't have a D-ark. Kira: Are you saying you want me to be your tamer? Blackgato: Maybe.
  4. Kira: So, Blackgatomon, What exactly are we up against? BlackGato: Uhhhh... Gallantmon Crimson Mode and his brother, Gallantmon Choas Mode. [I] The two kept walking until the came near the clearing that Sphrinmon and the Gallantmon brothers were. The stopped when they heard the voices. Blackgatomon eyes widened and she muttered one word, "Sphrinmon". [/I]
  5. "But he's acting like the jerk we used to know and loath!"- Tea "You can always count on Kaiba to have a Blue Eyes or three up his sleeve."- Joey "Vanquished and sacrificed are two different things Yugi!"- Kaiba "Well, if it isn't big, tough Joey and is team of dueling dummies."- Bandit Keith "...a herd of stampeding elephants couldn't wake Joey up."- Triten -------------------------------------------------------------------- These are some memorable qoutes...
  6. Blackgatomon looked around as she walked through the forest. She couldn't help but feel lonely. Everyone was gone. Blackgato: What about me? The cat started crying. A girl heard the digimon and walked up to her. Girl: What's the matter? Blackgato: My friends are all gone... Girl: I could be your friend. I'm Kira, you are...? Blackgato: Blackgatomon.
  7. Blackgatomon ran to Katzemon. Blackgato; You alright?
  8. Blackgato: I hate to admit it, but you did great back there Sphirnmon.
  9. Blackgato: You guys are insane.
  10. Blackgatomon pratically glared at Katzemon. Sitting a good 5 ft away she still managed to have a good view of this digimon. Blackgato: What's the matter?
  11. Name: Blackgatomon Type: Virus Attack: Black Lightning Paw Profile: A short-tempered digimon. She's all spunk and loves to fight. Not exactly the most friendly digimon but when she does make a friend she stick with them no matter what.
  12. No, there IS gonna be Joey and Pegasus STARTER decks. They're already out in Japan. I know they exsist because I saw a place where I could order them.
  13. So far I've had one card stolen from me. I let my friend borrow my Laberinth Wall for a dance ((everyone deuls at dances...)) and the next day she told me that someone stole it. She did do a nice thing tough. She traded her Manevolent Nuzzler to get another Laberinth Wall and gave it to me in place of the one that was stolen. What ticks me off is she had some of her cards stolen also! The cards were: 1 BEWD, 1 Dark Magician, 1 Summoned Skull, and several other cards. We found out the kid who took them but I don't know if she's gotten them back yet.
  14. I know Joey Starter is coming out this Spring and so is Pegasus'. I think Red Eyes Black Dragon COULD be in Joey's, or even prehaps Baby Dragon. Don't know 'bout Pegasus'. Maybe a holo Toon World. But a second Kaiba starter? Never heard of it!
  15. Name: Kira Age: 13 Digivice&color: D-power, Black & Dark Blue Friends: Blackgatomon Personality: Very sweet, makes friends easily Side:Good Bio: Kira met her digimon, Blackgatomon a while back. Her digimon is still sort of wild. She was attacked by her once but she still wants to be friends with her. Digimon: Blackgatomon Rookie: Darksalamon Champion: Blackgatomon Ultimate: Ladydevimon Mega: ??????? Bio-Merge:??????? Bio-Fuse:????????
  16. My favorites are: "Realm of Shadows at this hour, except this soul and grant us power!" and Joey: "Goooooooo drumsticks!" Mai: "Uh guys, Joey's named his chicken..." Joey: "It's a Niwatori Mai" Mai: "Whatever."
  17. OMG! Malik to Marik? What's up with that? I liked his name the way it was! Where's that petition?
  18. The Beast Down deep in Egypt, On the hot, desert sands, Said from mother to child, ?Give me thy hand.? The little child, with eyes of gold, gave his poor mother a look of fright, The mother looked around in fear, And then she saw the ominous sight. The evil wind beast, Filled with anger and spite, Saw the defenseless, And showed off his might. Just like lighting, The mother she flew, So fearless and bold, She did what she had to do. She took up her child, She drew him near, The wind beast laughed, And the sky shook with fear. The sun was not seen, And the ground it did quake, The poor little child, In his mothers arms he did shake. The beast grinned, For he had a plan, He roared and said, ?SURVIVE IF YOU CAN!!!!!!!? He threw some sand, It went up in the air, It whipped the moms face, It caught in her hair. The little boy whimpered, The little boy cried, He couldn?t look up, As his mother died. The wind beast laughed, This battle he won! It had not caught his eye, Still alive was the son. The beast pranced off, all happy and glad; He left the poor boy, All alone and sad. The fear struck lad, Slipped from his mom?s cold grasp, He saw she was dead, And forced out a gasp! The tears streamed down, His sweet, little face, He knew that now, nevermore, Would he feel his moms loving embrace. The sad little boy, All dusty and brown, Tears streaming down his face, Walked slowly into town. This is one of my poems, does it sound good?
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rei [/i] [B]I like it though it is a bit confusing. Does anyone know about how the monsters in this game instead of having attack and defense points now have 3 things? [/B][/QUOTE] My Geuss is: Top one is attack Middle is Defense and Bottom is Special Attack
  20. Okay... I know this store that has oodles of cards that aren't supposed to be released yet. Curse of Anubis, Thousands Eyes Bible, Age of Mythology...
  21. Is it illegal to own PSV cards? They haven't been released according to the card game website... I'm asking cause I own a Bubonic Vermin PSV First Edition. Anyone know if your supposed to own them yet?
  22. They sorta are bringing Dungeon Dice Monsters here to the U.S.... In the form of a video game. Yu-Gi-Oh!: Dungeon Dice Monsters (GBA) is scheduled for release sometime this month.
  23. Last night at my school dance, there were this YGO fans in the cafeteria. They always bring their decks to the dance, to trade and deul. I hung around them for a while and someone just HAD to say, "Why'd you bring Pokemon cards to school?" and then some other annoying person said, "I'll buy your Pokeman cards from you." and I GOT SO MAD!:flaming: They insulted YGO! HOW DARE THEY! They shouldn't insult us like that! if they don't like YGO, they can just leave us alone!
  24. He was trying to teach her that winning wasn't everything.
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