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Bandit Joeykuba

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Everything posted by Bandit Joeykuba

  1. ^^ Thanks. IWR is my favorite spirit monster, but annoying as well. Now I can take out my friends easily...
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B][color=indigo][font=century][size=1] The Magnet Warriors come as exclusives for the Gamecube video game "Duelist of the Rose"; Valkryion comes in "Worldwide Edition" for the GBA.[/color][/size][/font] [/B][/QUOTE] ^^; Actually, "Duelist of the Roses" is the PS2 game. The GameCube game is "Falsebound Kingdom". I have a question, other than Card Destruction, is there any way to get rid of Inaba White Rabbit? I'm just curious.
  3. Dark Witch stood back up, glaring at Harpie's Brother. She growled out at him, "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE FLYING!" HB destroyed one of the few remaining Vilepawns and turned around to face DW. "Sorry, ma'am. Didn't mean to!" DW pointed her scythe at him, "Watch it, or your head will make a fine addition to my collection!"
  4. Since Deathbug granted Cid Highoffwind premission to join, and her computer is acting screwy and not letting her into the recruitment section, I get the honnors of posting her character's descriptions. ^^ ------------------------- Name: Harpie's Brother Group: The Harpies Skills: Flight Personality: Harpie's Brother is a mysterious case who tends to help others in battle. His days mainly consist of mainly soaring above the clouds. He can also be kind of goofy. Anything else we should know: His main weapon is the claw-type things that are attached to his arm.
  5. In the dub it's called 'Ectoplasmer'. During the Big Five 4/Nesbitt vs Tristan/Serenity/Duke duel, Duke plays a dice board magic card. What numbers did Duke and Nesbitt roll on the die and what effect did they have on their monsters?
  6. Author's note: This is my pathetic attempt at a comedy starring a dubber. It sucks because I'm typing it right off the top of my head. XP Dubber 'F', knwon as John back when he had a life, walked wearily to his car. Just another hard day of work here at 4Kids Studios. Dubber 'F' hated his job. He loathed having to figure out idiotic ways to "kiddy"-fy shows like Pokemon and Yu-gi-Oh. It annyoed to no end when his boss would tell him that "It's too violent!" or "The kids might get the wrong idea!" He had started life off as a normal person. How he ended up here, we may never know. But we do know that, now, 'F' is the slave to immense censoring. "Damn this hell-hole! I wish it would burn to the ground!" He shouted, only to find hiself being corrected by a co-worker, Dubber 'T', who was also leaving. "I think you mean, 'I love this, my work place! I wish it many happy, fuzzy things!'" 'T' smiled. 'F' glared, automatically hating the guy. It was obvious 'T' had been brain-washed or something. 'F' started his car and left the 4Kids building quickly, wishing to return to his apartment. The apartment was 'F''s freedom from the opression of the dub. When 'F' arrived home, he automatically grabbed his laptop and checked his e-mail. "Oh looky-here! Another hundred flames about the ridiculously high dubbing standards that the fans just hate. Whoop-dee-do." He sighed. Why did the fans hate him? IT wasn't his fualt! It was that damn 4Kids! Dubber 'F' was about to delete all of the e-mails when he noticed a strange one. It was from [email]atacafia@4kids.com[/email]. He clicked on it and read its creepy message. 'We know who you are. You will join us soon enough.' 'F' disconnected from the internet and put away his laptop, disturbed and highly confused. Thoughts raced through the dubber's mind: Who are they? What does 'atacafia' stand for? What was he going to have for supper? He didn't know that he would find the answer to these questions and more.
  7. Ah, sweet sirens. I remember thee well from The Odyssey. I like this poem, it's the first time I have read/heard of it and I find it quite enjoyable. It's simple to read/comprehend.
  8. Kuriboh. Whenever Nesbitt, in Tristan's body originally attacks Kaiba, what kind of weapon does he use and what does Kaiba use to defend?
  9. It had been a long journey for the girl, her feet dragged in the dust as she continued her journey. Home was only a little bit away from here. Only this hill... and a few more to cross. She stopped at the top, standing by the onlytree. She climbed up and sat on one of its mighty branches, enjoying the view she had of the moon. But she was unaware. Destiny decided to interfere with her trip home, and throw her into an unforgettable adventure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Okay people, this is a Demon roleplay made-up between myself and Cid Highoffwind. Above, you see the introduction to the story. Exciting, yes? In this roleplay, you can control one or more characters that are either demonic or human. Demons can control any force of nature you please and humans are... idiotic weaklings. The setting is (for now) in a hilly/moutainy region with villages and the like. Demons live seperate from humans, and vice versa. Sign-up goes as follows: [B]Name: Age: [/B] (not required) [B]Demon/Human Element/Power:[/B] (only applies if a demon) [B]personality: Appearance: Other:[/B] (anything else we need to know) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Iya Age: 207 (Appears to be 10) Demon Element/Power: Electricity Personality: Iya is your not-so-average happy-go-lucky demon who loves humans. She was sent from her village to seek wisdom and is now trying to return there. Appearance: She has black hair with blue stripes, wears a black and red long sleeve shirt with fish net gloves and holey jeans. Other: Not only can Iya control electricity, but she can also perform the art of doppleganging, meaning she can make herself into an exact duplicate of any object. She also tends to carry loads of beef jerky.
  10. Swinging her scythe madly, Dark Witch managed to bring down one of the Vilepawns. She scanned the battlefield quickly and noticed that Flame Swordsman was in trouble. DW flew up behind the Skullknight and held her scythe's blade dangerously close to the chess-monster's neck. "Hurt him, and I can promise you that you'll die."
  11. General Awards Overall Member of the Year: James Staff Member of the Year: James Funniest Member of the Year: Dragon Warrior Most Likely to Be Here in Two Years: Adam Best Newbie: Dagger IX1 Best Oldie: Sephiroth Most Likely to Become a Staff Member: Dagger IX1 Favorite Banned Member: Taylor Hewitt Thread of the Year: The ?Deal With This Member? Thread Silliest Thread of the Year: How the James Stole Christmas Random Awards Best Otaku Couple: Charles/Japan_86 Otaku Clique of the Year: OtakuBoards Yaoi/Shounen-Ai Club, Otaku Writers Writer of the Year: Solo Tremaine Social Otakus Otaku Social Member: James Entertainment Otaku: Dragon Warrior Otaku Anime Otaku of the Year: Dagger IX1 .hack//SIGN Member of the Year: K.K.C. Dragonball Guru of the Year: Burori Digipeep of the Year: Digital_Monster Gundam Member of the Year: Domon Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year:Deathbug Least Disappointing Yu Yu Hakusho Member: Dagger IX1
  12. Bwahaha! Yu-Gi-Oh! ^^ Yugi: Hey there evryone! It's me, Yugi! I'm probably out trying to save the world from some psycho right now with the help of my dark side who used to be pharoah. Really! I am! You believe me, don't you? I'm not crazy! I swe*beeeeep* Yugi 2: Er... Not crazy... I'm out... having pizza with my friends? Er... yeah... pizza... *beep* Yami: Yugi, how do you work this infernal thing? Is this some kind of cruel torturous Shadow Game?! I bet Marik did this! Or Bakura! They just love frustrating me! Arrgh! *random smashing can be heard in the background along with Yugi yelling at Yami to stop* ...*beeeeeep* Tea: Tea Gardner here. Can't come to the phone right now, so I'll give you an automated friendship speech... Friendship blah blah blah! Friendship, blah blah blah! Friendship- *beeeeeeeeeep* Joey: Joey Wheeler, numbah one duelist extrodinaire here. Or... not here, ratha. Hmm... I'm more 'n' likely off with my buds... or at the new doughnut shop... Mmmmm... doughnuts... Tristan: Please leave a message after the beep. Especially if you're name is Serenity... Oh, and if this happens to be Duke, LEAVE ME ALONE MAN! SERENITY'S MIIIIIIIIIIINE! *beeeeeeep* Ryou Bakura: Hello there! This is Ryou-kun! I'm not here at the moment, but I hope you'll leave a lovely message for me after the tone. Have a nice day! *beeeeeeeeeeep* Yami Bakura: *tapping can be heard, making it appear that Bakura is poking the machine* Ryou? Ryou! How does this thing do again? ... Hmmm... This thing is more complicated than the "VCR" thing. *more tapping* *beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep* Marik: Hello? Odd voice-stealing box? Can you hear me? -Isis (in background): Marik, that's a answering machine! Baka brother!- Answering... machine? Hmmm... So, "Answering" machine, what is the meaning of life? ........................................... Stupid peice of *beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep* Yami Marik: *eerie silence* Fools! I will banish you to the Shadow Realm! *evil laughter*................. *beep* Odion: .....................................................................................*beeeeeeeeeeeeep*
  13. Once again, I feel a banner change is in store... sooo... Welcome to my banners thread. First off, a lovely Yami Marik banner.
  14. Dark Witch decided to fly ahead of the others. "If I have to work with them, might as well keep my distance." ----------------- Shadow Ghoul creeped across to the edge of high cliff. Peering over the edge, he noted that the chosen ones were coming his way. [i]"Perfect."[/i]
  15. "No need to worry. We'll die no matter what. Of course, one may wonder if it will be quick and painless, or slow and torturous." Dark Witch nodded. FS gulped slighty, "You're not helping out any."
  16. I'll put em in order for ya since I like them all. 1) The Millenium eye. Why? It's fun to use and matches anything you wear. Also, it would go well when I cosplay as Peggy-chan. Sure, it's a pain to install, but well worth it. 2) The M. Rod. Why? Go my not-so-willing mind slaves! Seek and destroy (insert person here). And bring me a soda while you're at it! That, and it's name is enough to snicker at. 3) The M. Ring. Why? Bring your cards to life. Forget Godzilla, Red Eyes is going on a rampage in Tokyo. 4) The M. Scales. Soul devourer. That totally pwns the puzzle. 5) The M. Puzzle. Yami. As a soul-room mate. That's all I have to say. 6) The M. Key. Enter someone's mind. Fun. With a capital 'F'. 7) The M. Necklace. Sorry, but you've been proven wrong. This makes you useless. No more psychic ablities.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PersianMistress [/i] [B]*Normal Yugi is a whiny dork...in my oppinion.* [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, but remember this when you next bash Yugi: Without Yugi, we wouldn't have Yami no Yugi. Anywhoose, I like the manga. It's alot better than the show in many aspects. Oo; Like Anzu. First, she makes the death threat in ketchup. Next, they make her out to be a tagger. That was priceless. And Seto's a meaner jerk! Yay! He evens insults his oddly-deformed brother! Yay again! ^o^
  18. (Been a while since the last post so...) Shadow Ghoul paced anxiously in his cavern. He could sense something was going on nearby, and that a couple of foolish monsters were wandering away from the kingdom. [i]"I must get more souls. I must power up!"[/i] He hissed out, pratically drooling over the idea of a fresh soul. They always are better fresh... [i]"I will kill! I will eat! No more hungriness for me in this empty wasteland!"[/i] And with that, he scurried out, headed towards our favorite band of wanderers.
  19. Since I'm still working on Part 2, I'll go ahead and use this as a filler. Welcome to: [B]Behind the Scenes of PCfaD[/B] This fanfic was based off an idea I came up with a while back. I think it was May...Maybe June? I'm not certain. Anywhoose, I was chatting with a friend on the phone and we were discussing Yu-Gi-Oh. I brought up how much it annoyed me that the dubbers were over-using the Shadow Realm punishment games. You remember, being sent to the Shadow Realm by magic-enhanced sawblades during the Arkana duel and plummiting through a Shadow Realm rift located at the bottom of a 130-ft drop during Umbra and Lumis duel. -_-; Highly annoying, that it was. C'mon! "I'll fall through BROKEN GLASS and be magically sent to the SHADOW REALM before my body gets CRUSHED from the GREAT FALL it will experience! And a stupid PARACHUTE will really help!" (Near exact qoute by me on the whole Umbra/Lumis thing) Anywhoose, I started joking around about how they might would dub the Yugi vs Joey duel (because I read about the new episodes ahead of time for the most part) and then started to make up my own idiotic ways to use the Shadow Realm punishment. One of these, as you all know, was a buggy, that was magically enhanced with Shaodw-magic, and would send you to the Shadow Realm if it ran over you. (Another idea that I cna think of was one involving Duke Devlin. See, if you lost, your oppenant would peg you with dice that sent you to the Shadow Realm one little bit at a time... But that's another story.) Thusly, the Shopping Cart of Doom sat in the storage area of my mind one day until I got the notion to start writing a fanfic based on it. It took me several days to write it, and a few more to get it typed up and on here. I'm glad people enjoy it and hope to get part 2 finished soon. Please be patient with me. I'm lazy and am having trouble with the actual duel. Summary of Bhind the Scenes: Blah blah blah... PCfaD originated from an inside joke. Blah blah blah blah blah... More coming soon. Please stay tuned.
  20. I finally got the chance to play The Sacred Cards and Falsebound Kingdom. The Sacred Cards [i]My new obsession[/i] [b]Pros:[/b] Chibi characters. w00t! The game play is nice and the pace is just right. Plus, it's an RPG! Yay! [b]Cons:[/b] Return of the DDS battle system. Aqua beats pyro, Thunder beats Aqua, Divine is unbeatable... Also, return of DDS deck cost. >_< Curse it! [b]Overall Rating:[/b] 9.4/10, return of the evil DDS battle system killed the score slightly, but Bonz brought the score up again. ^o^ Falsebound Kingdom [i]The God of my Gamecube[/i] [b]Pros:[/b] Kaiba is all evil-ish! Yay! ^o^ The graphics are suberb and I just love the way the attacks look. [b]Cons:[/b] Insanely difficult boss: Weevil. Oo; If you don't beat him quick, his troops just keep on coming back... oO; [b]Overall Rating:[/b] 9.2/10, I love the game entirely. ^o^ But the bosses are a tad bit too hard and Pegasus scares me with his... niceness.
  21. Damned for all eternity... Cursed beyond cursing... Completely alone in the spiritual world... Forsaken. The highest diety abandons you... The angels turn their backs in disgust... The church frowns upon you... Forsaken. They all laugh and smile... God is on their side... Never on yours... Forsaken. The Prince of "Peace" scorns you... And is never found in your presence... He mocks you with his absense... Forsaken. The ones you love soon leave... A permenant wedge driven between... They laugh at you from the higher realm... Forsaken. You sit and cry... No comfort comes... Only you and your tears... Forsaken. There are many of you... Rejected by God... But still belong to him... We are God's... Forsaken.
  22. ^o^ Yay! Tybalt! V_V Tybalt is in for it now, though. Poor guy. Way to build the suspense DB. ^^ Can't wait for the next chapter. *goes all Zombie-like* Must find out what happens to Tybalt.
  23. DW shook her head and sighed, "We're all gonna die." Dream Clown chuckled, "Don' be so down!" "Why are you so.. perky? You know we've been issued our deaths." "Aww, I'm sure we'll win!" The clown grinned. "What are you going to do, try to make them laugh to death?" DC stood there and FS, having calmed down, spoke up, "She's a pain." "And you, my good sir, are a headache. Can we hurry up and get this thing over with? Or must we continue to stand here and chatter aimlessly and prolong my agony?" The witch sighed.
  24. Yay! A fight between not-really-friends-but-kinda-are! ^o^ But no Tybalt. V_V Tybalt must appear soon!
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