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Everything posted by Bandit Joeykuba
After reading all twelve chapters in one sitting, I find myself quite satisfied. The plot is easy to follow and the characters are described well. I'm tempted to do character sketches now. Oo; P.S. I like Tybalt. ^^ He rules!
Do you mind if I had catagories? You're missing a few. ------------------------------------- Anime Best Character: Yami Marik Best Yami: Yami Bakura Best Millenium Item: Millenium Rod Best Rare Hunter: Odion/Rishid (He counts, right?) Best Big Five Member: Big Five Five/Jinzo/Reicther? Sexiest Character (Male): Marik (Yami Bakura making a close second) Sexiest Character (Female): ...Er... Mai Best Monster: Jinzo Best Duel: Yugi vs Joey/Marik Best Dressed: Mokuba Best Scene: Where Tristan first finds out he's in a robotic monkey. Best Duel Move: - Captain Obvious: Yami Funniest Character: Robo-monkey Tristan Best Qoute: Joey: You mean he's pyscho? Rex: That's [i]pyschic[/i] you moron. English Card Game Best Card Set: LON Best Holo-foil Card: Relinquished Best Monster: Inaba White Rabbit Best Magic/Spell Card: Change of Heart Best Trap Card: Enchanted Javelin Best Fusion Monster: Black Skull Dragon Best Card Picture: Red Eyes Black Dragon (Shonen Jump Promo version) Sexiest Monster (Male): Dark Magician (*swoons*) Sexiest Monster (Female): Thunder Nyan Nyan Best Deck Type: Effect Best Monster Type: Effect Funniest Card: - Video Games Best Video Game: The Sacred Cards Best Video Game enemy: Haysheen (Forbidden Memories and Falsebound Kingdom) Best Game Monster: The God Cards (Sacred Cards and Falsebound Kingdom) Best Game Promo Card: Exchange Best Qoute: "I'll open that skull of yours and see how much brain matter is left." -Seto The Game we love to hate: Forbidden Memories Japanese Game Best Card Set: Pharoanic Guardian Best Holo-foil Card: - Best Monster: Blood Vors Best Magic/Spell Card: - Best Trap Card:- Best Fusion Monster:- Best Card Picture: Soul of the Pure Sexiest Monster (Male): Dark Magician (Red-brown armour version) Sexiest Monster (Female):- Best Deck Type:- Best Monster Type:- Funniest Card:- Best Promo Card:- Manga Best Character: Seto Kaiba Sexiest Character (Male): Yugi (Yes Yugi, not Yami) Sexiest Character (Female): - Best Scene: Where Jou is being held captive by the Taser Gang and Yami rescues him. Best Volume:- Best Qoute: "I'LL SHOW YOU WHOSE GOT BALLS!" -Jou
Overall Member of the Year:- Honorable Mention:- Male Otaku of the Year: Deathbug Honorable Mention:- Female Otaku of the Year:- Honorable Mention:- Staff Member of the Year: Solo Tremaine Honorable Mention:- Funniest Member:- Honorable Mention:- Most Opinionated Otaku:- Honorable Mention:- Member most likely to be here in two years: Charles Honorable Mention: James Best Newbie:- Honorable Mention:- Best Oldie:- Honorable Mention:- Most likely to become a Staff Member: Dagger IX1 Honorable Mention:- Favorite Banned Member:- Honorable Mention:- Most improved Member of the Year:- Honorable Mention:- Thread of the Year: - Honorable Mention:- Silliest Thread of the Year:- Honorable Mention:- Random Awards Avatar Award:- Honorable Mention:- Signature Award: Sara (R.E.S.C.U.E.) Honorable Mention: Best Location:- Honorable Mention:- Best Otaku Couple: PiroMunkie and Queen Asuka Honorable Mention:- Best looking Otaku:- Honorable Mention:- Otaku clique of the Year: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Club Honorable Mention: League of Not-so-Extrodinairy Gentlemen Best MyOtaku:- Honorable Mention:- Anime Otakus Otaku of the Year: - Honorable Mention:- .hack//SIGN Member of the Year:- Honorable Mention:- DragonBall Guru:- Honorable Mention:- Digipeep of the Year: Digital Monster Honorable Mention:- Gundam Member of the Year: - Honorable Mention: - Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year: Deathbug Honorable Mention: - Least Disappointing Yu Yu Hakusho Member: Dagger IX1 Honorable Mention: - -------------------------------- May edit later.
"I am not going to enjoy this at all." Dark Witch floated out. Flame Swordsman put on a big grin and laughed, "C'mon, cheer up! This will be fun!" "...If anyone dies, I hope you're first to go." The witch sneered and continued on her way. FS took a minute to think about the insult that was thrown at him, "...Hey! That wasn't very nice!" "I'm not very nice. Get use to it."
"I have a question." Dark Witch spoke up from her seat in the back corner. "Do I [b]have[/b] to work with these... [i]others.[/i]" She glanced at all the choosen ones. Not exactly what she would consider traveling companions. "I prefer to work alone." Was her last statement before retiring back into her qiuet solitude.
Oh, DB, I have a suggestion for another group of characters. Not very large, but it works. [B]The Harpies[/B]- Led by Harpie's Brother (Harpy Lady, Harpy Lady Sisters, Harpy's Pet Dragon... okay, maybe no Pet Dragon yet...)
Writing Price Check for a Duel (A Yu-Gi-Oh Comedy)
Bandit Joeykuba replied to Bandit Joeykuba's topic in Creative Works
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B]Off in the distance, the fourth wall shatters.... ^__^ Nice work, BJ. I particullarly enjoyed the scenes with Marik. Poor Marik practically sets himself up. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, he does. Poor fellow. I pity him greatly. [QUOTE][i]Originally Posted byCircéus[/i] [B]That was horribly funny. Really made me smile. Can't wait to see the actual duel ;) (or is that :eek:?)[/B][/QUOTE] ^^ Thanks. The actual duel is going to be the hardest part, seeing how I have to decide the cards to use, etc, etc, etc. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kitty[/i] [B]Quite enjoyable... oh, who am I kidding? That was wet-your-pants funny!!! Speaking of pants, I'll be right back *runs away oddly* *runs back with new pants* Poor Marik. Dunno why though... Yami and Yugi are idiots, but you probably know that. Where's everyone else, though? Are they coming soon? If not... well, I don't really care. That's all I have to say. ~Changes Pants After Laughing~[/B][/QUOTE] Oo; Sorry about the pants. Yes. Poor Marik. Why? He always is tortured by dubbers and always loses. Yes. They're big idiots. As for everyone else: Joey & Tristan: Playing Foozball at the Domino arcade. Serenity: ...Er... Oo; Dunno. Bakura: Chasing poor, little squirrels with his dagger. He's being a happy, little, evil hunter. Isis: Watching the paint peel at the museum. Seto: Working. What else would he be doing? Mokuba: Torturing Seto about not playing with him. Duke: Twirling his hair. Grandpa: Napping. Tea: Being chased by crazed Yami-fangirls who wish to burn her at the stake and keep Yami for themselves. And I have no idea if I'll bring them in. Oo; -
w00t! I'm signing up. Name: Dark Witch Kingdom: Spellcasters Skills: Flight Personality: Mysterious; She loves flying but hates getting along with others. Anything else we should know: Attacks with a scythe And, we can have two right? This next one is in the Legion of the Undead under the control of Vampire Lord... Name: Shadow Ghoul Kingdom: Legion of the Undead Skills: Becomes more powerful by feeding on the souls of dead victims. Personality: Cut throat and ruthless; He enjoys torturing his victims before killing them. Anything else we should know: He attacks with his claws and tends to hide in the shadows.
Author's Note: Eeeeeee, the great Bandit has started another YGO humor ficcy. This one, unlike the Cast Interview, is written in paragraph form instead of script. I spent quite a bit of time on this and I only have part one done so far. ^^; So, don?t expect me to update the story everyday. Title: The Lost "episodes" of Yu-Gi-OH: Price Check for a Duel Part One, aka Bagboys Are Evil Rating: PG, I'm trying my best to keep it clean. Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh. Period. But I do own the idea to this story. ^^ And I own Fred and Eric. ^^ Yay me! Other Stuff: -Text- Switching Scenes ON WITH THE FICCY! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Yugi, why must we continually come to this..." Yami paused as a nearby person coughed. Without covering his mouth, mind you. The pharaoh cringed as if the germs were suddenly going to attack him, giving him some sort of life-threatening disease! Or worse... a cold! "...this petri dish of modern day germs?" Yugi sighed, "How many times do I have to tell you? Grandpa has a bit of... a memory... problem." -FLASHBACK- Grandpa walked into the living room, noticing Yugi laying on the couch. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" The old one picked up his shotgun, which laid beside the door. He then noticed the 'stranger' was eating cheese... HIS CHEESE! "AND WHY ARE YOU EATING MY CHEESE?!" Yugi, now wide-eyed, stood, prepared to run at any second. "I'm your grandson!" Grandpa shot a warning-bullet into the ceiling. After the rain of plaster ended, he looked at the boy suspiciously, "I don't have a grandson." "Yes you do!" "...Oh... Oh yeah!" The senile one smacked his forehead, set the gun down and walked out of the room. -End Flashback- Yugi sweat-dropped at the memory. "Note to self: get rid of that gun." "Still, why do [i]I[/i] have to come with you? I have more important..." He thought for a moment, "Pharaoh-y things to do!" Yugi sighed, "...because you're connected to the puzzle." "Oh." The spirit shifted his eyes and chuckled nervously, "I knew that." Yugi sweat-dropped. "Well, we're almost through. Just got to get the ice cream and check out." "Then we can go home?" "Yes." "Well, let's quit dawdling around!" The pair walked up to the freezer, "What kind do you want Yami?" "Well, the one you call 'chocolate' is good..." "Strawberry it is!" The short one grabbed a carton of strawberry-flavored ice cream. "But... I said... Ah, never mind..." -A few minutes later- Yugi and Yami stood in a seemingly unending line. "Are we ever gonna get to the end?" Yugi tried to peek over the giants. "Patience is a virtue, aibou." Yami closed his eyes and nodded. "Oh, hush Yami." -Meanwhile... dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuun- "Let's take a look through my 'Mind Slave Vision 3000.'" A familiar voice stated as his Millennium Items began to glow. "Hmmm... oh, pharaoh, where are yooooooou?" "Master Marik! Why must you continuously, almost obsessively, search for pharaoh?" Odion asked, bowing slightly. "...You don't expect me to answer that, do you?" Marik gave Odion a moment. Upon seeing his servant's headshake, the evil one turned his attention back to his Mind Slave Vision 300. "Nope. Nu-uh. Next. Go on. Wait! Go back! There we are... shopping?" -Meanwhile, back with Yugi- "Yay! We finally made it!" Yugi did a little victory dance as he and Yami reached the cash register. His dark-half sighed, wishing he could some how disown his aibou. "Your total is $8.70." The cash register, who happened to be an attractive, but bored, girl, plainly stated whilst filing her nails. As Yugi placed a ten on the counter, a tough-looking bagboy, named Fred, was bagging groceries in the line over. But he?s not important. No, really! He?s not! Yami snatched the bag of groceries from this line?s bagboy, Eric, and followed disdainfully behind his skipping twin. Eric pushed his glasses up his nose and looked at the pharaoh, eyes glinting with evilness. -Meanwhile, at Marik Headquarters- ?No, no, no. The order is meat-lovers, thick crust, and no bacon, you got it?? The blonde impatiently stated. He waited for a response. ?Good!? And with that, the demented Egyptian slammed the phone onto its base. ?Ra-damned bakas! We should kill them all!... Speaking of killing...? -Back to the Pharaoh- ?Let?s get home quickly, Yami! Don?t want the ice cream to melt!? Yugi grinned and started to run. ?Careful, aibou! Don?t trip.? ... He tripped. ?Thanks a lot, Yami. You jinxed me!? Yami set the bag down and leaned over his other half, ?Sorry? You okay?? ?Just scraped my elbow.? The imp rubbed the scrape to get the gravel off. He then looked at the pharaoh and giggled. He held the wound up, in the taller boy?s direction, ?Kiss it to make it better?? Yami sweat-dropped, ?You?re kidding.? -Meanwhile, with Marik-kun again- ?Go my mind slave! Defeat the pharaoh! And while you?re at it, buy me some sodas. Thanks, you?re a doll.? -Again with the switching of the places- ?Stop right there, [i]pharaoh[/i].? The mind slave stepped behind the spirit and his host. ?But... I wasn?t moving.? A light bulb turned on in Yami?s head. He turned around, ?Wait! If you know that I?m pharaoh, then...? ?That?s right, Yami. I?m-? The pharaoh tackled the bagboy, tears streaming from his eyes, ?SELPH! My loyal priest! You?ve been reincarnated! AND YOU REMEMBER ME! I missed yoooooooouuuuuuuuuu!? Eric the bagboy sweat-dropped, as well as Yugi. ?Uh, Yami, I don?t think that he?s a friend. His voice has an oddly familiar, evil undertone.? Yugi piped in. Pharaoh blinked, looked at Yugi, looked back at Eric, and blinked again. ?You?re not Selph?? The mind slave shook his head, ?No, baka pharaoh.? ?Then that means...? Yami let go of Eric and backed away quickly, disgusted. ?Ewwwwww... I hugged Marik?s new, geeky mind slave! I need a bath! Quick! Before I?m infected by dork-germs!? The mind slave sweat-dropped, ?Err, now that that?s over, I challenge you to a duel, pharaoh!? The ancient one recovered from his germ-panic, ?Fine, I accept your challenge..? He squinted to see the bagboy?s nametag, ?...Eric. Or is it Marik?? ?Look, just call me Eric.? ?Fine. I accept your challenge, Eric!? ?Good. Now, if you lose, not only will your Puzzle be mine, but you?ll also be sent to... TE SHADOW REALM!? Ominous music played somewhere in the background and the mind slave laughed maniacally. ?Wait! Why would I be sent there?? ?...Because the dubbers won?t let me KILL you.? The local dubber popped out of nowhere. ?That broke our ridiculous dubbing standards! Kill is a forbidden word! Let?s try that again!? The scene was rewound back a few seconds. ?...Because the dubbers won?t let me KISS you.? The dubber nodded in approval. The mind slave, pharaoh, and Yugi stood there dumbfounded. Yami spoke up first, ?That... was just wrong.? ?You?re right! Can?t let kids get the wrong idea!? The dubber once again rewound the scene. ?...Because the dubbers won?t let me continuously hit you with pillows!? ?Perfect.? The dubber gave a thumbs up and walked off cheerfully. Yami groaned, ?That line was so stupidly lame.? The mind slave nodded sadly, ?Now I know how the other bad guys feel.? -STOP SWITCHING SCENES!- ?Stupid dubbers. Always ruining my fun.? Marik pouted. -Didn?t I tell you to stop?- ?Anyways, how will you send me there? The pharaoh glared at Eric. ?Does it matter?? ?look, just explain it so the kids will get it!? ?Fine.? Eric sighed and proceeded to explain, highly annoyed, ?When ever you lose, you?ll get run over a buggy that will magically transport you to the Shadow Realm.? Yugi piped in, ?But that?s not possible.? Yami placed a hand on his aibou?s shoulder, ?With 4Kids dubbers, nothing is impossible.? ?Except killing?? The light asked. ?Except killing.? Yami nodded. ?Look, do you need an example?? The mind slave inquired.? ?No. Not really.? ?Well tough cookies to you!? At this precise moment, a Shadow Realm-enhanced buggy rolled across the parking lot. A man stood, opening the door, when his van was hit by said shopping cart. The van disappeared. The man looked shocked, then recovered. He shook his fist angrily at the runaway buggy. ?Lousy buggy!? The cart took offense at this and ran the poor guy over. He vanished with a ?poof.? ?That will be your fate, pharaoh.? ?We?ll see about that, Eric!? ?And one more thing, Yami. It?s noon.? ?...so?? ?If you don?t win this duel in the next ten minutes, your ice cream will be completely melted!? Again the ominous music played. ?Okay! Who ever is doing that music, STOP!? The pharaoh bellowed angrily. The sound guy walked off, grumbling something about stupid cartoon characters. -Again?! Please stop!- Marik laughed maniacally, ?That fool will never win!? ?Um, Master Marik, you did it again.? Odion spoke up. ?Did what?? ?You said ?fool.?? ?Blast! I did it again?!? The servant nodded. ?I thought I was over my ?You-fool? syndrome!? The blonde growled. ?Oh well. The pharaoh can?t win. In this, I am happy.? The maniacal laughter started up again. -TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!-
Writing Duel Monster: Quest for Exodia
Bandit Joeykuba replied to DeathBug's topic in Creative Works
^^ I like it. Except it's lacking a Comic Relief. Oo; Majorly lacking. -
Name: Kira Anubi aka DPAK Age: 15 Description: Kira/DPAK has brown hair that goes to the mid-back and blue eyes. She's about 5'0" and doesn't mind. She wears glasses, along with a dark blue shirt, black jeans, and blue and white sneakers. She's a very silly/random person who has a problem with being sarcastic. Even though she's normally happy, she can get angry real quick. Bio: DPAK is your normal... insane person. She never really was much into to money, but when she found out how much she could win... Guess what she did? Well... yeah, she did send in an application... but that was after she squeeled and ate a sammich. She really doesn't have a motive to win, she's just there for the fun of it. EDIT: Opps. Sorry, I didn't see your second post. Changed Bio. Better?
Sign Up Rp: Tamnocha (minimum cussing, good fighing)
Bandit Joeykuba replied to cid highoffwind's topic in Theater
Yay! You created it! ^^ Heehee! You know I'm in... just because I'm talking to you right now. Oo; Name: Iya Age: 107 Gender: Female Weapon: Well, her whole body... Description of character: Black hair with blue stripes, blu eyes, black shirt, and blue jeans. Personality: Odd. Mainly happy/hyperish. Family: ...er... I'll leave this blank for now. Extra: Iya-sama is an electric doppleganger. ^^ -
I still have mine. Koko. Ugly little brute is sitting in my room, dead. Don't know how, but I taught him how to say 'Scooby-dooby-doo.' Oo;
Just to add to the fiend-ish trend: 14) [b]Wall of Illusion[/b] ATK/ 1000 DEF/ 1850; 4-Star; Effect: The monster attacking this creature is returned to its owner's had. Any damage resulting from the attack is calculated normally. Gotta love the WoI.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]Could someone tell me which is the best YGO game out at the moment? I heard the GBA versions aren't that good, I've got Forbodden Memories which is ok, but was wondering if there is anything better? I've seen some screenshots for Duelists of the Roses and it look's pretty good, but I need to know how well the other YGO games play and some possible reasons as well maybe? [/B][/QUOTE] Forbidden Memories- First YGO game I played. [b]Pros:[/b] You can test your deck with an oppenant (Duel Master K?) to see how well it functions. And it doesn't have bad graphics for a PS1 game. [b]Cons:[/b] You can only play one card at a time. Animation... runs... very... slow. Plus, it takes a ton of starchips to buy rare cards like BEWD. [b]Overall Rating:[/b] 4.5/10, not the best I've played. Duelist of the Roses: Never played due to the fact I don't have a PS2. Pity me. Dark Duel Stories: MY second YGO game. [b]Pros:[/b] Well, this came out way before Battle City, so a BIIIIIIG sneak preview of some of the Rare Hunters, the God Cards (they aren't actually in the game, just hinted at), and Marik. ^^ Plus, some of the cards details are adorable (like Magician of Faith's :therock:-type face [minus the eyebrow quirk]). And as a bonus, you can create your own cards! [b]Cons:[/b] Some of the cards details are hideous. You can only play ONE trap card per turn. The whole this type beats this type (like Pyro beats Forest no matter the attack points), especially since no monster can automatically destroy a divine. [b]Overall Rating:[/b] 6/10, not to shabby for a GBC game. ^^ Eternal Duelist Soul: First of the GBA games. [b]Pros:[/b] Card details are very much like their real game counter-parts. [b]Cons:[/b] Alot of cool cards aren't on here. Mako is a pain to beat (the first few times you duel him). [b]Overall Rating:[/b] 7/10, it's no World Wide Edition. World Wide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel: The best I've played. [b]Pros:[/b] Let's see... You can 'explore' Battle City. Once you've defeated all the Ghouls, you get to go through a special part of the game in which you duel Yami Marik in the end. Some characters will interact/trade places with each other if they're in the same section of town. [b]Cons:[/b] Odion is difficult to beat. The challenge week sucks. Type Limitation Tournaments are a pain. It's still not an RPG. [b]Overall Rating:[/b] 9/10, as I said before, the best I've played. Falsebound Kingdom: Haven't played it, but it looks good. The Sacred Cards: Haven't played it, but it looks more awesome than WWE. And it's an [i]actual[/i] YGO RPG! yay-ness! Power of Chaos: I've only played the trail version, so I don't know how the game actually is. ^^; But, from what I've seen, it looks... okay. THe music is nice. Real nice.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Digital Monster [/i] [B]It was the Japanese names of the opponents, Angel. Yugi doesn't count. [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, the question asked for the Japanese name for the opponents Yugi [b]and[/b] Joey faced. Well, Joey dueled Yugi, did he not?
I have my statement in this. I believe Yugi and Anzu would make a good couple as well as Mai and Joey. I get my main proof from how they act around each other on the show, but also from World Wide Edition. ^^ See, some of the characters interact with each other if they're in the same square and will switch places with who you chose to duel with. If Mai and Anzu are in the same section this is what happens (not exact text, but close enough): Mai: So... whaddaya think about Yugi and Anzu? I think there's something going on, don't you? Anzu: Hey Mai! Mai: Anzu! What are you doing here? Anzu: Looking for someone to duel like everyone else. Mai: Right, a duelist! Well, why don't you challenge this guy! I gotta go! Anzu: What's wrong? Aw, never mind. Let's duel. Anzu: I think something's going on between Mai and Joey. They've been real close lately. Mai: Hey Anzu! Anzu: My... My... MAI! (I can't remeber the text here but Anzu exits) Mai: I wonder what her problem is. ^^ That's just my two bits.
Yes, the correct answer is 216 slices of pizza. It pays to write down random facts.
Writing Yu-Gi-Oh! Cast Gets Interviewed
Bandit Joeykuba replied to Bandit Joeykuba's topic in Creative Works
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wolf prncss [/i] [B]But Bandit Joeykubah hasn't posted in a while! I'm panicing! PLEASE post!:( [/B][/QUOTE] In case you couldn't tell, I've already ended the story. But I appreaciate all the reviews I've recieved. I feel loved.:love: -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jinzouningen17 [/i] [B]They took out when he was supposed to be speaking in Hieratic to begin the One Turn KILL. And that name that he called it.."Point To Point Tranfer"...that is nothin but..BLEH! They took out when Bakura was burned to a crisp(well, basically anyway), and whats up with them turning the fire pink? Now that was just stupid. I got so disgusted with that episode...I dont even wanna talk about no more of it.[/B][/QUOTE] Pink fire... *shudders* That was creepy. Oo; But they did let Y. Bakura keep his "I am darkness" line. [QUOTE][B]But now I'll give them credit, the "Enter The Shadow Realm" first episode was pretty decent. They went on ahead and made a new opening, and for the first time, they didnt use not 1 clip of any of the original Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! openings. This opening was completely made with sceens from the Noa saga. And they put it together pretty well. Showing Honda's dark side(which you'll see what I mean by that later), clips of Kaiba battling Jinzo, all of the members of the Big 5, and alot of other pretty decent stuff. Even showed Exodia Necros in it. And thhis time they made their own little ending to the intro. Remember in season 1 of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! openings(plus at the end of the rest of the dub openings), it would show him raise his card up and then have Black Magician, Celtic Guardian, yada yada yada on his side and then have Exodia in the background. Well now they made it different. It still has Black Magician and Celtic Guardian in it, but theres 2 other new monsters in it and instead of Exodia in the background, it has Osiris(Slifer for you dubbies). But the intro was pretty hot. Still used the Battle City beat though.[/B][/QUOTE] I loved the new intro as well, except... no Bakura. Or Marik. This saddens me. [QUOTE][B]Oh, and speaking of Alcatraz Tower...it looks like thats not gonna be the name of that tower. :( Oh well, guess we'll have to live with it. [/B][/QUOTE] Battle Tower. I do belive that is the name of Alcatraz now. Oo; Random Quotes: Marik: But I thought I knew all of Ra's secrets! Y. Bakura: Apparently you don't. Duke:(to Tristan)You're not a duelest! Tristan: Well no one else had to know that Dicey Boy. Tea: Kaiba? Did you just change your outfit or something? Wha-aaa? You! He! Kaiba: Relax, it's just a hologram. I always used to create virtual copies of myself to duel against. Joey: Why duel against yourself? Kaiba: Who better?
Pixie smirked, "Bring it on, big boy." "That's Kelmadics to you." He snarled. Meanwhile, Baby doll stubbornly crossed her arms and looked at Jiro, glaring, "I can take her!" Jiro smirked, "You might get broken. And I don't like broken toys." Baby Doll glared harder and bit Jiro, "I'M NOT A TOY!" "ARE TOO!" Cried Bells. "AM NOT!" "ARE TOO!" "AM NOT!" Jiro sighed, "This may take a while." Daton pulled a bag of popcorn from nowhere and began eating, grinning as he watched Baby doll and Bells have their yelling match.
Art Bandit's New Banners (Updated... Whenever)
Bandit Joeykuba replied to Bandit Joeykuba's topic in Creative Works
Thanks. I would add my name to it, but I've decided on this: anyone can use my banners as long as they give me credit. ^^ NEW BANNER! [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=507487[/img] -
Jiro sighed, "Nothing left to do here." "Then let's blow to juke joint!" Daton yelled. The others just stared at him. "I mean, let's go." And they all marched out of the shrine, just to see Glen and Kris. "Oh, great." Pixie rolled her eyes.
Heh. I'm making this just 'cause I think people are getting tired of my Shonen Ai/Yaoi banner. So, I'm trying out new banners for now. This first one, made by me, was inspired by my boredom, Yami Bakura, and Hamtaro sprites. Enjoy. [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=503784[/img]
"Let's see what these disks hold for us, Pixie." Jiro marched down the steps into the shrine, Pixie following close behind him. He paused when he heard talking. "There's people here!" Pixie nodded, "Let's keep going, I want to see them." Jiro smirked and they continued the walk. He then saw Glen and Kris. The boy glared at them both and walked on to the systems. "Let's unlock them." After a getting everything ready, he unleashed the first monster, Daton. Daton looked like a Tiger, but pinkish. Then, the second monster, Baby Doll, resembled a toy version of Pixie. Daton blinked at Jiro, and sneered. "Great, a young master." Baby Doll, meanwhile, loked at Pixie, who returned the glance. "I'm not meant to be played with." The doll muttered.