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Everything posted by Bandit Joeykuba
"Sure." She stood up, finished her punch. "Let's dance."
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B]"I've played Eternal Duelist Soul, but I traded that in. I have Stairway to Destiny, and Dungeon Dice Monsters. Fun games." DeathBug said. "I only have a Game Boy SP, so I've never played the others. Have you?" [/B][/QUOTE] "I've played them all except Dugeon Dice Monsters and Duelist of the Roses. They all are fun games, but Stairway to the Destined is my favorite. I've unlocked Mokuba, the Rare Hunters, Marik, and Pegasus on it."
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B]DeathBug grinned. "Like I'd ask if I didn't already know? My fave anime is Outlaw Star, but Trigun is a very close second. I haven't seen all the episodes yet, so it might even top OS when it's done. My favorite video game ever is Doom. That was a classic; I'm waiting for Doom III." "My fave card....that's tough....I like the Metal Red Eyes, and the Twin Headed Thunder Dragon....and I can't wait to find a Mystical Knight of Jackal....but my all-time favorite card has to be my Sinister Serpant. I love that little bugger." [/B][/QUOTE] "Sinister Serpant is a fun card to annoy your opponents with." She grinned, remembering the countless times she had done that to anybody. "Fun..." "So, have you played any of the Yu-Gi-Oh! video games?"
The second one doesn't have a background. The reason it looks like it has one is because one of the dolls has a cape. Dolls (Left to Right): Cloud (Final Fantasy 7), Dark Magician (Yu-Gi-Oh!), Joey (Yu-Gi-Oh!), Meowth (Pokemon), Magus(Chrono Trigger), Irvine (Final Fantasy 8), Cid (Final Fantasy 7)
This is a banner I actually made myself. I find it cute. [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=438934[/img]
She thought for a minute. "My favorite anime is... is... I don't know. I really like Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Inuyasha. Now, favorite video game, hands down is Chrono Cross. It's wicked sweet, I must say I like it slightly better than Final Fantasy 7." She then had a weird grin spread upon her face, "My favorite card... Well, there's my Red Eyes, my Blue Eyes, my Shadow Ghoul, my Dark Magician, my toons, my polymirazation, my Don Zaruug, my Lich Undead King, but my favorite would be Relinquished." "And now I ask you the same questions."
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B]"Yeah, sorry." Deathbug smiled. "Well, I'm really not a guy that likes to spout proverbs or whatever they're called, but there's one I always try to live by. "Blessed are we who can laugh at ourselves, for we shall never cease to be amused." Beats the heck outta' "Thou shalt have no other gods before me". That line's always a laugh riot." "So, what about you? What do you like to do?" [/B][/QUOTE] "I like to spend time putting my sarcasm to good use. Like on my friends. I can mock their patheticness... and they still find it funny." She laughed then put on a serious face. "I also like to prove to guys that girls can like anime and video games. It's fun to show them up on Yu-Gi-Oh."
If anyone actually bothered to look in here, feel free to rate my banners. [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=438277[/img] Note: Not made by me, but by a friend of mine who said I could use it.
"People notice you..." She paused, then smiled at him, "At least, I do." She sighed, "At least you can be funny or witty alot of the time."
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B]"Cool," DeathBug replied. "Thanks. I didn't even pay attention to the prom before; I'm not a very social person." He cleared his throat. "But I'm glad you asked me. Hangin' here with you is a lot more fun than anything else I could have done. And I get to wear a bowtie and change my avatar! Everyone wins!" [/B][/QUOTE] She laughed, for one reason or antoher. "That's what I like about you, you always have something that is funny or witty to say."
OOC: [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B]A short dude with a red hat and blue-stripped shirt approached him. "Hey there. How about a nice Hawaiian punch?" "Really? That's just what I was looking for! I..." DeathBug stopped. "Wait, this seems vaguely familiar to me...yep, I've definatly seen this scenario before. Nice try, buddy, but no thanks." "Aww." The short guy walked off, and DeathBug came back with some punch. [/B][/QUOTE] Oo; That was so funny, I fell out of my chair laughing. -------Entering In Topic, please buckle your seatbelts!-------- "Thank-you, kind sir." She said, taking her punch. She drank some of it and sighed. "I'm glad I asked you to this Prom."
"I'd like some punch, if you'd be so kind." She said, walking over to a set of chairs and sitting down while her date got the refreshments.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B]"I sure do now..." DeathBug thought. "Yeah, they're pretty cool," he agreed. "I'm more of a fast-dance kinda' guy, but I can definatly see the upside...." It was around this time that he tripped over his own shoelace, onto the floor. "Ow..." ^^; [/B][/QUOTE] She fell down with him. After falling, she started laughing. "That was fun." She stood up slowly, "But it hurt."
Writing Yu-Gi-Oh! Cast Gets Interviewed
Bandit Joeykuba replied to Bandit Joeykuba's topic in Creative Works
Authors Note: Before I go on, I must point out one thing, this next chapter is going to be the shortest of them all. On with the story. Chapter 4: Dead Men Tell No Tales TSH: Welcome back once again, viewers! Now, we have Maximillion Pegasus, creator of the Duel Monsters card game. Random Person (That works on the Show): *comes down and whispers something to TSH* TSH: :eek: *looks at the camera and puts a fake smile on* It seems that Maximillion Pegasus will not be able to join us today due to the fact he met his unfortunate demise. That's right, he kicked the bucket and is now six feet under and sleeping with the worms. We will now take a commercial break while we try to find a replacement guest. -
Writing Yu-Gi-Oh! Cast Gets Interviewed
Bandit Joeykuba replied to Bandit Joeykuba's topic in Creative Works
Chapter 3: How to Make a Kaiba Mad TSH: *doesn't relize camera is on* Note to self: Find better job... *looks at the camera* Uh, er, um, er... Welcome back fans! As you might recall, we now have Seto Kaiba, ex-champion of Duel Monsters! Seto: *walks in holding his breifcase that looks like it weighs twenty or so pounds* Female Audience Members: KAI-BA! WE LOVE YOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUU! Male Audience Members: *amongst themselves*:grumble: We could be just as attractive if WE were millionaires and had a fancy trenchcoat! Seto: *glaring* TSH: Hello and Welcome Seto Kaiba! May I call you Seto? Seto: Call me anything other than Kaiba and I can be sure your fired. TSH: *smiles widely* You could do that? Seto: ...Fine, I'd have you killed... TSH: Er, nevermind, I'll call you Kaiba. Seto: That's better. *still glaring for some reason* TSH: You don't seem to happy to be here. Seto: What are you talking about? I'm in a good mood today! TSH: But your glar- Seto: *shoots him the death glare* TSH: Never mind. So Kaiba, you run Kaiba Corp, correct? Seto: Yes, I am CEO... I get to do all the fun stuff. TSH: And you have a little brother? Seto: Yes, Mokuba Kaiba. He's a tad bit hyperactive. TSH: Moe-koo-bah? What kind of name is that? Seto: WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY BROTHER! *lunges at TSH* TSH: :eek: MOKUBA IS A WONDERFUL NAME! Seto: *calms down and sits down, still glaring* TSH: I hear you have this thing for Yugi Motou and his friend Joey- Seto: I DON'T LIKE THE IMP OR HIS MUTT FRIEND! TSH: I meant, a thing AGAINST Yugi and Joey. Seto: Oh, yeah. Yugi beats me in duels and the mutt... is just plain annoying and idiotic. TSH: I know what you mean. So, how does it feel to be the EX-Duel Monsters Champion of the world? Seto: I WILL GET MY REVENGE ON YUGI! EVEN IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO! TSH: You scare me. Seto: That's the way it should be. TSH: So, final question, how much security is there at Kaiba Corp? Seto: Are you planning to kidnap me and/or my brother in attempt to control it? TSH: No. Seto: I'm still not telling you. *glares at the camera again* ...Can I leave now? TSH: Please. Seto: *glares at the camera one last time and then runs off* TSH:...After this commercial break, we get to meet the duel monsters creator, Maximillion Pegasus. Please, dear Lord, don't let HIM be a freak or a physco! -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B]"So, uh..." he stammered. "Yeah, I'd ask for this dance, but since we're already dancing, that'd be kinda' pointless. So, I'm just going to slow dance and hope for the best." ^^;;; [/B][/QUOTE] Still blushing, she wrapped her arms around his neck as he out his arms around her waist. "Don't you just love slow dances?" She asked, not really expecting an answer.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B]He tried to match pace with Bandit. Y"ou dance devinely," he said. "Heh, I always wanted to say that...whoa! Almost tripped...I'm good...What's the music that's playing, anywho?" [/B][/QUOTE] OOC: Oh my Ra! That's just funny! Thanks to you, I'll die laughing. -------Entering the realm of IC-------- "Thank-you." She replied to his compliment, then laughed when he nearly tripped. "Smooth." The current song came to an end and a slow one started. She blushed and looked down at the ground.
I vote for maladjusted's sig. I like the [adult swim] rip-off banner. It's funny.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B]"I'm not very good," he admitted. "Although I can do the Macarena. I'm seven years behind the curve..." ^^; [/B][/QUOTE] She laughed at his comment. "Same here..." She glanced around at all the people dancing, "Ah, the complete bliss of being able to dance well." ------Exiting the in topic----- :laugh: You had to metion macarena didn't you? For some reason that makes me laugh. *is still laughing*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B]DeathBug blushed. "Uh, okay, sure. I...okay." He takes her hand. "I'm not sure what I'm doing..." [/B][/QUOTE] She too, blushed. "Iguess you'll do whatever comes naturally."
Writing How Many of You Have Fanfiction.net Accounts?
Bandit Joeykuba replied to Brood_Mayran's topic in Creative Works
I have an account. I written only Yu-Gi-Oh stories so far, but I plan on putting up some different ones. Pename: Blackgatomon -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B]*Straightens his collar, steps up to Bandit* Uh, hi. Sorry I'm late. Uh, flowers? *hands flowers* [/B][/QUOTE] She blushed slightly, taking the flowers from him. "How sweet." She said. "Care to dance?"
Writing Yu-Gi-Oh! Cast Gets Interviewed
Bandit Joeykuba replied to Bandit Joeykuba's topic in Creative Works
Chapter 2: Lapdog and Idiot Goes Hand-in-Hand TSH: Welcome back, if you'll recall, we had to drag Yami away... because he's a physco. Now we have Joey Wheeler, an ex-bully with a New York accent... joy... Joey: *walks in, blinking* Random Audience Member: LOOK IT'S THE LAPDOG! Audience: *laughs* Joey: I'll show ya whose a lapdog! I'll have ya begging for mercy, ya little punk! TSH: Er, uh, Joey? We're on a talk show, not Jerry Springer. Joey: Eh? Oh, a sorry. Audience: JER-RY! JER-RY! TSH: :shifty: Oh, ha ha, very funny. So, Joey, may I call you Joey? Joey: That's my name! If my name was Bob, that's what you'd be calling me. TSH: Right, anyways, I hear your an ex-bully. Joey: Dat's right. I pretty much gave it up when I met Yug'. TSH: Yug'? Joey: Yug' is my buddy! We hang outta lot. TSH: Oh-kay... Errr, uh, you placed second in Duelist Kingdom, correct? Joey: Yep! I'm da bomb! And I'm single ladies! *runs up to the camera* C'mon ladies, you know ya want me! My number is 555- TSH: JOEY! This is not a advertising show! Get back over here! Joey: *defeatedly walks back over and sits* TSH: *gives Joey a doggie treat* Your such a good boy! Joey: :wow: Grrrr... NOBODY CALLS ME A DOG! TSH: Don't make me get a newspaper! Joey: *pouts* TSH: Now Joey, any advice before you leave? Joey: *blinks* You mean... Your gonna kill me? TSH: NOOOOOOOOOOO! I mean before you leave the show so we can have our next guest! Joey: ...*blinks* Oh. Well, uh, remember, a chicken is not a duck! *walks off* TSH: *sighs* He's such an idiot!... Er, after this next commercial break, Seto Kaiba, CEO of Kaiba Corp and host of Battle City. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B]So....anyone have a crush on me? Anyone? *crickets chirp* All righty. ^^; [/B][/QUOTE] *blinks* ... *raises hand* ... *coughs and skitters off*
Out of Topic: YAY! I asked Deathbug and he excepted! *does the Chibi Dance* -------GOING IN TOPIC---------- "I'm late!" Bandit cried. She knew about the Otaku Prom, but had just got around to actually asking someone about it. She PMed Deathbug. "[i]Would you like to go to the Otaku Prom with me[/i]" she typed in a hurry. Luckily for her, Deathbug had excepted her invitation. Shr rushed into the building the prom was in, only to see that her date had not arrived yet. She sighed and leaned against a wall, waiting for him to arrive.