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Bandit Joeykuba

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Everything posted by Bandit Joeykuba

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Moro [/i] [B]the most rarest cards in my deck are my egyption god cards, Exodia, Obulus the tormenter and one i forgot it was the thunder god i think... [/B][/QUOTE] Other than grammical errors... ((Not most rarest... most rare or rarest)) It's Obelisk and he's a God Card, and the only "thunder god" I can think of isn't a god it's part of Gate Guardian.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Catzbane [/i] [B]For some reason, I'm often** told I'm not very girly, since I love violent movies, games, and other stuff that I "shouldn't like". o_O;; It's very moronic. [/B][/QUOTE] I know what your talking about. I have this great interest in guy stuff, so the only girl friends I have are tomboys, like myself. I forgot about one of my other friends, so that's two girls I know personally that duel.
  3. I've had all sorts of weird dreams. This is just one of them. It's the first part of a series of three. I was having a party for all of my friends from my old school, ya know, music, food, and junk like that. Then my old crush showed up, hugged me, and says (in a British accent... and he's not british!) "How ya doing, love?" I freaked out and hid under a table for a while. After coming out, I notice that all the chips had been eaten, so I went to get more. I come back and see a blue, scaley (Kinda looked like Mystique from X-Men...) monster gnawing on the remainder of one of my friends. It looked at me, became frightened and ran off. I looked around, saw blood, bones, and fragments of clothes everywhere. My step-dad shows up and I told him what happened. He laughed and said, "So you saw my creation eh? And it didn't eat you?" I looked at him ,freaked out, and asked for an explanation. "I created that creature to eat everyone on the planet." He said, sadistic look on his face, "Isn't it wonderful?" I responded, "NO! How could you do such a horrible thing?" "I'll explain more on the way to the Hospital..." "Hospital?" ... End of part one...
  4. Yami Bakura: I will defeat you and claim your puzzle! Yami Yugi: You'll never defeat me! Y. Bakura: Will too! Y. Yugi: Will not! Y. Bakura: Will too! Y. Yugi: Will not! Y. Bakura: Will too! Y. Yugi: Will not! Y. Bakura: Will too! Y. Yugi: WILL NOT! Y. Bakura: WILL TOO! Y. Yugi: WILL NOT! Y. Bakura: WILL- Joey/Flame Swordsman: JUST SHUT-UP AND DEUL! Y. Bakura:...Will too!
  5. Chapter One: Yami vs. The Talk Show Host (TSH) DISCLAIMER: I may not own Yu-Gi-oh and it's characters, but I do own the 'It's so Late it's EARLY' show, TSH, Mike AND Joe! Go me! TSH: Hello and welcome to the 'It's so Late it's EARLY' Show, I'm your host... *squints to try to read the cuecard* Uhhhhh... Talk Show Host............... Yeah... Anyways, on tonight's... this morning's show, we have a special guest with us here today. His name is Yami Yugi and he was Pharoah... of Egypt... 5,000... years... ago? *whispers* Is that correct? How is that possible? *smiles at the camera* Let's give a hand for Yami everyone! Audience: ... *cricket chirping* Yami: *walks out, staring at all the equipment* What type of shadow magic is this? TSH: Hello Yami! Yami: How do you know my name? TSH: May I call you Yami? Yami: I have been called many things, Pharoah... Yami... Yu-Gi-Oh... So, sure, Yami's fine with me... How did you know my name? TSH: I ask the questions here. Yami: ...Oh... TSH: So, Yami, I heard that you were the ruler of Egypt, some... 5,000 years ago. Yami: You know, that wasn't really a question... TSH: *glares* Yami: ER, uh, yeah, I was Pharoah... Until that sorceror came around and forced me to lock myself in the Millenium Puzzle... *growls* TSH: Well, Yami, you don't look a day over... 16... Yami: Well, I [b]AM[/b] a spirit. TSH: ... Yeah... It comes to my understanding that you have a God Card... and a "millenium item" called the "Millenium puzzle..." Yami: Are you one of Marik's mindslaves? TSH: Uh... No... Yami: You are! TSH: Uh, thank-you for your time Yami! Yami: I challenge you to a Shadow Game! TSH: SECURITY! Yami: I'LL DEFEAT YOU! TSH: SECURITY! HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! TsH: ... That was... odd... Uh, after this commercial break, we will be interviewing Joey Wheeler... *praying-ly* Please don't let him be like Yami... PLEASE! Have mercy on me Lord! What do you think?
  6. The only thing I don't like is Lich Undead King's new name (Fusioh?) and the way they edited Don Zaruug's (Zaluug's) picture. I can just see why he'd have a bullet belt thing with swords.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1]Hey Kesaki_Inedia, does Chris sound like a girl's name either? I mean, it's sort of common sense, lol. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, well, take me for example. My username is Bandit Joeykuba. That doesn't sound like a girl's name, now does it? Back on topic: :bawl: Nobody likes meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  8. Yugi: Graaaaaaaaandpa! Pleeeeeeeeeeeease! Joey: Yeah Gramps, let us see the card. Grandpa: NO! the last time I let you kids see one of my cards, you spilt juice all over it! And it was my Seven Tools of the Bandit, too! Yugi: PLeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?! It won't happen agaaaaaaaaaaaain!!!!!!! *puppy dog eyes* Grandpa: Ack, it's the cuteness. Can not resist the cuteness. *hands the card to the twer- I mean, gang* I know I'm going to regret this... Joey: Wow cool! *it falls out of his hands and gets eaten by a cat* Eh, opps? Grandpa: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That was my Shadow Ghoul! *stranglews the cat* I HATE YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU! Yugi: Let's... Leave... Rest: Good... idea...
  9. Hmmmm... My rarest card... My japanese Lich, Undead King (Pharoanic Guardian)- I actually have two of him, one is a Super Rare and the other is a Ultimate Rare, and I got both of them at the beach. I bought 5 packs of Phaoronic Guardian and I ended up getting Lich (S), Lich (U), Don Zaruug (Parallel), and other cool looking cards. (If anyone knows what Don Zaruug's and Lich's effects are, can you PM me?) I also happen to be proud of my Relinquished (PSD) and my Black Illusion Ritual (MRL). I got Relinquished in the Pegasus starter deck and my first Black Illusion Ritual from my FIRST pack of cards, Magic Ruler.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mina [/i] [B]I don't know any girls who are into YGO save for my sister and me. [/B][/QUOTE] Well now you know of me. I watch YGO, collect YGO, and duel all the time. I'm probably as much a YGO fan as any old [i]boy[/i] your likely to meet. Just to clear it up, I don't have a fairy/harpie deck, in fact I perfer dragons and fiends over the dainty little fairies. Still, I don't know too many female duelists other than a friend of mine and some OBers. Several girls (that I don't know and don't know how they know me) have asked me to teach them how to duel, but they never really get it.
  11. Entry #2- Dragonite picture. Slightly better than last.
  12. I just want to post some stuff of mine. [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=427149[/img] Don't ask wwho she is. I have no idea.
  13. I'll give this a shot. This is an old picture of mine.
  14. I know your probably gonna get a laugh outta this but: [spoiler] Deathbug[/spoiler] Don't ask why. I just think he's funny.
  15. Some of mine: 1) When Kagome was riding her bike (with Inu on the back) to get the herbs for Sango, she is thinking, 'quiet quiet' over and over because Inuyasha had fallen asleep and then she went over a bump and Inu fell off and she didn't notice it. 2) Sango is laying down, sick from the poison while Inu and Kagome are of to get some herbs. Miroku: I stayed back to protect you. Sango: *pulls the sheet up* I think it's be safer for you to be outside. Shippo: *pops up* Don't worry, Kagome told me to stay behind to protect you from Miroku protecting you.(This one was done by someone already for the manga version, but I like the show's version better)
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lan21013 [/i] [B][color=darkblue][size=1]Aww, I had a good one too! Oh well... Well, go ahead Lady Katana! ^^[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Okay, this post was pointless to the topic. If you've read the rules to this thread and Solo's comment about this kind of junk, you'd know this isn't allowed here. Sorry for sounding all mod-like and wasting your time.
  17. I was at the beach for the past week. Anyways, the winner is: [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Katana [/i] [B][color=royalblue]Yugi: They just aren't making Yoshis like they used to.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] :laugh: Runner-up: XBebop
  18. I'd have to say the saddest is when [spoiler]Genkai[/spoiler] of Yu yu Hakusho dies. It just sad seeing how depressed yusuke was. That and [spoiler] it was sad that she knew she'd end up dieing, plus you got to find out how Toguru knew her.[/spoiler] I also liked [spoiler] Aeris' death by Sephiroth.[/spoiler] It was cool.
  19. It depends. If I'm with my little nieces and nephews, I'm immature and act like their age(3-6). If I'm with my friends, I act my age (14) and if I'm with adults I act very maturely and carry on adult-like conversations with them(In other words, I act like I'm 18-20).
  20. Due to down time, I was unable to get a picture up til now. [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=420274[/img]
  21. I've never played CT for myslef, but I've watched my step-dad play it. I saw him play from the beginning to the end. With several different endings. I'm playing CC right now. It's awesome.I'm glad they cleared up one of CT's endings. [spoiler]It was the ending where Lucca and Robo find that baby with a strange jewel in the woods. Turns out that baby is CC's Kid and the jewel is the Astral Amulet.[/spoiler] CT/CC's dual/triple techs are wonderfully powerful and beutiful to the eye (I love watching Lynx's Feral Cats). RATINGS: CHRONO TRIGGER: -Sound: 10/10 -Animation: 9/10 (Good for it's age and the PS version's cutscenes are cool) -Battle System: 10/10 -Action: 10/10 -Characters: 10/10 (Gotta love the whole Frog/Glen thing) -Story: 10/10 -Overall: 10/10 Chrono Cross: -Sound: 10/10 (I love the Mablue Side Quest music) -Animation: 10/10 -Battle System: 8/10 (It's a bit confusing at first) -Action: 10/10 -Characters: 10/10 (With over 40 playable characters!) -Story: 8/10 (It explained some plot holes of CT, but also added a lot of nonsense) -Overall: 9.5/10 By the way, [spoiler] is Leah the daughter of that playable cave woman from CT? [/spoiler]
  22. 1) Just hanging out with my friends 2) Spending time with my cat 3) Playing Video Games 4) Otako Boards 5) Brown packages tied up with string... Just kidding!
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OtakuSennen [/i] [B]Hm.. To the original one, with the big rock: Some disembodied voice: "Hey, where you running to, Yugi?" Yugi: "AGH! BATHROOM BATHROOM BATHROOM! HAVE TO USE THE BATHROOM! Oh, and there's a giant boulder behind me..." [/B][/QUOTE] OtakuSennen, if you read the rules to this thread, you'd know that you only make a caption for the current picture, not the previous ones. Please remember that in the future. (Apologies if that was to mod-like) --------------------- My caption: Yugi: Stand back everyone, I'm going to suck the monsters in with my WIND TUNNEL!!!!!!! Tea: WAIT! Weevil has his poisoness insects out!!!!! Remember what happened last time?! (Kudos to anyone who knows what anime I'm making fun of.)
  24. I use Southern Slang sometimes. I did use IM slang for a while, but I gave that up. On a funnier note, my mom would screw up the slang here today. She still calls my Gameboy Advance "Playboy."
  25. Out of Topic: Deathbug, I was wonderingif you could go ahead and select someone. I know that there's not many, but none has replied in two days... I don't want this topic to die. Thanks.
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