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Everything posted by Bandit Joeykuba
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue][size=1]As long as they're not a psycho, lol. [/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] HEY! Psychos are fun! I'M A PSYCHO!!!!! Well... sometimes... And one more thing about my "Perfect date": -Must not be a complete pervert (A little perverted-ness I could handle but not much)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B][COLOR=deeppink]Kudos in advance to all of you who won't put looks in your description, and shame on all you who have all ready posted. Us acne-ridden geeky types with plain hair need love too! I also want her to have similar interests as me. I don't want to go off on a rant about who would win between Aquaman and any [b]one[/b] of the Wonder Twins on a mountainous terrain, I don't want her to stare at me blankly. I want her to know what I'm talking about, and actually be able to bring up some counterpoints. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Hey! I like nerdy/geeky guys! Their the coolest people to hang out with! Also, Aquaman would win... the Wonder Twins a pathetic together, much less alone. My ideal guy: -Must have a sense of humor -Taller than me (That's not hard, considering I'm like... 5'... or less...) -Must be intelligent -Play video games, or not mind me playing them -MUST LIKE ANIME!!!!!!!! -Must not mind me when I go off on a rant... or go crazy... (Which happens alot) -Must talk (I hate guys that are qiuet and just nod...) -(Optional) GEEKNESS! -Somewhat similar interests
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Takuya [/i] [B]Bonus: How did Yugi trick Para and Dox to get out of the maze after the duel? [/B][/QUOTE] He put a coin in each of his hands, each with a marking on them, siginfying Para's Door and Dox's Door. The coin he didn't pick would be the door they would go. He picked Dox's (I think) coin and the brother's say that Dox's door was the safe one! Yami said that the brothers could change what ever way was safest. He opened his other hand showing that the coin he didn't pick was actually Dox's! The brothers were confused/surprised and Yami explained that he knew about their trick, so he was prepared and blah blah blah.
And I'm on a runner-up streak! --------------------------------------------- Yami: *eye twitches* WHO GLUED THIS CARD TO MY BACK?!?!?!?! Joey: *runs off with a thing of glue* Panik: MOMMY!!!!! I want my mommy... *starts crying* The dark was scary enough... but now some punk glued a card to me!!!!!! MOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
I don't know many people that well here... I'd settle for a boyfriend though! ... I seriously need a life...
I would either give it my intelligence or my poet capabilities. It can never be too smart (unless it's head explodes from all the brains we'd put in it) and who doesn't love(hate) a good poet?
Pegasus: And now it's time for the half-time show!!!!! A staring contest between Bandit Keith and little Sam! BEGIN! Sam and Bandit Keith: O_O Bandit Keith: *blinks* Pegasus: AND SAM IS THE WINNER! Bandit Keith: *thinking* I'm gonna get Pegasus for this.
Does your school have any strange stories??
Bandit Joeykuba replied to stardust's topic in General Discussion
Okay, I have another story. This is from elementary school. We had (believed) that we had a ghost in the cafeteria. It seemed to like us girls, it always bugged us. It would move our tables, push chairs, and knock stuff off the table. One time, our little ghostie picked a chair up, held it up for all of five seconds, before promptly flipping it over. :laugh: The dang little thing nearly got us in trouble, casue the teachers thought that we had done it. It scared some of the girls, but I thought it was cool. In fact, it listened to me once. I said something like "If there's a ghost in here, it will move one of these chairs." In correspondense, one of the chairs (that no one was around, and that I happened to be looking at as I said the foremetioned statement) moved back, then back to it's original position. We talked about it all the time at recess, and made fun of our school in the meantime. We said that it could be the ghost of Woodrow Wilson (That was the school's name) telling us to "Vote for the ghost!" Later, we found out it was possible that our cafeteria was built over the graves of two people. -
[img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=409491[/img] And while Yami was in his soul rooom, he began to wonder, who was the scariest person he knew. He had down to six people... and then... there was one... He began running around screaming, "SERENITY WILL BRING DOOM TO ALL WHO CROSS HER PATH!!!!!!!!!! BEWARE SERENITY! SHE WILL KILL ALL!" -------------------- Random Fangirl: Yami, out of Joey, Tristan, Bakura, Serenity, Tea, and Seto Kaiba, who would you want to go out with? Yami: *thinks about it* None of the above! Random Fangirl: Why? Yami: Joey is an ignoramus, Tristan's hair can impale someone or poke an eye out, Bakura is too... ummm... British plus his yami has this thing about raw meat, Serenity will bring doom to everyone (see above caption), Tea talks about friendship too much, and Kaiba is... well... Kaiba.
Does your school have any strange stories??
Bandit Joeykuba replied to stardust's topic in General Discussion
*thinks* Ahh, the memories! 1) At the Eighth Grade Banquet, my language arts teacher spilt food in her lap, then later on dumped her whole glass of tea onto herself. She ran off laughing. 2) On the day of the banquet, this girl named Amara was wearing make-up that went down her cheeks (awesome looking!) and the vice principal told her she couldn't go unless she washed the make-up off! I mean, there were girls wearing speghetti strap, but he didn't say anything to them! Plus, Amara had paid to go to the banquet! 3) Mr. East (Vice Principal) was standing outside in a drizzle with an umbrella one day. I walked by him and asked, "Are you a witch or something?" He thought for a minute then responded, "Why, yes I am!" I walked off snickering. 4) On one of the last days of school, the math teacher let us play the song 'Math Sucks,' and she had the door open. 5) One time, in Social studies, the teacher asked us to design a shirt/bumper sticker/button on our thoughts of King George III. I put Black Mage (Final Fantasy 1) on mine and had written on it that we should kill him. The day we walked around the classroom, everyone crowded around mine to see it, then proceeded to give me strange looks afterwards. I asked the teacher if she'd take a poll to see how many of my classmates thought I was crazy. She never did. 6) We (did) have a boy in our school who could hurt himself extremely easily. The ways he hurt himself: Stapled his finger(s), stapled his arm, stapled his hair, got his hand stuck in an overhead, cut himself with kiddie scissors, nearly choked on a chicken bone, and electricuted himself (slightly) by sticking his fingernail in an outlet. The boy was never trusted with an overhead or a stapler again. -
PERSONAL Member Name: Bandit Joeykuba Former Member Names: Blackgatomon Member Since: September 25, 2002 Current Status: Junior Member Nicknames: Bandit, Joey, Blackgatomon Favorite Forums: Otaku Lounge,Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu Yu Hakusho, Anime Lounge, Digimon Favorite RPG: N/A Favorite Threads: Caption Contest Begins; Yu-Gi-Oh! Caption Contest Favorite Smiley: :tasty: :drunk: :naughty: Most Memorable Moment: Becoming a Junior member Quotable Quote: ".....pickles....so many pickles....."-Deathbug Words of Wisdom: Beware the evil, mutant squirrels! For one day, they shall rule the world! Wish to be remembered for: That girl who thought she was a ninja monkey (I AM!) and that evil, mutant squirrels would take over the world. Desired Epitaph: Moo doom. Favorites: Black, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Icee Pops, Egg Nog Cookies I will.... ...I have something of worth? I guess I'll leave my stuff to whoever wants it! MOST AND BEST Most likely to succeed: James Most likely to secede: Worst spelling: Can't really say... Best poster: Shy Cutest couple: Asuki and Piro! Best writer: Best artist: Ginny Best...spar-er?: Craziest: Weh Funniest / wittiest: Interesting-er-ist: The Pickle Award: Deathbug Best-test Moderator EVER award: Solo Tremaine Most Memorized Digimon Qoutes: Digital_Monster (I don't know how you do it...) SIGNATURES Deathbug- I still can't get over the pickle thing that you put up for the YGO Caption Contest. -Bandit Joeykuba Cid Highoffwind- You need to get on more! Seriously! Your the only person I know know here on OB. Oh well. -Joey Na'Dou- YAY! I'm still on your buddy list! Okay, you have me as my old name, but oh well! I hope we can talk more in the future. -Blackgatomon Solo Tremaine- Thank-you once again for letting me put the 'Yu-Gi-Oh! Caption Contest' up! You are one of my favorite-test people now! I look up to you. -Bandit Joeykuba
And this is what happens when Tristan and Joey take First Aid 101... and learn the Hiemlich(sp?) manuver... --------------------- Joey and Tristan make a new dance step! Fortunately for us, it will never be seen again. Hopefully.
I guess I'm judging also, since Domon put captions up. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B] ".....pickles....so many pickles....." [/B][/QUOTE] :laugh: I don't know why, but I nearly fell out of my chair laughing at this caption. :laugh: So congratulations, DeathBug. Runner-up: TrickyNicky EDIT: Oh yeah! Post number 250!!!!!!! I'm a Junior Member now! Go me! *eats a cookie*
Happiest Moment: Whenever me and my best friend/honorary sister became friends. Most Pressured: This past week, since my mom is extremely sick and on the verge of getting pnumonia. Saddest: I have two: 1) When my dad died (I was seven) 2) When I found out my dog had been ran over (I was thirteen)
What if OB became a country?
Bandit Joeykuba replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in General Discussion
That would be so awesome! *dreams of Animerica* Yes, our currency probably would run on Anime related items. I would be glad to live a chaotic country of rabid twelve-year-olds that was ruled by the ultimate otakus! That and ninja monkeys! We'd have to have ninja monkeys! -
Where's the cream filling? (Lame on my part... I know...) --------- What isn't seen is the DOG eating the BABY food.
I just quickly made this on my crappy photoshop.
I'm going to spend summer... in front of this computer... Nah, actually I have several video games I need to beat! I get to go swim, go to the library, look for a place to get some community service hours in (they make us do that to graduate from high school), and go to the beach for a week. It's all good.
Also,[spoiler]in the Mai vs Marik duel, Marik somehow (can't remember how) makes her lose her memories of her friends. After she loses, Marik traps her soul in a hourglass. If all of the sand gets to the bottom, she dies. That's when Joey gets extremely angry at the real Marik.[/spoiler] I can't wait until they get more new episodes on Kids WB... Or until I can buy subtitled episodes.
Domon, since you failed to put up a picture in the given time limit *points to rules* the runner up gets to post the picture... that would be me. You can still judge if you want to. [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=406494[/img]
Anime Divorce Court: Worst Anime Couples!
Bandit Joeykuba replied to MillieFan's topic in Otaku Central
I really, really hate Yugi and Tea (Yu-Gi-Oh!) pairings simply because I hate Tea. I also hate Tristan and Serenity because Tritan's spiked hair is as annoying as he is and Serenity is almost a Tea duplicate. I hate fanmade pairings of Sephiroth and Cloud. It's creepy... Why would Sephiroth, the ULTIMATE evil and elected ULTIMATE villan of any FF game, be THAT way with his arch-nemesis? Gah! *skitters off to hide in own little world* -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Actually, there is in the Japanese version, I believe. There are lots of same-sex couples. Tomoyo is in love with Sakura, Syaoran is in love with Yukito, Yukito likes Sakura's brother...I mean, it's one vicious and confused cycle in there![/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yep, there is. It's also in the Manga. Yet the whole Syaoran loving Yukito ends after Yue explains that Syaoran only THINKS he's in love with Yukito because of the magic he feels inside him. That's when Syaoran relizes that his ture feelings are for Sakura.
Awwwwwww! Congratulations! I would send a gift, except for the fact that I'm poor. So, I send you and your future baby boy my best wishes.
Dude on the Far Left: I CAN FLY! Dude on the left: NO YOU CAN'T! Dude on the far left: CAN TOO! WATCH! *cuts his rope and falls to his impending doom* Dude on the left: I TOLD YOU SO! --------------------- FIVE MINUTES BEFORE THIS PICTURE WAS TAKEN: Wil E Coyote: *is hanging from one of the ropes with the others* Dude on the far right: Hey critter, what type of rope is that? Wil E Coyote: *holds a sign that says 'Acme'; ropes snaps; falls and leaves a deep Coyote sized hole in the cement* Dude on the far right: I'm glad I went with another company!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Catzbane [/i] [B] If the person wins, do they have to post pictures that are from the show/comic, or can they be any YGO pictures?) [/B][/QUOTE] You can use any YGO piccie you have!:D