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  1. Usually you pay S&H to Sony, then they do the same back to you. There are a few files over on GameFaqs on the DRE problem. Or type "Playstation 2" +"Disc Read Error", or some variation, in whatever search engine you prefer. But if your warranty's still in effect, I say send it to them. ed~ the Limited Warranty is only for 90 days
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hawke3000 [/i] [B]will I have to know what happens in the game to see this????Are there game spoilers?? [/B][/QUOTE] According to [URL=http://blackwings.net/hack/index.php].Hackers[/URL] Ep 26 was aired in Japan between the 2nd & 3rd game releases and Ep 27-8 would appear to have been aired within the next month (ie. Ep 26 airs followed by Ep 27, 28 then .hack//part3), so I wouldn't think you would have to know much of the game (though it couldn't hurt). As for sploilers, maybe small ones but nothing that would reveal much.
  3. I see no problem with it, provided people stay sane using it (ie. green size 48 "HI JUST SIGNING THE BOOK" = bad). Be nice if you could cap the sizes, say sizes 8- 24 for example, just in case. But, then again, the deletion option is always open too.
  4. [QUOTE]criticize~ 1) To find fault with: criticized the decision as unrealistic. 2) To judge the merits and faults of; analyze and evaluate.[/QUOTE] Well, considering that everyone is talking about the effects of anime has had on them, why can't they post? Also, none here are bashing anime, there just saying what [i]can[/i] happen. And, if you think about it, most of this site is based on fan criticism. ie. Did you like this show/that scene/this series/the music? [i]ok, now that that's off my chest.... back to topic[/i] Anime hasn't affected me much as it is not my main hobby, that dubious honor would be computers, but I certainly became aware of how much of it is out there, and therefore how much remains to be seen. And I will admit to being a raving looney about a particular show now and again. *ping*, kmjk
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]...if you use Netscape, it will work proporly. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, since I only use Mozilla I would have to disagree. Or maybe Mozilla is modified enough to cause the error?
  6. That just tells you that there is problem with the databasing for the myOtaku stuff. I had the same message too, for about 4-5 days, but it works correctly now.
  7. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?threadid=26543]CL thread[/URL]... there is already a Chaos Legion thread in exisistence
  8. just a few suggestions off the top of my head... a) member list (i assume it's being worked on in some form) b) a small "myOtaku" banner that can be placed in a sig (perhaps have a contest?) or a "myOtaku" board status I did read the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=28814&highlight=myotaku]unofficial member list[/URL] thread, so I realize some of the suggestions are nothing new. But i figured i'd make them "official" suggestions by placing them here ;) *ping*
  9. [URL=http://www.gameshark.com/playstation2/articles/401644p1.html]official GS announcement[/URL] ... [URL=http://www.gameshark.com/productinfo/articles/409694p1.html]announcement 2[/URL] the info your looking for is all there, but it streams the files from your PC using the network adapter... so I guess the memory is unlimited :)
  10. Your not too far off. Liminality is basically the condition signifying that you are on a threshold... but a threshold to what i wonder? some related words are multiliminal (having many thresholds) and subliminal (below normal thresholds, think TV advertisments) [URL=http://www.arts.ouc.bc.ca/fiar/glossary/l_list.html#liminality]the link[/URL] where all this came from
  11. kmjk


    I completely agree w/Semjaza on the name issue, which appears to be the #1 complaint, besides the price tag (which appears to be dropping according to Sony). Pros: USB 2.0 Memory Stick compatible High-def output 120G HD (what MS should've done) DVD/CD burning capability Inter/Ethernet capable (no adapter needed) able to record TV Cons: no EEE1394, which is suposedly being phased out of the next version PS2 as well :( Slot-in disc drive (I just don't like 'em) the $$$ All-in-all I think that I would rather buy the components seperatly, though I can see why someone would get this for spactial reasons. It will be interesting how this will effect the PS2-Linux (or is it Linux-PS2?) community. In the end I believe it will get hacked just like the X-Box has, but that's a whole new discussion that I won't venture into on these boards :D .
  12. not to burst the bubble but the LoD2 rumor has been around forever, although the movie is a new twist Sony is keeping quite with official announcements. The US Playstation boards have quite a few "LoD2" threads, but no credited information as far as I can tell. Hopefully the rumors are true, but until I see something from Sony I'll just keep hoping.
  13. kmjk

    Chaos Legion

    i did a quick search on the Net... PS2/PC release dates US & European~ August '03/Fall '03 Info: This RPG is actually based on a Japanese fantasy magazine series. [SPOILER]You can play two different characters, 1 male, 1 female. The male, Sieg Wahrheit, uses a sword while the female, Arcia uses two guns. Your misson as either character is to find Victor Delacroix, the former friend of Sieg, who has turned evil. As Sieg you can summon 7 different legions, though Arcia can not.[/SPOILER]
  14. i'm with JC on this one... it was definitly a new twist on kung fu spoofs tech wise~ interesting, story/plot wise~ well, no toungy = better movie (loved the baby battle tho)
  15. [QUOTE]mainstream~ n. The prevailing current of thought, influence, or activity adj. Representing the prevalent attitudes, values, and practices of a society or group [/QUOTE] I guess it depends on what you would define as mainstream anime, no? I pick~ D) it exposes ppl to anime (period) I mean, who here was exposed to anime thru a "cartoon" that showed when they were kids? Of course they moved on to more adult themed shows but still... And what "uncut anime" would little kids (ages= ?) get ahold of anyway? The uncut DB/Z vids? :laugh: Whatever happens true fans of anime will continue to enjoy anime no matter what , and you gotta admit that animes in theatres is very nice. ed~ look at this [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22719]thread[/URL] for some good examples of what i am talking about
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