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  1. Is this thing ever going to get under way?
  2. Geez, I haven't noticed this. Hmm, now I have to investigate. I'll post some pics tommorow.
  3. Umm, could you please post the one/ones I missed! I am really curious, being I [b]love[/b] Outlaw Star and don't know what I got wrong.
  4. Phew! Been a long time. But hopefully we will get this up and running soon. What would be a good time/day for everyone to chat?
  5. I use Combot! I am one of the greatest players that ever lived. :p From my point of view anyway. ;) I would probably get killed by Akuma or Seppy. :p
  6. ....I made some avatars and I was wondering if you would be interested in them? This is a list of the avatars I made. [B]Evangelion[/B] [list] 4 Shinji Avatars (One of which I am useiong right now) 2 Asuka Avatars 2 Rei Avatars 1 Gendou Avatar 1 Kaji Avatar [/list] I am useing one of the Shinji avatars right now! [B]Other[/B] [list] 1 Gene Avatar 1 Spike Avatar 1 Tai Avatar [/list]
  7. Well, I am [I]trying[/I] to get a hold of Shyguy so we can figure out when the first chat is going to be. But he hasn't been on aim yet today. :p I am pretty sure the first topic will be something like, why you like Outlaw Star and your favorite stuff, not to mention getting to know everyone who has joined! So sit tight, and hopefully someone else will join aswell. ::Cries::
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amphion [/i] [B]I have to disagrea. I know its Ozzy singing in the background. Godsmack is not pressent. I was told by a friend who saw a band perfomr the song at the music hall. I think he said there name was Third Strike. Im not sure if I remembered the name right but Ill look it up for you guys. But the band used to be an Ozzy coverband. They finally got signed to a record deal and Ozzy liked there stuff so he supplied the backup vocals. This is what I was told by my friend who has talked with them on several occasions. Ill get some more info for you guys though. [/B][/QUOTE] Ummm, No Albert is right........trust me it's [B]not[/B] Ozzy in the backround. Albert knows just about everything there is to know metal/punk/hardcore/lotsa of other stuff wise.
  9. Me....being new and all wouldn't stand much of a chance. ;) But that is not why I am posting, I was just wondering if I could nominate somebody for the competition. So, can I?
  10. Go me! I didn't think anyone would join. Except Shyguy since he and I are the ones that made it you know. :p Well shaun31us, I hope to see you posting alot around here!
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][color=darkblue][size=1]If the main character died at the end of every anime series, it become too cliched. I am glad that at least one show had a happy ending. -Shy[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I know that I wasn't talking about the [B]main[/B] character! It just seemed so boring. At the end all of them hopping on the spaceship for more adventures. ;)
  12. After a bit of talking me and Shyguy decided an Outlaw Star fan club would help the forum along a bit. To join you must post theese things. 1. Your OB name 2. Your Favorite OLS Character 3. Your Favorite OLS Episode 4. Your Aim s/n Every once in a while we will get together in an aim chatroom and discuss a specific subject having to do with Outlaw Star. Also jobs will be appointed, as an example lets say someone good with graphics joins, we could make him the official banner maker. On another note we will probably get a fan-fiction story going and maybe even an art contest! So be sure to join! 1. ShadowDragon 2. Gene Starwind 3. Maze of Despair 4. TheChibiOutlaw
  13. Of course there is going to be alot of censorship in America. I mean it even was aired in the middle of the day in the Toonami block. :p But since it's now aired on Adult Swim they should at the [B]very[/B] least show blood. But they don't. Go figure.
  14. I think they keep them to use as an example. Say, I was looking around and I noticed a favorites topic was closed. I would know not to post them. ;)
  15. Has anyone see this anime? I was reading about it at a website but wasn't sure if it was worth the hassle of earning the money to buy it. So does anybody know?
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