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Everything posted by Ya)\/(I-YuGI

  1. why did george lucas made episode iv, v ,and vi before I II and III !!?? i think its preety stupid dont ya think part 4-6 would have been better with the awsome especial effects today?
  2. im sorta confused bout buu(buus) here is some questions i would like to know(if ya know the answer) -how many forms of buu are they?( i know fat buu is the 1st one) -how can he "evolve" to become stronger? -what is hes most powerfull form? -HOW COME HE IS SOOO STRONG???????
  3. so does anyone know what bakura does after duelistkingdom(taking pegasus eye)? here is some questions for those who know -does he stay evil( and act good?) -does e turn normal again -does he get any other milennium item -does he try to kill yugi? - does the evil bakura get killed(send to shadow realm permenently)
  4. explain to me what u mean u cant put those cards into play?why?
  5. OMG this thread i 1 year old i can berly beleive it!! BACK TO TOPIC i love link hes to awsome!! i got both ssb and ssbm there both good but i like ssbm alittlebit more... even tho luigi and donkeykong got nerfed!!!! damm thas what i hated the most!!
  6. lost vkings was berly announce heres the link [URL=http://www.blizzard.com/press/021007.shtml]http://www.blizzard.com/press/021007.shtml[/URL] so what ya think? it looks interesting
  7. IM NOT TALING ABOUT THE EPISODE WHERE HE GETS HES EYE! im talking bout wen bakura and the other guy and girl went to that secret room and pegasus found em, and he said hell decipline them, pegasus had kaiba bros and yugis grandpa!( remember he said that he grow stronger with each soul!) so HOW the heck did bakura beat him in that time>? is is that yami bakura is much stronger? or did pegasus didnt really try to harm em?
  8. man i saw the new episode today and it was sorta sad it said of why pegasus became evil,that damm evil bakura took hes eye! damm im kind of mad hes out! hes always being my favorite bad guy! NOOOOOOO
  9. "He was the bad guy for this story arc, bottom line. Malik will make him look like a baby in Battle City." maybe ur right but malik will also fall like pegasus TO YUGI! and well se whos the baby then...
  10. maybe this aint the rgiht place to put this on but o well which company ya think makes better games? blizzard or rare? if havent played no game of eather company plz dont asnwer! i honestly think blizz makes better games!sc d2, and wc3 are just awsome! but dont think i am bombing rare they make great games to( goldeneye best consule game ever) so which company ya like better?( games)
  11. yep plus i like it better gozita then gogeta dunno why tho..............
  12. DAMMIT!! why did nintendo sell RARE the best consule game maker!!!!! GOD!!!!!! dammit!!!! here s question do ya think nintendo should make blizzrd a part of them!( they make awsome games prolly on consule to)?( diferent worlds tho)
  13. well i heard that vegeto is like a ssj3 or 4 which is it? my friend even said that hes stronger then gozita ? is vegeto really that strong? and heres my question -can he take on kid buu 1 on 1? -is he stronger then ssj3 gotenks?
  14. wtf i didn tknew fuu didnt felt pain! i was seeing a movie and buu whas there( the tall skinny one) and he seemed to have pain? didnt he?
  15. hopely this wont go againts the rules.... but i need help with my deck i want a beatdown deck( sorta like kaiba) with preety strong cards( im a newbie) but i see that i have some useless cards heres my deck heres my 4 STAR MONSTERS AND LOWER -time wizard -lord of d -koumori dragon -destroyer golem -wall of illusion -baron of the fiend sword -dragon zombie -mystical elf -mysteries puppeter -man eater bug(2) -ryu-kishin powerd -man-eating treasure chest -neo the magic swordsman -giant soldier of stone -hane-hane -rogue doll -la jinn -celtic gaurdian -the wicked worm beat -electric lizard -fiber pod -pathfinding white rabbit spirit -eater of souls bazu hers my stronger mons 5 STAR MONSTER AND UP -judgeman(2) -swordstalker -kazejin(god of wind) -curse of dragon -summoned skull -gaia the fierce knight -blue eyes white dragon MAGIC CARDS- -dark hole -yami -despell(3) -book of secret arts -dian the cure master -sword of deep-seated -soul release -remove trap(2) -card destruction -reborn monster -force transfer TRAP CARDS- -trap hole(3) -wabaku(2) -reinforcements(3) -bottomless pit trap -just deserts -dragon capture jar -castle wall -ill prediction(2) -composition of blood there so plz tell me to remove( i want a sorta beat down deck) and which to add plz
  16. so anyone know which is the strongest? is it yugis( probably since hes the main char) so do ya know which is the strongest?
  17. i got some questions for those who know stuff bout malik( evil guy) -what is he seeking? -why does he always have shadow duels? -is he more evilier then evil bakura? -wen does he first appear? -does yugi take him down? if u know answers to this question plz tell me
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