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Everything posted by QuantumCore

  1. Slade unsheaths his blade and stands in a defensive stance an odd defensive stance the blade held straight out and him facing her with his side. He knows that all he needs to defeat this oponent is time and time is what both of them do not have. He also does not wish for Siren to die and thinks of a way to save himself as well as Celest and he'll worry about Siren later as he knows it will be alot longer til she dies than him. "SIREN! you do not have the strength or the wisdom to face me and you should run now before you get hurt." Siren turns to him and grins "You think you can still fight with that wound? it is you who cannot win in this battle" She unsheaths her Scimitairs and stands looking at Slade for a moment. Siren comes at Slade Slade blocks her first wave of her sword and spins outta the way leaving his sword to block her other sword and leaving her stumbling fowards. "you'll never beat me in your state" Siren looks angerly at Slade. Slade takes his openning at attacks Siren she quickly slices at him and then Slade realizes his error and takes a cut at his shoulder. Slade: ... It would seem your better than I thought, most interesting. Slade then motions for Celest to run while Siren is not worried about her. Slade takes out one of his dagger type weapons and goes at Siren full force their clash of blades is loud and powerful, sparks can be seen flying from the edges of each of their blades Siren brings her second blade towards Slade only to have it met by the dagger. The battle now becoming a power struggle of whose stronger Slade knows his time has grown short and that his wound wont permit him to continue like this. He quickly backs away and runs up the stairs outside of the complex, as he exits he notices Siren following as they exit Slade feels that he may have less time then he thought and speaks to Celest in his mind and tells her to come back quick he also explains the wound and the poison. Siren immediately strikes at him once she gets a chance to, he obviously blocks and takes out his energy dagger hoping to see or gain a chance to use it. As he backs away he brings his blade to his side also he has his dagger to to the other side. He knows Siren wont recognize the weapon too well in this left hand and with some luck she doesn't and attacks him with both her blades coming down at him he raises the dagger infront of him and switches it on and starts to swing his blade around towards Siren. As Sirens Scimitairs approach Slade a light and sparks are seen as her blades get cut in half but this doesn't stop the attack and Sirens blades go into Slades chest and Slades blade hits Siren bluntly in the head knocking her unconscience. Slade feels the blades in his chest and can feel the immense pain as he squints from the pain he suddenly passes out and falls to the ground almost beside Siren his dagger burnt itself out from the use. Celest Comes running towards the two laying on the ground.
  2. Slade heals his wounds and stands up still a small pain running thru his body. He knows about the true nature of a wound like his but he cant treat the poison here and he cant escape without a fight, he knows that the Crin training should delay the poisons effect but not forever. He also senses the cry for help from Rae but knows that this is good for him right now since it means only Siren is left. He walks out of the hallway and sees Celest as he approaches he spots Siren also.
  3. OOC: wow good post i really do think you got problems but non the less good post.
  4. Slade walks back into the complex and gives them what they wanted the full 100% of the bases layout as well as the locations of the hidden thermal cameras and keycards to the lower levels and also lets them in on the special Crin security for the lowest level(aka it requires a that a Crin be there and no one else). He does leave out the part of the bio scan on the Crin to check if his bio is of high level status. He figures since they'll most likely wanna use him to open it he shouldn't tell them about that part. Slade: The place is secured well I noticed some vents here and there but couldn't see what was there, but it may be the best way to navigate the place secretly. The thermal cams are gonna be the bigest problem on this as they see thru the cloaking devices. As Slade finishs his briefing of the layout Celest walks in behind him and acts about as natural as can be expected knowing that Slade isn't exactly trained for infiltration of the enemy as was apparent back at the bar. Celest: So did I miss anything of importance. Slade: Not really since you can be given the info later I did write it down. Rae and Seth are talking telepathicly in the other room I think since I dont hear anything. Which does make me slightly uncomfortable he then quickly scans Sirens mind and doesn't find anything overly obvious just the strange action of him checking on her wound and seemingly holding something back or at least thats what Sirens thoughts were. Slade pulls back and goes and sits on the couch and tries to peice together the events with what he knows of the Necreen and starts to feel that they know about him and maybe he should devise a new strategy and see about selling himself out to keep Celest in or see about having one of the others do it. He comes up with a small plan and decides to have Celest rat him out. He gets up and walks over to Celest and puts one of his hands on her and tells her to speak privately with Siren and say she saw me in a bar with a man. She had to formulate the rest but he told her all the truth she needed to know to get by with convincing Siren. He then lets go with the last mention of treating him oddly so that it is more aparent. Celest: Siren may I speak with you for a moment in private. Siren: sure They walk into a room OOC: okay now im just trying to free up some load since im playing my new games more often and wont be posting alot. Now my goal is to phase out my character alittle so I can handle the posts when I need to.
  5. Slade sits on the end Rygar also gets the other end of course Rygar got the person free side and Slade was left slightly uncomfortable next to Celest who he has yet to trust. Rygar: So what do you need and what info you got. Slade: I need a bypass established for the breakin so we can let them get in but not out, the usual setup. Rygar: I was talkin to Celest, I already figured you wanted that. Slade: Well what I really want I cant have. Celest: Whats that? Rygar: Slade wants out, you see Slade is mostly a spy he never gets involved in the group. That type is called counter intellegence operative which he isn't. Slade: Yes now I must ask something thats been in the backof mind since I got dragged into this well at least one of two things. Did Celest find or was it really just an accident? and the second question is about my last assignment to find the met of Siren and their friend. I did my part what happened with it? Rygar: first question I dont know and second well the operation didn't go as planned it would seem. Slade shrgs and closes his eyes Celest: Well to speak on your question I sorta just found my way there I had no idea you where gonna be there. Rygar: well since Slade has asked his questions and cant be pulled out hes probably not gonna be happy til its over. Celest well id like to know what you know so far. Rygar (lounging back): Well we know they got a book we also know what it contains. We are the ones who gave it up and it only reveals what we want them to know so dont worry. Slade: Your forgetting the cover part. Rygar oh yeah if they are sucessful in they're attempt you are to remain in cover and be unaffected as we have plan B's. C's, and D's. Now we know not much outside of that and theres a Necreen in the group. Rather I dont know anything else. Slade gets up and turns around. "I'm gonna go so we dont go back together as a group continue your talk as i've heard everything i need." Slade walks out and back towards the the others.
  6. OOC: oh um i am gonna warn everyone ahead of time i got GTA: Vice City yesterday and wont be on as much seeing as ill be playing suikoden2,3 and when im not playing that it will be GTA. IC: Slade folowed Celest this time. He wasn't totally trusting of her and he didn't need to survey the complex since he knew it by heart. He sat down at a table that was a mere shadow compared to where Celest had sat as he waited to see what was going on he began to reach out with his mind and feel everyones thoughts as he went around the room he finally found Celest. His mind concentrated on her to see what if anything is she doing here. Rygar: Slade been a few days. I hear you haven't been checking in. Rygar sat at Slades booth and felt that Slade was not here to see him. Slade: been preoccupied. Now what do you want? Rygar: To warn you. We've been informed that a Necreen is in that group and you should be careful. We also know they have a book and that they are going for the base. Slade: Very accurate intell, may I ask where you get it if not from me? Rygar: Source 38 as always. Slade: Oh the mystery source. I know its a secret and all but you'd think they'd tell at least us. I dont like info from someone I dont know. Rygar: Well thats the way it is and no info as to who source 38 is. Which is sad. Slade: the jackpot? I do hope it gets bigger before they figure it out. Rygar: Well so far he have rumors as to things. Some say its a Necreen...hahahaha could you imagine that a Necreen siding with us. Slade: Thats definitly a lie. But im following someone so maybe you could go before i lose y mind concentration. Rygar: Ok then and if you were watching Celest over there dont bother shes ok. Come with me if your curious. Its just really adebriefing and info exchange. Slade gets up with Rygar and walks over to Celests table.
  7. Slade walks into the room and smells something cooking as well as the music. He also sits down at a nearby bench awaiting food he looks at Rae wondering if her and Seth had the famous sync event happen and judging by her expression, probably. Slade: How was last night, Rae? Rae: Nothing happened!!! how many people saw us like that. Slade: I didn't see anything just the expression on your face told me something must've happened last night or your really food crazy thats all.
  8. Yes I know but what they dont know is everything else and that is why you should remain calm and now that I think of it you cant know either since I dont remember your name. You should know much better to keep quick then talk so I must now ask. How do you know anything? and why are you here? Slade now has moved up to Tursi almost curious to hear her answer.
  9. Slade looks at Celest with a sort of puzzled look Slade: Sure. But what is this about Celest: Not here somewhere alittle more private Slade and Celest walk into a nearvy room where nobody was and closed the door behind them. Celest started to speak....
  10. Slade looks at Siren taking his cloak dvice off Slade: the word you read was probably infact danger. These cloaking devices are illegal to use inside the facility and there are a few survalence cams that can pick these up. There is a malfunction in the design but I dont remember much about it. I aint exactly THAT crafty at getting info from Crin guards. Seth: so you knew about these devices? Slade: well yes and no, ive never seen one before. Siren: well i would like to know what the malfunction is before i go into that place Slade: Seth im sure you might be able to handle that better than i can.
  11. Slade also sensed this great force and also now felt Kain's pressnce. Slade decided to go and see this Kain and what he can do. Slade leaped from his tower in Normus, as he did his cloak had revealed his armor that was of the vampiric warrior kind long since dead from the great battle that took place over a millenia ago as he fell his body disappeared into a shadow that moved quickly to catch up with Kain. As he approached Kains location he knew Kain sensed him but due to his shadow form Kain could never really feel where he was and Kain didn't seem to care for he was focused on other tasks and that this is not of importance to him right now.
  12. well i wont get into the long *** convo of why xbox is good and stuff ill just say let time decide next year will be it two year thing and ill see if they toped what was on the ps2 in two years.
  13. As Kain aproached the city Ryo was informed of Kains arrival almost imediately. In a rather dark tower that had seemed to be destroyed as it had a few broken beams laying around and Ryo was sitting on a collapsed stone wall that had a view of the Cities North quarter. Ryo: Kain has arrived here has he? Man: Yes, we would like to meet him and find out his intentions.. Ryo: I will not interfere with the affairs of this world, you should already know that. There is but one reason why I met with your group, we have a common enemy. So take your request elsewhere maybe to another vampire who cares about this more than I do. The man then leaves Ryo's presence...
  14. Slade then sees Celest and glares at her real quick. Slade: Celest Slade then nods at her and gets up and walks outside but before he leaves totally he says to Celest that she can have his seat....
  15. Slade arrived in a strange town the sun shining furiously brighter than what he thought was normal. He walked over to an INN to see if perhaps his new assignment arrived yet. As he entered the INN the old man looked at him not realizing he's a vampire or rather a half vampire as he asked about a man he heard the old man say take room 337, its three floors up and the 37th room down the hall. Slade nodds and walks up the seemingly boring staircase and hallway he reaches his room to sense a vampire nearby he decides to wait for nightfall before meeting him. Slade walks in his room, closes the shutters and lays down in the bed.
  16. ooc: okay so its dead ... crap i have to bury it now by myself... *gets shovle and digs a 10 foot hols in the ground and throws the RPG in it then covers it up* Well it was starting to look like a good RPG but ... things happen and we will never know how good it could've been ... um ... ahh... RIP.
  17. They're all gathered around a table eating and Slade is watching the females war with eachother and then hears them say that Rae is royalty and a Mirwell. Slade decides to unhid his abilities and consider the new problem that he got himself into as this group seems to be more special then he first thought. Seth feels Slades powers suddenly now realizing that Slade has been hiding them all this time and also realizing that Slades secret agenda isn't so secret to him anymore (only Crin counter intellegence and spies are trained in that technic). Seth (looking at Slade): you should eat more food, next time Siren could be cooking. Slade (luaghs): Yeah, you could be right. But ill take my chances. Siren glares at Seth and replies "My cooking is not bad!" Valentyne: Sure, and thats how come our ship was without a kitchen for awhile after you tried making toast. Almost everyone gets a small luagh in as they hear what Valentyne said. Siren (angry at Valentyne for telling that story): So that was one time and the toaster was broken. Slade is now looking at Siren, luaghing under his breathe Seth is also luaghing to himself as most of the others by now. Siren not thinking its very funny. Slade: I guess I now know who I dont wanna have cooking for me... not if I wanna live anyway. *smiles* Thanks for the dinner. Now I also wonder whats for desert?
  18. hmm nice ... oh well it reached its limit. well good luck with the posts and stuff.
  19. Hmm maybe you are right i have to check myself though i cant check the first game since i lent it out one time and never got it back still weeping from that. Name: Ryo Age: 1200 human years Race: vampire obviously Town: Normus Weapon: His claws and a weapon to be named latter (he hasn't had to use a weapon in a long time and has remained hidden in Normus) Dark Gifts: Cloak of Shadows- a double technic that can be used to not be seen at night and also travel great distances quickly Demonic possesion - a skill which can be used to raise the corpses of fallen victims to serve him... wears off when they get their heads chopped off teleknisis- just like Kains really so no explanation reqiured Description- Pale skin Black hair and blood red eyes. Wears a black cloak with a hood when roaming the streets to conceal himself in public. His combat gear ids a strong vampire made metal armor for the left arm almost unbreakable and a black leather Vampire suit used back when vampires were masters of the humans, a Jewel is engraved in the leather armor that is a sign of high rank in the old realm and has a host of benefits. The patterns on the armor and his leather armor reflect that of a vampire culture and he has not worn it since he failed to put down the human resistance which later forced vampires into hiding. Bio: A powerful vampire that has been hiding in the city waiting for the return of the days of vampiric rule. Is rather ruthless but does not make to many ripples in the city to be considered a threat.
  20. Slade looks at Seth Slade: you wont let me outta this will you? Seth: No, you asked me questions its time to hear you answer some. Slade: My agenda is secret right now. As for my inner pain well your right I have some but not like your probably thinking. Slade then sighs and walks away from Seth.
  21. Slade luanches his next attack and finally knocks the necreen to the floor. Slade then reaches for Seths arm with his and pulls him back up to his feet. Slade: Not all Crin are corrupt. You should not feel guilty for your father. He chose his path as you have chosen yours. Your father took the money to make his family better and while it was not the right choice in your eyes in the eyes of a husband and a father wanting the best for his family it seemed right. Family can be its own way to corruption you should remember that. Well it has been a good sparring match, thank you. Seth: Crin corrupted my father because he had a family. Slade: Yes, Crin are taught its easier to corrupt a father than warrior. That is why I see your anger and understand. But make sure you dont die in the process, cherish what your father sold himself for... your life. Slade then walks over and sits down on a nearby bench
  22. Slade and Seth spar for awhile non of them showing any of their true strengths. Slade (as he's fighting Seth): So you were a Necreen. Seth attacks only to be blocked by Slade Seth: yup Slade then counter attacks with a quick and pointless kick, as Seth easily dodged it. Slade: So why are you here now and not with Gatain... what happened?
  23. OOC: hmm *pokes RPG with stick* I think its dead. Well lets see if I can do CPR right. Slade continues down a dark alley following the fleeing mercs hoping that they flee to the Mercenary bar thats rumored to be around here. Well after some time they finally lead him to that place he walks in and glances around it would seem that these mercs are mostly demon and vampire hunters... just what he was looking for. Loud screams are heard from the building and the only person who walks out is the vampire a trail of blood behind him and then as he walks something rolls out from under his cloak, its the head of the mercenaries for these parts. Slade leaves this town and is now headed towards the town where he is supposed to meet a fellow vampire....
  24. well i dont think i will add much seeing as im in only two rpg's at this site. Granted some of them are really interesting but being interested in a story and being in the story are two different things. Something I learned awhile back but yes it does have to do with the magic of the moment and well ive noticed that ppl are in way more rpg's than they can post in.
  25. Slade doesn't bother to look at Siren. Slade: There around here somewhere. Whos that behind you?? Siren wonders how he knew someone was with here without glancing over. Valentyne: I'm Valentyne. Who is this Si.. Slade interrupts her: I'm Slade just someone who wondered in really. Slade gets up and walks into where he left Seth and starts training himself. Slade: Seth, care to spar against me?
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