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Everything posted by MysticBabe

  1. Do any of you get dizzy a lot? like 3 times a day i get real dizzy that i can't even see, but it only lasts like 10 seconds. this used to happen all the time to me when i was a kid, but then it stopped, and now its happening again. i told my parents but i think they forgot about it. It keeps getting worse and worse. just this morning, i got so dizzy, that i didn't know where my mind went and i started walking in circles. then i came to my senses and noticed what i was doing. also, now i get so dizzy, that my legs start to give out, and i just collapse. does anyone here know what is happening to me? is there a reason why this is happening? :confused:
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by White Digivise [/i] [B]I love your signature [/B][/QUOTE] whos? mine? if so, thanks!:wigout: :laugh:
  3. yes, this is also a 359 post party too!
  4. The Muskateer? i didn't know that was coming out, i've seen The three muskateers, but not the muskateer. when is it coming out? or is it already out? :devil:
  5. interesting, yes, very interesting indeed. :devil:
  6. azaka is the one with grey hair, kamadaki is the one with the red hair. i like kamadaki. :devil:
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Little Gohan [/i] [B]heh mb and her devils [/B][/QUOTE] :D :p :devil: :laugh: :devil:
  8. lol, but the devil is mine!:flaming: :devil: :laugh: :wigout: :devil:
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Little Gohan [/i] [B]cool sig [/B][/QUOTE] who's? mine? :wigout: :babble: :devil:
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Little Gohan [/i] [B]*notices all of mysticbabes posts in this topic have devils* uh oh O_O [/B][/QUOTE] hehe, i'm an evil little thing :devil:. i like the smilies! i even have them in my sig! so i guess that means they were good. :devil: :laugh:
  11. hehe :devil: what? no i dont have a secret plan :devil: hehe. i love these, :babble: i will have much fun with them :flaming: fire!
  12. i forgot what my post was a 72:devil: :laugh: :p
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desert Shadow [/i] [B][b]OHMIGAWSH! SOMEONE CALLED ME SWEETIE!!![/b] :love: :blush: [b]*faints* OINK![/b] :cross: [/B][/QUOTE] HAHA! :devil: it was me! HAHA :devil: :laugh: :smirk:
  14. what? :love: they are cool:smirk: :babble: :wigout: :D
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bubble Boy [/i] [B] How DARE you disgrace the name of cookies and cream!!! ::throws tons of it at her:: :P Well, you know my answer, and if you're so ignorant that you don't, please seek help. [/B][/QUOTE] HEy!:mad: you are going down! *throws bucket of vanilla ice cream on him* now go get you cookies :flaming: :devil:
  16. i'll stick with chocolet, thanks :tasty: cookies and cream :cross: blech.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desert Shadow [/i] [B][b]My goodness. They are moving at me! AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!![/b] [/B][/QUOTE] yep! HAHA the little devils :devil: :laugh:
  18. :flaming: Hey! no need to make fun of me :mad: i like the smilies:wigout: :smirk:
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bubble Boy [/i] [B] Oh.....my.....Someone get me the straight jacket...and....like...now... [/B][/QUOTE] HEy!:mad: i'm on fire:flaming: so don't mess with me, cuz i can disappear :tasty: :wigout:
  20. i'm feelin devilish:devil: :laugh: :devil: don't mess with me:devil: cuz i'm on fire:flaming: hehe. these are cool, thanks!:smirk: i'll have fun with these,:devil: specially the devil:devil:
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bubble Boy [/i] [B] You might want to call someone from infectious deseise for your alien principal... Sometimes marks that [i]look[/i] like makeup can sometimes be signs that a serious disease is hibernating in a person.. waiting to emerge and kill millions.. Wait, I'm thinking too sci-fi here... Just give her a paper bag to breathe in, that should work...0.o [/B][/QUOTE] you know what? that is a good idea. :devil: i'm feeling devilish! hehe
  22. lets see, my principle is an alien. her makeup is tatooed to her face. I swear it! it is! and she wears dresses with tenni shoes, well nt dresses but these ugly skirts that go down to her ankle. she is a scary site.
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