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Everything posted by MysticBabe

  1. let her believe what she wants. I believe in magic, it can happen. i think of it this way, so many books of today and that go way back in history have many things in common. one of them being magic. how can something that has been written for century's and not be true? when i was er...having some religious delimma's, i found out that its the same for the bible (i'm catholic) even though my religion is against believing in magic. So i think magic could possibly be out there. and guys, don't call me crazy, i don't need to see men in white jackets. oh, i thought warlocks were just guys and witches just girls? according to charmed all warlocks are evil. but thats just a show. but i was sure warlocks were just men/boys/males
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]My name is Josephina Elizabeth Raphael. Eh, I'm Sara. Means princess. With my last name, it comes out as "princess warrior.' Take it as you will.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] no way! my last name in German is supposedly warrior. Some guy told my dad that along time ago. anyways, my first name in greek means Helper of man kind. you guys do the translation ;) hmm.... helper of man kind warrior. Lol, don't know what my parents were on when they named me.
  3. I was just wondering, is there anyway you can erase a mem card? i don't want to erase the whole thing, just certain game saves.
  4. Bringing in a quote!!! "High school love is for dopes Brad..." Not that I'm calling you a dope, I just remember that from a movie I saw long ago. Forgot which one. But it kinda makes sense. Even though we cannot live without love in high school, and thats human nature I guess. I say tell the person you're with now that you need time and space to think some things over. but during that time period do not go out with the other person you like. that would be bad. or make a list, find the good qualties and personalities traits of both and the bad ones and decide.
  5. lets see. i'm average. it can go either way. Once upon a time and four versions ago, i was well known. then i actually found a life outside the net. :whoops: my sports got heavy duty, and kept me away. Now that i have returned, i have no idea who you people are!! lol, so like i said its either way. if people knew me, things would change. Oh i couldn't vote cuz something was wrong. it wouldn't let me. I used to have more posts then this, i had over a thousand. but when i came back i found out a few threads were deleted and i was back down to 250. lol, those were the days that 25 page thread or something like that. had over 10,000 posts. better shut up before i give any ideas. for the public service announcement: don't post to much in one thread, it will get deleted and you lose a 1000 posts.
  6. Well, we were allowed to watch "The Patriot." All of us girls hadn't seen it till then. so when the good guys kill the bad guys a tense moments we were all like "Come on kill him kill him!" and we would all go "YES!!" when the guy died. When the canon ball took off that guy's head we were all like ick and gross and the boys were all laughing their heads off. We asked to see "Saving Private Ryan" too, but my teacher says that movie is so way off based and really had no relation to WWII (I've never seen it myself, so I'm just taking her word for it.) and that we shouldn't watch it. Now here is my opinion. Remember that movies are for entertainment purposes. Not all but most. People have a right to what they think about the movie. The guys in my class were being well, guys. They have their opinions, like we do. Immaturity level has a lot to do with it too. Side note: In that case all the guys in my class are 2 year olds.
  7. i haven't played many, and since OOT was my first one ever to play, i guess it would be that. but i'm getting kinda a tired of it, i've played the whole game 20 million times. so i'm tied with LTTP OOT MM. i just recently ordered LTTP from nintendo's warehouse because my snes is up and going still, and i have yet to beat it.(dang sports, taking me away from free time.) for mm, at first i hated the game, so i barely ever played it. i thought the story line was stupid. but now i love that game because i barely ever played. so now when i get new games, i take care not to over do it, so i don't take the fun out of it.
  8. yeah its vultures level. i just past the flaming log, i climbed the stairs and then there's this wooden frame with like a screen in it that won't let me pass. Don't worry about getting your game back real fast. i rented it, and it goes back by tomorrow.
  9. well, i go to a small private school, only about 500 kids for 4 grades. i know other schools with 2 grades that have like 1000 kids. anyways, its pretty much a military school. uniforms, proper behaviour,or else. bad things? i haven't done many during school. But a perverted guy has hit me with his belt once, and i knocked him out. but that was a long time ago. we TP ed the school once. man were the teachers mad. i think the shaving cream all over was to far. we all got in so much trouble. but thats probably as extreme and boring as it gets.
  10. WOOO!!! Volleyball is my second sport!!! we are 3 times champions in a row!!! and we are defending our title as we speak! the tournament doesn't start until a couple of weeks, but thats ok. in my life time for this certain league i've only lost 3 matches out of like um.....i dunno, i've been playing for 5 years. however in another league i've lost quite a few times, but what the hey!! GO TEAM KC!!! WOO!!! (in case any of you are wondering, basketball is my 1st sport) I'm an outside hitter and middle hitter (depend on the league)
  11. I'm on the climbing the tower lever, and past the "flaming log of death" but there's this dang wooden thing/door thats blocking my way and i can't get past and can't figure out how to get past. i'm sure its something stupid and simple, but if anyone knows, can they help? please?
  12. oh the one where its says i lose a head i gain a head, its a pillow!!! i dunno what i was on when i said my last answer.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shadow [/i] [B]Here are some simple riddles: What loses its head in the morning and gets it back every night? [/B][/QUOTE] er....a rose? just a guess. oh and my answer about the sticks, i forgot that whoever wrote the riddle didn't say 2 inches. i've heard a riddle exactly like it, except the sticks are put under the bed overnight and the theif's will grow to inches.
  14. I don't think anyone has answered the stick one yet, so here is my answer. The sticks weren't magic at all. the theif thinks they were magic, she cut her stick 2 inches short so that when it grows it will be equal with all the others.
  15. hey, i need all your peoples opinions for these questions. we are doing an etiquette project, and i need opinions! PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!! 1) are good manners lost in todays society? 2) Why don't we have as many manners today. 3) what do you think are some ridiculous manners? THANKS AGAIN!! :D
  16. first off navi. like they said before navi left link in OOT, why? my guess is because link doesn't need a fairy since he is a hylian, not a korkiri. the timeline, (not including the gamecube game) OOT comes very first, then majora's mask, Gameboy, then the nintendo one, then super nintendo, since i never played the Game cube one, and you guys are saying that it is very first, i'll believe it.
  17. suuure, none of you pick me, *sniff* i'm just a nobody. *sniff* actually, i have no idea if any of you people picked me, don't feel like reading all however many pages this is. its probably best none of you want to be me. anyways, if i wanted to be anyone on this board, it would have to be....i dunno. i pick me! cuz i like the way I am! :demon: :naughty:
  18. blind date? no, never really went on one. I would do it tho! but everyone knows what state i'm going through right now, no one will set me up on a blind date. after almost killing my ex -_- heh, i really didn't try to kill him. i have lost trust in the male species after him. so i guess you could say i'm permanantly in between boyfriends. if someone would set me up on a blind date, i'd probably do it, just to have some fun and have a good time. but i probably wouldn't intend on seriously dating a guy i met on a blind dat. hey, anything could happen.
  19. aren't those the books about the animals are the characters? i saw them at Barnes&Noble but they didn't look that interesting. WHat are they about?Since you guys say they're good, i might check em' out.
  20. NO TIME!!! TOO BUSY!!! lets see, bball camp all this week, a week break off, then an overnight bball camp for a week, the following week is vball ccamp run by the same people, right after that family is in town from both sides of the family for 3 weeks! My sis is getting ready to have a baby, so baby-sitting, parties, swimming! then school starts again! so even if i had to go to summer school, i'd have no time!!!
  21. next time you see her, just go up and ask. simple as that!! just don't use the cheesy saying "I lost my number, can i have yours?"
  22. 10 grand? why didn't ya say a million? ah, oh well. lets see, since i'm planning on getting a scholastic scholorship, and a sports scholorship, (the sports one is way easier to get. but i really don't want to take the sports one. so i have to work 10 times as hard in school :bawl: ) i would spend the money on.....i would say car, but they are too dang expensive. 10 Gs is't gonna buy me one. um....i new computer, a new t.v. and um......put it away i guess as a backup for college.
  23. my class is like, liesville. they lie all the time. VERY SCARY, AND WE EVEN GO TO A CATHOLIC SCHOOL. but, its sorta a good thought. like a white lie. i'll write a story. most likely it would be about some er....mystical. i pretty much the only person in my class who likes this kinda stuff. i'll have some of my friends read it and they'll say its awesome, even though they hate it and want to rip it apart since its so bad. -_- :( its so obvious when they do it. :cross:
  24. lets see.......many. probably the most embarrassing would have to be.....practice was right after school, (this was a loooong time ago, i have no idea how i remembered it.) so i had to hurry and get changed. i was in such a hurry, that i wasn't paying attention to what i was doing. i took off my shorts(which i already had on, don't ask why, long story) and then put my warm ups on, thinking i still had my shorts on. i go to practice then it hit me. i didn't have any shorts on under my warm ups. i almost took them off, :eek: :cross: luckily i caught my self, and ran home to change. (my school then was only about 5 blocks away.) :blush:
  25. The first time i was a Succibus. what is that? and the second time, i was a dragon :demon: heh, thats my mark. Dragons are my fav. :demon: and i love this smiley :demon: its odd, but cool :demon:
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