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Everything posted by MysticBabe

  1. [COLOR=seagreen]My mother. I can't stand her. My sisters and brothers have moved out of the house, i barely see them. My dad is cool, my pets are cute my mom is just, a big huge headach. UGH. [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=limegreen]Translation please? I have no idea, so i'm no help. But i know someone (or somthing) that is. Welcome to my classes of ZEN INTERNET. Be one with the internet. It is your friend. if you go to [url]www.google.com,[/url] you can search for it. Google is the best search there is. I wish you luck, Young Grasshopper.[/COLOR]
  3. 1.) That would just be weird, and unusual. :drunk: 2.) er......whats Yaoi? 3.) that would be Cool if thimoc came back! he was funny, *sees mods staring at her* er......bad thimoc, must be banned if came back for destroying boards. -_- 4.) KILL KILL KILL! BAN BAN BAN! he was weird,
  4. I've been thinking...*DUN DUN DUNNNNN* whered that music come from? anyways, you people who think we people are annoying, we think you are ANNOYING!!! HAHAHAHAHAH!Translation: the type of people you think are annoying, they probably think you guys are annoying. :eek: :p :cross: :demon: :smirk: just a thought....
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BulmaVegeta1 [/i] [B] That's exactly what my mom told me!!! The P word....anyway, can you beleive I haven't even gotten my b-day presents yet!!! Oh well, I'm waiting till my party this Saturday. But I did go see the best movie in the whole world....STAR WARS EPISODE 2!!!! God, I love that movie.......and the guy that plays Anakin!!! [/B][/QUOTE] I'm not a star wars fan, never seen a movie of theirs, but i have seen the previews, and i know who your talking about. That guy......OMG :blush: :love: :tasty: :D
  6. They tell Goku that only King yama has made it to king kai's. and that was centuries ago. Well, la dee da happens goku dies again and goes to Grand Kai's planet, where there are MANY north quadrent people. how do they all know king kai, if goku and king yama are the only ones who made it there?
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Katana [/i] [B]Actually, in an article from an anime magazine that I can't remember the name of right now said that Vegita was born in the year 732AD. I know for a fact that he was 35 when he defeated Android 19, and he's one year older than Bulma and five years older than Son Gokou. [/B][/QUOTE] can't be, bulma isn't 4 years older than goku, more like 8 years older. she was 16 when she first met him, and i read somewhere on these boards a loooooong time ago that he was 5. I'm not sure about how old goku was, but bulma was 16 when she first met him, and goku was 8 or younger. I would say vegeta is older than bulma, even if it is a year older. bulma is older than goku. Goku is the same age as chi-chi and gohan is about 15, same with videl, in the buu saga. goten is 7, trunks is 8, yamcha is probably the same age as vegita, maybe a few months younger. or could be possibly be the same age as bulma. these right here are a guess.
  8. we get out next friday. not the one coming up, but the one thats a WEEK, A WHOLE WEEK :flaming: , afterwards. and we start on august 21 22 or 23. one of those three. :huh: are teachers are gonna cram us with stuff. we're supposed to start a whole new capter in each subject and finish before the last day. -_-
  9. little cuz: "I hate zelda. theres no point to it." Me:" wait a minute, i like zelda, its so awesome!" little cuz: "well, zelda is ok, i have one on the gameboy that i like, but i don't play the gameboy anymore" Me thinking: "WHATEVER" shes 11, and she looks up to me, and her 3 little sisters and brothers. I'm just there "Favorite Cousin" :cross: cousin: "My friend is obsessed with zelda, she is so good at it, she's better than you at it. she's so far ahead." Me: "where is she at in the game [OOT]?" cousin: "she's been stuck onsome fishes inside stomach or something like that. I think she's been there for 8 weeks. Me: "how long has she had the game?" Cousin: "a long time" Me: "oh, well, i had mine for about a month and i beat it." Cousin: :eek:
  10. that hill your talking about is the horse archery game. you can't get up there until you are allowed to roam around gerudo fortress with a pass. in order to get the pass, you need to find the 4 carpenters. i'm sure you can handle it from there.
  11. come to think of it, i don't think i was the happiest person alive either. i think it was boredom. same thing every year, you always have a birthday, you expect it. kinda like winning city championship every year in volleyball. the third year we won it (in a row) i wasn't so surprised. it was, boring, matter of fact. oh well. life is life :huh:
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]I hate people who tell one person a joke, then don't stop telling it. God, it's soooo annoying.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] lol, i know what ya mean. People who laugh at their own jokes, even when they aren't funny, thats not only annoying, thats just sad.:cross:
  13. maybe the person who made this game couldn't draw boys hair very well. And maybe he has link's hat longer to make him unigue, since he is really a hylian that grew up in the forest.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]...I also find it hard to fail at something I worked hard to accomplish, whether it'd be work or sport or whatever.... [/B][/QUOTE] I know! i agree with that. I ran for stuco treasurer, and i lost. I worked really hard and out of who ran, i had the best math grade. but all it is is a popularity contest. Since i lost i ran for class treasurer, i lost again. BUT i did make this math thing, so now i am a year ahead in math! :D i guess thats better than being treasurer, i was still way disappointed. :bawl:
  15. my first concert was Nsync -_- dumb i know, but they were cool and cute at the time. now they're sorta dead, :drunk:
  16. OR...I would plant that one tree tht costs $10,000 that was on The Karate Kid 3. they are very beautiful, so i guess that goes along with the other post that i posted. But the cost :cross: :drunk: :bawl:
  17. HAVE FUN! thats important. HAVE a good time, and it will work. i had a good time with a guy, i'm crazy over him. :blush: :love: i would also say be yourself, but i think you got the message from everyone else.;)
  18. slasher, your from the weirdest place, lol. anyways, i agree with the last two people who posted, and i sorta agree with you. some kiddy games are a little more...er...i dunno how to explain it. Like Majora's mask, i think the story line to that was dumb (no offense) but, it was still cool. actually, that is totally backwards from what everyone is saying. anyways, sometimes graphics matter, sometimes not. kinda like systems, the really old ones, they're cool, even if they aren't 3D. shutting up now......
  19. me, my whole family, my friends, SCHOOL, people who play sports dirty, and dumb refs who never call anything, Stupid new coaches who sit and talk to you during the whole practice and you being known as the winners of the city are now the losers, Scheduals, not enough time in life, BOYS, teenage years, growing up, groups at school, popularity, games, tiredness, awakeness ......... i could go on forever you know :smirk: ............
  20. i would wish that i could create my own world. it would be a magical world with wizards, kings queens, knights, magical creatures, castles, no guns or modern weapons. instead swords and arrows. Sorta like old times but with a twist. i would be a female warrior that went on adventures all the time to save the world or something like that. ITS CHILDISH, I KNOW! BUT STILL, it would be awesome. childhood dreams is what makes the person.
  21. no, its not did i, but what i'm about to do. LIKE KILL YOU FOR INSTANCE!! that was soooooooooooo rude and cruel. you never ever tell a girl somethin like that, even if you are joking!!!!! :mad: :flaming: for your info, i am one of the skinniest girls in my class, so my heigthhas nothing to do with it!! :flaming: anyways, back to subject, actually i almost did, myself. it was a few years ago, and becasue of low self esteem!! being tallest in the class isn't easy.:flaming: other than that, nope. but there is a kid in my class who has been sick. he's been gone all last week and just 2 days this week. I hope he's alright :(
  22. shoulder-length and layered. when i do it a certain way, i look like i'm 17. :D ALRIGHT! SCORCHER!
  23. how about when guys actually say please?! thats hard to refuse. you know when the tough mocho guys who think they are the strongest and toughest and coolest (some of them are :blush: :D ) say please in a puppy dog way. oh my goodness, that is impossible to refuse. geez, oh well. i learned that trick to, and i love the power i hae over the boys! :laugh: :devil: :naughty: :demon: HAHAHAHAHA
  24. thats easy, horomones. they happen around 13. sometimes earlier, sometimes later, but it happens. i wanna say the P word, i'm afraid i might get in trouble :whoops:
  25. a tree! the most bautiful tree in the world! and then that beautiful tre would plant its own seeds in the less than perfect soil around it and i'll have more trees! soon i'll have a forest of my own!:D
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